package; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; /** An HbookObject which can have children. This class can represent * either a directory in a hbook file, in which case the children * will be the directory entries, or a tuple, in which case the * children will be tuple columns. */ public class CompositeHbookObject extends HbookObject { final static int FOLDER = 0; final static int CWTUPLE = 1; final static int RWTUPLE = 2; CompositeHbookObject(String name) { super(name); type = FOLDER; } CompositeHbookObject(CompositeHbookObject parent, String name, int type) { super(parent,name); this.type = type; } void addChild(String name, HbookObject child) { indexesOfChildren.put(name, new Integer(children.size())); children.addElement(child); } /** Get child by index * @param index The index of the object to retreive (0 to n-1) */ public final HbookObject getChild(final int index) { if (children == null) visitChildren(); return (HbookObject) children.elementAt(index); } /** Get an object by name. For tuples the name is the column name. */ public final HbookObject getChild(String name) { if (children == null) visitChildren(); Object o = indexesOfChildren.get(name); if ( o != null ) return (HbookObject) children.elementAt(((Integer) o ).intValue()); return null; } void close() { if (children != null) { Enumeration e = children.elements(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { HbookObject h = (HbookObject) e.nextElement(); h.close(); } } } /** Get an enumeration of the children. */ public Enumeration getChildren() { if (children == null) visitChildren(); return children.elements(); } public String toString() { if (children != null) return "Folder: "+getName()+" ("+children.size()+" elements)"; else return "Folder: "+getName(); } /** Get the number of children */ public final int nChildren() { if (children == null) visitChildren(); return children.size(); } /** Get the index of a named object. */ public final int getIndex(final String name) { if (children == null) visitChildren(); Integer index = (Integer) indexesOfChildren.get(name); if ( index == null ) return -1; return index.intValue(); } private void visitChildren() { children = new Vector(); Hbook.visitChildren(this); } protected int type; private Vector children; private final Hashtable indexesOfChildren = new Hashtable(); }