package org.freehep.application.mdi; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Container; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import javax.swing.JSplitPane; import javax.swing.JToolBar; import org.freehep.application.Application; import org.freehep.application.PropertyUtilities; import org.freehep.util.commanddispatcher.BooleanCommandState; import org.freehep.util.commanddispatcher.CommandProcessor; /** * Extends Application to provide MDI facilities. * An MDI application controls three types of sub-windows * <ul> * <li>Pages * <li>Consoles * <li>Controls * </ul> * There is one PageManager for each type of window. Different PageManagers * can be installed dynamically. * * @author Tony Johnson ( * @version $Id: 8584 2006-08-10 23:06:37Z duns $ */ public class MDIApplication extends Application { /** Creates new MDIApplication */ public MDIApplication(String appName) { super(appName); // By default only the page area is visible add(getPageManager().getEmbodiment()); } protected void loadDefaultProperties(Properties app) throws IOException { super.loadDefaultProperties(app); InputStream in = MDIApplication.class.getResourceAsStream(""); app.load(in); in.close(); } protected void saveUserProperties() { Properties user = getUserProperties(); if (consoleSplit != null) PropertyUtilities.setInteger(user,"consoleSize",consoleSplit.getHeight() - consoleSplit.getDividerLocation()); if (controlSplit != null) PropertyUtilities.setInteger(user,"controlSize",controlSplit.getDividerLocation()); if (mdiToolBarHolder != null); super.saveUserProperties(); } public static final int TOOLBAR_DEFAULT = 0; public static final int TOOLBAR_INVISIBLE = 1; public static final int TOOLBAR_VISIBLE = 2; public static final int TOOLBAR_AUTO = 3; public static final int TOOLBAR_PROGRAM = 4; /** * Adds a new toolbar to the toolbar area. * You can attach any number of toolbars to an MDIApplication. Normally the * user gets to choose which toolbars are visible or not, but this is controlled * by the toolbar mode, which can be one of: * <ul> * <li>TOOLBAR_INVISIBLE - Toolbar is not shown * <li>TOOLBAR_VISIBLE - Toolbar is shown * <li>TOOLBAR_AUTO - Toolbar is shown only when at least one button is enabled * <li>TOOLBAR_PROGRAM - Toolbar visibility is controlled by the program, not the user (not recommended) * </ul> * The user can override the default toolBar more, unless it is set to TOOLBAR_PROGRAM. If mode is omitted, or * set to TOOLBAR_DEFAULT, it is controlled by the application properties. * * @param toolBar The JToolBar to add * @param name The name of the toolbar, used for user menus and the app/user properties file * @param mode The mode for this toolbar */ public void addToolBar(JToolBar toolBar, String name, int mode) { if (mdiToolBarHolder == null) { mdiToolBarHolder = new ToolBarHolder(); getToolBarHolder().add(mdiToolBarHolder,BorderLayout.NORTH); } if (mode == TOOLBAR_DEFAULT) { mode = PropertyUtilities.getInteger(getUserProperties(),"ToolBar."+name,mode); } mdiToolBarHolder.add(toolBar,name,mode); } public void addToolBar(JToolBar toolBar, String name) { addToolBar(toolBar, name, TOOLBAR_DEFAULT); } public void removeToolBar(JToolBar toolBar) { mdiToolBarHolder.remove(toolBar); } public PageManager getPageManager() { if (pageManager == null) setPageManager(createPageManager()); return pageManager; } public void setPageManager(PageManager manager) { if (manager == pageManager) return; Component oldEmbodiment = null; if (pageManager != null) { oldEmbodiment = pageManager.getEmbodiment(); } switchPageManager(pageManager,manager); // Now we need to switch the embodiments if (pageManager != null) { Container parent = oldEmbodiment.getParent(); int index = 0; for (int i=0; i<parent.getComponentCount(); i++) if (parent.getComponent(i) == oldEmbodiment) { index = i; break; } parent.remove(index); Component page = manager.getEmbodiment(); updateComponentTreeUI(page); // In case UI has changed parent.add(page,index); parent.validate(); getCommandProcessor().setChanged(); } pageManager = manager; } public PageManager getControlManager() { if (controlManager == null) setControlManager(createControlManager()); return controlManager; } public void setControlManager(PageManager manager) { if (manager == controlManager) return; switchPageManager(controlManager,manager); controlManager = manager; } public PageManager getConsoleManager() { if (consoleManager == null) setConsoleManager(createConsoleManager()); return consoleManager; } public void setConsoleManager(PageManager manager) { if (manager == consoleManager) return; switchPageManager(consoleManager,manager); consoleManager = manager; } protected PageManager createPageManager() { return createManager("pageManager"); } protected PageManager createControlManager() { return createManager("controlManager"); } protected PageManager createConsoleManager() { PageManager p = createManager("consoleManager"); p.setPageManagerType("Console"); return p; } protected PageManager createManager(String type) { try { ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); if (loader == null) loader = getClass().getClassLoader(); Class k = loader.loadClass(getUserProperties().getProperty(type)); return (PageManager) k.newInstance(); } catch (Exception x) { throw new InitializationException("Could not create PageManager: "+type,x); } } private void switchPageManager(PageManager oldManager, PageManager newManager) { newManager.setActive(true); if (oldManager != null) { List listeners = oldManager.getPageListenerList(); oldManager.removeAllPageListeners(); List l = oldManager.pages(); for (Iterator i = listeners.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) newManager.addPageListener((PageListener); newManager.init(l,oldManager.getSelectedPage()); oldManager.setActive(false); } else newManager.addPageListener(pageListener); } public void setSelectedPageManager(PageManager manager) { if (manager == selectedPageManager) return; if (selectedPageManager != null) getCommandTargetManager().remove(selectedPageManager.getCommandProcessor()); getCommandTargetManager().add(manager.getCommandProcessor()); selectedPageManager = manager; } public PageManager selectedPageManager() { return selectedPageManager; } private class MDIPageListener implements PageListener { public void pageChanged(PageEvent event) { int id = event.getID(); if (id == PageEvent.PAGEOPENED) { PageManager manager = event.getPageContext().getPageManager(); if (manager.getPageCount() == 1) { if (manager == controlManager) showControl(true); if (manager == consoleManager) showConsole(true); } } else if (id == PageEvent.PAGECLOSED) { PageManager manager = event.getPageContext().getPageManager(); if (manager.getPageCount() == 0) { if (manager == controlManager) showControl(false); if (manager == consoleManager) showConsole(false); } } } } private void showControl(boolean show) { if (show && controlSplit == null) { Component pages = pageManager.getEmbodiment(); Container parent = pages.getParent(); parent.remove(pages); Component control = controlManager.getEmbodiment(); updateComponentTreeUI(control); // In case UI has changed controlSplit = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT,control,pages); int pixels = PropertyUtilities.getInteger(getUserProperties(),"controlSize",-1); if (pixels > 0) controlSplit.setDividerLocation(pixels); parent.add(controlSplit); revalidate(); } else if (!show && controlSplit != null) { PropertyUtilities.setInteger(getUserProperties(),"controlSize",controlSplit.getDividerLocation()); Component pages = pageManager.getEmbodiment(); Container parent = controlSplit.getParent(); parent.remove(controlSplit); controlSplit.removeAll(); controlSplit = null; parent.add(pages); revalidate(); } } private void showConsole(boolean show) { if (show && consoleSplit == null) { Component old = getComponent(0); final int height = old.getHeight(); remove(old); final int pixels = PropertyUtilities.getInteger(getUserProperties(),"consoleSize",-1); Component console = consoleManager.getEmbodiment(); updateComponentTreeUI(console); // In case UI has changed consoleSplit = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT,old,console) { // If the splitpane is not yet layed out, its height will be 0 // in this case we need to postpone setting the divider location // until later. int consoleSize = height > 0 ? -1 : pixels; public void doLayout() { if (consoleSize > 0) { int height = getHeight(); setDividerLocation(height - consoleSize); consoleSize = -1; } super.doLayout(); } }; consoleSplit.setResizeWeight(1.0); if (pixels > 0 && height>0) consoleSplit.setDividerLocation(height - pixels); add(consoleSplit); revalidate(); } else if (!show && consoleSplit != null) { int consoleSize = consoleSplit.getHeight() - consoleSplit.getDividerLocation(); PropertyUtilities.setInteger(getUserProperties(),"consoleSize",consoleSize); Component old = consoleSplit.getTopComponent(); remove(consoleSplit); consoleSplit.removeAll(); consoleSplit = null; add(old); revalidate(); } } protected CommandProcessor createCommandProcessor() { return new MDICommandProcessor(); } protected class MDICommandProcessor extends ApplicationCommandProcessor { public void onTabbedPanes(boolean state) { if (state) { setPageManager(new TabbedPageManager()); getUserProperties().setProperty("pageManager",getPageManager().getClass().getName()); } } public void enableTabbedPanes(BooleanCommandState state) { state.setEnabled(true); state.setSelected(getPageManager() instanceof TabbedPageManager); } public void onInternalFrames(boolean state) { if (state) { setPageManager(new InternalFramePageManager()); getUserProperties().setProperty("pageManager",getPageManager().getClass().getName()); } } public void enableInternalFrames(BooleanCommandState state) { state.setEnabled(true); state.setSelected(getPageManager() instanceof InternalFramePageManager); } } private PageListener pageListener = new MDIPageListener(); private PageManager pageManager; private PageManager controlManager; private PageManager consoleManager; private JSplitPane consoleSplit; private JSplitPane controlSplit; private ToolBarHolder mdiToolBarHolder; private PageManager selectedPageManager; }