package jas.hist.util; import jas.hist.HasStatistics; import jas.hist.HasStyle; import jas.hist.JASHistStyle; import jas.hist.Rebinnable1DHistogramData; import jas.hist.Statistics; import java.util.Observable; /** * A class which simply acts as a proxy for the DataSource provided as an argument to its * constructor. Not very useful in itself, but can be used as a base class for more interesting * adapters. */ public class OneDAdapter extends ObserverAdapter implements Rebinnable1DHistogramData, HasStatistics, HasStyle { protected Rebinnable1DHistogramData source; public OneDAdapter(Rebinnable1DHistogramData source) { super(source instanceof Observable ? (Observable) source : null); this.source = source; } public double[][] rebin(int bins, double min, double max, boolean wantErrors, boolean hurry) { return source.rebin(bins,min,max,wantErrors,hurry); } public double getMin() { return source.getMin(); } public double getMax() { return source.getMax(); } public int getBins() { return source.getBins(); } public boolean isRebinnable() { return source.isRebinnable(); } public int getAxisType() { return source.getAxisType(); } public String[] getAxisLabels() { return source.getAxisLabels(); } public String getTitle() { return source.getTitle(); } public Statistics getStatistics() { return source instanceof HasStatistics ? ((HasStatistics) source).getStatistics() : null; } public JASHistStyle getStyle() { return source instanceof HasStyle ? ((HasStyle) source).getStyle() : null; } public String toString() { return source.toString(); } }