package jas.util.layout; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Insets; import java.awt.LayoutManager; import javax.swing.JToolBar; /** * A ToolbarLayout arranges components in a left-to-right flow, much * like the FlowLayout which is supplied with the JDK. However, it * fixes the problem with the FlowLayout that occurs when a FlowLayout * is for a North aligned component of a BorderLayout--namely, that * if the window is shrunk so that some of the components within the * FlowLayout wrap to the next line the component does not grow in * height to support this wrapping. This bug was caused by the library * designers using the preferred size in recalculating, not the size * which is determined by the window width. As such, the flow layout * would always want to be the height of one row. * * A ToolbarLayout lets each component assume its natural (preferred) size. * * NOTE: This class was initially a subclass of FlowLayout, but we * encountered problems using that approach. * * @version 0.10, 1999-04-27 * @author Peter Armstrong * @author Tony Johnson */ public class ToolbarLayout implements LayoutManager, { /** * This value indicates that each row of components * should be left-justified. */ public static final int LEFT = 0; /** * This value indicates that each row of components * should be centered. */ public static final int CENTER = 1; /** * This value indicates that each row of components * should be right-justified. */ public static final int RIGHT = 2; int align; int hgap; int vgap; /** * Constructs a new ToolbarLayout with a left alignment and a * default 5-unit horizontal and vertical gap. */ public ToolbarLayout() { this(LEFT, 5, 5); } /** * Constructs a new ToolbarLayout with the specified alignment and a * default 5-unit horizontal and vertical gap. * The value of the alignment argument must be one of * <code>ToolbarLayout.LEFT</code>, <code>ToolbarLayout.RIGHT</code>, * or <code>ToolbarLayout.CENTER</code>. * @param align the alignment value */ public ToolbarLayout(int align) { this(align, 5, 5); } /** * Creates a new ToolbarLayout with the indicated alignment * and the indicated horizontal and vertical gaps. * <p> * The value of the alignment argument must be one of * <code>ToolbarLayout.LEFT</code>, <code>ToolbarLayout.RIGHT</code>, * or <code>ToolbarLayout.CENTER</code>. * @param align the alignment value. * @param hgap the horizontal gap between components. * @param vgap the vertical gap between components. */ public ToolbarLayout(int align, int hgap, int vgap) { this.align = align; this.hgap = hgap; this.vgap = vgap; } /** * Gets the alignment for this layout. * Possible values are <code>ToolbarLayout.LEFT</code>, * <code>ToolbarLayout.RIGHT</code>, or <code>ToolbarLayout.CENTER</code>. * @return the alignment value for this layout. * @see ToolbarLayout#setAlignment */ public int getAlignment() { return align; } /** * Sets the alignment for this layout. * Possible values are <code>ToolbarLayout.LEFT</code>, * <code>ToolbarLayout.RIGHT</code>, and <code>ToolbarLayout.CENTER</code>. * @param align the alignment value. * @see ToolbarLayout#getAlignment */ public void setAlignment(int align) { this.align = align; } /** * Gets the horizontal gap between components. * @return the horizontal gap between components. * @see ToolbarLayout#setHgap */ public int getHgap() { return hgap; } /** * Sets the horizontal gap between components. * @param hgap the horizontal gap between components * @see ToolbarLayout#getHgap */ public void setHgap(int hgap) { this.hgap = hgap; } /** * Gets the vertical gap between components. * @return the vertical gap between components. * @see ToolbarLayout#setVgap */ public int getVgap() { return vgap; } /** * Sets the vertical gap between components. * @param vgap the vertical gap between components * @see ToolbarLayout#getVgap */ public void setVgap(int vgap) { this.vgap = vgap; } /** * Adds the specified component to the layout. Sets the orientation to be horizontal. * @param name the name of the component * @param comp the component to be added */ public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component comp) { try { ((JToolBar)comp).setOrientation(JToolBar.HORIZONTAL); } catch (Exception e){ } } /** * Removes the specified component from the layout. Not used by * this class. * @param comp the component to remove * @see java.awt.Container#removeAll */ public void removeLayoutComponent(Component comp) { } /** * Returns the preferred dimensions for this layout given the components * in the specified target container. This method is the difference * between ToolbarLayout and FlowLayout. * @param target the component which needs to be laid out * @return the preferred dimensions to lay out the * subcomponents of the specified container. * @see Container * @see #minimumLayoutSize * @see java.awt.Container#getPreferredSize */ public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container target) { synchronized (target.getTreeLock()) { Dimension dim = new Dimension(0, 0); int nmembers = target.getComponentCount(); Insets insets = target.getInsets(); int numRows = 1; //the number of rows int rowSumWidth = insets.left + insets.right; //the width of the row so far int rowMaxWidth = target.getSize().width; //the width that the ToolbarLayout is in int rowHeight = 0; //the height of each row int numOnRow = 0; //the number of components on the row for (int i = 0 ; i < nmembers ; i++) { Component m = target.getComponent(i); if (m.isVisible()) { Dimension d = m.getPreferredSize(); rowHeight = Math.max(rowHeight, d.height); //make each row the height of the biggest component of all if (i > 0) { rowSumWidth += hgap;//add on the pre-spacing if this is not the first component } rowSumWidth += d.width; //add the width of the component //if it overflowed and if there are components already on this row then bump this component to next row if ((rowSumWidth + hgap) > rowMaxWidth) { if (numOnRow > 0) { numRows++; rowSumWidth = insets.left + insets.right + d.width; numOnRow = 0;//reset the number of components on the next row (we ++ no matter what later) } } numOnRow++;//add this component to the count of the number on the row } } dim.width = rowMaxWidth; dim.height = + insets.bottom + numRows*rowHeight + vgap*(numRows + 1); return dim; } } /** * Returns the minimum dimensions needed to layout the components * contained in the specified target container. * @param target the component which needs to be laid out * @return the minimum dimensions to lay out the * subcomponents of the specified container. * @see #preferredLayoutSize * @see java.awt.Container * @see java.awt.Container#doLayout */ public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container target) { synchronized (target.getTreeLock()) { Dimension dim = new Dimension(0, 0); int nmembers = target.getComponentCount(); for (int i = 0 ; i < nmembers ; i++) { Component m = target.getComponent(i); if (m.isVisible()) { Dimension d = m.getMinimumSize(); dim.height = Math.max(dim.height, d.height); if (i > 0) { dim.width += hgap; } dim.width += d.width; } } Insets insets = target.getInsets(); dim.width += insets.left + insets.right + hgap*2; dim.height += + insets.bottom + vgap*2; return dim; } } /** * Centers the elements in the specified row, if there is any slack. * @param target the component which needs to be moved * @param x the x coordinate * @param y the y coordinate * @param width the width dimensions * @param height the height dimensions * @param rowStart the beginning of the row * @param rowEnd the the ending of the row */ private void moveComponents(Container target, int x, int y, int width, int height, int rowStart, int rowEnd) { synchronized (target.getTreeLock()) { switch (align) { case LEFT: break; case CENTER: x += width / 2; break; case RIGHT: x += width; break; } for (int i = rowStart ; i < rowEnd ; i++) { Component m = target.getComponent(i); if (m.isVisible()) { m.setLocation(x, y + (height - m.getSize().height) / 2);//JDK1.2 porting: replace with getHeight() x += hgap + m.getSize().width; //JDK1.2 porting: replace with getWidth() } } } } /** * Lays out the container. This method lets each component take * its preferred size by reshaping the components in the * target container in order to satisfy the constraints of * this <code>ToolbarLayout</code> object. * @param target the specified component being laid out. * @see Container * @see java.awt.Container#doLayout */ public void layoutContainer(Container target) { synchronized (target.getTreeLock()) { Insets insets = target.getInsets(); int maxwidth = target.getSize().width - (insets.left + insets.right + hgap*2);//JDK1.2 porting: replace with getWidth() int nmembers = target.getComponentCount(); int x = 0, y = + vgap; int rowh = 0, start = 0; for (int i = 0 ; i < nmembers ; i++) { Component m = target.getComponent(i); if (m.isVisible()) { Dimension d = m.getPreferredSize(); m.setSize(d.width, d.height); if ((x == 0) || ((x + d.width) <= maxwidth)) { if (x > 0) { x += hgap; } x += d.width; rowh = Math.max(rowh, d.height); } else { moveComponents(target, insets.left + hgap, y, maxwidth - x, rowh, start, i); x = d.width; y += vgap + rowh; rowh = d.height; start = i; } } } moveComponents(target, insets.left + hgap, y, maxwidth - x, rowh, start, nmembers); } } /** * Returns a string representation of this <code>ToolbarLayout</code> * object and its values. * @return a string representation of this layout. */ public String toString() { String str = ""; switch (align) { case LEFT: str = ",align=left"; break; case CENTER: str = ",align=center"; break; case RIGHT: str = ",align=right"; break; } return getClass().getName() + "[hgap=" + hgap + ",vgap=" + vgap + str + "]"; } }