package; import; import; import; /** * A class for writing MCFIO files. * * @author Tony Johnson ( * @version $Id: 13660 2009-10-09 23:26:27Z tonyj $ */ public class MCFIOWriter implements MCFIOConstants { protected static boolean compatibilityMode = true; private FileHeader fileHeader; private WriteEventTable eventTable; private XDRRandomAccessFile xdr; /** * Open an MCFIO file for writing. * @param title The title of the file * @param comment The comment associate with the file * @param numevts The number of events expected to be written * @param blockIds The user defined blocks that will be included in this file * @param blockNames Names for the blocks defined by blockIds */ public MCFIOWriter(String file, String title, String comment, int numevts, int[] blockIds, String[] blockNames) throws IOException { if (compatibilityMode) { if (title.length() > MCF_XDR_F_TITLE_LENGTH) throw new MCFIOException("Title too long"); if (comment.length() > MCF_XDR_F_TITLE_LENGTH) throw new MCFIOException("Comment too long"); } xdr = new XDRBufferedRandomAccessFile(file,false,16192); // Leave space for the fileHeader and eventTable fileHeader = new FileHeader(getPosition(), title, comment, numevts, blockIds, blockNames);; fileHeader.setFirstTable(getPosition()); eventTable = new WriteEventTable(getPosition()); + eventTable.getLength()); } /** * Set compatibility mode. In the old C implementation * there were various limits, such as the length of * some strings and the maximum number of particles that * could be written to stdhep events. There is no reason * to have any of these limits in the Java implementation, * but if we ignore them then the resulting file might not * be readable by the old C implementation. By default this * implementation enforces the same limits as the C implementation, * but setting compatibilyMode to false will turn off this * limitation. */ public void setCompatibilityMode(boolean mode) { compatibilityMode = mode; } public void close() throws IOException { eventTable.commit(xdr); fileHeader.commit(xdr); xdr.close(); } /** * Write an event */ public void write(MCFIOEvent event) throws IOException { if (eventTable.isFull()) eventTable = eventTable.newTable(); eventTable.add(event); } private int getPosition() throws IOException { // note: Java supports file positions specified as longs, // but MCFIO only supports ints. return (int) xdr.getFilePointer(); } private class WriteEventTable extends EventTable { WriteEventTable(int pos) throws IOException { super(pos); } void add(MCFIOEvent event) throws IOException { super.add(event, getPosition()); // Write the event header int nBlocks = event.getNBlocks(); int size = 4 * (12 + (nBlocks * 2)); xdr.writeInt(EVENTHEADER); xdr.writeInt(size); xdr.writeString("1.00"); xdr.writeInt(event.getEventNumber()); xdr.writeInt(event.getStoreNumber()); xdr.writeInt(event.getRunNumber()); xdr.writeInt(event.getTrigMask()); xdr.writeInt(nBlocks); xdr.writeInt(nBlocks); int[] ptrs = new int[nBlocks]; int[] ids = new int[nBlocks]; int pos = getPosition() + (4 * (2 + (nBlocks * 2))); for (int i = 0; i < nBlocks; i++) { ids[i] = event.getBlockID(i); ptrs[i] = pos; pos += event.getBlock(i).getLength(); } xdr.writeIntArray(ids); xdr.writeIntArray(ptrs); // Write the user blocks for (int i = 0; i < nBlocks; i++) { event.getBlock(i).write(xdr); } } void commit(XDRRandomAccessFile xdr) throws IOException { fileHeader.incrementNumEvents(numevts()); super.commit(xdr); } WriteEventTable newTable() throws IOException { // Commit the current table to disk int currentPos = getPosition(); setNextTable(currentPos); commit(xdr); // leave space for the next event table + getLength()); return new WriteEventTable(currentPos); } } }