package hep.physics.jet; import hep.physics.filter.Predicate; import hep.physics.vec.BasicHepLorentzVector; import hep.physics.vec.Hep3Vector; import hep.physics.vec.HepLorentzVector; import hep.physics.vec.VecOp; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; /** * Base class for jet finders * @author G.Bower * @version 12/6/98 */ public abstract class AbstractJetFinder implements JetFinder { private double defaultMassSquared = 0; private final static int UNASSOC = -999; private int m_injets; // m_jet[i] is the 4 vector sum of all the particles in jet i. private HepLorentzVector[] m_jet; //m_ipart_jet_assoc[i] = j means particle i was placed in jet j. private int[] m_ipart_jet_assoc; // m_inparts_per_jet[i] = j means jet i has j particles in it. private int[] m_inparts_per_jet; // m_ifewest_tracks is number of tracks in the jet with the fewest tracks. private int m_ifewest_tracks; // private double m_dycut; private boolean m_resultsValid = false; private List m_in; private List m_4vec; private double m_devis = 0; // protected int m_np; protected HepLorentzVector[] m_part; // protected double[][] ymass; // abstract double masscut(double ycut, double evis, double esum); // abstract double calculate_mass(HepLorentzVector p1, HepLorentzVector p2); // abstract void combine_particles(int im, int jm); // public int njets() { if (!m_resultsValid) doFindJets(); return m_injets; } public HepLorentzVector jet(int index) { if (!m_resultsValid) doFindJets(); return m_jet[index]; } public List particlesInJet(int index) { if (!m_resultsValid) doFindJets(); List result = new ArrayList(); for (int i=0; i<m_ipart_jet_assoc.length; i++) if (m_ipart_jet_assoc[i] == index)result.add(m_in.get(i)); return result; } public int nParticlesPerJet(int index) { if (!m_resultsValid) doFindJets(); return m_inparts_per_jet[index]; } public int fewestTracks() { if (!m_resultsValid) doFindJets(); return m_ifewest_tracks; } protected AbstractJetFinder(double ycut) { m_dycut = ycut; m_resultsValid = false; } /** * Obtain the current ycut * @return The current value of ycut */ public double getYCut() { return m_dycut; } /** * Set the YCut value. * If the new value for ycut is not the same as the old ycut the * jet finding will be rerun. * * @param ycut the new value to be set for ycut */ public void setYCut(double ycut) { if (m_dycut != ycut) m_resultsValid = false; m_dycut = ycut; } /** * Call this to input a new event to the jet finder. * @param data An Enumeration of either HepLorentzVectors (4Vectors) or Hep3Vectors */ public void setEvent(Collection data) { setEvent(data,null); } /** * Set the mass to use when converting 3-vectors to 4-vectors * This is a static method so the mass applies to all instances * of AbstractJetFinder. The default is 0. * @param mass The new value to use */ public void setAssumedMassFor3Vectors(double mass) { defaultMassSquared = mass*mass; } /** * Call this to input a new event to the jet finder. * Only elements of the enumeration which are accepted by the predicate will be used * for jet finding. * @param data An Enumeration of either HepLorentzVectors (4Vectors) or Hep3Vectors * @param cut A predicate that is applied to each element of e */ public void setEvent(Collection data, Predicate cut) { m_resultsValid = false; m_in = new ArrayList(); m_4vec = new ArrayList(); m_devis = 0; for (Iterator i = data.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Object o =; if (cut != null && !cut.accept(o)) continue; if (o instanceof HepLorentzVector) { HepLorentzVector in = (HepLorentzVector) o; m_devis += in.t(); m_in.add(in); m_4vec.add(in); } else if (o instanceof Hep3Vector) { Hep3Vector in = (Hep3Vector) o; double energy = Math.sqrt(in.magnitudeSquared() + defaultMassSquared); m_devis += energy; m_in.add(in); m_4vec.add(new BasicHepLorentzVector(energy,in)); } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Element input to JetFinder is not a IHep3Vector or an IHepLorentzVector"); } m_np = m_4vec.size(); m_part = new HepLorentzVector[m_np]; } private void doFindJets() { m_resultsValid = true; m_injets = 0; if (m_np<2) return; m_ipart_jet_assoc = new int[m_np]; for (int m=0; m<m_np; m++) m_ipart_jet_assoc[m] = UNASSOC; m_4vec.toArray(m_part); double esum = m_devis; // // create invariant mass pair array. // ymass = new double[m_np][m_np]; for (int i = 0; i < m_np - 1; i++ ) { for (int j = i + 1 ; j < m_np ; j++ ) { double cmass = calculate_mass(m_part[i], m_part[j]); if ( cmass != -9999.0 ) //special just for Geneva algorithm. { ymass[i][j] = cmass; } else { ymass[i][j] = 0.0; } } } for (;;) { int im = -1; int jm = -1; double minmass = Double.MAX_VALUE; // // find least invariant mass pair. // for(int i = 0 ; i < m_np - 1 ; i++ ) { if (m_ipart_jet_assoc[i] != UNASSOC) continue; for(int j = i + 1 ; j < m_np ; j++ ) { if (m_ipart_jet_assoc[j] != UNASSOC) continue; if (ymass[i][j] < minmass) { minmass = ymass[i][j]; im = i; jm = j; } } } if (minmass > masscut(m_dycut,m_devis,esum)) break; // // combine particles im and jm update associations // combine_particles(im,jm); m_ipart_jet_assoc[jm] = im; for(int j = 0 ; j < m_np ; j++ ) { if( m_ipart_jet_assoc[j] == jm ) { m_ipart_jet_assoc[j] = im; } } // // Recalculate a mass for all pairs that contain im and a remaining // UNASSOC particle(jet). Also recalculate esum. // esum = 0.0; for(int j = 0 ; j < m_np ; j++ ) { if (m_ipart_jet_assoc[j] != UNASSOC ) continue; esum = esum + m_part[j].t(); if( j == im) continue; int imin = Math.min(j,im); int imax = Math.max(j,im); double cmass = calculate_mass(m_part[imin], m_part[imax]); if ( cmass >= 0.0 ) { ymass[imin][imax] = cmass; } } } // // finish up by filling jet array. // for(int i = 0 ; i < m_np ; i++ ) { if (m_ipart_jet_assoc[i] == UNASSOC) m_injets++;; } m_jet = new HepLorentzVector[m_injets]; m_inparts_per_jet = new int[m_injets]; int nj = 0; int ntrk; m_ifewest_tracks = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for(int i = 0 ; i < m_np ; i++ ) { if (m_ipart_jet_assoc[i] != UNASSOC) continue; m_jet[nj] = m_part[i]; ntrk = 1; for (int j = 0 ; j < m_np ; j++) { if(m_ipart_jet_assoc[j] == i) { m_ipart_jet_assoc[j] = nj; ntrk++; } } m_ipart_jet_assoc[i] = nj; m_inparts_per_jet[nj] = ntrk; if( ntrk < m_ifewest_tracks) m_ifewest_tracks = ntrk; nj++; } } /**There are a variety of collinear, infra-red safe jet finders available. * The differences between them are * (1) How they determine the cutoff mass from the ycut parameter. * (2) How they combine two four-vectors together as they build up the jet. * (3) what mass they assign to a four-vector. * The following methods are the algorithms used in these jet finders. * A concrete jet finder is an extension of the AbstractJetFinder (the current * class) that specifies a masscut method, a combine_particles method and * a calculate_mass method. */ // // Cutoff mass (masscut) method. // protected double standard_masscut(double ycut, double evis) { return ycut*evis*evis; } protected double geneva_masscut(double ycut) { return ycut; } protected double jadeP0_masscut(double ycut, double esum) { return ycut*esum*esum; } // // combine_particles methods // protected void four_vector_combine( int im, int jm) { m_part[im] = VecOp.add( m_part[im], m_part[jm] ); } protected void jadeP_combine( int im, int jm ) { Hep3Vector v = VecOp.add( m_part[im].v3(), m_part[jm].v3() ); m_part[im] = new BasicHepLorentzVector( v.magnitude(), v); } protected void jadeE0_combine( int im, int jm ) { HepLorentzVector v = VecOp.add( m_part[im], m_part[jm] ); double ekeratio = v.t()/v.v3().magnitude(); m_part[im] = new BasicHepLorentzVector(v.t(),VecOp.mult(ekeratio, m_part[im].v3())); } // // calculate_mass methods // protected double four_vector_mass(HepLorentzVector part1, HepLorentzVector part2) { return VecOp.add(part1, part2).magnitudeSquared(); } protected double jade_mass(HepLorentzVector part1, HepLorentzVector part2) { double e1 = part1.t(); double e2 = part2.t(); Hep3Vector v1 = part1.v3(); Hep3Vector v2 = part2.v3(); double costh =,v2)/(v1.magnitude()*v2.magnitude()); return 2*e1*e2*( 1 - costh ); } protected double durham_mass(HepLorentzVector part1, HepLorentzVector part2) { double e1 = part1.t(); double e2 = part2.t(); Hep3Vector v1 = part1.v3(); Hep3Vector v2 = part2.v3(); double costh =,v2)/(v1.magnitude()*v2.magnitude()); double lessorE = Math.min(e1,e2); return 2 * lessorE*lessorE * ( 1 - costh ); } protected double geneva_mass(HepLorentzVector part1, HepLorentzVector part2) { double e1 = part1.t(); double e2 = part2.t(); if ( e1 == 0.0 & e2 == 0.0 ) return -9999.0; Hep3Vector v1 = part1.v3(); Hep3Vector v2 = part2.v3(); double costh =,v2)/(v1.magnitude()*v2.magnitude()); return (8.0/9.0)*(1 - costh)*(e1*e2)/((e1 + e2)*(e1 + e2)); } }