// Copyright 2000, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland and SLAC, Stanford, U.S.A. package org.freehep.xml.util.test; import java.io.*; import org.freehep.xml.util.*; /** * Test class to test XMLWriter * * @author Mark Donszelmann * @version $Id: TestXMLWriter.java 8584 2006-08-10 23:06:37Z duns $ */ public class TestXMLWriter { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(new FileWriter("TestXMLWriter.xml")," ",""); writer.openDoc("1.0", "", true); writer.printComment("This is test file output generated by TestXMLWriter.java"); try { writer.printComment("Illegal comment --"); } catch (RuntimeException illegalCommentException) { writer.setAttribute("No", 1); writer.openTag("Chapter"); writer.setAttribute("On", "Some Subject of a difficult nature & \nsomething else, <see next line>"); writer.openTag("Section"); writer.setAttribute("Useless", true); writer.setAttribute("Unicode", "\u45B0"); writer.printTag("Paragraph"); writer.closeTag(); writer.println("Some Text in the middle of nowhere..."); writer.println(" & some extra lines,"); writer.println(" \nwritten my <Mark> Donszelmann"); writer.println(" and some unicode \u03A8 "); try { writer.printTag("Illegal Tag"); } catch (RuntimeException invalidName) { try { writer.closeDoc(); } catch (RuntimeException openTagException) { writer.close(); System.exit(0); } throw new RuntimeException("Should have thrown a Exception for closing the document too early..."); } throw new RuntimeException("Should have thrown an Exception for an illegal tag..."); } throw new RuntimeException("Should have thrown a Exception for an illegal comment..."); } }