package org.freehep.application; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import java.awt.print.Pageable; import java.awt.print.Printable; import java.awt.print.PrinterException; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.AbstractButton; import javax.swing.Box; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JMenuBar; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JPopupMenu; import javax.swing.JToolBar; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.UIManager; import javax.swing.WindowConstants; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory; import org.freehep.application.PropertyUtilities.TranslatedProperties; import; import org.freehep.swing.ErrorDialog; import org.freehep.swing.RecentFileList; import org.freehep.swing.popup.GlobalMouseListener; import org.freehep.swing.popup.GlobalPopupListener; import org.freehep.swing.popup.PopupListener; import org.freehep.util.VersionComparator; import org.freehep.util.commanddispatcher.BooleanCommandState; import org.freehep.util.commanddispatcher.CommandProcessor; import org.freehep.util.commanddispatcher.CommandSourceAdapter; import org.freehep.util.commanddispatcher.CommandTarget; import org.freehep.util.commanddispatcher.CommandTargetManager; import org.freehep.util.commandline.CommandLine; import org.freehep.util.commandline.CommandLineException; import org.freehep.xml.menus.XMLMenuBuilder; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.XMLReader; // import kitchen.sink.*; /** * A framework for a simple swing application. This framework assumes there will be * only one top level window associated with the application, which can always be accessed * using the static method Application.getApplication(); * <p> * The framework provides the following facilities: * <ul> * <li>Access to a ServiceManager to make it easy for an application to run in * the Java Web Start Environment as well as as a standalone application. Support for Java * Applets (using the Java Plugin) could be added as well in future. * <li>Print Preview capability * <li>Recent file menu * <li>A simple method of reporting error messages to the user. * <li>Access to help files, using JavaHelp * <li>Use of XML to define menus and toolbars * <li>Use of a command manager for dispatching commands to command targets. * <li>Support for user preferences to be stored between invocations. * </ul> * The easiest way to use the framework is to provide an application properties file. * The following properies are supported: * <dl> * <dt>mainClass</dt><dd>The main class (which must extend Application)</dd> * <dt>title</dt><dd>The initial title for the main frame</dd> * <dt>menus</dt><dd>The name of an XML file to load which defines menus</dd> * </dl> * * The framework basically ties together a number of features that are implemented * elsewhere in the FreeHEP library. By using this framework you are able to easily * use some or all of these features. The framework has been implemented in such a * way as to ensure there is almost no overhead paid for features that are not used. * @author tonyj * @version $Id: 13767 2010-07-22 15:39:17Z tonyj $ */ public class Application extends JPanel { /** Creates new Application */ protected Application(String appName) { super(new BorderLayout()); if (theApp != null) throw new RuntimeException("Attempt to create multiple instances of Application"); this.appName = appName; theApp = this; // Check the JVM version ASAP try { String actual = System.getProperty("java.version"); String required = getAppProperties().getProperty("minimumJavaVersion"); if (versionNumberCompare(actual,required)<0) throw new RuntimeException("Wrong Java version required: "+required+" actual: "+actual); } catch (SecurityException x) {} catch (NumberFormatException x) {} } /** * Override this method to provide a specialized ServiceManager. * By default this method checks the System property org.freehep.application.ServiceManager, and uses its value * as the name of the class to instantiate. If the property is undefined we use * * @see */ protected ServiceManager createServiceManager() throws InitializationException { String className = System.getProperty(""); if (className == null) className = System.getProperty("org.freehep.application.ServiceManager"); if (className == null) className = ""; return (ServiceManager) createObjectFromProperty(className,ServiceManager.class); } public ServiceManager getServiceManager() { if (serviceManager == null) serviceManager = createServiceManager(); return serviceManager; } public static Application getApplication() { return theApp; } public RecentFileList getRecentFileList(String name) { if (rflHash == null) rflHash = new Hashtable(); RecentFileList rfl = (RecentFileList) rflHash.get(name); if (rfl == null) { rfl = new RecentFileList(name); rfl.load(getUserProperties()); rflHash.put(name,rfl); } return rfl; } protected void saveUserProperties() { Properties userProperties = getUserProperties(); // Save any recent file lists if (rflHash != null) { Enumeration e = rflHash.elements(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { RecentFileList rfl = (RecentFileList) e.nextElement();; } } // Save the window size/position JFrame f = (JFrame) SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(JFrame.class,this); if (f != null && f.getState() == Frame.NORMAL) PropertyUtilities.setRectangle(userProperties,"window",f.getBounds()); storeUserProperties(getUserProperties()); } private void loadUserProperties(Properties user) { getServiceManager().loadUserPreferences(user); } private void storeUserProperties(Properties user) { getServiceManager().storeUserPreferences(user); } public void setLookAndFeel(String lookAndFeelName) { try { if (!UIManager.getLookAndFeel().getClass().getName().equals(lookAndFeelName)) { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(lookAndFeelName); Frame f = (Frame) SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(Frame.class,this); if (f != null) updateComponentTreeUI(f); } getUserProperties().setProperty("lookAndFeel",lookAndFeelName); } catch (Exception x) { error("Could not set look and feel "+lookAndFeelName,x); } } public String getVersion() { return getAppProperties().getProperty("version"); } public String getFullVersion() { Properties prop = getAppProperties(); return prop.getProperty("fullVersion"); } /** * Compares two version numbers of the form * @return >0 if v1>v2, <0 if v1<v2 or 0 if v1=v2 */ public static int versionNumberCompare(String v1, String v2) throws NumberFormatException { VersionComparator comp = new VersionComparator(); return comp.versionNumberCompare(v1,v2); } public PrintPreview createPrintPreview() { return new AppPrintPreview(); } /** * Shows a dialog and remembers its screen position (across sessions) */ public void showDialog(JDialog dlg, String key) { Rectangle bounds = PropertyUtilities.getRectangle(getUserProperties(),key,null); if (bounds == null) { dlg.pack(); dlg.setLocationRelativeTo(this); } else dlg.setBounds(bounds); dlg.setVisible(true); PropertyUtilities.setRectangle(getUserProperties(),key,dlg.getBounds()); } public CommandProcessor getCommandProcessor() { if (commandProcessor == null) commandProcessor = createCommandProcessor(); return commandProcessor; } protected CommandProcessor createCommandProcessor() { return new ApplicationCommandProcessor(); } public CommandTargetManager getCommandTargetManager() { if (commandTargetManager == null) commandTargetManager = createCommandTargetManager(); return commandTargetManager; } protected CommandLine createCommandLine() { Properties props = getAppProperties(); int n = PropertyUtilities.getInteger(props,"numberOfParameters"); boolean multiLevel = n < 0; return new CommandLine(getAppName(),getFullVersion(),Math.max(n,0),multiLevel); } public CommandLine getCommandLine() { if (commandLine == null) { commandLine = createCommandLine(); // register standard options commandLine.addOption("noSplash",null,"Suppress splash screen on startup"); commandLine.addOption("clearUserProperties",null,"Clears the user properties"); commandLine.addBailOutOption("help","h","Display this message"); commandLine.addMultiOption("D","key=value","Set application property"); commandLine.addMultiOption("d","key=value","Set user property, persists between sessions"); } return commandLine; } protected CommandTargetManager createCommandTargetManager() { return new ApplicationCommandTargetManager(); } public final void showHelpTopic(String helpTopicTarget) { showHelpTopic(helpTopicTarget,"TOC"); } public void showHelpTopic(String helpTopicTarget, Component owner) { showHelpTopic(helpTopicTarget,"TOC",owner); } private void showHelpTopic(String helpTopicTarget, String navigatorView) { showHelpTopic(helpTopicTarget, navigatorView, this); } private void showHelpTopic(final String helpTopicTarget, final String navigatorView, final Component owner) { Runnable r2 = new Runnable() { public void run() { try { HelpService hs = getHelpService(); hs.showHelpTopic(helpTopicTarget, navigatorView, owner); } catch (IllegalArgumentException x) { error("Help topic not found",x); } } }; whenAvailable("help",r2); } /** * Run Runnable when part is downloaded and available. * Runnable is always run on the event dispatch thread. * @param part The part will be downloaded (if necessary) * @param run The Runnable that will be run */ public void whenAvailable(final String part, final Runnable run) { try { if (!getServiceManager().isAvailable(part)) { final Runnable r1 = new Runnable() { public void run() { if (getServiceManager().makeAvailable(part)) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(run); } } }; Thread download = new Thread(r1); download.start(); } else {; } } catch (InitializationException x) { error("Could not download "+part,x); } } private HelpService getHelpService() throws InitializationException { if (helpService == null) helpService = createHelpService(); return helpService; } protected HelpService createHelpService() throws InitializationException { try { return (HelpService) Class.forName("org.freehep.application.HelpServiceImpl").newInstance(); } catch (ExceptionInInitializerError x) { Throwable t = x.getException(); throw new InitializationException("Could not create help service", t == null ? x : t); } catch (Throwable x) { throw new InitializationException("Could not create help service",x); } } /** * Shows the table of contents for the help system. */ public final void showHelpContents() { showHelpTopic(null); } /** * Shows the index for the help system. */ public final void showHelpIndex() { showHelpTopic(null, "Index"); } /** * Opens a search window for the help system. */ public final void showHelpSearch() { showHelpTopic(null, "Search"); } public void about() { JDialog dlg = createAboutDialog(); dlg.pack(); dlg.setLocationRelativeTo(this); dlg.setVisible(true); } /** * Show an error dialog with a simple message * This method is thread safe and can be called from any thread. * @param message The message to display */ public void error(String message) { error(message,null); } /** * Show an error dialog with a message and supporting detail. * This method is thread safe and can be called from any thread. * @param message The error message * @param detail the nested exception */ public void error(final String message, final Throwable detail) { synchronized (queueLock) { if (queueRunnable != null) { Runnable run = new Runnable() { public void run() { error(message,detail); } }; queueRunnable.add(run); } else error(this,message,detail); } } /** * Show an error message in an error dialog. * This method is thread safe and can be called from any thread. * @param source The owner of the error dialog * @param message The error message */ public static void error(Component source, String message) { error(source,message,null); } /** * Show an error message in an error dialog, with optional supporting detail. * If the detail implements HasNestedException the nested exception(s) will also be shown. * This method is thread safe and can be called from any thread. * @param source The owner of the error dialog * @param message The error message * @param detail A throwable giving more details on the error. * @see org.freehep.util.HasNestedException */ public static void error(final Component source, final String message, final Throwable detail) { if (!SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) { Runnable run = new Runnable() { public void run() { error(source,message,detail); } }; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(run); } else { ErrorDialog.showErrorDialog(source, message, detail); } } protected JDialog createAboutDialog() { return new AboutDialog(this); } protected JPanel createToolBarHolder() { return new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); } public JPanel getToolBarHolder() { if (toolBarHolder == null) { toolBarHolder = createToolBarHolder(); if (toolBarVisible) { toolBarHolder.add(this); menuPane.add(toolBarHolder); } } return toolBarHolder; } /** * Override this to provide an application specific status bar */ protected StatusBar createStatusBar() { return new StatusBar(); } public StatusBar getStatusBar() { if (statusBar == null) statusBar = createStatusBar(); return statusBar; } /** * Display a message in the applications status bar. * This method is thread safe and can be called from any thread. * @param message The message to display */ public void setStatusMessage(String message) { if (l != null) l.setStage(message); else getStatusBar().setMessage(message); } public boolean getShowStatusBar() { return statusBarVisible; } /** * Show or Hide the status bar. This setting presists between sessions. * @param show true to display the status bar */ public void setShowStatusBar(boolean show) { if (show != statusBarVisible) { StatusBar sb = getStatusBar(); if (show) { menuPane.add(sb,BorderLayout.SOUTH); } else { menuPane.remove(sb); } statusBarVisible = show; menuPane.revalidate(); PropertyUtilities.setBoolean(getUserProperties(),"showStatusBar",show); } } public boolean getShowToolBar() { return toolBarVisible; } /** * Show or Hide the tool bar. This setting presists between sessions. * @param show true to display the tool bar */ public void setShowToolBar(boolean show) { if (show != toolBarVisible) { if (toolBarHolder != null) { if (show) { toolBarHolder.add(this); menuPane.add(toolBarHolder); } else { menuPane.remove(toolBarHolder); menuPane.add(this); } } menuPane.revalidate(); menuPane.repaint(); toolBarVisible = show; PropertyUtilities.setBoolean(getUserProperties(),"showToolBar",show); } } /** * Override this method to provide specialized application exit handling. * For example to double check with the user before exiting. The default * implementation saves the user preferences and then calls System.exit(0). */ public void exit() { String confirm = getUserProperties().getProperty("confirmQuit"); if (!confirm.equals("never")) { String confirmQuitMessage = getUserProperties().getProperty("confirmQuitMessage"); String confirmQuitTitle = getUserProperties().getProperty("confirmQuitTitle"); Box message = Box.createVerticalBox(); message.add(new JLabel(confirmQuitMessage)); JCheckBox ask = new JCheckBox("Don't ask me this again"); if (!confirm.equals("always")) message.add(ask); if (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this,message,confirmQuitTitle,JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION)!=JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) return; if (ask.isSelected()) getUserProperties().setProperty("confirmQuit","never"); } fireAboutToExit(new ApplicationEvent(this,ApplicationEvent.APPLICATION_EXITING)); saveUserProperties(); System.exit(0); } protected InitializationListener createSplashScreen() { final Properties prop = getUserProperties(); boolean noSplash = getCommandLine().getOption("noSplash") != null; if (!noSplash && PropertyUtilities.getBoolean(prop,"showSplash",true)) { String splashTitle = prop.getProperty("splashTitle"); URL url = PropertyUtilities.getURL(prop,"splashImage",null); if (url == null) throw new InitializationException("Could not find splash image"); final SplashScreen splash = new SplashScreen(new ImageIcon(url),"Starting...",splashTitle); final int nSteps = PropertyUtilities.getInteger(prop,"numberOfInitializationStages",10); splash.setVisible(true); return new InitializationListener() { private int n = 0; public void setStage(String message) { splash.showStatus(message,100*n++/nSteps); } public void failed(Throwable t) { splash.close(); } public void succeeded() { splash.close(); PropertyUtilities.setInteger(prop,"numberOfInitializationStages",n); } }; } else return null; } /** * Creates a JFrame that holds the application. * If the application has been run before, and the user properties were * saved, will attempt to restore the old window position/size. */ public JFrame createFrame(String[] argv) throws InitializationException { try { queueRunnable = new ArrayList(); CommandLine cl = getCommandLine(); boolean rc = cl.parse(argv); if (!rc) { System.out.println(cl.getHelp()); System.exit(0); } // Deal with clearUserProperties if (cl.hasOption("clearUserProperties")) getUserProperties().clear(); // Deal with explicitly set properties Vector v = cl.getMultiOption("D"); Properties prop = getAppProperties(); for (Enumeration e = v.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { String opt = e.nextElement().toString(); StringTokenizer s = new StringTokenizer(opt,"="); int n = s.countTokens(); if (n == 1) prop.setProperty(s.nextToken(),"true"); else if (n == 2) prop.setProperty(s.nextToken(),s.nextToken()); else throw new InitializationException("Illegal value \""+opt+"\" for option"); } // Alternative way to set app/user properties (compatible with javaws -open) Properties properties = System.getProperties(); for (Iterator i = properties.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { String key =; if (key.startsWith("")) { String value = properties.getProperty(key); getAppProperties().setProperty(key.substring(12),value); i.remove(); } } // Deal with explicitly set user properties // Note it is important to deal with application properties before // the first call to getUserProperties, since the applicaiton properties // can affect where the user properties are loaded from. v = cl.getMultiOption("d"); prop = getUserProperties(); for (Enumeration e = v.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { String opt = e.nextElement().toString(); StringTokenizer s = new StringTokenizer(opt,"="); int n = s.countTokens(); if (n == 1) prop.setProperty(s.nextToken(),"true"); else if (n == 2) prop.setProperty(s.nextToken(),s.nextToken()); else throw new InitializationException("Illegal value \""+opt+"\" for option"); } for (Iterator i = properties.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { String key =; if (key.startsWith("freehep.user.")) { String value = properties.getProperty(key); getUserProperties().setProperty(key.substring(13),value); i.remove(); } } } catch (CommandLineException x) { throw new InitializationException("Illegal Command Line Argument",x); } InitializationListener splash = createSplashScreen(); if (splash != null) l = splash; try { setStatusMessage("Creating command manager"); CommandTargetManager ctm = getCommandTargetManager(); ctm.add(getCommandProcessor()); setStatusMessage("Creating main frame"); Properties appProp = getUserProperties(); URL iconURL = PropertyUtilities.getURL(appProp,"icon",null); Image iconImage = iconURL == null ? null : new ImageIcon(iconURL).getImage(); // TODO: Can we do this only when the menuPane is needed? menuPane = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); menuPane.add(this); String toolbar = appProp.getProperty("topLevelToolBar"); if (toolbar != null) { JToolBar tb = getXMLMenuBuilder().getToolBar(toolbar); if (tb == null) throw new InitializationException("Could not find toolbar "+toolbar); getToolBarHolder().add(tb,BorderLayout.NORTH); } String topLevelMenu = appProp.getProperty("topLevelMenuBar"); if (topLevelMenu != null) { menuBar = getXMLMenuBuilder().getMenuBar(topLevelMenu); if (menuBar == null) throw new InitializationException("Could not find menuBar "+topLevelMenu); } String topLevelPopupMenu = appProp.getProperty("topLevelPopupMenu"); if (topLevelPopupMenu != null) { JPopupMenu popup = getXMLMenuBuilder().getPopupMenu(topLevelPopupMenu); if (popup == null) throw new InitializationException("Could not find popup menu "+topLevelPopupMenu); this.addMouseListener(new PopupListener(popup)); } boolean showToolBar = PropertyUtilities.getBoolean(appProp,"showToolBar",true); setShowToolBar(showToolBar); boolean showStatus = PropertyUtilities.getBoolean(appProp,"showStatusBar",true); setShowStatusBar(showStatus); init(); fireInitializationComplete(new ApplicationEvent(this,ApplicationEvent.INITIALIZATION_COMPLETE)); setStatusMessage("Setting Look and Feel..."); String laf = getUserProperties().getProperty("lookAndFeel","System"); if (laf.equalsIgnoreCase("System")) laf = UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName(); else if (laf.equalsIgnoreCase("Java")) laf = UIManager.getCrossPlatformLookAndFeelClassName(); if (!UIManager.getLookAndFeel().getClass().getName().equals(laf)) { try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(laf); updateComponentTreeUI(menuPane); if (menuBar != null) updateComponentTreeUI(menuBar); } catch (Exception x) {} } setStatusMessage("Starting command manager"); ctm.start(); Rectangle bounds = getPreferredBounds(); // Once the frame is created the application will not stop unless we explicitly call // System.exit, which does not report the exception back to the invoking application as // neatly as just throwing an exception from main(). We delay creating the JFrame until // the last minute to attempt to mitigate this problem. JFrame frame = new JFrame(appProp.getProperty("title")); frame.setIconImage(iconImage); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e){ exit(); } }); GlobalMouseListener gml = new GlobalMouseListener(frame); gml.addMouseListener(new GlobalPopupListener()); frame.setContentPane(menuPane); if (menuBar != null) frame.setJMenuBar(menuBar); if (bounds == null) frame.pack(); else frame.setBounds(bounds); // If there are any queued errors, display them now List errors = null; synchronized (queueLock) { errors = queueRunnable; queueRunnable = null; } for (Iterator i = errors.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Runnable r = (Runnable); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(r); } Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { fireApplicationVisible(new ApplicationEvent(Application.this,ApplicationEvent.APPLICATION_VISIBLE)); } }; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(r); l.succeeded(); l = null; return frame; } catch (InitializationException x) { l.failed(x); throw x; } } protected void init() { } protected Rectangle getPreferredBounds() { //TODO: Check that we are not off the screen return PropertyUtilities.getRectangle(getUserProperties(),"window",null); } public Properties getUserProperties() { if (userProperties == null) { userProperties = createUserProperties(); loadUserProperties(userProperties); } return userProperties; } protected Properties createUserProperties() { return new TranslatedProperties(getAppProperties()); } protected XMLReader createXMLReader() { try { return SAXParserFactory.newInstance().newSAXParser().getXMLReader(); } catch (SecurityException x) // JAXP doesn't work if downloaded into webstart { String className = getUserProperties().getProperty("SAXParser","org.apache.crimson.parser.XMLReaderImpl"); return (XMLReader) createObjectFromProperty(className,XMLReader.class); } catch (Exception x) { throw new RuntimeException("Error creating XML Parser",x); } } protected XMLMenuBuilder createXMLMenuBuilder() { setStatusMessage("Adding menus"); URL xml = PropertyUtilities.getURL(getUserProperties(),"menuXML",null); if (xml == null) throw new InitializationException("menuXML file not found"); try { XMLMenuBuilder builder = new ApplicationXMLMenuBuilder(); XMLReader reader = createXMLReader();,reader); return builder; } catch (IOException x) { throw new InitializationException("IO Exception while reading "+xml,x); } catch (SAXException x) { throw new InitializationException("XML Exception while reading "+xml,x); } } public XMLMenuBuilder getXMLMenuBuilder() throws InitializationException { if (xmlMenuBuilder == null) xmlMenuBuilder = createXMLMenuBuilder(); return xmlMenuBuilder; } public Properties getAppProperties() { if (appProperties == null) appProperties = createAppProperties(); return appProperties; } protected Properties createAppProperties() throws InitializationException { Properties prop; try { prop = new TranslatedProperties(System.getProperties()); } catch (SecurityException x) // May happen in unsigned webstart app { prop = new TranslatedProperties(); } prop.setProperty("appName",appName); try { loadDefaultProperties(prop); String propFile = appName+".properties"; InputStream in = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(propFile); if (in != null) { prop.load(in); in.close(); } //else throw new InitializationException("Could not find application properties: "+propFile); return prop; } catch (IOException x) { throw new InitializationException("Error initializing appplication properties",x); } } protected void loadDefaultProperties(Properties app) throws IOException { // load Default Properties InputStream in = Application.class.getResourceAsStream(""); app.load(in); in.close(); } public String getAppName() { return appName; } private static Object createObjectFromProperty(String className, Class type) throws InitializationException { try { Class klass = Class.forName(className); if (!type.isAssignableFrom(klass)) throw new InitializationException("Class "+className+" is not of type "+type); return klass.newInstance(); } catch (InitializationException x) { throw x; } catch (Throwable t) { throw new InitializationException("Error creating "+className,t); } } public void addApplicationListener(ApplicationListener l) { listenerList.add(ApplicationListener.class,l); } public void removeApplicationListener(ApplicationListener l) { listenerList.remove(ApplicationListener.class,l); } protected void fireInitializationComplete(ApplicationEvent event) { if (listenerList.getListenerCount(ApplicationListener.class) > 0) { ApplicationListener[] listener = (ApplicationListener[]) listenerList.getListeners(ApplicationListener.class); for (int i=0; i<listener.length; i++) { listener[i].initializationComplete(event); } } } protected void fireApplicationVisible(ApplicationEvent event) { // if (listenerList.getListenerCount(ApplicationListener.class) > 0) // { // ApplicationListener[] listener = (ApplicationListener[]) listenerList.getListeners(ApplicationListener.class); // for (int i=0; i<listener.length; i++) // { // listener[i].applicationVisible(event); // } // } } protected void fireAboutToExit(ApplicationEvent event) { if (listenerList.getListenerCount(ApplicationListener.class) > 0) { ApplicationListener[] listener = (ApplicationListener[]) listenerList.getListeners(ApplicationListener.class); for (int i=0; i<listener.length; i++) { listener[i].aboutToExit(event); } } } public JMenuBar getMenuBar() { return menuBar; } public void updateUI() { super.updateUI(); if (!statusBarVisible && statusBar != null) updateComponentTreeUI(statusBar); if (!toolBarVisible && toolBarHolder != null) updateComponentTreeUI(toolBarHolder); } /** * A simple minded look and feel change: ask each node in the tree * to <code>updateUI()</code> -- that is, to initialize its UI property * with the current look and feel. Unlike SwingUtilities.updateComponentTreeUI * this method updates each component's children before updating the component itself, * making it easier for components to fine tune their children's look and feel's. */ public static void updateComponentTreeUI(Component c) { updateComponentTreeUI0(c); c.invalidate(); c.validate(); c.repaint(); } private static void updateComponentTreeUI0(Component c) { Component[] children = null; if (c instanceof JMenu) { children = ((JMenu)c).getMenuComponents(); } else if (c instanceof Container) { children = ((Container)c).getComponents(); } if (children != null) { for(int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { updateComponentTreeUI0(children[i]); } } if (c instanceof JComponent) { ((JComponent) c).updateUI(); } } // public void runAfterApplicationAppears(Runnable r) // { // synchronized (queueLock) // { // if (queueRunnable != null) queueRunnable.add(r); // else SwingUtilities.invokeLater(r); // } // } private static Application theApp; private String appName; private ServiceManager serviceManager; private Properties appProperties; private Properties userProperties; private XMLMenuBuilder xmlMenuBuilder; private CommandProcessor commandProcessor; private CommandTargetManager commandTargetManager; private CommandLine commandLine; private HelpService helpService; private StatusBar statusBar; private JToolBar toolBar; private JMenuBar menuBar; private JPanel toolBarHolder; private JPanel menuPane; private Hashtable rflHash; private boolean statusBarVisible = false; private boolean toolBarVisible = false; private boolean init = false; private InitializationListener l = new DefaultInitializationListener(); private List queueRunnable; private Object queueLock = new Object(); private class DefaultInitializationListener implements InitializationListener { public void setStage(String message) { System.out.println(message); } public void failed(Throwable t) { System.out.println("Initialization failed "+t); } public void succeeded() { System.out.println("Initialization complete"); } } /** * Extends CommandProcessor to handle some standard Application commands. * Also allows the onXXX() enableXXX() methods to be declared on the application * itself, as well as the command processor, as a convenience for simple applications. */ public class ApplicationCommandProcessor extends CommandProcessor { public void onExit() { exit(); } public void onAbout() { about(); } public void onHelpContents() { showHelpContents(); } public void onHelpSearch() { showHelpSearch(); } public void onHelpIndex() { showHelpIndex(); } public void onShowStatusBar(boolean show) { setShowStatusBar(show); } public void enableShowStatusBar(BooleanCommandState state) { state.setSelected(statusBarVisible); state.setEnabled(true); } public void onShowToolBar(boolean show) { setShowToolBar(show); } public void enableShowToolBar(BooleanCommandState state) { state.setSelected(toolBarVisible); state.setEnabled(toolBarHolder != null); } public CommandTarget acceptCommand(String command) { CommandTarget retValue = super.acceptCommand(command); if (retValue != null) return retValue; return super.acceptCommand(getApplication().getClass(),command); } protected void invoke(Method method, Object[] args) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { if (method.getDeclaringClass().isInstance(getApplication())) { method.invoke(getApplication(),args); } else super.invoke(method, args); } } protected class ApplicationCommandTargetManager extends CommandTargetManager { public void handleCommandError(Throwable t) { error("Error during command processing",t); } } private class ApplicationXMLMenuBuilder extends XMLMenuBuilder { protected JMenuItem createMenuItem(String className, String name, String type, String command) throws SAXException { JMenuItem result = super.createMenuItem(className, name, type, command); getCommandTargetManager().add(new CommandSourceAdapter(result)); return result; } protected AbstractButton createToolBarItem(String className, String name, String type, String command) throws SAXException { AbstractButton result = super.createToolBarItem(className, name, type, command); getCommandTargetManager().add(new CommandSourceAdapter(result)); return result; } } public static class InitializationException extends RuntimeException { public InitializationException(String message, Throwable detail) { super(message, detail); } public InitializationException(String message) { super(message); } } public interface InitializationListener { void setStage(String stage); void failed(Throwable x); void succeeded(); } public class AppPrintPreview extends PrintPreview { public void setPrintable(Printable painter) throws PrinterException { setPrintable(painter,getServiceManager().getDefaultPage()); } protected boolean onPrint(Pageable document) throws PrinterException { return getServiceManager().print(document); } protected void onError(PrinterException x) { error(this,"Print Error",x); } } }