package hep.physics.stdhep.convert; import*; import hep.physics.event.generator.GeneratorFactory; import hep.physics.event.generator.MCEvent; import hep.physics.particle.BasicParticle; import hep.physics.particle.Particle; import; import; import; import hep.physics.vec.BasicHep3Vector; import hep.physics.vec.BasicHepLorentzVector; import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector; import hep.physics.vec.HepLorentzVector; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; /** * A class that converts MCEvent<-->StdhepEvent * @author Tony Johnson ( * @version $Id: 8584 2006-08-10 23:06:37Z duns $ */ public class StdhepConverter { private ParticlePropertyProvider ppp; private GeneratorFactory factory; public StdhepConverter() { this(ParticlePropertyManager.getParticlePropertyProvider()); } public StdhepConverter(ParticlePropertyProvider ppp) { this(ppp, new GeneratorFactory()); } public StdhepConverter(ParticlePropertyProvider ppp, GeneratorFactory factory) { this.ppp = ppp; this.factory = factory; } /** * Convert from a StdhepEvent to an MCEvent. * Useful when reading stdhep files. */ public MCEvent convert(StdhepEvent hepevt) { MCEvent event = factory.createEvent(0,hepevt.getNEVHEP()); int n = hepevt.getNHEP(); BasicParticle[] particle = new BasicParticle[n]; for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { Hep3Vector origin = new BasicHep3Vector(hepevt.getVHEP(i,0),hepevt.getVHEP(i,1),hepevt.getVHEP(i,2)); Hep3Vector momentum = new BasicHep3Vector(hepevt.getPHEP(i,0),hepevt.getPHEP(i,1),hepevt.getPHEP(i,2)); HepLorentzVector p = new BasicHepLorentzVector(hepevt.getPHEP(i,3),momentum); ParticleType type = ppp.get(hepevt.getIDHEP(i)); particle[i] = factory.createParticle(origin,p,type,hepevt.getISTHEP(i), hepevt.getVHEP(i,3)); particle[i].setMass(hepevt.getPHEP(i,4)); } // Deal with daughters for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { if (hepevt.getJDAHEP(i,0) <= 0) continue; for (int j=hepevt.getJDAHEP(i,0)-1;j<hepevt.getJDAHEP(i,1);j++) { particle[i].addDaughter(particle[j]); } } event.put(MCEvent.MC_PARTICLES,Arrays.asList(particle)); return event; } /** * Convert from an EventHeader to a StdhepEvent. * Useful when writing stdhep files. * * Note the stdhep format requires all daughters to be stored consecutively. * In principle we would have to do a sort on daughter to gaurantee that this could be * accomodated. Right now we just throw a RuntimeException if it is not true. */ public StdhepEvent convert(MCEvent event) { List particles = event.getMCParticles(); int nevhep = event.getEventNumber(); int nhep = particles.size(); double[] phep = new double[5*nhep]; double[] vhep = new double[4*nhep]; int[] isthep = new int[nhep]; int[] idhep = new int[nhep]; int[] jmohep = new int[2*nhep]; int[] jdahep = new int[2*nhep]; int j = 0; int k = 0; int l = 0; int m = 0; for (int i=0; i<nhep; i++) { Particle particle = (Particle) particles.get(i); idhep[i] = particle.getType().getPDGID(); isthep[i] = particle.getGeneratorStatus(); phep[j++] = particle.getPX(); phep[j++] = particle.getPY(); phep[j++] = particle.getPZ(); phep[j++] = particle.getEnergy(); phep[j++] = particle.getMass(); vhep[k++] = particle.getOriginX(); vhep[k++] = particle.getOriginY(); vhep[k++] = particle.getOriginZ(); vhep[k++] = particle.getProductionTime(); // Deal with the particle's parents Iterator parents = particle.getParents().iterator(); jmohep[l++] = parents.hasNext() ? particles.indexOf( : 0; jmohep[l++] = parents.hasNext() ? particles.indexOf( : 0; // Deal with the particle's daughters. Iterator daughters = particle.getDaughters().iterator(); if (!daughters.hasNext()) { jdahep[m++] = 0; jdahep[m++] = -1; } else { Object firstDaughter =; Object lastDaughter = firstDaughter; for (int n = particles.indexOf(firstDaughter)+1; daughters.hasNext(); n++) { lastDaughter =; if (particles.indexOf(lastDaughter) != n) throw new RuntimeException("Daughters are not consecutive"); } jdahep[m++] = particles.indexOf(firstDaughter); jdahep[m++] = particles.indexOf(lastDaughter); } } return new StdhepEvent(nevhep,nhep,isthep,idhep,jmohep,jdahep,phep,vhep); } }