package hep.aida.web.taglib; import hep.aida.web.taglib.util.AidaTLDUtils; import hep.aida.web.taglib.util.StyleUtils; import; import; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.jsp.JspContext; import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException; import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext; /** * @author The FreeHEP team @ SLAC. * */ public class PlotBrowserTagSupport implements PlotBrowserTag { private int maxplots = 9, nplots, nh, nw; private String url, layoutVar = "layout", layoutStr = null, id = null; public void doStartTag() throws JspException { if (nplots <= 0) { throw new JspException("nplots must be > 0"); } if (url == null || url.length() == 0) { throw new JspException("url must not be null"); } } public void doEndTag(JspContext jspContext) throws JspException, IOException { HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest)((PageContext)jspContext).getRequest(); if ( AidaTLDUtils.isEmpty(id) ) id = layoutVar; String offsetVariable = id+"offset"; String offsetStr = request.getParameter(offsetVariable); int offset = 1; if ( offsetStr != null ) { int tmpOffset = Integer.valueOf(offsetStr).intValue(); if ( tmpOffset >= 0 ) offset = tmpOffset; } if ( !AidaTLDUtils.isEmpty(layoutStr) ) { nh = Integer.parseInt(layoutStr.substring(0,layoutStr.indexOf("x")).trim()); nw = Integer.parseInt(layoutStr.substring(layoutStr.indexOf("x")+1).trim()); maxplots = nh*nw; } int plotsInPage = nplots-(offset-1)*maxplots > maxplots ? maxplots : nplots-(offset-1)*maxplots; if ( plotsInPage > maxplots ) plotsInPage = maxplots; if ( nplots > maxplots ) { double ratio = (double)nplots/(double)maxplots; int maxOffset = (int)java.lang.Math.floor(ratio); if ( ratio - maxOffset > 0 ) maxOffset += 1; int start = ((offset-1)*maxplots)+1; int end = (offset*maxplots) > nplots ? nplots : (offset*maxplots); Writer writer = jspContext.getOut(); writer.write(nplots+" plots selected. Showing "+start+" to "+end+". [ "); if (offset>1) writer.write("<a href=\""+url+"?"+offsetVariable+"=1\">"); writer.write("First "); if (offset>1) writer.write("</a>"); writer.write("/ "); int previous = offset-1; if (offset>1) writer.write("<a href=\""+url+"?"+offsetVariable+"="+previous+"\">"); writer.write("Previous "); if (offset>1) writer.write("</a>"); writer.write("] "); start = offset - 4 > 1 ? offset - 4 : 1; end = start+8 > maxOffset ? maxOffset : start+8; start = end - 8 > 1 ? end - 8 : 1; for ( int i = start; i < end +1; i++ ) { if ( offset != i ) writer.write("<a href=\""+url+"?"+offsetVariable+"="+i+"\">"+i+" </a>"); else writer.write("<b>"+i+" </b>"); if ( i != end ) writer.write(", "); } writer.write("[ "); int next = offset+1; if (offset*maxplots < nplots) writer.write("<a href=\""+url+"?"+offsetVariable+"="+next+"\">"); writer.write("Next "); if (offset*maxplots < nplots) writer.write("</a>"); writer.write("/ "); if (offset*maxplots < nplots) writer.write("<a href=\""+url+"?"+offsetVariable+"="+maxOffset+"\">"); writer.write("Last "); if (offset*maxplots < nplots) writer.write("</a>"); writer.write("] \n"); } int dataCount = (offset-1)*maxplots; int dataCountEnd = (offset-1)*maxplots + plotsInPage > nplots ? nplots-1 : (offset-1)*maxplots + plotsInPage-1; PageLayoutHelper layout; if ( !AidaTLDUtils.isEmpty(layoutStr) ) layout = new PageLayoutHelper(plotsInPage, dataCount, dataCountEnd,nh,nw); else layout = new PageLayoutHelper(plotsInPage, dataCount, dataCountEnd); jspContext.setAttribute(layoutVar, layout); } public void setMaxplots(int maxplots) { if ( maxplots <= 0 ) throw new RuntimeException("maxplots must be greater than zero."); this.maxplots = maxplots; } public void setNplots(int nplots) { if ( nplots <= 0 ) throw new RuntimeException("nplots must be greater than zero."); this.nplots = nplots; } public void setUrl(String url) { this.url = url; } public void setLayoutVar(String var) { this.layoutVar = var; } public void setId(String id) { = id; } public void setLayout(String layoutStr) { this.layoutStr = layoutStr; } }