package jas.hist; import jas.plot.Axis; import jas.plot.DataArea; import jas.plot.HasPopupItems; import jas.plot.JASPlotMouseListener; import jas.plot.Legend; import jas.plot.PlotComponent; import jas.plot.PlotPanel; import jas.plot.PrintHelper; import jas.plot.Title; import java.awt.AWTEvent; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JPopupMenu; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.border.Border; /** * JASHist is the main component used for plotting histograms, scatterplots etc. The type of * display produced depends on the DataSource hooked to the component. If the data source is * observable, then the JASHist will update as it receives notifications from the data source. * * JASHist supports overlaying of data and fitting of functions (to 1D histograms). */ public class JASHist extends JComponent implements JASPlotMouseListener { /** * Create a new JASHist component with no initial data source */ public JASHist() { setLayout(new BorderLayout()); add(contentPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200,200)); Axis xAxis = new ManagedAxis(Axis.HORIZONTAL); Axis yAxis = new ManagedAxis(Axis.VERTICAL); legend = new Legend(); contentPane.add(legend); legend.setVisible(false); stats = new StatisticsBlock(); contentPane.add(stats); stats.setVisible(false); dataArea = new JASHistDataArea(xAxis,yAxis); dataManager = new DefaultDataManager(this,dataArea); contentPane.add(dataArea); changed = false; isInit = false; } DataManager getDataManager() { return dataManager; } // Made public to allow DataArea to be set as a DnD target. public DataArea getDataArea() { return dataArea; } /** * @return true if a call to showProperties can currently be honoured * @see #showProperties() */ public boolean supportsProperties() { return !(dataManager instanceof DefaultDataManager); } /** * Pops up the Properties dialog box for this plot * @see #showProperties(byte) */ public void showProperties() { showProperties(JASHistPropertyDialog.DEFAULT); } /** * Pops up the properties dialog box for this plot with the * specified axis tab initially open * @param axis The axis tab to opened (defined??) * @see #showProperties() */ //TODO: Document argument properly public void showProperties(final byte axis) { new JASHistPropertyDialog((Frame) SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(Frame.class, this), this, axis).show(); } /** * Overrides addNotify in JComponent * Starts listening for changes in data */ public void addNotify() { isInit = true; if (dataManager != null) { if (dataManager.numberOfDataSources() != 0) { Enumeration e = dataManager.getDataSources(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { JASHistData d = (JASHistData) e.nextElement(); d.restoreNormalizationObserver();; } } if (dataManager instanceof BinnedDataManager) { int nFunc = ((BinnedDataManager) dataManager).numberOfFunctions(); if (nFunc > 0) { Enumeration e = ((BinnedDataManager) dataManager).getFunctions(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { JASHistData d = (JASHistData) e.nextElement();; } } } dataManager.init(); } super.addNotify(); } /** * Overrides removeNotify in JComponent * Stops listening for changes in data */ public void removeNotify() { isInit = false; if (dataManager != null) { dataManager.setRealized(false); if (dataManager.numberOfDataSources() != 0) { Enumeration e = dataManager.getDataSources(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { JASHistData d = (JASHistData) e.nextElement(); d.deleteNormalizationObserver();; } } if (dataManager instanceof BinnedDataManager) { int nFunc = ((BinnedDataManager) dataManager).numberOfFunctions(); if (nFunc > 0) { Enumeration e = ((BinnedDataManager) dataManager).getFunctions(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { JASHistData d = (JASHistData) e.nextElement();; } } } } super.removeNotify(); } /** * Writes the histogram, scatterplot etc that we are displaying as XML. * @param pw A PrintWriter to send the output to * @param snapshot A snapshot of the current data is stored if true, otherwise a reference to the datasource * @see <a href="">XML How To</a> */ public void writeXML(Writer w,boolean snapshot) { XMLPrintWriter pw = new XMLPrintWriter(w); pw.print(this,snapshot); } /** * Test if user direct user interaction with the plot is allowed * @return True if user interaction is currently allowed * @see #setAllowUserInteraction(boolean) */ public boolean getAllowUserInteraction() { return contentPane.getAllowUserInteraction(); } /** * Controls whether end users are allowed to directly interact with * the plot by way of popup menus or "clicking and dragging". By * default user interaction is allowed. If no * * @param allow True if user interactions are to be allowed. */ public void setAllowUserInteraction(boolean allow) { contentPane.setAllowUserInteraction(allow); setChanged(); } public boolean getAllowPopupMenus() { return contentPane.getAllowPopupMenus(); } public void setAllowPopupMenus(boolean allow) { contentPane.setAllowPopupMenus(allow); setChanged(); } public void setShowStatistics(boolean show) { stats.setVisible(show); contentPane.revalidate(); setChanged(); } public boolean getShowStatistics() { return stats.isVisible(); } /** * Set the color used to paint the background (but not the data area) * @param c The new Color to use, or <code>null</code> to set the background to be transparent * @see #setDataAreaColor(Color) * @see #setForegroundColor(Color) */ public void setBackground(Color c) { contentPane.setBackground(c); setChanged(); } /** * Get the background color. */ public Color getBackground() { if (contentPane.isPaintingBackground()) return contentPane.getBackground(); else return super.getBackground(); } /** * Sets the current foreground color, used by default as the color * for the axis, labels, title, legend etc. By default the foreground * color of the plots container is used * @param c The new foreground color */ public void setForegroundColor(Color c) { super.setForeground(c); setChanged(); } /** * Return the current data area background color * @return The current data area background color * @see #setDataAreaColor(Color) */ public Color getDataAreaColor() { return dataArea.getBackground(); } /** * Set the color used to paint the background of the data area * @param c The new color to be used to paint the data area background, or <code>null</code>`to set the bacground back to the default value * @see #setBackground(Color) * @see #setForeground(Color) */ public void setDataAreaColor(Color c) { dataArea.setBackground(c); setChanged(); } public final static int NONE = PlotComponent.NONE; public final static int BEVEL_IN = PlotComponent.BEVEL_IN; public final static int BEVEL_OUT = PlotComponent.BEVEL_OUT; public final static int ETCHED = PlotComponent.ETCHED; public final static int LINE = PlotComponent.LINE; public final static int SHADOW = PlotComponent.SHADOW; /** * Set the border to place around the data area * @param type One of NONE,BEVEL_IN,BEVEL_OUT,ETCHED,LINE,SHADOW */ public void setDataAreaBorderType(int type) { dataArea.setBorderType(type); dataArea.revalidate(); setChanged(); } /** * Get the current data area border type * @return One of NONE,BEVEL_IN,BEVEL_OUT,ETCHED,LINE,SHADOW,OTHER */ public int getDataAreaBorderType() { return dataArea.getBorderType(); } public void setDataAreaBorder(Border b) { dataArea.setBorder(b); } public Border getDataAreaBorder() { return dataArea.getBorder(); } /** * Gets the X axis * @return The current X axis */ public JASHistAxis getXAxis() { return dataManager.getXAxis(); } /** * Gets the default Y Axis * @return The current default Y Axis * @see #getYAxis(int) */ public JASHistAxis getYAxis() { return dataManager.getYAxis(0); } /** * Gets either Y Axis. * @param index The axis to get, 0 = left (default), 1 = right * @return The requested Axis */ public JASHistAxis getYAxis(int index) { return dataManager.getYAxis(index); } /** * Get an array containing all of the Y Axes */ public JASHistAxis[] getYAxes() { return dataManager.getYAxes(); } final public static int LEGEND_NEVER = 0; final public static int LEGEND_AUTOMATIC = 1; final public static int LEGEND_ALWAYS = 2; /** * Set when the legend will be shown. By default the option is * set to LEGEND_AUTOMATIC, which means that the legend will be shown * whenever there is more than one DataSource attached to the plot. * @param legend One of LEGEND_NEVER,LEGEND_AUTOMATIC,LEGEND_ALWAYS */ public void setShowLegend(int legend) { showLegend = legend; dataManager.showLegend(); } /** * Get the current setting of the showLegend property * @return The current settign of showLegend * @see #setShowLegend(int) */ public int getShowLegend() { return showLegend; } /** * Add a DataSource to the plot. * @param ds The DataSource to add * @throws DataManagerException If the subclass of DataSource is unrecognized or if the new DataSource is incompatible with previously added DataSources. */ public JASHistData addData(DataSource ds) throws DataManagerException { if (ds instanceof Rebinnable1DHistogramData) return add1DData((Rebinnable1DHistogramData) ds); if (ds instanceof XYDataSource ) return addXYData((XYDataSource) ds); if (ds instanceof Rebinnable2DHistogramData) return add2DData((Rebinnable2DHistogramData) ds); if (ds instanceof ScatterPlotSource ) return addScatterData((ScatterPlotSource) ds); if (ds instanceof FunctionData ) return addFunctionData((FunctionData) ds); throw new DataManagerException("Unknown DataSource subclass: "+ds); } /** * Add a Rebinnable1DHistogramData source to the plot * @param ds The data source to be added */ private JASHistData add1DData(Rebinnable1DHistogramData ds) throws DataManagerException { if (dataManager instanceof DefaultDataManager) { int type = ds.getAxisType(); if (type == ds.DOUBLE ) dataManager = new DoubleDataManager(this,dataArea,legend,stats,50); else if (type == ds.INTEGER) dataManager = new IntegerDataManager(this,dataArea,legend,stats,50); else if (type == ds.STRING ) dataManager = new StringDataManager(this,dataArea,legend,stats); else if (type == ds.DATE ) dataManager = new DateDataManager(this,dataArea,legend,stats,50); else throw new DataManagerException("Unsupported axis type"); if (isInit) dataManager.init(); // Only necessary if addNotify already called } JASHistData data = dataManager.add(ds); setChanged(); return data; } /** * Add a Rebinnable1DHistogramData source to the plot * @param ds The data source to be added */ private JASHistData addXYData(XYDataSource ds) throws DataManagerException { if (dataManager instanceof DefaultDataManager) { int type = ds.getAxisType(); if (type == ds.DOUBLE ) dataManager = new DoubleDataManager(this,dataArea,legend,stats,50); else if (type == ds.INTEGER) dataManager = new IntegerDataManager(this,dataArea,legend,stats,50); else if (type == ds.DATE ) dataManager = new DateDataManager(this,dataArea,legend,stats,50); else throw new DataManagerException("Unsupported axis type"); if (isInit) dataManager.init(); // Only necessary if addNotify already called } JASHistData data = dataManager.add(ds); setChanged(); return data; } /** * Add a ScatterPlotSource to the plot * @param ds The data source to be added */ private JASHistData addScatterData(ScatterPlotSource ds) throws DataManagerException { if (dataManager instanceof DefaultDataManager) { int typeX = ds.getXAxisType(); int typeY = ds.getYAxisType(); if (typeY != ds.DOUBLE) throw new DataManagerException("Scatterplot Y Axis must be of type DOUBLE"); if (typeX == ds.DOUBLE) dataManager = new DoubleScatterDataManager(this, dataArea, legend, stats); else if (typeX == ds.DATE ) dataManager = new DateScatterDataManager(this,dataArea, legend, stats); if (isInit) dataManager.init(); // Only necessary if addNotify already called } final JASHistData data = dataManager.add(ds); setChanged(); return data; } /** * Add a 2D Histogram data source to the histogram * @param ds The data source to be added */ private JASHistData add2DData(Rebinnable2DHistogramData ds) throws DataManagerException { if (dataManager instanceof DefaultDataManager) { int typeX = ds.getXAxisType(); int typeY = ds.getYAxisType(); if (typeX == ds.DOUBLE) dataManager = new DoubleScatterDataManager(this, dataArea, legend, stats); else if (typeX == ds.DATE ) dataManager = new DateScatterDataManager(this,dataArea, legend, stats); else throw new DataManagerException("Unsupported X Axis type for ScatterPlot"); if (isInit) dataManager.init(); // Only necessary if addNotify already called } final JASHistData data = dataManager.add(ds); setChanged(); return data; } /** * Add a function to be overlayed on a 1D histogram * @param ds The function to be added */ private JASHistData addFunctionData(FunctionData ds) throws DataManagerException { if ( dataManager instanceof SupportsFunctions ) { JASHistData data = ((SupportsFunctions) dataManager).addFunction((Basic1DFunction) ds); setChanged(); return data; } else throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot add function."); } int numberOfDataSets() // used by property dialog { return dataManager.numberOfDataSources(); } int numberOfFunctions() { if (dataManager instanceof SupportsFunctions) return ((SupportsFunctions) dataManager).numberOfFunctions(); return 0; } /** * Get the set of data sources currently attached to the plot. * Note that despite the name of this routine it does not return * an Enumeration of DataSources, but rather an Enumeration of * JASHistData objects, from which the DataSource can be obtained, * for example: * <pre> * Enumeration e = hPlot.getDataSources(); * while (e.hasMoreElements()) * { * JASHistData data = (JASHistData) e.nextElement(); * DataSource source = data.getDataSource(); * } * </pre> * @return An Enumeration of the JASHistData objects * @see JASHistData * @see JASHistData#getDataSource() */ public Enumeration getDataSources() { return dataManager.getDataSources(); } /** * Get the number of data sources attached to the plot */ public int getNumberOfDataSources() { return dataManager.numberOfDataSources(); } /** * Get the set of Functions currently attached to the plot * @return An Enumeration of the Functions, or null if the current DataSources do not support functions */ public Enumeration get1DFunctions() { if (dataManager instanceof SupportsFunctions) return ((SupportsFunctions) dataManager).getFunctions(); return null; } /** * Removes and detaches all data from the plot, but doesn't set up * the plot for further use. Call this method if you aren't going to * be using the plot object any more. Call <a href="#removeAllData()">removeAllData()</a> * to remove all data and set up the plot for further use. */ public void destroy() { dataManager.destroy(); contentPane.removeAll(); // should detach itself as a listener to all of its children } /** * Removes and detaches all data and sets up the plot for further use. * The method <a href="#destroy()">destroy()</a> is less expensive and * should be used if the plot will not be used any more. */ public void removeAllData() { dataManager.destroy(); // this call detached data, now we set up the plot for further use dataManager = new DefaultDataManager(this,dataArea); setChanged(); } private void resetAxis(JASHistAxis a) { a.setRangeAutomatic(true); a.setAllowSuppressedZero(true); a.setLogarithmic(false); setChanged(); } /** * Fills the appropriate Function menu items into a user * provided menu. This routine can be used to make a function * fitting menu available to an external application without having * to rewrite a bunch of code already contained in JASHist * * @param menu The menu to which the items will be added */ public void fillFunctionMenu(JMenu menu) { if (dataManager instanceof SupportsFunctions) { ((SupportsFunctions) dataManager).fillFunctionMenu(menu); menu.setEnabled(true); } else menu.setEnabled(false); } /** * Fills the appriate Slice/Projection menu items into a user * provided menu. This routine can be used to make a function * fitting menu available to an external application without having * to rewrite a bunch of code already contained in JASHist * * @param menu The menu to which the items will be added */ public void fillSliceMenu(JMenu menu) { if (dataManager instanceof TwoDDataManager) { ((TwoDDataManager) dataManager).fillSliceMenu(menu); menu.setEnabled(true); } else menu.setEnabled(false); } /** * Get the text of the title. * @return A String containing the text of the title, or null if there is no title at present * @see #getTitleObject() */ public String getTitle() { if (title == null) return null; return title.getText(); } /** * Actually get the Title object. * @return The current title, or null if there is no title */ public Title getTitleObject() { return title; } /** * Actually set the Title object. * @param newTitle The new title object */ public void setTitleObject(Title newTitle) { if (title != null) { contentPane.remove(title); } title = newTitle; contentPane.add(title); contentPane.invalidate(); setChanged(); } /** * Set the text of the title * @param newValue pass <code>null</code> to remove the title */ public void setTitle(String newValue) { if (newValue != null && newValue.length() != 0) { if (title == null) { title = new Title(newValue); contentPane.add(title); contentPane.invalidate(); validate(); } else title.setText(newValue); setChanged(); } else if (title != null) { contentPane.remove(title); contentPane.invalidate(); validate(); title = null; } } public boolean isChanged() { return changed; } private void setChanged() { changed = true; validate(); repaint(); // does this cause double repaint if the component was invalidated? } /** * Add a FitListener that will receive notifications about the * status of fits being performed by the plot * @param fitListener The FitListener to add */ //TODO: Dont we need a removeFitListener? public static void addFitListener(final FitListener fitListener) { if (fitListeners == null) fitListeners = new Vector(1, 1); fitListeners.addElement(fitListener); } static void notifyFitListeners(final Fitter fitter) { if (fitListeners != null) { final Enumeration e = fitListeners.elements(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) ((FitListener) e.nextElement()).fitStarted(fitter); } } public void mouseEventNotify(final MouseEvent e) { processMouseEvent(e); } public void deselected() { contentPane.deselected(); } public StatisticsBlock getStats() { return stats; } public void setStats(StatisticsBlock newStats) { stats = newStats; } public Legend getLegend() { return legend; } public void setLegend(Legend newLegend) { legend = newLegend; } /** * Pops up a dialog asking the user to choose a file/format to save the plot. */ public void saveAs() { //types.add(new SaveAsPluginAdapter(new org.freehep.graphics2d.exportchooser.EPS2DExportFileType())); //types.add(new SaveAsPluginAdapter(new org.freehep.graphics2d.exportchooser.PDF2DExportFileType())); //types.add(new SaveAsPluginAdapter(new org.freehep.graphics2d.exportchooser.SVG2DExportFileType())); SaveAsDialog dlg = new SaveAsDialog(this); dlg.pack(); dlg.doModal(); } /** * Copies the plot to the clipboard */ public void copy() { VectorGraphicsTransferable t = new VectorGraphicsTransferable(this); getToolkit().getSystemClipboard().setContents(t,t); } static private Vector fitListeners; private Title title; // The plot title private StatisticsBlock stats; private boolean isInit = false; private boolean changed = false; private int showLegend = JASHist.LEGEND_AUTOMATIC; private DataArea dataArea; private DataManager dataManager; private Legend legend; private PlotPanel contentPane = new JASHistPlotPanel(); static final long serialVersionUID = 4433180397297758071L; final private class JASHistPlotPanel extends PlotPanel implements HasPopupItems { void showWarning(Component parent, String text) { javax.swing.JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(parent, text, "Warning: Deprecated", javax.swing.JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);; } public void print(Graphics g) { jas.plot.PrintHelper ph = jas.plot.PrintHelper.instance(); Thread t = ph.printingThread(); if ( ! ph.isPrinting() ) ph.setPrintingThread(Thread.currentThread()); super.print(g); ph.setPrintingThread(t); } public void modifyPopupMenu(final JPopupMenu menu, final Component source) { if (menu.getComponentCount() > 0) menu.addSeparator(); JCheckBoxMenuItem dl = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Default Plot Layout") { final protected void fireActionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { contentPane.restoreDefaultLayout(); } }; boolean def = contentPane.hasDefaultLayout(); dl.setSelected(def); dl.setEnabled(!def); menu.add(dl); menu.add(new JMenuItem("Plot Properties...") { final protected void fireActionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { String text = "\"Plot Properties...\" is deprecated,\n"; text += "Please try using \"Edit AIDA Style for\" instead"; showWarning(this, text); showProperties(); } }); menu.add(new JMenuItem("Copy Plot to Clipboard...") { final protected void fireActionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { copy(); } }); menu.add(new JMenuItem("Save Plot As...") { final protected void fireActionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { saveAs(); } }); menu.add(new JMenuItem("Print Plot...") { final protected void fireActionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { try { PrintHelper ph = PrintHelper.instance(); ph.printTarget(JASHistPlotPanel.this); } catch (Exception x) { x.printStackTrace(); // TODO: Something better } } }); } } private final class SetTitleMenuItem extends JCheckBoxMenuItem { SetTitleMenuItem() { super("Show Title"); setSelected(title != null && title.isVisible()); } protected void fireActionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { if (title == null || title.getText().length() == 0) { setTitle("Title"); title.edit(); } else { title.setVisible(!title.isVisible()); } } } private class JASHistDataArea extends DataArea { JASHistDataArea(Axis xAxis, Axis yAxis) { super(xAxis,yAxis); } public void modifyPopupMenu(final JPopupMenu menu, final Component source) { if (source == this || !(source instanceof HasPopupItems)) // Not the axis for example { // Begin the main histogram popup menu, with bunches of Show.... /* menu.add(new SetTitleMenuItem()); JCheckBoxMenuItem ss = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Show Statistics") { public void fireActionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { setShowStatistics(!getShowStatistics()); } }; ss.setSelected(getShowStatistics()); menu.add(ss); */ dataManager.modifyPopupMenu(menu, source); super.modifyPopupMenu(menu,source); } } } } class JASEvent extends AWTEvent { JASEvent(Component target) { super(target,AWTEvent.RESERVED_ID_MAX+5000); } }