package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * * @author Tony Johnson */ public class RootProtocol { public final static int defaultPort = 1094; //---- ROOTD message opcodes (2000 - 2099) private final static int kROOTD_USER = 2000; //user id follows private final static int kROOTD_PASS = 2001; //passwd follows private final static int kROOTD_AUTH = 2002; //authorization status (to client) private final static int kROOTD_FSTAT = 2003; //filename follows private final static int kROOTD_OPEN = 2004; //filename follows + mode private final static int kROOTD_PUT = 2005; //offset, number of bytes and buffer private final static int kROOTD_GET = 2006; //offset, number of bytes private final static int kROOTD_FLUSH = 2007; //flush file private final static int kROOTD_CLOSE = 2008; //close file private final static int kROOTD_STAT = 2009; //return rootd statistics private final static int kROOTD_ACK = 2010; //acknowledgement (all OK) private final static int kROOTD_ERR = 2011; //error code and message follow private final static int kROOTD_PROTOCOL = 2012; //returns rootd protocol private final static int kROOTD_SRPUSER = 2013; //user id for SRP authentication follows private final static int kROOTD_SRPN = 2014; //SRP n follows private final static int kROOTD_SRPG = 2015; //SRP g follows private final static int kROOTD_SRPSALT = 2016; //SRP salt follows private final static int kROOTD_SRPA = 2017; //SRP a follows private final static int kROOTD_SRPB = 2018; //SRP b follows private final static int kROOTD_SRPRESPONSE = 2019; //SRP final response private final static int kROOTD_PUTFILE = 2020; //store file private final static int kROOTD_GETFILE = 2021; //retrieve file private final static int kROOTD_CHDIR = 2022; //change directory private final static int kROOTD_MKDIR = 2023; //make directory private final static int kROOTD_RMDIR = 2024; //delete directory private final static int kROOTD_LSDIR = 2025; //list directory private final static int kROOTD_PWD = 2026; //pwd private final static int kROOTD_MV = 2027; //rename file private final static int kROOTD_RM = 2028; //delete file private final static int kROOTD_CHMOD = 2029; //change permission private final static int kROOTD_KRB5 = 2030; //krb5 authentication follows private final static int kROOTD_PROTOCOL2 = 2031; //client proto follows, returns rootd proto private final static int kROOTD_BYE = 2032; //terminate rootd private final static int kROOTD_GLOBUS = 2033; //Globus authetication follows private final static int kROOTD_CLEANUP = 2034; //Cleanup things private final static int kROOTD_SSH = 2035; //SSH-like authentication follows private final static int kROOTD_RFIO = 2036; //RFIO-like authentication follows private final static int kROOTD_NEGOTIA = 2037; //Negotiation follows private final static int kROOTD_RSAKEY = 2038; //RSA public key exchange private final static int kROOTD_ENCRYPT = 2039; //An encrypted message follows private int bufferSize = 8096; private static int MAXGETSIZE = -1; private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(""); static { if (System.getProperty("debugRootDaemon")!= null) { logger.setLevel(Level.FINE); ConsoleHandler handler = new ConsoleHandler(); handler.setLevel(Level.FINE); logger.addHandler(handler); } } private Socket socket; private Message message; private Response response; /** Creates a new instance of RootProtocol */ public RootProtocol(String host, int port, String auth, String username, String password) throws IOException { if (port == -1) port = defaultPort; logger.fine("Opening rootd connection to: "+host+":"+port); socket = new Socket(host,port); socket.setSoTimeout(Integer.getInteger("root.timeout",10000).intValue()); OutputStream out = socket.getOutputStream(); DataOutputStream data = new DataOutputStream(out); logger.fine("Sending welcome"); data.writeInt(0); data.writeInt(0); data.writeInt(0); data.flush(); message = new Message(data); InputStream in = socket.getInputStream(); DataInputStream dataIn = new DataInputStream(in); response = new Response(dataIn); message.send(kROOTD_PROTOCOL); int rc =; if (response.dataAsInt() < 9) throw new IOException("Unexpected response: "+rc+" "+response.dataAsInt()); message.send(kROOTD_PROTOCOL2,"9"); if (response.dataAsInt() < 9) throw new IOException("Unexpected response: "+rc+" "+response.dataAsInt()); rc =; String user = "9999 -1 5 "+username.length()+" "+username; message.send(kROOTD_USER,user); rc =; message.send(kROOTD_PASS,password,true); do { rc =; } while (rc != kROOTD_AUTH); } public int getBufferSize() { return this.bufferSize; } public void setBufferSize(int bufferSize) { this.bufferSize = bufferSize; } public String[] fstat() throws IOException { message.send(kROOTD_FSTAT); int rc =; return response.dataAsString().split("\\s+"); } public void open(String file) throws IOException { message.send(kROOTD_OPEN,file+" r"); int rc =; } public DaemonInputStream openStream(long size) { return new RootStream(size); } public String[] ls(String dir) throws IOException { message.send(kROOTD_LSDIR,dir); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); for (;;) { int rc =; result.append(response.dataAsString()); if (rc == kROOTD_LSDIR) break; } return result.toString().split("\n"); } public String pwd() throws IOException { message.send(kROOTD_PWD); int rc =; return response.dataAsString(); } private static class Message { private DataOutputStream data; Message(DataOutputStream data) { = data; } void send(int message) throws IOException { data.writeInt(4); data.writeInt(message); data.flush(); } void send(int message, String extra) throws IOException { send(message,extra,false); } void send(int message, String extra, boolean invert) throws IOException { logger.fine("->"+message+" "+extra); byte[] bytes = extra.getBytes(); if (invert) { for (int i=0; i<bytes.length; i++) { bytes[i] = (byte) ~bytes[i]; } } data.writeInt(4+bytes.length+1); data.writeInt(message); data.write(bytes); data.write(0); data.flush(); } } private static class Response { private DataInputStream in; private int code; private int dataLength; private byte[] data; Response(DataInputStream in) { = in; } int read() throws IOException { dataLength = in.readInt() - 4; code = in.readInt(); logger.fine("<-"+code+" ("+dataLength+") "); if (data == null || dataLength>data.length) data = new byte[dataLength]; for (int i=0; i<dataLength; i++) { data[i] = in.readByte(); } if (code == kROOTD_ERR) throw new RootdException(this); return code; } int read(byte[] values, int offset, int size) throws IOException { read(); int n = size; while (n>0) { int k =,offset,n); if (k<0) throw new IOException("Unexpected end of input"); n -= k; offset += k; } return size; } int dataAsInt() { int l = data[0] << 24; l += data[1] << 16; l += data[2] << 8; l += data[3]; return l; } String dataAsString() { int l = dataLength; for (int i=0; i<l; i++) { if (data[i] == 0) { l = i; break; } } return new String(data,0,l); } } private static class RootdException extends IOException { RootdException(Response response) { super("Root Deamon exception: "+response.dataAsInt()); } } private class RootStream extends DaemonInputStream { private byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize]; private int bpos = 0; private int blen = 0; private long fsize; RootStream(long fsize) { this.fsize = fsize; } long getSize() { return fsize; } public int read() throws IOException { if (bpos >= blen) { if (!fillBuffer()) return -1; } int i = buffer[bpos++]; if (i < 0) i += 256; return i; } public void close() throws IOException { message.send(kROOTD_CLOSE); //; socket.close(); } public int read(byte[] values, int offset, int size) throws IOException { if (bpos >= blen) { long position = this.position+bpos; if (position >= fsize) return -1; long n = Math.min(fsize-position,size); if (MAXGETSIZE > 0 && n > MAXGETSIZE) n = MAXGETSIZE; String where = position+" "+n; message.send(kROOTD_GET,where); int l =,offset,(int) n); this.position += l; return l; } else { int l = Math.min(size,blen-bpos); System.arraycopy(buffer, bpos, values, offset, l); bpos += l; return l; } } public long skip(long skip) throws IOException { setPosition(getPosition()+skip); return skip; } public void setPosition(long pos) { if (pos>position && pos<position+blen) { bpos = (int) (pos-position); } else { blen = 0; bpos = 0; super.setPosition(pos); } } public int available() throws IOException { return blen - bpos; } private boolean fillBuffer() throws IOException { position += bpos; bpos = 0; long n = Math.min(fsize-position,buffer.length); if (n <= 0) return false; if (MAXGETSIZE > 0 && n > MAXGETSIZE) n = MAXGETSIZE; String where = position+" "+n; message.send(kROOTD_GET,where); blen =,0,(int) n); return true; } public long getPosition() { return position + bpos; } } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { RootProtocol rp = new RootProtocol("",-1,"anonymous","tonyj@slac",null); System.out.println(rp.pwd()); String[] result ="/bin/ls -F"); for (int i=0; i<result.length; i++) System.out.println(result[i]); } }