package; import hep.aida.IPlotterStyle; import hep.aida.ref.plotter.Style; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; /** * This abstract class as "In-Memory" copy of persistent Store * and implements transient style/rule manipulations. * Exact "commit" operations are left to concrete * implementations, like XMLStyleStore, DBStyleSTore, etc. */ public abstract class BaseStyleStore implements IStyleStore { protected String storeName; protected String storeType; protected boolean isReadOnly; protected Object lock = new Object(); protected List entries; protected Properties props = new Properties(); public BaseStyleStore(String storeName) { this.storeName = storeName; entries = new ArrayList(10); } // Service methods // Can use properties to store all needed extra information about the Style Store public Properties getProperties() { return props; } public StyleStoreEntry getStoreEntry(String styleName) { StyleStoreEntry entry = null; for (int i=0; i<entries.size(); i++) { if (styleName.equals(((StyleStoreEntry) entries.get(i)).getName())) { entry = (StyleStoreEntry) entries.get(i); break; } } return entry; } public void addStoreEntry(StyleStoreEntry entry) { if (!hasStyle(entry.getName())) { entry.getStyle().setParameter(Style.PLOTTER_STYLE_NAME, storeName+"."+entry.getName()); entries.add(entry); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("StyleStore "+storeName+" already has Style "+entry.getName()); } public void moveUp(String styleName) { moveUp(getStoreEntry(styleName)); } public void moveUp(StyleStoreEntry entry) { if (!hasStyle(entry.getName())) throw new IllegalArgumentException("StyleStore "+storeName+" does not have Style "+entry.getName()); int index = entries.indexOf(entry); if (index == 0) return; entries.remove(index); entries.add((index-1), entry); } public void moveDown(String styleName) { moveDown(getStoreEntry(styleName)); } public void moveDown(StyleStoreEntry entry) { if (!hasStyle(entry.getName())) throw new IllegalArgumentException("StyleStore "+storeName+" does not have Style "+entry.getName()); int index = entries.indexOf(entry); if (index == (entries.size()-1)) return; entries.remove(index); entries.add((index+1), entry); } // IStyleStore methds public String getStoreName() { return storeName; } public String getStoreType() { return storeType; } public boolean isReadOnly() { return isReadOnly; } public void addStyle(String styleName, IPlotterStyle style) { addStyle(styleName, style, createRule()); } public void addStyle(String styleName, IPlotterStyle style, IStyleRule rule) { if (hasStyle(styleName)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("StyleStore "+storeName+" already has Style "+styleName); style.setParameter(Style.PLOTTER_STYLE_NAME, storeName+"."+styleName); StyleStoreEntry entry = new StyleStoreEntry(styleName, style, rule); entries.add(entry); } public boolean hasStyle(String styleName) { boolean ok = false; StyleStoreEntry entry = getStoreEntry(styleName); if (entry != null) ok = true; return ok; } public IPlotterStyle getStyle(String styleName) { IPlotterStyle style = null; StyleStoreEntry entry = getStoreEntry(styleName); if (entry != null) style = entry.getStyle(); return style; } public IPlotterStyle removeStyle(String styleName) { IPlotterStyle style = null; StyleStoreEntry entry = getStoreEntry(styleName); if (entry != null) { style = entry.getStyle(); entries.remove(entry); } return style; } public String[] getAllStyleNames() { String[] names = new String[entries.size()]; for (int i=0; i<names.length; i++) { names[i] = ((StyleStoreEntry) entries.get(i)).getName(); } return names; } /** * This StyleStore creates IStyleRule based on the JEL library */ public IStyleRule createRule() { return new JELRule(); } public IStyleRule getRuleForStyle(String styleName) { IStyleRule rule = null; StyleStoreEntry entry = getStoreEntry(styleName); if (entry != null) rule = entry.getRule(); return rule; } public void setRuleForStyle(String styleName, IStyleRule rule) { StyleStoreEntry entry = getStoreEntry(styleName); if (entry != null) entry.setRule(rule); } public void removeRuleForStyle(String styleName) { setRuleForStyle(styleName, createRule()); } /** * Write all information from Store to the undelying persistent * facility: XML file, database, etc. */ public abstract void commit(); /** * Close all connections and free all resources. * Store is not usable after this method is executed. */ public void close() { entries.clear(); } public String toString() { return storeName; } }