package hep.aida.ref.fitter; import hep.aida.IFitFactory; import hep.aida.IFitter; import hep.aida.ext.IFitMethod; import hep.aida.ext.IOptimizerFactory; import hep.aida.ref.fitter.fitdata.FitData; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import org.freehep.util.FreeHEPLookup; import org.openide.util.Lookup; /** * @author The AIDA team @ SLAC. * */ public class FitFactory implements IFitFactory { public hep.aida.IFitData createFitData() { return new FitData(); } public IFitter createFitter() throws IllegalArgumentException { return createFitter(null); } public IFitter createFitter(String fitterType) throws IllegalArgumentException { return createFitter(fitterType,null); } public IFitter createFitter(String fitterType, String engineType) throws IllegalArgumentException { return createFitter(fitterType,engineType,null); } public IFitter createFitter(String fitterType, String engineType, String options) throws IllegalArgumentException { return new Fitter(fitterType,engineType,options); } /** * Get the list the fit methods provided by the used implementation (e.g. "chi2", "unbinnedMaximumLikelihood" etc). * @return An array containing the list of the available fit methods. * */ public String[] availableFitMethods() { Lookup.Template template = new Lookup.Template(IFitMethod.class); Lookup.Result result = FreeHEPLookup.instance().lookup(template); Collection c = result.allInstances(); String[] r = new String[ c.size() ]; int count = 0; for (Iterator i = c.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { IFitMethod fm = (IFitMethod); r[count++] = fm.fitMethodNames()[0]; } return r; } /** * Get the list the fit engines provided by the used implementation (e.g. "minuit", etc). * @return An array containing the list of the available fit engines. * */ public String[] availableFitEngines() { Lookup.Template template = new Lookup.Template(IOptimizerFactory.class); Lookup.Result result = FreeHEPLookup.instance().lookup(template); Collection c = result.allInstances(); String[] r = new String[ c.size() ]; int count = 0; for (Iterator i = c.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { IOptimizerFactory of = (IOptimizerFactory); r[count++] = of.optimizerFactoryNames()[0]; } return r; } }