package hep.physics.event.generator.diagnostic; import hep.physics.event.generator.EventGenerator; import hep.physics.event.generator.MCEvent; import hep.physics.particle.Particle; import; import; import; import; import hep.physics.vec.BasicHep3Matrix; import hep.physics.vec.BasicHep3Vector; import hep.physics.vec.BasicHepLorentzVector; import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector; import hep.physics.vec.HepLorentzVector; import hep.physics.vec.VecOp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import hep.physics.event.generator.GeneratorFactory; /** * Generates user specified particle type events with user specified ranges. * @author Gary Bower * @version $Id: 8584 2006-08-10 23:06:37Z duns $ */ public class DiagnosticEventGenerator implements EventGenerator { private int m_ievent; private int m_irun = 1; private ParticleType m_ptype; private ParticleType m_ptypeBar; private int m_inparts = 1; private double m_dlowp = 5; private double m_dhighp = 5; private double m_dlowcosth = -1; private double m_dhighcosth = 1; private double m_dlowphi = 0; private double m_dhighphi = 2*Math.PI; private BasicHep3Vector m_origin = new BasicHep3Vector(0,0,0); private double m_dxrange = 0; private double m_dyrange = 0; private double m_dzrange = 0; private double m_dangres = -1; boolean m_bseedset = false; private long m_lseed; private Random myRandom; boolean m_branPPBar = false; private GeneratorFactory factory; private ParticlePropertyProvider provider; // // Methods to set and print the various parameters. // /** * Create a diagnostic event generator with default particle property provider and * object factory. */ public DiagnosticEventGenerator() { this(ParticlePropertyManager.getParticlePropertyProvider()); } /** * Create a diagnostic event generator with the default object factory. * @param ppp The particle property provider to use. */ public DiagnosticEventGenerator(ParticlePropertyProvider ppp) { this(ppp,new GeneratorFactory()); } /** * Create a diagnostic event generator with user supplied * particle property provider and object factory. The object * factory can be used to customize the particle and events * created by the generator, for example to provide experiment * specific classes. * @param ppp The particle property provider to use * @param factory The object factory to use. */ public DiagnosticEventGenerator(ParticlePropertyProvider ppp, GeneratorFactory factory) { this(ppp,factory,new Random()); } /** * Create a diagnostic event generator with user supplied * particle property provider and object factory. The object * factory can be used to customize the particle and events * created by the generator, for example to provide experiment * specific classes. * @param ppp The particle property provider to use * @param factory The object factory to use. * @param random The random number generator to use. */ public DiagnosticEventGenerator(ParticlePropertyProvider ppp, GeneratorFactory factory, Random random) { this.provider = ppp; this.factory = factory; setParticleType(provider.get(13)); //muon this.myRandom = random; } /** * Get the particle property provider being used by this generator */ public ParticlePropertyProvider getParticlePropertyProvider() { return provider; } public void reset() { m_ievent = 0; } /** * Sets the run number. Default = 1. */ public void setRunNumber(int nrun) { m_irun = nrun; } /** * Set the particle type using a Java particle type. */ public void setParticleType(ParticleType ptype) { m_ptype = ptype; try { m_ptypeBar = ptype.getParticlePropertyProvider().get(-1*ptype.getPDGID()); m_ptypeBar.getMass(); // Force an exception if unknown particle } catch (UnknownParticleIDException x) { m_ptypeBar = ptype; } } public ParticleType getParticleType() { return m_ptype; } /** * Set the number of particles to generate in a single event. * If the angular resolution option is selected nparts pairs * of particles will be generated. * Default = 1. */ public void setNumberOfParticles(int nparts) { if( nparts < 1 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid number of particles."); m_inparts = nparts; } public int getNumberOfParticles() { return m_inparts; } /** * Select the momentum range in GeV. Selecting lowp = highp * sets lowp as the value to be used. * Default = (5,5). */ public void setMomentumRange(double lowp, double highp) { if( lowp < 0 | highp <= 0 | lowp > highp ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid momentum range value."); m_dlowp = lowp; m_dhighp = highp; } /** * Select the cosine theta range between -1 and 1. * Setting lowcosth = highcosth sets lowcosth as the * value to be used. * Default = (-1,1). */ public void setCosthRange(double lowcosth, double highcosth) { if( lowcosth < -1 | highcosth > 1 | lowcosth > highcosth ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid costheta range value."); m_dlowcosth = lowcosth; m_dhighcosth = highcosth; } /** * Select the phi range between 0 and 2*PI in radians. * Setting lowphi = highphi sets lowphi as the * value to be used. * Default = (0,2*PI). */ public void setPhiRange(double lowphi, double highphi) { if( lowphi > highphi ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid phi range value."); m_dlowphi = lowphi; m_dhighphi = highphi; } /** * Select an origin for the particle. * Default = (0,0,0). */ public void setOrigin(double x, double y, double z) { m_origin.setV(x,y,z); } /** * Randomly varies the x origin by +/-dx. */ public void setXRange(double dx) { m_dxrange = dx; } /** * Randomly varies the y origin by +/-dy. */ public void setYRange(double dy) { m_dyrange = dy; } /** * Randomly varies the z origin by +/-dz. */ public void setZRange(double dz) { m_dzrange = dz; } /** * Randomly change between generating particles and anti-particles, if true. */ public void setRandomParticleAntiParticle(boolean ppbar) { m_branPPBar = ppbar; } /** * For angular resolution studies. If angres is set non-negative * then for each particle generated according to the selected * parameters a second particle is generated with identical * properties except it is rotated angres radians in a randomly * chosen direction from the direction of the original particle. * To disable this feature set angres < 0. * Default = -1 (ie, disabled). Units = radians. */ public void setTwoParticleRes(double angres) { m_dangres = angres; } /** * Set the seed for the random number generator. If no seed is * set the generator selects a seed based on the date and time, * thus repeated runs will in general not give the same results. * Default = not set. Units are long integers. */ public void setSeed(long seed) { m_lseed = seed; m_bseedset = true; } /** * Print the parameters. */ public void printParameters() { System.out.println("Diagnostic Generator Parameter Settings."); System.out.println("Particle type = "+m_ptype); System.out.println("Number of particles per event = "+m_inparts); System.out.println("Momentum range = ("+m_dlowp+", "+m_dhighp+")"); System.out.println("Cosine theta range = ("+m_dlowcosth+", "+m_dhighcosth+")"); System.out.println("Phi range = ("+m_dlowphi+", "+m_dhighphi+")"); System.out.println("Particle origin = (" +m_origin.x()+", "+m_origin.y()+", "+m_origin.z()+")"); System.out.println("Origin ranges = (" +m_dxrange+", "+m_dyrange+", "+m_dzrange+")"); System.out.println("Angular resolution = "+m_dangres); System.out.println("Random number seed = "+m_lseed); } // // Methods to run the generator. // /** * Generate a single event with nparts particles or nparts * pairs of particles if angres is selected. */ public MCEvent generate() { if (m_ievent == 0 && m_bseedset) myRandom.setSeed(m_lseed); int nExpected = m_dangres < 0 ? m_inparts : 2*m_inparts; List partVec = new ArrayList(nExpected); for (int i = 0; i < m_inparts; i++) { Hep3Vector origin = selectOrigin(); HepLorentzVector p = selectP(); ParticleType ptype = (m_branPPBar && myRandom.nextDouble() < 0.5) ? m_ptypeBar : m_ptype; //Set status, prod time, ptype, origin and p. Particle part = factory.createParticle(origin,p,ptype,Particle.FINAL_STATE,0.0); partVec.add(part); if(m_dangres >= 0) { // Strategy to generate twin identical to p except // rotated by angres radians from p in a random direction: // Choose v with same mom as p but along z axis. Choose a // random psi and rotate v to vtwin by angres radians in // the psi direction. Hep3Vector v = new BasicHep3Vector(0,0,p.v3().magnitude()); double ranphi = 2*Math.PI*myRandom.nextDouble(); BasicHep3Matrix rot = new BasicHep3Matrix(); rot.setActiveEuler( ranphi, m_dangres, 0 ); Hep3Vector vtwin = VecOp.mult(rot,v); // Now calculate theta and phi needed // to rotate v to the direction of p and use them // to rotate vtwin. double theta = Math.acos(p.v3().z()/p.v3().magnitude()); Hep3Vector pprojxy = new BasicHep3Vector(p.v3().x(),p.v3().y(),0); double xymag = pprojxy.magnitude(); int signy = 1; if ( p.v3().y() < 0 ) signy = -1; double phi; if ( xymag > 0 ) phi = signy*Math.acos(p.v3().x()/xymag); else phi = 0; rot.setActiveEuler( Math.PI/2 + phi, theta, 0 ); HepLorentzVector pTwin = new BasicHepLorentzVector(p.t(),VecOp.mult(rot,vtwin)); //Write status, prod time, ptype, origin and p. ParticleType pTwintype = (m_branPPBar && myRandom.nextDouble() < 0.5 ) ? m_ptypeBar : m_ptype; Particle twin = factory.createParticle(origin,pTwin,pTwintype,Particle.FINAL_STATE,0.0); partVec.add( twin ); } } m_ievent++; MCEvent event = factory.createEvent(m_irun, m_ievent); event.put(MCEvent.MC_PARTICLES,partVec); return event; } // //Protected methods for randoming selecting particle properties. The standard //selection is based on uniform distributions. User may write their own //methods for alternate distributions. // protected HepLorentzVector selectP() { double mom = selectMom(); double theta = Math.acos(selectCosth()); double phi = selectPhi(); double px = mom*Math.sin(theta)*Math.cos(phi); double py = mom*Math.sin(theta)*Math.sin(phi); double pz = mom*Math.cos(theta); double mass = m_ptype.getMass(); double energy = Math.sqrt(mass*mass + mom*mom); return new BasicHepLorentzVector(energy, px, py, pz); } protected Hep3Vector selectOrigin() { double x = m_origin.x() + m_dxrange*(myRandom.nextDouble() - 0.5); double y = m_origin.y() + m_dyrange*(myRandom.nextDouble() - 0.5); double z = m_origin.z() + m_dzrange*(myRandom.nextDouble() - 0.5); return new BasicHep3Vector(x,y,z); } protected double selectMom() { if(m_dlowp == m_dhighp) return m_dlowp; else return m_dlowp + (m_dhighp - m_dlowp)*myRandom.nextDouble(); } protected double selectCosth() { if(m_dlowcosth == m_dhighcosth) return m_dlowcosth; else return m_dlowcosth + (m_dhighcosth - m_dlowcosth)*myRandom.nextDouble(); } protected double selectPhi() { if(m_dlowphi == m_dhighphi) return m_dlowphi; else return m_dlowphi + (m_dhighphi - m_dlowphi)*myRandom.nextDouble(); } public long getSeed() { return m_lseed; } public int getRunNumber() { return m_irun; } public double getTwoParticleRes() { return m_dangres; } public boolean isRandomParticleAntiParticle() { return m_branPPBar; } public double getZRange() { return m_dzrange; } public double getYRange() { return m_dyrange; } public double getXRange() { return m_dxrange; } }