package; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * A session allows for all supported xrootd commands to be send. All the * methods of this class are synchronous, i.e. they wait until the data is * available before they return. * @author tonyj */ public class Session { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Session.class.getName()); private Dispatcher dispatcher = Dispatcher.instance(); private Destination destination; public Session(String host, int port, String userName) throws IOException { this(new Destination(host, port, userName)); } Session(Destination dest) throws IOException { this.destination = dest; } public void close() throws IOException { // ToDo: Should we close any open files? } /** * This method allows asynchronous execution of an operation. * @param operation The operation to be performed * @return A future which will contain the response */ public <V> FutureResponse<V> send(Operation<V> operation) { Destination actualDestination = operation.getDestination(); if (actualDestination == null) actualDestination = destination; return dispatcher.send(actualDestination, operation); } public List<String> dirList(String path) throws IOException { return send(new DirListOperation(path)).getResponse(); } public void ping() throws IOException { send(new PingOperation()).getResponse(); } public void remove(final String path) throws IOException { send(new RemoveOperation(path)).getResponse(); } public FileStatus stat(final String path) throws IOException { return send(new StatOperation(path)).getResponse(); } public String query(final int queryType, final String path) throws IOException { return send(new QueryOperation(queryType,path)).getResponse(); } public String prepare(String[] path, int options, int priority) throws IOException { return send(new PrepareOperation(path,options,priority)).getResponse(); } public String[] locate(String path, boolean noWait, boolean refresh) throws IOException { return send(new LocateOperation(path,noWait,refresh)).getResponse(); } public String protocol() throws IOException { return send(new ProtocolOperation()).getResponse(); } public OpenFile open(final String path, final int mode, final int options) throws IOException { return send(new OpenOperation(path,mode,options)).getResponse(); } public void close(OpenFile file) throws IOException { send(new CloseOperation(file)).getResponse(); } public int read(OpenFile file, long fileOffset, byte[] buffer) throws IOException { return read(file, fileOffset, buffer, 0, buffer.length); } public int read(OpenFile file, long fileOffset, byte[] buffer, int bufOffset, int size) throws IOException { return send(new ReadOperation(file,fileOffset, buffer,bufOffset,size)).getResponse(); } public void write(OpenFile file, long fileOffset, byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) throws IOException { send(new WriteOperation(file,fileOffset,buffer,offset,length)); } @Override public String toString() { return destination.toString(); } }