package org.freehep.webutil.tabs; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.SimpleTagSupport; import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspFragment; import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException; import; import org.freehep.webutil.tabs.servlet.TabCorner; import org.freehep.webutil.util.writer.JspResponseWriter; import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext; import javax.servlet.jsp.JspContext; import org.freehep.webutil.util.Constants; /** * @author The FreeHEP team @ SLAC * */ public class TabsTag extends SimpleTagSupport { private String name; private String href = null; private String target = null; private String selectedTabValue; private boolean useStyleSheet; private String id; private String var; private int scope; private String scopeStr = "page"; private String param = null; private String color; private String bkgColor; private String selectedColor; private String position; private String align = "left"; private String margin; private boolean showLine; private String textStyle; private String selectedTextStyle; private String servlet = null; private boolean addAnchor = true; private int leftImageType; private int rightImageType; private List children; private JspResponseWriter out = new JspResponseWriter(); private JspResponseWriter bodyOut = new JspResponseWriter(); public TabsTag() { super(); = PropertiesLoader.tabsId(); this.useStyleSheet = Boolean.valueOf(PropertiesLoader.tabsUsestylesheet()).booleanValue(); this.color = PropertiesLoader.tabsColor(); this.selectedColor = PropertiesLoader.tabsSelectedColor(); this.bkgColor = PropertiesLoader.tabsBkgColor(); this.position = PropertiesLoader.tabsPosition(); // this.align = PropertiesLoader.tabsAlign(); this.margin = PropertiesLoader.tabsMargin(); this.showLine = Boolean.valueOf(PropertiesLoader.tabsShowline()).booleanValue(); this.textStyle = PropertiesLoader.tabsTextStyle(); this.selectedTextStyle = PropertiesLoader.tabsSelectedTextStyle(); } public void doTag() throws JspException, IOException { checkAttributes(); children = null; JspContext jspContext = getJspContext(); // The selected tab MUST be found before the tags are executed, i.e. before getJspBody() is invoked. findSelectedTab(); // Evaluate any nested tags. JspFragment jspBody = getJspBody(); if (jspBody != null) { jspBody.invoke(jspContext.getOut()); } boolean skipStyle = ( getUsestylesheet() && id != null ); // Add an anchor out.startElement(Constants.A); out.attribute(Constants.NAME,getName()); out.endElement(Constants.A); out.startElement(Constants.DIV); if ( ! skipStyle) { //The following is a fix for IE if ( getPosition().equals("top") ) out.attribute(Constants.STYLE,"padding:0px;border-color: white; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; clear: both;"); } out.startElement(Constants.UL); if ( skipStyle) out.attribute(Constants.ID,getId()); else { // UL styles out.attribute(Constants.STYLE,"list-style: none;padding: 0px; padding-"+getAlign()+": "+getMargin()+";clear: both;margin: 0;"); } TabTag selectedTab = null; for (Iterator iter = children.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { TabTag tab = (TabTag); out.startElement(Constants.LI); String tabColor; String tStyle = textStyle; if ( isTabSelected(tab) ) { out.attribute(Constants.CLASS,"selected"); tabColor = getSelectedColor(); tStyle = selectedTextStyle; selectedTab = tab; } else { tabColor = getColor(); } if ( servlet == null ) servlet = getRequest().getContextPath()+"/tabCornerServlet.jsp"; String image = "background-image: url("+servlet+"?color="+checkColor(tabColor)+"&bkgColor="+checkColor(bkgColor); String leftImage = image+"&type="+leftImageType+");"; String rightImage = image+"&type="+rightImageType+");"; if ( ! skipStyle ) { // LI styles out.attribute(Constants.STYLE,"background-color: "+tabColor+"; margin: 0 3px 0 0;padding: 0;background-repeat: no-repeat;float: "+getAlign()+";background-position: "+getPosition()+" right;"+rightImage); } out.startElement(Constants.A); String href = getTabHref(tab); if ( href.indexOf(Constants.QUESTION_MARK) != -1 ) href += Constants.AMPERSAND; else href += Constants.QUESTION_MARK; href += getParamTabSelected() + Constants.EQUALS + tab.getSelectionValue(); // Add anchor to href if ( addAnchor ) href += "#"+getName(); out.attribute(Constants.HREF,href); String target = getTabTarget(tab); if ( target != null ) out.attribute(Constants.TARGET,target); if ( ! skipStyle ) { // A styles out.attribute(Constants.STYLE,"width: auto; text-decoration: none;white-space: nowrap;display: block;background-repeat: no-repeat;padding: 5px 15px 5px;float: "+getAlign()+";"+tStyle+";background-position: "+getPosition()+" left;"+leftImage); } out.text(tab.getName()); out.endElement(Constants.A); out.endElement(Constants.LI); } out.endElement(Constants.UL); out.endElement(Constants.DIV); if ( selectedTab != null && selectedTab.hasBody() ) bodyOut = selectedTab.getWriter(); else { bodyOut.lineBreak(); bodyOut.startElement(Constants.DIV); if ( showLine ) { bodyOut.attribute(Constants.STYLE,"padding:0px;border-"+getOtherPosition()+"-color: "+getSelectedColor()+"; border-"+getOtherPosition()+"-style: solid; border-"+getOtherPosition()+"-width: 1px; clear: both;margin: 0px;"); } else { bodyOut.attribute(Constants.STYLE,"clear: both;"); } bodyOut.attribute(Constants.CLASS,Constants.TAB_BODY); bodyOut.text(" "); bodyOut.lineBreak(); bodyOut.endElement(Constants.DIV); } if ( getPosition().equals("top") ) { getJspContext().getOut().print(out.getBuffer()); getJspContext().getOut().print(bodyOut.getBuffer()); } else { getJspContext().getOut().print(bodyOut.getBuffer()); getJspContext().getOut().print(out.getBuffer()); } } /** * Tag attribute methods * */ public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setSelectedTabValue(String selectedTabValue) { this.selectedTabValue = selectedTabValue; if ( getVar() != null && selectedTabValue != null ) getJspContext().setAttribute(getVar(), selectedTabValue, scope); } public String getSelectedTabValue() { return selectedTabValue; } public void setId(String id) { = id; } public String getId() { return id; } public void setUsestylesheet(boolean useStyleSheet) { this.useStyleSheet = useStyleSheet; } public boolean getUsestylesheet() { return useStyleSheet; } public void setHref(String href) { this.href = href; } public String getHref() { return href; } public void setTarget(String target) { = target; } public String getTarget() { return target; } public void setVar(String var) { this.var = var; } public String getVar() { return var; } public void setScope(String scope){ this.scopeStr = scope; } public String getScope() { return scopeStr; } public void setParam(String param) { this.param = param; } public String getParam() { return param; } public void setColor(String color) { this.color = color; } public String getColor() { return color; } public void setMargin(String margin) { this.margin = margin; } public String getMargin() { return margin; } public void setBkgColor(String bkgColor) { this.bkgColor = bkgColor; } public String getBkgColor() { return bkgColor; } public void setSelectedColor(String selectedColor) { this.selectedColor = selectedColor; } public String getSelectedColor() { return selectedColor; } public void setPosition(String position) { this.position = position; } public void setAddanchor(boolean addAnchor) { this.addAnchor = addAnchor; } public String getPosition() { return position; } /* public void setAlign(String align) { this.align = align; } */ public String getAlign() { return align; } public void setTextstyle(String textStyle) { this.textStyle = textStyle; } public String getTextstyle() { return textStyle; } public void setSelectedtextstyle(String selectedTextStyle) { this.selectedTextStyle = selectedTextStyle; } public String getSelectedtextstyle() { return selectedTextStyle; } public void setShowline(boolean showLine) { this.showLine = showLine; } public boolean getShowline() { return showLine; } public void setServlet(String servlet) { this.servlet = servlet; } /** * Private/Protected methods. * */ List getChildren() { if (null == children) { children = new ArrayList(); } return children; } int getChildCount() { return getChildren().size(); } void addChild(final TabTag child) { if ( getChildCount() == 0 && getSelectedTabValue() == null ) setSelectedTabValue(child.getSelectionValue()); getChildren().add(child); } private void findSelectedTab() { String selTabName = getRequest().getParameter(getParamTabSelected()); if ( selTabName == null ) { selTabName = (String)getJspContext().getAttribute(getParamTabSelected(), PageContext.SESSION_SCOPE); if ( selTabName == null ) selTabName = getSelectedTabValue(); } else { getJspContext().setAttribute(getParamTabSelected(), selTabName, PageContext.SESSION_SCOPE); } setSelectedTabValue(selTabName); } private String getParamTabSelected() { if ( getParam() != null ) return getParam(); return getName()+"-"+Constants.PARAM_SELECTED_TAB; } private String getTabHref(TabTag tab) { String href = tab.getHref(); if ( href != null ) return href; href = getHref(); if ( href != null ) return href; return getRequest().getRequestURL().toString(); } private String getTabTarget(TabTag tab) { String target = tab.getTarget(); if ( target != null ) return target; return getTarget(); } private HttpServletRequest getRequest() { return (HttpServletRequest)((PageContext)getJspContext()).getRequest(); } private void checkAttributes() throws JspException { if ( getUsestylesheet() && getId() == null ) throw new JspException("When using attribute \"usestylesheet\" attribute \"id\" must be set."); if ( ! getUsestylesheet() && getId() != null ) throw new JspException("When using attribute \"id\" attribute \"usestylesheet\" must be set to true."); this.scope = Constants.getScope(scopeStr); String position = getPosition(); if ( ! position.equals("top") && ! position.equals("bottom") ) throw new JspException("Illegal value "+position+" for attribute \"position\". It must be either \"top\" or \"bottom\"."); if ( position.equals("top") ) { leftImageType = TabCorner.UPPER_LEFT; rightImageType = TabCorner.UPPER_RIGHT; } else { leftImageType = TabCorner.LOWER_LEFT; rightImageType = TabCorner.LOWER_RIGHT; } String align = getAlign(); if ( ! align.equals("left") && ! align.equals("right") ) throw new JspException("Illegal value "+align+" for attribute \"align\". It must be either \"left\" or \"right\"."); } boolean isTabSelected(TabTag tab) { return tab.getSelectionValue().equals( getSelectedTabValue() ); } private String checkColor(String color) { return color.replaceAll("#", "0x"); } private String getOtherPosition() { if ( getPosition().equals("top") ) return "bottom"; return "top"; } }