package; import hep.aida.IPlotterFactory; import hep.aida.IPlotterStyle; import hep.aida.ref.plotter.PlotterFactory; import hep.aida.ref.plotter.PlotterStyle; import hep.aida.ref.plotter.Style; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import org.freehep.util.FreeHEPLookup; public class StyleRegistry implements IStyleRegistry, IGlobalIndexProvider { public static String systemStoreProperty = ""; public static String groupStoreProperty = ""; public static String userStoreProperty = ""; private static String systemStoreFile = "SystemStyleStore.xml"; private static StyleRegistry registry; private IPlotterFactory pf; private List stores; private Map categories; private Object lock; private int globalIndex = 0; public static StyleRegistry getStyleRegistry() { if (registry == null) registry = new StyleRegistry(); return registry; } private StyleRegistry() { stores = new ArrayList(10); categories = new HashMap(5); lock = new Object(); String systemFile = System.getProperty(systemStoreProperty, systemStoreFile); String groupFile = System.getProperty(groupStoreProperty, null); String userFile = System.getProperty(userStoreProperty, null); try { //URL url = getClass().getResource(systemFile); InputStream stream = getClass().getResourceAsStream(systemFile); IStyleStore systemStore = StyleStoreXMLReader.restoreFromStream(stream); addStore(systemStore); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (groupFile != null && !groupFile.trim().equals("")) { try { InputStream stream = getClass().getResourceAsStream(groupFile); IStyleStore store = StyleStoreXMLReader.restoreFromStream(stream); addStore(store); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (userFile != null && !userFile.trim().equals("")) { try { InputStream stream = getClass().getResourceAsStream(userFile); IStyleStore store = StyleStoreXMLReader.restoreFromStream(stream); addStore(store); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (FreeHEPLookup.instance().lookup(IStyleRegistry.class) == null) FreeHEPLookup.instance().add(this); } // IGlobalIndexProvider methods public int getIndex() { int index = globalIndex; globalIndex++; return index; } public void resetIndex() { globalIndex = 0; } // Service methods IPlotterStyle mergeStyles(List styles, IPlotterState state) { if (styles == null || styles.size() == 0) return null; if (pf == null) pf = new PlotterFactory(); PlotterStyle style = (PlotterStyle) pf.createPlotterStyle(); style.setParameter(Style.PLOTTER_STYLE_NAME, "StyleRegistry"); // Set parameters that are revolving /* String fillColor = null; String lineColor = null; String errorColor = null; String markerColor = null; String outlineColor = null; for (int i=0; i<styles.size(); i++) { IPlotterStyle parent = (IPlotterStyle) styles.get(i); if (fillColor == null && ((BaseStyle) parent.dataStyle().fillStyle()).isParameterSet("color")) { AbstractStyleParameter par = ((BaseStyle) parent.dataStyle().fillStyle()).parameter("color"); fillColor = par.parValue(); if (par instanceof RevolvingStyleParameter) ((RevolvingStyleParameter) par).incrementCurrentIndex(); } if (lineColor == null && ((BaseStyle) parent.dataStyle().lineStyle()).isParameterSet("color")) { AbstractStyleParameter par = ((BaseStyle) parent.dataStyle().lineStyle()).parameter("color"); lineColor = par.parValue(); if (par instanceof RevolvingStyleParameter) ((RevolvingStyleParameter) par).incrementCurrentIndex(); } if (errorColor == null && ((BaseStyle) parent.dataStyle().errorBarStyle()).isParameterSet("color")) { AbstractStyleParameter par = ((BaseStyle) parent.dataStyle().errorBarStyle()).parameter("color"); errorColor = par.parValue(); if (par instanceof RevolvingStyleParameter) ((RevolvingStyleParameter) par).incrementCurrentIndex(); } if (markerColor == null && ((BaseStyle) parent.dataStyle().markerStyle()).isParameterSet("color")) { AbstractStyleParameter par = ((BaseStyle) parent.dataStyle().markerStyle()).parameter("color"); markerColor = par.parValue(); if (par instanceof RevolvingStyleParameter) ((RevolvingStyleParameter) par).incrementCurrentIndex(); } if (outlineColor == null && ((BaseStyle) parent.dataStyle().outlineStyle()).isParameterSet("color")) { AbstractStyleParameter par = ((BaseStyle) parent.dataStyle().outlineStyle()).parameter("color"); outlineColor = par.parValue(); if (par instanceof RevolvingStyleParameter) ((RevolvingStyleParameter) par).incrementCurrentIndex(); } } if (fillColor != null) ((BaseStyle) style.dataStyle().fillStyle()).setParameter("color", fillColor); if (lineColor != null) ((BaseStyle) style.dataStyle().lineStyle()).setParameter("color", lineColor); if (errorColor != null) ((BaseStyle) style.dataStyle().errorBarStyle()).setParameter("color", errorColor); if (markerColor != null) ((BaseStyle) style.dataStyle().markerStyle()).setParameter("color", markerColor); if (outlineColor != null) ((BaseStyle) style.dataStyle().outlineStyle()).setParameter("color", outlineColor); */ style.setParentList(styles); return style; } public void addStore(IStyleStore store) { if (stores.contains(store)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("StyleRegistry already contains store: "+store.getStoreName()); stores.add(store); addCategoriesFromStore(store); } public void removeStore(IStyleStore store) { if (!stores.contains(store)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("StyleRegistry does not contains store: "+store.getStoreName()); stores.remove(store); removeCategoriesFromStore(store); } void updateCategories() { //categories.clear(); for (int i=0; i<stores.size(); i++) { addCategoriesFromStore((IStyleStore) stores.get(i)); } } void addCategoriesFromStore(IStyleStore store) { //System.out.println("addCategoriesFromStore :: "+store.getStoreName()); String[] names = store.getAllStyleNames(); if (names == null) return; HashMap hash = new HashMap(); for (int i=0; i<names.length; i++) { String rule = store.getRuleForStyle(names[i]).getDescription(); //System.out.println("\tRule :: "+rule); int index = rule.indexOf("attribute("); while (index >= 0) { rule = rule.substring(index+11); index = rule.indexOf("attribute("); String token = null; if (index > 0) token = rule.substring(0, index); else token = rule; int index3 = token.indexOf("\")."); String key = token.substring (0, index3); String value = token.substring (index3+1); value = value.substring(value.indexOf("\"")+1); value = value.substring(0, value.indexOf("\"")); //System.out.println("\t\tKey :: "+key+" Value="+value); if (key != null && !key.trim().equals("")) { Object obj = hash.get(key); if (obj == null) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); list.add(value); hash.put(key, list); } else { ArrayList list = (ArrayList) obj; if (!list.contains(value)) list.add(value); } } } } if (hash.isEmpty()) return; Iterator it = hash.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key = (String); ArrayList list = (ArrayList) hash.get(key); if (list.isEmpty()) continue; Object tmpCat = categories.get(key); Category cat = null; if (tmpCat == null) cat = new Category(key); else cat = (Category) tmpCat; for (int i=0; i<list.size(); i++) { Object tmp = list.get(i); if (tmp != null && !((String) tmp).equals("")) cat.addValue((String) tmp); } categories.put(key, cat); } hash.clear(); } void removeCategoriesFromStore(IStyleStore store) { } // IStyleRegistry methods public String[] getAvailableStoreNames() { String[] names = new String[stores.size()]; for (int i=0; i<stores.size(); i++) { names[i] = ((IStyleStore) stores.get(i)).getStoreName(); } return names; } public IStyleStore getStore(String storeName) { IStyleStore store = null; String name = null; for (int i=0; i<stores.size(); i++) { name = ((IStyleStore) stores.get(i)).getStoreName(); if (storeName.equals(name)) { store = (IStyleStore) stores.get(i); break; } } return store; } // To work with categories, this can be a separate service // Available category keys are filled from Rules of all available Stores public String[] getAvailableCategoryKeys() { updateCategories(); String[] catKeys = new String[categories.size()]; catKeys = (String[]) categories.keySet().toArray(catKeys); return catKeys; } public String[] getAvailableCategoryValues(String categoryKey) { return ((Category) categories.get(categoryKey)).getValues(); } public String getCategoryCurrentValue(String categoryKey) { return ((Category) categories.get(categoryKey)).getCurrentValue(); } public void setCategoryCurrentValue(String categoryKey, String categoryValue) { ((Category) categories.get(categoryKey)).setCurrentValue(categoryValue); } // Following methods are used to obtain cumulative IPlotterStyle // for particular region, object, action, and (possibly) categories public IPlotterStyle getStyleForState(IPlotterState state) { //System.out.flush(); //System.out.println("\n\n********* StyleRegistry.getStyleForState :: PlotterState:\n"+state.toString()); //System.out.flush(); //(new RuntimeException()).printStackTrace(); IPlotterStyle style = null; Vector styles = new Vector(); int size = stores.size()-1; for (int i=0; i<stores.size(); i++) { IStyleStore store = (IStyleStore) stores.get(size-i); String[] names = store.getAllStyleNames(); for (int j=0; j<names.length; j++) { IStyleRule rule = store.getRuleForStyle(names[j]); if (rule.ruleApplies(state)) { style = store.getStyle(names[j]); if (!styles.contains(style)) { styles.add(style); } } } } style = mergeStyles(styles, state); return style; } class Category { private String name; private String currentValue; private List values; Category(String name) { = name; values = new ArrayList(10); } String getName() { return name; } void addValue(String v) { if (!values.contains(v)) values.add(v); } String getCurrentValue() { return currentValue; } void setCurrentValue(String v) { addValue(v); currentValue = v; } String[] getValues() { String[] valArr = new String[values.size()]; valArr = (String[]) values.toArray(valArr); return valArr; } void removeValue(String v) { if (values.contains(v)) { values.remove(v); if (currentValue != null && currentValue.equals(v)) currentValue = null; } } } public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO code application logic here } }