package; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Container; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JMenuBar; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import org.freehep.xml.menus.XMLMenuBuilder; /** * A base class which Plugins must extend */ public abstract class Plugin { /** * Called to initialize the plugin. Note that at this time * other plugins may not have been loaded, and the GUI may not * yet be visible. */ protected void init() throws Throwable { } /** * Called after all plugins have been loaded, but before the GUI has become visible */ protected void postInit() { } /** * Called after all plugins have been loaded, and the GUI has become visible */ protected void applicationVisible() { } /** * Test if the plugin can be shutdown. * The default implementation always returns false, override as necessary. */ public boolean canBeShutDown() { return false; } /** * Called to shutdown the plugin (if supported) */ protected void shutdown() { } public Studio getApplication() { return app; } protected void addMenu(JMenuItem item, long location) { JMenuBar bar = app.getMenuBar(); String loc = String.valueOf(location); addMenu(bar,loc,item); } private void addMenu(Container parent, String loc, JMenuItem item) { int l = loc.length() % 3; if (l == 0) l = 3; int ll = Integer.parseInt(loc.substring(0,l)); Component[] c = parent instanceof JMenu ? ((JMenu) parent).getPopupMenu().getComponents() : parent.getComponents(); for (int i=0; i<c.length; i++) { Component comp = c[i]; if (comp instanceof JComponent) { JComponent child = (JComponent) comp; Object location = child.getClientProperty(XMLMenuBuilder.LOCATION_PROPERTY); if (!(location instanceof Integer)) continue; int locat = ((Integer) location).intValue(); if (locat == ll) { String remainder = loc.substring(l); if (remainder.length() > 0 && child instanceof Container) { addMenu((Container) comp,remainder,item); return; } else throw new RuntimeException("Invalid location for addMenu"); } else if (locat > ll) { ((Container) parent).add(item,i); item.putClientProperty(XMLMenuBuilder.LOCATION_PROPERTY,new Integer(ll)); return; } } } ((Container) parent).add(item); item.putClientProperty(XMLMenuBuilder.LOCATION_PROPERTY,new Integer(ll)); } void setContext(Studio app) throws Throwable { = app; init(); } void stop() { shutdown(); app = null; } private Studio app; }