package org.freehep.application; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyListener; import java.util.Properties; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JComponent; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent; import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener; /** * This class is ideal if you want to have a text field for user input but * also have a list of recently selected items available to choose from. * Some notes on using this class: * <ul> * <li>The default button will be clicked on the root pane of this * component if the value of the constructor parameter <code>clickDefault</code> * is <code>true</code>. This behaviour may be desirable because * the default button is normally "clicked" when the user clicks on * the "Enter" key, but this behaviour doesn't normally happen unless * you add an ActionListener to the text field.</li> * <li>Calling <code>addActionListener(ActionListener)</code> on this * object causes the ActionListener to be added to the text field.</li> * <li>A KeyEvent is generated for every time a key is pressed in the * field, and all listeners are notified. KeyEvents normally generated * by the JComboBox will not be sent by this class; they are suppressed.</li> * <li>A ChangeEvent is generated any time the text in the field changes. * Therefore, if you want to update a button state (for example) each time the * text changes, simply implement a ChangeListener and add it to the * listener list for this object. Otherwise, you would have to add a * KeyListener and an ItemListener, and it's better just to have one.</li> * </ul> * It is important to point this out because the KeyEvents, ActionEvents, * and ChangeEvents described above are not how a normal combo * box will generate them. * <p> * Basically, a ChangeEvent is a dual purpose event. One is sent to listeners * both when a KeyEvent is generated from the text field, and one is sent when * an ItemEvent is generated (which happens when an item is selected from the * drop-down list). This means that somebody who wants to know when the actual * text showing has changed only needs to implement ChangeListener instead of * both ItemListener and KeyListener. * @author Jonas Gifford * @version $Id: 8584 2006-08-10 23:06:37Z duns $ */ public class RecentItemTextField extends JComboBox { public RecentItemTextField() { this(null,4,false); } /** * Creates a RecentItemTextField with the given list of drop-down items. You are * responsible for keeping and providing an updated list. * @param dropDownItems the items to show in the drop-down list (can safely be <code>null</code>) * @param clickDefault whether the default button should be clicked when Enter is pressed * @see javax.swing.JRootPane#defaultButton */ public RecentItemTextField(String[] dropDownItems,boolean clickDefault) { m_clickDefault = clickDefault; init(dropDownItems); } /** * Creates a RecentItemTextField with a dropDown list that will be stored in * the user properties object for the Application. Invoke the <code>saveState()</code> * method to have the list be updated to include the selected item. * @param key the key that the drop-down items will be stored by * @param nItems the maximum number of items that will be stored on the drop-down list * @param clickDefault whether the default button should be clicked when Enter is pressed * @see Application#getUserProperties() * @see javax.swing.JRootPane#defaultButton */ public RecentItemTextField(String key,int nItems,boolean clickDefault) { m_clickDefault = clickDefault; Application app = Application.getApplication(); m_prop = app == null ? null : app.getUserProperties(); m_nItems = nItems; m_key = key; init(key != null && m_prop != null ? PropertyUtilities.getStringArray(m_prop,key,null) : null); } /** * Creates a RecentItemTextField with a dropDown list that will be stored in * the user properties object for the Application. Invoke the <code>saveState()</code> * method to have the list be updated to include the selected item. * @param key the key that the drop-down items will be stored by * @param lengthKey the key that maps to the maximum number of items that will be stored on the drop-down list * @param clickDefault whether the default button should be clicked when Enter is pressed * @see Application#getUserProperties() * @see javax.swing.JRootPane#defaultButton */ public RecentItemTextField(String key,String lengthKey,boolean clickDefault) { this(key, PropertyUtilities.getInteger(Application.getApplication().getUserProperties(),lengthKey, 4), clickDefault); } private void init(String[] dropDownItems) { m_dropDownItems = dropDownItems; if (m_dropDownItems != null) for (int i = 0; i < m_dropDownItems.length; i++) addItem(m_dropDownItems[i]); setEditable(true); m_textField = (JTextField) getEditor().getEditorComponent(); m_textField.addKeyListener(myListener); m_textField.getDocument().addDocumentListener(myListener); } public void addKeyListener(KeyListener kl) { if (m_textField != null) m_textField.addKeyListener(kl); } /** * If a key was supplied to the constructor, the drop-down list will be updated to * include the currently selected item. */ public void saveState() { if (m_key != null && m_prop != null) PropertyUtilities.setStringArray(m_prop, m_key, updateStringArray(m_dropDownItems, getText(), m_nItems)); } /** Returns the text currently showing in the text field. */ public String getText() { return m_textField.getText(); } /** Sets the text showing in the text field. */ public void setText(String s) { if (s.equals(getItemAt(0))) return; // it's already there; nothing to do removeItem(s); // if the item is already there, just move it to the top insertItemAt(s, 0); // put the new text at the top setSelectedIndex(0); } private void fireStateChanged() { ChangeListener[] listeners = (ChangeListener[]) listenerList.getListeners(ChangeListener.class); for (int i = listeners.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (m_changeEvent == null) m_changeEvent = new ChangeEvent(this); listeners[i].stateChanged(m_changeEvent); } } /** * Change listeners will be notified any time the text visible in the text field changes. * This is equivalent to having a KeyListener and an ItemListener. * @param l the ChangeListener to add */ public void addChangeListener(ChangeListener l) { listenerList.add(ChangeListener.class, l); } /** * Adds an the given ActionListener to the text field. */ public void addActionListener(ActionListener l) { m_textField.addActionListener(l); } /** This method is protected as an implementation side effect. */ protected void fireItemStateChanged(ItemEvent event) { super.fireItemStateChanged(event); // allow normal ItemEvent firing fireStateChanged(); // when an ItemEvent is generated, also notify listeners of ChangeEvent } /** Requests focus for the text field of the box. */ public void requestFocus() { m_textField.requestFocus(); } /** * Set the maximum width of the box. The default is used if this method is not called. * @param maxWidth give a number in pixels, or <code>-1</code> to use default */ public void setMaxWidth(int maxWidth) { m_maxWidth = maxWidth; } /** * Set the minimum width of the box. The default is used if this method is not called. * @param minWidth give a number in pixels, or <code>-1</code> to use default */ public void setMinWidth(int minWidth) { m_minWidth = minWidth; } /** * Incorporates the maximum width if it has been set. * @see #setMaxWidth(int) */ public Dimension getMaximumSize() { Dimension d = super.getMaximumSize(); if (m_maxWidth > 0 && m_maxWidth < d.width) d.width = m_maxWidth; return d; } /** * Incorporates the minimum width if it has been set. * @see #setMinWidth(int) */ public Dimension getMinimumSize() { Dimension d = super.getMinimumSize(); if (m_minWidth > 0 && m_minWidth > d.width) d.width = m_minWidth; return d; } /** * Incorporates the minimum and maximum widths if they have been set. * @see #setMinWidth(int) * @see #setMaxWidth(int) */ public Dimension getPreferredSize() { Dimension d = super.getPreferredSize(); if (m_minWidth > 0 && m_minWidth > d.width) d.width = m_minWidth; if (m_maxWidth > 0 && m_maxWidth < d.width) d.width = m_maxWidth; return d; } /** * Show an input dialog, with a record of recent entries. * @param owner The dialog owner * @param message The message to display * @param key The key under which the recent items are stored in the user properties * @see javax.swing.JOptionPane#showInputDialog(Component,Object) */ public static String showInputDialog(Component owner, Object message, String key) { return showInputDialog(owner,message,"Input",JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE,key); } /** * Show an input dialog, with a record of recent entries. * @param owner The dialog owner * @param message The message to display * @param title The dialog title * @param messageType The message type * @param key The key under which the recent items are stored in the user properties * @see JOptionPane#showInputDialog(Component,Object,String,int) */ public static String showInputDialog(Component owner, Object message, String title, int messageType, String key) { RecentItemTextField field = new RecentItemTextField(key,4,true); JPanel mpanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); if (message instanceof Component) mpanel.add((JComponent) message); else mpanel.add(new JLabel(message.toString())); mpanel.add(field,BorderLayout.SOUTH); int rc = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(owner,mpanel,title,JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION,messageType,null,null,null); if (rc == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { field.saveState(); return field.getText(); } else return null; } /** * This is a utility method for updating a string array of recently used items. * Supply it with an old array and a new item. If the new item was already in the * old array, then it is simply moved to the beginning. If it was not in the old * array then it is placed at the front and the other items are shuffled back. * The method will return an array of a maximum size given by the <code>nStored</code> parameter. * @param oldArray the array to update (may safely be <code>null</code>) * @param newString the new item to include * @param nStored the maximum size of the updated array * @return the updated array */ private static String[] updateStringArray(String[] oldArray, String newString, int nStored) { if (newString == null) return oldArray; if (oldArray != null && oldArray.length > 0) { if (oldArray[0].equals(newString)) return oldArray; /* * If the new String is already at the front, then * there is nothing left to do. */ for (int i = 1; i < oldArray.length; i++) /* * Begin checking from the second element * onwards: is the String already there? */ { if (oldArray[i].equals(newString)) /* * If it is already there, put * the new one at the front and * shuffle the others backward. */ { while (i > 0) { oldArray[i] = oldArray[i-1]; i--; } oldArray[0] = newString; return oldArray; } } if (oldArray.length < nStored) { String[] result = new String[oldArray.length + 1]; result[0] = newString; for (int i = 0; i < oldArray.length; i++) result[i + 1] = oldArray[i]; return result; } else { for (int i = nStored-1; i > 0; i--) oldArray[i] = oldArray[i-1]; oldArray[0] = newString; return oldArray; } } else { oldArray = new String[1]; oldArray[0] = newString; return oldArray; } } /** * Getter for property key. * @return Value of property key. */ public String getKey() { return m_key; } /** * Setter for property key. * @param key New value of property key. */ public void setKey(String key) { m_key = key; if (key != null && m_prop != null) init(PropertyUtilities.getStringArray(m_prop,key,null)); } /** * Getter for property numberOfItems. * @return Value of property numberOfItems. */ public int getNumberOfItems() { return m_nItems; } /** * Setter for property numberOfItems. * @param numberOfItems New value of property numberOfItems. */ public void setNumberOfItems(int numberOfItems) { m_nItems = numberOfItems; } /** * Getter for property clickDefault. * @return Value of property clickDefault. */ public boolean isClickDefault() { return m_clickDefault; } /** * Setter for property clickDefault. * @param clickDefault New value of property clickDefault. */ public void setClickDefault(boolean clickDefault) { m_clickDefault = clickDefault; } private int m_minWidth = -1, m_maxWidth = -1; // -1 indicates use default private int m_nItems; private String[] m_dropDownItems; private String m_key = null; private JTextField m_textField; private ChangeEvent m_changeEvent = null; private Properties m_prop = null; private boolean m_clickDefault; private MyListener myListener = new MyListener(); private class MyListener implements KeyListener, DocumentListener { public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e){} public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e){} public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { if (e.getSource() != m_textField) return; // avoid cases where this listens to another by accident if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) { if (m_clickDefault) { JButton b = getRootPane().getDefaultButton(); if (b != null) b.doClick(); } } } public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { fireStateChanged(); } public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { fireStateChanged(); } public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { fireStateChanged(); } } }