package hep.aida.ref.test.jaida; import hep.aida.IAnalysisFactory; import hep.aida.ICloud1D; import hep.aida.ICloud2D; import hep.aida.ICloud3D; import hep.aida.IDataPoint; import hep.aida.IDataPointSet; import hep.aida.IDataPointSetFactory; import hep.aida.IFunction; import hep.aida.IFunctionFactory; import hep.aida.IHistogram1D; import hep.aida.IHistogram2D; import hep.aida.IHistogram3D; import hep.aida.IHistogramFactory; import hep.aida.IProfile1D; import hep.aida.IProfile2D; import hep.aida.ITree; import hep.aida.ITuple; import hep.aida.ITupleFactory; import; import java.util.Random; /* * Creates AIDA tree with all standard AIDA types * and writes it to disk */ /** * * @author serbo */ public class CreateAidaFile { private static long randomSeed = 123456789L; /** option for creating tree * possible option key and values are: * key: compress, values: no, false, yes, true, gzip, zip, default: no * key: binary, values: no, false, yes, true, default: false * key: skip, values: list of AIDA types to skip when writing to disk, default: null */ private String option; /** * Name of file where AIDA tree is to be written */ private String fileName; private ITree tree; public CreateAidaFile(String fileName, String option) { this.fileName = fileName; this.option = option; } public String getFileName() { return fileName; } public String getOptions() { return option; } public void commit() throws IOException { if (tree == null) System.out.println("\nCan not commit: AIDA tree has not been created yet. Exiting."); if (fileName != null && !fileName.trim().equals("")) { System.out.println("\nCommitting AIDA tree"); tree.commit(); } else { System.out.println("\nCan not commit AIDA Tree: File Name is not defined"); } } private void createAndFillTree() throws IOException { int nBins = 10; int nEntries = 15; double xMin = -2; double xMax = 2; double yMin = -2.5; double yMax = 2.5; double zMin = -3; double zMax = 3; System.out.println("Creating AIDA tree with"); System.out.println("\t\tFile Name: "+fileName); System.out.println("\t\tOptions: "+option); IAnalysisFactory af = IAnalysisFactory.create(); tree = af.createTreeFactory().create(fileName, "xml", false, true, option); IDataPointSetFactory df = af.createDataPointSetFactory(tree); IHistogramFactory hf = af.createHistogramFactory(tree); ITupleFactory tf = af.createTupleFactory(tree); IFunctionFactory ff = af.createFunctionFactory(tree); Random r = new Random(randomSeed); tree.mkdirs("/DataPointSets");"/DataPointSets"); IDataPointSet d1 = df.create("DataPointSet 1D", "DataPointSet 1D Title", 1); IDataPointSet d2 = df.create("DataPointSet 2D", "DataPointSet 2D Title", 2); IDataPointSet d3 = df.create("DataPointSet 3D", "DataPointSet 3D Title", 3); IDataPointSet d4 = df.create("DataPointSet 4D", "DataPointSet 4D Title", 4); tree.mkdirs("/Functions");"/Functions"); IFunction f1 = ff.createFunctionByName("P1 Function","p1"); f1.setParameter("p0", -2); f1.setParameter("p1", 1); IFunction f2 = ff.createFunctionFromScript("Script Function", 1, "a*(x[0] - b)", "a,b", "simple a*(x[0] - b) function"); f2.setParameter("a", 1); f2.setParameter("b", 2); tree.mkdirs("/Histograms");"/Histograms"); IHistogram1D h1 = hf.createHistogram1D("Histogram 1D", "Histogram 1D - normal", nBins, xMin, xMax); IHistogram2D h2 = hf.createHistogram2D("Histogram 2D", "Histogram 2D - normal", nBins, xMin, xMax, nBins, yMin, yMax); IHistogram3D h3 = hf.createHistogram3D("Histogram 3D", "Histogram 3D - normal", nBins, xMin, xMax, nBins, yMin, yMax, nBins, zMin, zMax); tree.mkdirs("/Clouds");"/Clouds"); ICloud1D c11 = hf.createCloud1D("Cloud 1D conv", "Cloud1D - converted", 10); ICloud2D c21 = hf.createCloud2D("Cloud 2D conv", "Cloud2D - converted", 10); ICloud3D c31 = hf.createCloud3D("Cloud 3D conv", "Cloud3D - converted", 10); ICloud1D c12 = hf.createCloud1D("Cloud 1D", "Cloud1D - not converted", -1); ICloud2D c22 = hf.createCloud2D("Cloud 2D", "Cloud2D - not converted", -1); ICloud3D c32 = hf.createCloud3D("Cloud 3D", "Cloud3D - not converted", -1); tree.mkdirs("/Profiles");"/Profiles"); IProfile1D p1 = hf.createProfile1D("Profile 1D", "Profile 1D - normal", nBins, xMin, xMax); IProfile2D p2 = hf.createProfile2D("Profile 2D", "Profile 2D - normal", nBins, xMin, xMax, nBins, yMin, yMax); tree.mkdirs("/Tuples");"/Tuples"); String numberColumns = "boolean bool_col =false, byte byte_col =0, short short_col =0, int int_col =0, long long_col =0, float float_col =0, double double_col =0"; ITuple numberTuple = tf.create("Number Tuple", "Tuple with Numbers Only", numberColumns); String stringColumns = "char char_col, string string_col"; ITuple stringTuple = tf.create("String Tuple", "Tuple with Strings and Characters", stringColumns); String subtupleColumns = "int event_number=0, int nTracks=0, ITuple tracks = { double px = 0., py = 0., pz = 0., int nHits=0, ITuple hits = {int x,y,z} }"; ITuple subtupleTuple = tf.create("Structure Tuple", "Tuple with Internal Structure", subtupleColumns); // Fill in some funny names and titles tree.mkdirs("/Funny_Names");"/Funny_Names"); String title = "<HTML>TITLE<sub>subscripted</sub> <i>can also</i> <b>do</b> text<sup>superscripted</sup> and Ψ, λ, π"; IHistogram1D h111 = hf.createHistogram1D("FH 1", title, nBins, xMin, xMax); IHistogram1D h112 = hf.createHistogram1D("FH 2 part\\/All", "Ratio of part/All", nBins, xMin, xMax); ITuple fsTuple = tf.create("Funny String Tuple", "Tuple with Funny Strings", "string funny_string"); // Fill AIDA objects with data String abc = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; for (int i=0; i<nEntries; i++) { double x = r.nextGaussian(); double y = r.nextGaussian(); double z = r.nextGaussian(); double w = r.nextDouble(); d1.addPoint(); IDataPoint p = d1.point(i); p.coordinate(0).setValue(x); d2.addPoint(); p = d2.point(i); p.coordinate(0).setValue(x); p.coordinate(1).setValue(y); p.coordinate(1).setErrorPlus(0.6); p.coordinate(1).setErrorMinus(0.4); d3.addPoint(); p = d3.point(i); p.coordinate(0).setValue(x); p.coordinate(1).setValue(y); p.coordinate(2).setValue(z); d4.addPoint(); p = d4.point(i); p.coordinate(0).setValue(x); p.coordinate(1).setValue(y); p.coordinate(2).setValue(z); p.coordinate(3).setValue(w); h1.fill(x, w); h111.fill(x, w); h112.fill(w); h2.fill(x, y, w); h3.fill(x, y, z, w); c11.fill(x, w); c21.fill(x, y, w); c31.fill(x, y, z, w); c12.fill(x, w); c22.fill(x, y, w); c32.fill(x, y, z, w); p1.fill(x, y, w); p2.fill(x, y, z, w); numberTuple.fill(0, r.nextBoolean()); numberTuple.fill(1, (byte) (r.nextInt(8) & 0x7) ); numberTuple.fill(2, (short) (r.nextInt(16) & 0xF) ); numberTuple.fill(3, r.nextInt()); numberTuple.fill(4, r.nextLong()); numberTuple.fill(5, r.nextFloat()); numberTuple.fill(6, r.nextDouble()); numberTuple.addRow(); // Fill Tuple with characters and Strings int index = i % abc.length(); String str = "String_Entry_" + String.valueOf(i); stringTuple.fill(0, abc.charAt(index)); stringTuple.fill(1, str); stringTuple.addRow(); String funnyString = "<HTML>&#" + String.valueOf(913+index) + ";"; fsTuple.fill(0, funnyString); fsTuple.addRow(); int nTracks = r.nextInt(nEntries); subtupleTuple.fill(0, i); subtupleTuple.fill(1, nTracks); ITuple track = subtupleTuple.getTuple( 2 ); for (int j=0; j<nTracks; j++) { track.fill(0,r.nextGaussian()); track.fill(1,r.nextGaussian()); track.fill(2,r.nextGaussian()); int nHits = r.nextInt(10); track.fill(3, nHits); ITuple hits = track.getTuple( 4 ); for ( int k = 0; k<nHits; k++ ) { hits.fill(0,r.nextInt(10)); hits.fill(1,r.nextInt(10)); hits.fill(2,r.nextInt(10)); hits.addRow(); } track.addRow(); } subtupleTuple.addRow(); } } /** * @param args the command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { if (args == null || args.length == 0 || args.length > 2) { System.out.println("\nWrong arguments. Usage:"); System.out.println("\tjava CreateAidaFile <file_name> <options>"); System.exit(1); } String defaultOptions = "compress=no"; String defaultFileName = null; if (args != null && args.length > 0) defaultFileName = args[0]; if (args != null && args.length > 1) defaultOptions = args[1]; CreateAidaFile caf = new CreateAidaFile(defaultFileName, defaultOptions); caf.createAndFillTree(); caf.commit(); } }