package org.freehep.math.minuit; /** * With MnHesse the user can instructs MINUIT to calculate, by finite differences, the * Hessian or error matrix. That is, it calculates the full matrix of second derivatives * of the function with respect to the currently variable parameters, and inverts it. * @version $Id: 8584 2006-08-10 23:06:37Z duns $ */ public class MnHesse { /** default constructor with default strategy */ public MnHesse() { theStrategy = new MnStrategy(1); } /** constructor with user-defined strategy level */ public MnHesse(int stra) { theStrategy = new MnStrategy(stra); } /** conctructor with specific strategy */ public MnHesse(MnStrategy stra) { theStrategy = stra; } /// /// low-level API /// public MnUserParameterState calculate(FCNBase fcn,double[] par,double[] err) { return calculate(fcn,par,err,0); } /** FCN + parameters + errors */ public MnUserParameterState calculate(FCNBase fcn,double[] par,double[] err,int maxcalls) { return calculate(fcn, new MnUserParameterState(par, err), maxcalls); } public MnUserParameterState calculate(FCNBase fcn ,double[] par,MnUserCovariance cov) { return calculate(fcn,par,cov,0); } /** FCN + parameters + MnUserCovariance */ public MnUserParameterState calculate(FCNBase fcn ,double[] par,MnUserCovariance cov,int maxcalls) { return calculate(fcn, new MnUserParameterState(par, cov), maxcalls); } /// /// high-level API /// public MnUserParameterState calculate(FCNBase fcn,MnUserParameters par) { return calculate(fcn,par,0); } /** FCN + MnUserParameters */ public MnUserParameterState calculate(FCNBase fcn,MnUserParameters par,int maxcalls) { return calculate(fcn, new MnUserParameterState(par), maxcalls); } public MnUserParameterState calculate(FCNBase fcn,MnUserParameters par,MnUserCovariance cov) { return calculate(fcn, par, 0); } /** FCN + MnUserParameters + MnUserCovariance */ public MnUserParameterState calculate(FCNBase fcn,MnUserParameters par,MnUserCovariance cov,int maxcalls) { return calculate(fcn, new MnUserParameterState(par, cov), maxcalls); } /** FCN + MnUserParameterState */ public MnUserParameterState calculate(FCNBase fcn,MnUserParameterState state,int maxcalls) { double errDef = 1; // FixMe! int n = state.variableParameters(); MnUserFcn mfcn = new MnUserFcn(fcn, errDef, state.trafo()); MnAlgebraicVector x = new MnAlgebraicVector(n); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) x.set(i,state.intParameters().get(i)); double amin = mfcn.valueOf(x); Numerical2PGradientCalculator gc = new Numerical2PGradientCalculator(mfcn, state.trafo(), theStrategy); MinimumParameters par = new MinimumParameters(x, amin); FunctionGradient gra = gc.gradient(par); MinimumState tmp = calculate(mfcn, new MinimumState(par, new MinimumError(new MnAlgebraicSymMatrix(n), 1.), gra, state.edm(), state.nfcn()), state.trafo(), maxcalls); return new MnUserParameterState(tmp, errDef, state.trafo()); } /// /// internal interface /// MinimumState calculate(MnFcn mfcn,MinimumState st,MnUserTransformation trafo,int maxcalls) { MnMachinePrecision prec = trafo.precision(); // make sure starting at the right place double amin = mfcn.valueOf(st.vec()); double aimsag = Math.sqrt(prec.eps2())*(Math.abs(amin)+mfcn.errorDef()); // diagonal elements first int n = st.parameters().vec().size(); if(maxcalls == 0) maxcalls = 200 + 100*n + 5*n*n; MnAlgebraicSymMatrix vhmat = new MnAlgebraicSymMatrix(n); MnAlgebraicVector g2 = st.gradient().g2().clone(); MnAlgebraicVector gst = st.gradient().gstep().clone(); MnAlgebraicVector grd = st.gradient().grad().clone(); MnAlgebraicVector dirin = st.gradient().gstep().clone(); MnAlgebraicVector yy = new MnAlgebraicVector(n); if(st.gradient().isAnalytical()) { InitialGradientCalculator igc = new InitialGradientCalculator(mfcn, trafo, theStrategy); FunctionGradient tmp = igc.gradient(st.parameters()); gst = tmp.gstep().clone(); dirin = tmp.gstep().clone(); g2 = tmp.g2().clone(); } try { MnAlgebraicVector x = st.parameters().vec().clone(); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { double xtf = x.get(i); double dmin = 8.*prec.eps2()*(Math.abs(xtf) + prec.eps2()); double d = Math.abs(gst.get(i)); if(d < dmin) d = dmin; for(int icyc = 0; icyc < ncycles(); icyc++) { double sag = 0.; double fs1 = 0.; double fs2 = 0.; int multpy = 0; for(; multpy < 5; multpy++) { x.set(i,xtf + d); fs1 = mfcn.valueOf(x); x.set(i,xtf - d); fs2 = mfcn.valueOf(x); x.set(i,xtf); sag = 0.5*(fs1+fs2-2.*amin); if(sag > prec.eps2()) break; if(trafo.parameter(i).hasLimits()) { if(d > 0.5) { throw new MnHesseFailed("MnHesse: 2nd derivative zero for parameter"); } d *= 10.; if(d > 0.5) d = 0.51; continue; } d *= 10.; } if (multpy >= 5) throw new MnHesseFailed("MnHesse: 2nd derivative zero for parameter"); double g2bfor = g2.get(i); g2.set(i, 2.*sag/(d*d)); grd.set(i, (fs1-fs2)/(2.*d)); gst.set(i, d); dirin.set(i, d); yy.set(i, fs1); double dlast = d; d = Math.sqrt(2.*aimsag/Math.abs(g2.get(i))); if(trafo.parameter(i).hasLimits()) d = Math.min(0.5, d); if(d < dmin) d = dmin; // see if converged if(Math.abs((d-dlast)/d) < tolerstp()) break; if(Math.abs((g2.get(i)-g2bfor)/g2.get(i)) < tolerg2()) break; d = Math.min(d, 10.*dlast); d = Math.max(d, 0.1*dlast); } vhmat.set(i,i,g2.get(i)); if(mfcn.numOfCalls() - st.nfcn() > maxcalls) throw new MnHesseFailed("MnHesse: maximum number of allowed function calls exhausted."); } if(theStrategy.strategy() > 0) { // refine first derivative HessianGradientCalculator hgc = new HessianGradientCalculator(mfcn, trafo, theStrategy); FunctionGradient gr = hgc.gradient(st.parameters(), new FunctionGradient(grd, g2, gst)); grd = gr.grad(); } //off-diagonal elements for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { x.set(i, x.get(i) + dirin.get(i)); for(int j = i+1; j < n; j++) { x.set(j, x.get(j) + dirin.get(j)); double fs1 = mfcn.valueOf(x); double elem = (fs1 + amin - yy.get(i) - yy.get(j))/(dirin.get(i)*dirin.get(j)); vhmat.set(i,j, elem); x.set(j, x.get(j) - dirin.get(j)); } x.set(i , x.get(i) - dirin.get(i)); } //verify if matrix pos-def (still 2nd derivative) MinimumError tmp = MnPosDef.test(new MinimumError(vhmat,1.), prec); vhmat = tmp.invHessian(); try { vhmat.invert(); } catch (MatrixInversionException xx) { throw new MnHesseFailed("MnHesse: matrix inversion fails!"); } FunctionGradient gr = new FunctionGradient(grd, g2, gst); if(tmp.isMadePosDef()) { System.err.println("MnHesse: matrix is invalid!"); System.err.println("MnHesse: matrix is not pos. def.!"); System.err.println("MnHesse: matrix was forced pos. def."); return new MinimumState(st.parameters(), new MinimumError(vhmat, new MinimumError.MnMadePosDef()), gr, st.edm(), mfcn.numOfCalls()); } //calculate edm MinimumError err = new MinimumError(vhmat, 0.); double edm = new VariableMetricEDMEstimator().estimate(gr, err); return new MinimumState(st.parameters(), err, gr, edm, mfcn.numOfCalls()); } catch (MnHesseFailed x) { System.err.println(x.getMessage()); System.err.println("MnHesse fails and will return diagonal matrix "); for(int j = 0; j < n; j++) { double tmp = g2.get(j) < prec.eps2() ? 1. : 1./g2.get(j); vhmat.set(j,j,tmp < prec.eps2() ? 1. : tmp); } return new MinimumState(st.parameters(), new MinimumError(vhmat, new MinimumError.MnHesseFailed()), st.gradient(), st.edm(), st.nfcn()+mfcn.numOfCalls()); } } /// forward interface of MnStrategy int ncycles() { return theStrategy.hessianNCycles(); } double tolerstp() { return theStrategy.hessianStepTolerance(); } double tolerg2() { return theStrategy.hessianG2Tolerance(); } private MnStrategy theStrategy; private class MnHesseFailed extends Exception { MnHesseFailed(String message) { super(message); } } }