package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * A class for reading SIO records. Has limited support for random access * to records within a file. */ public class SIOReader implements Closeable { private XDRDataInput xdr; private SIORecordImpl currentRecord; private long nextRecordPosition; private static int bufferSize = Integer.getInteger("", 32768).intValue(); /** * Creates an SIOReader which reads from an input stream. Random access will not be * supported. * @param in The stream to read from. * @throws IOException If an errors occurs. */ public SIOReader(InputStream in) throws IOException { XDRInputStream sio = new XDRInputStream(in); xdr = sio; currentRecord = new SIORecordImpl(sio); } /** * Creates an SIOReader which reads from a file. Random access will be supported. * @param file The file to read from. * @throws IOException If an error occurs. * @since 2.1 */ public SIOReader(File file) throws IOException { XDRBufferedRandomAccessFile raf = new XDRBufferedRandomAccessFile(file, true, bufferSize); xdr = raf; currentRecord = new SIORecordImpl(raf); } /** * Create an SIOReader which reads from a file. Random access will be supported. * @param file The file to read from. * @throws IOException If an error occurs. * @since 2.1 */ public SIOReader(String file) throws IOException { XDRBufferedRandomAccessFile raf = new XDRBufferedRandomAccessFile(file, true, bufferSize); xdr = raf; currentRecord = new SIORecordImpl(raf); } /** * Test if this reader supports random access. * @return <code>true</code> if random access is supported. * @since 2.1 */ public boolean isRandomAccess() { return xdr instanceof RandomAccessFile; } /** * Read the next record from this file * @return The record that was read. * @throws IOException If an IO exception occurs */ public SIORecord readRecord() throws IOException { nextRecordPosition = currentRecord.nextRecord(); return currentRecord; } /** * Read a record from a given position in a file. * @param position The position of the record to read * @return The record that was read * @throws IOException If an IO exception occurs, or if the file does not support random access * @since 2.1 */ public SIORecord readRecord(long position) throws IOException { seek(position); return readRecord(); } /** * Position the file to read the next record from the given position * @param position The position of the next record to read. If negative reads from end-of-file+position * @throws IOException If an IO exception occurs, or if the file does not support random access * @since 2.1 */ public void seek(long position) throws IOException { RandomAccessFile raf = checkRandomAccess(); if (position>=0) {; } else {; } currentRecord.clear(); nextRecordPosition = position; } /** * Returns the position at which the next record will be read * @return The position at which the next record will be read * @throws IOException If an IO Exception occurs * @since 2.1 */ public long getNextRecordPosition() throws IOException { return nextRecordPosition; } public void close() throws IOException { xdr.close(); } private RandomAccessFile checkRandomAccess() throws IOException { if (!isRandomAccess()) { throw new IOException("File does not support random access"); } return (RandomAccessFile) xdr; } private static class SIORecordImpl implements SIORecord { private SIOBlockImpl currentBlock; private String name; private int headerLength; private int compressedLength; private int uncompressedLength; private boolean blocksRead = true; private boolean compressed; private long startPos; private XDRDataInput xdr; SIORecordImpl(XDRDataInput xdr) throws IOException { this.xdr = xdr; } private void clear() { blocksRead = false; compressedLength = 0; currentBlock = null; } long nextRecord() throws IOException { skipRemainderOfRecord(); readRecordHeader(); startPos = getPosition(); return startPos + pad(compressedLength); } private int pad(int size) { int r = size % 4; if (r == 0) { return size; } return size + 4 - r; } public String getRecordName() { return name; } public int getRecordLength() { return uncompressedLength; } /** * Get the next block * @return the next block, or null if there are no more blocks in the record */ public SIOBlock getBlock() throws IOException { if (currentBlock == null) { if (!compressed) { if (xdr instanceof XDRInputStream) { ((XDRInputStream) xdr).clearReadLimit(); } currentBlock = new SIOBlockImpl(new SIOInputStream(getInputStream(compressedLength)), compressedLength); } else { currentBlock = new SIOBlockImpl(new SIOInputStream(new InflaterInputStream(getInputStream(compressedLength))), uncompressedLength); } blocksRead = true; } try { currentBlock.nextBlock(); return currentBlock; } catch (EOFException x) { return null; // no more blocks } } private InputStream getInputStream(int readLimit) { if (xdr instanceof RandomAccessFile) { return new RandomAccessFileInputStream((RandomAccessFile) xdr, readLimit); } else { ((XDRInputStream) xdr).setReadLimit(readLimit); return (XDRInputStream) xdr; } } private long getPosition() throws IOException { if (xdr instanceof RandomAccessFile) { return ((RandomAccessFile) xdr).getFilePointer(); } else { return ((XDRInputStream) xdr).getBytesRead(); } } private void readRecordHeader() throws IOException { long headerStart = getPosition(); headerLength = xdr.readInt(); int frame = xdr.readInt(); if (frame != 0xabadcafe) { throw new IOException("Framing error"); } int control = xdr.readInt(); if ((control & 0xfffe) != 0) { throw new IOException("Bad control word"); } compressed = (control & 1) != 0; compressedLength = xdr.readInt(); uncompressedLength = xdr.readInt(); int l = xdr.readInt(); if (l > headerLength - getPosition() + headerStart) { throw new IOException("Record name is insane"); } name = xdr.readString(l); blocksRead = false; currentBlock = null; } private void skipRemainderOfRecord() throws IOException { // Start by skipping whatever is left of the previous record if (xdr instanceof XDRInputStream) { ((XDRInputStream) xdr).clearReadLimit(); } if (!blocksRead) { xdr.skipBytes(compressedLength); } else { int left = compressedLength - (int) (getPosition() - startPos); if (left < 0) { throw new IOException("Record overrun error"); } else { xdr.skipBytes(left); } } xdr.pad(); } } private static class SIOBlockImpl implements SIOBlock { private String name; private int recordLength; private int length; private int version; private SIOInputStream xdr; private long startPos; private long recordStartPos; private static final EOFException eof = new EOFException(); SIOBlockImpl(SIOInputStream xdr, int recordLength) throws IOException { this.xdr = xdr; this.recordLength = recordLength; length = 0; recordStartPos = startPos = xdr.getBytesRead(); } void nextBlock() throws IOException { // skip any data remaining from the previous block xdr.clearReadLimit(); int bytesLeft = length - (int) (xdr.getBytesRead() - startPos); if (bytesLeft < 0) { throw new IOException("Block overrun error (block " + name + ")"); } else if (bytesLeft > 0) { xdr.skipBytes(bytesLeft); } // Check if there are more blocks xdr.pad(); startPos = xdr.getBytesRead(); if (startPos - recordStartPos >= recordLength) { throw eof; } length = xdr.readInt(); xdr.setReadLimit(length - 4); int frame = xdr.readInt(); if (frame != 0xdeadbeef) { throw new IOException("Block framing error"); } version = xdr.readInt(); int l = xdr.readInt(); if (l > length - xdr.getBytesRead() + startPos) { throw new IOException("Block name is insane"); } name = xdr.readString(l); } public String getBlockName() { return name; } public int getBlockLength() { return length; } public int getBytesLeft() { return length - (int) (xdr.getBytesRead() - startPos); } public int getVersion() { return version; } public int getMajorVersion() { return (version & 0xffff0000) >> 16; } public int getMinorVersion() { return version & 0xffff; } public SIOInputStream getData() { return xdr; } } private static class RandomAccessFileInputStream extends InputStream { private RandomAccessFile file; private int readLimit; public RandomAccessFileInputStream(RandomAccessFile file, int readLimit) { this.file = file; this.readLimit = readLimit; } public int read() throws IOException { if (available() == 0) return -1; int c =; readLimit--; return c; } public int read(byte[] b) throws IOException { return read(b, 0, b.length); } public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { if (available() == 0) throw new EOFException(); int n =, off, Math.min(len, available())); readLimit -= n; return n; } public long skip(long n) throws IOException { long pos = file.getFilePointer(); long nActual = Math.min(n, available()); + nActual); readLimit -= nActual; return nActual; } public int available() throws IOException { return (int) Math.min(readLimit, file.length() - file.getFilePointer()); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { file.close(); } } }