package jas.hist; import jas.plot.DataArea; import jas.plot.DoubleAxis; import jas.plot.Legend; import jas.plot.LegendEntry; import jas.util.ColorMenu; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.ButtonGroup; import javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JPopupMenu; import javax.swing.JRadioButtonMenuItem; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.colorchooser.ColorSelectionModel; import javax.swing.colorchooser.DefaultColorSelectionModel; abstract class ScatterDataManager extends TwoDDataManager { ScatterDataManager(JASHist plot, final DataArea da, final Legend l, StatisticsBlock stats) { super(plot, da, l, stats); m_defaultNumberOfBins = 40; // defaultNumberOfBins; // Configure the Axes xAxis = new DoubleAxis(); yAxis = new DoubleAxis(); xm.setDataManager(this,true, xAxis); ym[0].setDataManager(this,true,yAxis); //new DoubleAxisListener(xm); xm.setBins(m_defaultNumberOfBins); ym[0].setBins(m_defaultNumberOfBins); } void styleUpdate(final JASHistData source) { styleChanged = true; JASHist2DHistogramStyle style = (JASHist2DHistogramStyle) source.getStyle(); if (oldStyle != style.getHistStyle()) { boolean lego = style.getHistStyle() == style.STYLE_3DLEGOPLOT; boolean surface = style.getHistStyle() == style.STYLE_3DSURFACEPLOT; try { if (lego) { Class klass = Class.forName("gov.fnal.plot3d.jas.SpecialLego"); SpecialComponent special = (SpecialComponent) klass.newInstance(); special.setData(source.getDataSource()); da.setSpecialComponent(special.getDisplayComponent()); } else if (surface) { Class klass = Class.forName("gov.fnal.plot3d.jas.SpecialSurface"); SpecialComponent special = (SpecialComponent) klass.newInstance(); special.setData(source.getDataSource()); da.setSpecialComponent(special.getDisplayComponent()); } else da.setSpecialComponent(null); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); da.setSpecialComponent(null); } oldStyle = style.getHistStyle(); } SwingUtilities.invokeLater(this); } final void init() { computeXAxisRange(); XAxisUpdated(); computeYAxisRange(); YAxisUpdated(); computeZAxisRange(); isInit = true; } void axisChanged(final JASHistData source) { final int index = source.getYAxis(); if (ym[index] == null) { createYAxis(index); ((DoubleAxis) ym[index].getType()).setUseSuggestedRange(false); } else ym[index].setAttentionNeeded(); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(this); } void update(final HistogramUpdate update, final JASHistData ds) { JASHist2DHistogramData source = (JASHist2DHistogramData) ds; final int index = source.getYAxis(); if (update.isRangeUpdate()) { if (update.axisIsSet(update.HORIZONTAL_AXIS)) { xm.setAttentionNeeded(); } if (update.axisIsSet(update.VERTICAL_AXIS)) { ym[index].setAttentionNeeded(); } } else if (update.isReset()) { //TODO: Fix this //source.resetSent = true; xm.setAttentionNeeded(); ym[index].setAttentionNeeded(); } else if (update.isDataUpdate()) { //TODO: Fix this //source.dataChanged = true; xm.setAttentionNeeded(); ym[index].setAttentionNeeded(); } if (update.isFinalUpdate() || update.isReset()) SwingUtilities.invokeLater(this); else timer.start(); } protected void doUpdate() { if (isInit) { boolean axisChanged = false; if (xm.needsAttention()) { computeXAxisRange(); XAxisUpdated(); axisChanged = true; } int index = 0; // Bug, what about the other axis if (ym[index].needsAttention()) { computeYAxisRange(); YAxisUpdated(); axisChanged = true; } computeZAxisRange(); final Enumeration e = data.elements(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { final Object o = e.nextElement(); if (o instanceof JASHist2DScatterData) { JASHist2DScatterData scatData = (JASHist2DScatterData) o; //data.clearChanges(); final boolean needNewEnumeration = axisChanged || scatData.resetSent || scatData.onNewAxis; if (needNewEnumeration || styleChanged) { scatData.restartImage(needNewEnumeration); scatData.onNewAxis = false; scatData.resetSent = false; } else if (scatData.dataChanged) { scatData.continueImage(); scatData.dataChanged = false; } } } da.validate(); // When do we need to do this? da.repaint(); styleChanged = false; } } JASHistData add(final DataSource ds) { da.setSpecialComponent(null); oldStyle = -1; if (ds instanceof HasScatterPlotData && ((HasScatterPlotData) ds).hasScatterPlotData()) { HasScatterPlotData source = (HasScatterPlotData) ds; final JASHist2DScatterData d = new JASHist2DScatterData(this, source); data.addElement(d); return d; } else if (ds instanceof Rebinnable2DHistogramData) { Rebinnable2DHistogramData source = (Rebinnable2DHistogramData) ds; final JASHist2DHistogramData d = new JASHist2DHistogramData(this, source); data.addElement(d); return d; } else if (ds instanceof ScatterPlotSource) { ScatterPlotSource source = (ScatterPlotSource) ds; final JASHist2DScatterData d = new JASHistScatterPlotData(this, source); data.addElement(d); return d; } else throw new RuntimeException("Unknown subtype of DataSource added to ScatterDataManager"); } void computeXAxisRange() { if (!xm.needsAttention()) return; xm.payingAttention(); // do first to avoid race conditions if (data.isEmpty()) return; if (!xm.getRangeAutomatic() || xm.isFixed()) { xLow = xm.getMin(); xHigh = xm.getMax(); return; } int nShowing = 0; xLow = 0; xHigh = 0; boolean hasRebinnables = false; for (Enumeration e = data.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { JASHist2DHistogramData dw = (JASHist2DHistogramData) e.nextElement(); if (!dw.isShowing()) continue; if (nShowing++ == 0) { xLow = dw.getXMin(); xHigh = dw.getXMax(); } else { xLow = Math.min(xLow,dw.getXMin()); xHigh = Math.max(xHigh,dw.getXMax()); } if (dw.isRebinnable()) hasRebinnables = true; } if (nShowing == 0) return; xm.setBinned(hasRebinnables); if (!xm.getAllowSuppressedZero()) { if (xLow > 0) xLow = 0; if (xHigh < 0) xHigh = 0; } if (xHigh <= xLow) xHigh = xLow + 1; calcMinMaxXBins(xLow,xHigh); } protected void calcMinMaxXBins(double x1, double x2) { double oldXMin = xAxis.getPlotMin(); double oldXMax = xAxis.getPlotMax(); if (x1 != oldXMin || x2 != oldXMax) { xAxis.setMin(x1); xAxis.setMax(x2); xm.invalidate(); } } void computeYAxisRange() { int index = 0; // Bug, what about the other axis if (!ym[index].needsAttention()) return; ym[index].payingAttention(); // do first to avoid race conditions if (data.isEmpty()) return; if (!ym[index].getRangeAutomatic() || ym[index].isFixed()) { yLow = ym[index].getMin(); yHigh = ym[index].getMax(); return; } int nShowing = 0; yLow = 0; yHigh = 0; boolean hasRebinnables = false; for (Enumeration e = data.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { JASHist2DHistogramData dw = (JASHist2DHistogramData) e.nextElement(); if (!dw.isShowing()) continue; if (nShowing++ == 0) { yLow = dw.getYMin(); yHigh = dw.getYMax(); } else { yLow = Math.min(yLow,dw.getYMin()); yHigh = Math.max(yHigh,dw.getYMax()); } if (dw.isRebinnable()) hasRebinnables = true; } if (nShowing == 0) return; ym[index].setBinned(hasRebinnables); if (!ym[index].getAllowSuppressedZero()) { if (yLow > 0) yLow = 0; if (yHigh < 0) yHigh = 0; } if (yHigh <= yLow) yHigh = yLow + 1; calcMinMaxYBins(yLow,yHigh); } protected void calcMinMaxYBins(double y1, double y2) { double oldYMin = yAxis.getPlotMin(); double oldYMax = yAxis.getPlotMax(); if (y1 != oldYMin || y2 != oldYMax) { yAxis.setMin(y1); yAxis.setMax(y2); ym[0].invalidate(); } } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { in.defaultReadObject(); data = new Vector(); } final void requestShow(JASHistData data) { da.add(data.getOverlay()); nVisible++; if (legend != null) { LegendEntry le = data.getLegendEntry(); if (le != null) { legend.add(le); nVisibleLegend++; showLegend(); } } if (stats != null) { stats.add(data); } if (isInit) { xm.setAttentionNeeded(); computeXAxisRange(); XAxisUpdated(); ym[0].setAttentionNeeded(); computeYAxisRange(); YAxisUpdated(); computeZAxisRange(); da.revalidate(); da.repaint(); } //restartImages(); } void requestHide(JASHistData data) { da.remove(data.getOverlay()); nVisible--; if (legend != null) { LegendEntry le = data.getLegendEntry(); if (le != null) { legend.remove(le); nVisibleLegend--; showLegend(); } } if (stats != null) { stats.remove(data); } if (isInit) { xm.setAttentionNeeded(); computeXAxisRange(); XAxisUpdated(); ym[0].setAttentionNeeded(); computeYAxisRange(); YAxisUpdated(); computeZAxisRange(); da.revalidate(); da.repaint(); } } void XAxisUpdated() { for (Enumeration e = data.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { JASHist2DHistogramData dw = (JASHist2DHistogramData) e.nextElement(); if (dw.isShowing()) dw.setXRange(xm.getBins(),xLow,xHigh); } } void YAxisUpdated() { for (Enumeration e = data.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { JASHist2DHistogramData dw = (JASHist2DHistogramData) e.nextElement(); if (dw.isShowing()) dw.setYRange(ym[0].getBins(),yLow,yHigh); } } final private void computeZAxisRange() { for (Enumeration e = data.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { JASHist2DHistogramData dw = (JASHist2DHistogramData) e.nextElement(); if (dw.isShowing()) dw.calcZLimits(); } } private void restartImages() { final Enumeration e = data.elements(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { try { final JASHist2DScatterData data = (JASHist2DScatterData) e.nextElement(); if (data.isVisible) data.restartImage(false); } catch (NullPointerException x) { // don't know where this comes from yet, but this works as is } } } private int oldStyle = -1; private final int m_defaultNumberOfBins; transient protected double xLow, xHigh; // todo: get rid of these transient protected double yLow, yHigh; private DoubleAxis xAxis; private DoubleAxis yAxis; transient private boolean styleChanged; private SizeMenu m_sizeMenu; private StyleMenu m_styleMenu; private static boolean enabled3d; static { try { // check that java 3d and the plot3d routines are both available Class.forName(""); Class.forName("gov.fnal.plot3d.jas.SpecialLego"); Class.forName("gov.fnal.plot3d.jas.SpecialSurface"); enabled3d = true; if (JPopupMenu.getDefaultLightWeightPopupEnabled()) { JPopupMenu.setDefaultLightWeightPopupEnabled(false); } } catch (Throwable t) { enabled3d = false; } } final void modifyPopupMenu(final JPopupMenu menu, final Component source) { if (menu.getComponentCount() > 0) menu.addSeparator(); boolean scat = false; boolean allScat = true; boolean allTwoD = true; Enumeration enumer = getDataSources(); while (enumer.hasMoreElements()) { JASHistData data = (JASHistData) enumer.nextElement(); if (data instanceof JASHist2DScatterData && ((JASHist2DScatterData) data).hasScatterPlotData()) { scat = true; JASHistScatterPlotStyle pstyle = (JASHistScatterPlotStyle) data.getStyle(); if (pstyle.getDisplayAsScatterPlot()) allTwoD = false; else allScat = false; } } if (scat) { JRadioButtonMenuItem b1 = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Display As Scatter Plot"); JRadioButtonMenuItem b2 = new JRadioButtonMenuItem("Display As Binned Plot"); ButtonGroup bg = new ButtonGroup(); bg.add(b1); bg.add(b2); b1.setSelected(allScat); b2.setSelected(allTwoD); b1.addActionListener(new ScatterActionListener(true)); b2.addActionListener(new ScatterActionListener(false)); menu.add(b1); menu.add(b2); } if (!scat || !allScat) { menu.add(addPerDataSourceMenu("Plot Style",new DataSourceMenuFactory() { public JMenu createMenu(String name, final JASHistData ds) { return new StyleMenu(name,ds); } })); } if (scat && !allTwoD) { if (m_sizeMenu == null) m_sizeMenu = new SizeMenu(); m_sizeMenu.init(); menu.add(m_sizeMenu); menu.add(addPerDataSourceMenu("Point Color",new DataSourceMenuFactory() { public JMenu createMenu(String name, final JASHistData ds) { final JASHistScatterPlotStyle style = (JASHistScatterPlotStyle) ds.getStyle(); ColorSelectionModel cm = new DefaultColorSelectionModel() { public Color getSelectedColor() { return style.getDataPointColor(); } public void setSelectedColor(Color c) { style.setDataPointColor(c); } }; return new ColorMenu(name,cm,true); } })); } super.modifyPopupMenu(menu,source); } final private class ScatterActionListener implements ActionListener { ScatterActionListener(boolean state) { this.state = state; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Enumeration enumer = getDataSources(); while (enumer.hasMoreElements()) { JASHistData data = (JASHistData) enumer.nextElement(); if ((data instanceof JASHist2DScatterData)) { JASHistScatterPlotStyle pstyle = (JASHistScatterPlotStyle) data.getStyle(); pstyle.setDisplayAsScatterPlot(state); } } } private boolean state; } final private class SizeMenu extends JMenu { public SizeMenu() { super("Point Size"); setMnemonic('S'); addButton("Huge",'H',20); addButton("Large",'L',10); addButton("Medium",'M',5); addButton("Small",'S',3); addButton("Tiny",'T',1); } private void addButton(String name, char mnemonic, final int size) { JRadioButtonMenuItem item = new SizeButton(name,size); item.setMnemonic(mnemonic); group.add(item); this.add(item); } public void init() { int iSize = -1; Enumeration enumer = getDataSources(); while (enumer.hasMoreElements()) { JASHistData data = (JASHistData) enumer.nextElement(); if (!(data instanceof JASHist2DScatterData)) continue; JASHistScatterPlotStyle style = (JASHistScatterPlotStyle) data.getStyle(); if (iSize == -1) iSize = style.getDataPointSize(); else if (iSize != style.getDataPointSize()) iSize = -2; } Enumeration e = group.getElements(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { SizeButton b = (SizeButton) e.nextElement(); b.setSize(iSize); } } ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); } final class SizeButton extends JRadioButtonMenuItem { SizeButton(String name, int size) { super(name); this.size = size; } public void fireActionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Enumeration enumer = getDataSources(); while (enumer.hasMoreElements()) { JASHistData data = (JASHistData) enumer.nextElement(); JASHistScatterPlotStyle style = (JASHistScatterPlotStyle) data.getStyle(); style.setDataPointSize(size); } } void setSize(int size) { setSelected(this.size == size); } private int size; } final private class StyleMenu extends JMenu { public StyleMenu(String name, JASHistData ds) { super(name); = ds; JMenu map = new JMenu("Color Map"); map.setMnemonic('M'); StyleMenu.this.add(addButton("Box",'B',JASHist2DHistogramStyle.STYLE_BOX,-1)); StyleMenu.this.add(addButton("Ellipse",'E',JASHist2DHistogramStyle.STYLE_ELLIPSE,-1)); if (enabled3d) { StyleMenu.this.add(addButton("3D Lego Plot",'L',JASHist2DHistogramStyle.STYLE_3DLEGOPLOT,-1)); StyleMenu.this.add(addButton("3D Surface Plot",'S',JASHist2DHistogramStyle.STYLE_3DSURFACEPLOT,-1)); } StyleMenu.this.add(map); map.add(addButton("Warm",'W',JASHist2DHistogramStyle.STYLE_COLORMAP,JASHist2DHistogramStyle.COLORMAP_WARM)); map.add(addButton("Cool",'C',JASHist2DHistogramStyle.STYLE_COLORMAP,JASHist2DHistogramStyle.COLORMAP_COOL)); map.add(addButton("Thermal",'T',JASHist2DHistogramStyle.STYLE_COLORMAP,JASHist2DHistogramStyle.COLORMAP_THERMAL)); map.add(addButton("Rainbow",'B',JASHist2DHistogramStyle.STYLE_COLORMAP,JASHist2DHistogramStyle.COLORMAP_RAINBOW)); map.add(addButton("Gray Scale",'G',JASHist2DHistogramStyle.STYLE_COLORMAP,JASHist2DHistogramStyle.COLORMAP_GRAYSCALE)); final JCheckBoxMenuItem log = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Logarithmic Z Axis"); log.setMnemonic('Z'); final JASHist2DHistogramStyle style = (JASHist2DHistogramStyle) data.getStyle(); log.setState(style.getLogZ()); log.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { style.setLogZ(log.getState()); } }); StyleMenu.this.add(log); init(); } private JRadioButtonMenuItem addButton(String name, char mnemonic, final int iStyle, final int cStyle) { JRadioButtonMenuItem item = new StyleButton(name,iStyle,cStyle); item.setMnemonic(mnemonic); group.add(item); return item; } private void init() { int iStyle = -1; int cStyle = -1; JASHist2DHistogramStyle style = (JASHist2DHistogramStyle) data.getStyle(); iStyle = style.getHistStyle(); cStyle = style.getColorMapScheme(); Enumeration e = group.getElements(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { StyleButton b = (StyleButton) e.nextElement(); b.setStyle(iStyle,cStyle); } } ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); JASHistData data; final class StyleButton extends JRadioButtonMenuItem { StyleButton(String name, int iStyle, int cStyle) { super(name); this.iStyle = iStyle; this.cStyle = cStyle; } public void fireActionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JASHist2DHistogramStyle style = (JASHist2DHistogramStyle) data.getStyle(); style.setHistStyle(iStyle); if (cStyle >= 0) style.setColorMapScheme(cStyle); } void setStyle(int iStyle, int cStyle) { this.setSelected(this.iStyle == iStyle && (this.cStyle == -1 || this.cStyle == cStyle)); } private int iStyle; private int cStyle; } } }