package hep.aida.web.taglib; import hep.aida.IManagedObject; import hep.aida.web.taglib.util.AidaTLDUtils; import jas.hist.DataSource; import; import; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.jsp.JspContext; import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException; import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext; import javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspFragment; /** * @author The AIDA Team @ SLAC * */ public class PlotSetTagSupport extends PlotterTagSupport implements PlotSetTag { private Object plots = null; private int nPlots = -1; private int maxPlots = 9; private String id = null; private String statusVar = "status"; private String layout = null; private PlotSetStatus status = null; private String offsetVariable = null; private boolean heightIsSet = false; private boolean widthIsSet = false; private int cellHeight = 200; private int cellWidth = 300; /** * Do initial checks and configure Plotter and Navigation Bar */ public void doStartTag(PageContext pageContext) throws JspException { if (nPlots <= 0 && plots == null) { throw new JspException("\"nplots\" or \"plots\" must be defined"); } // Get array of plot data (can be null if nplots is set) Object[] data = getPlotsObject(pageContext); // Setup the Status object status = (PlotSetStatus) AidaTLDUtils.findObject(statusVar, pageContext); if (status == null) { status = new PlotSetStatus(); pageContext.setAttribute(statusVar, status, PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE); } status.setPlots(data); // Format plotter and Navigation Bar HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest)(pageContext).getRequest(); if ( AidaTLDUtils.isEmpty(id) ) id = statusVar; offsetVariable = id+"_offset"; String offsetStr = request.getParameter(offsetVariable); status.setOffsetvariable(offsetVariable); formatPlotter(offsetStr); super.doStartTag(pageContext); } /** * Process nested tags (if any) and/or emulate them */ public void doBodyTag(JspFragment jspBody, PageContext pageContext) throws JspException, IOException { // Evaluate any nested tags if (jspBody != null) { for (int i=0; i<status.getPlotsinpage(); i++) { status.setIndex(status.getStartindex()+i); jspBody.invoke(pageContext.getOut()); } } // If no "region" sub-tag is specified, create simple plotter // Here we emulate the "region" and "plot" tags if (jspBody == null || (jspBody != null && numberOfRegions() == 0)) { for (int i=0; i<status.getPlotsinpage(); i++) { status.setIndex(status.getStartindex()+i); RegionTagSupport regionTag = new RegionTagSupport(); regionTag.doStartTag(this, pageContext); PlotTagSupport plotTag = new PlotTagSupport(); plotTag.doStartTag(regionTag); plotTag.setVar(status.getPlots()[status.getStartindex()+i]); plotTag.doEndTag(pageContext); } } } // PlotSetTag methods public void setPlots(Object plots) { this.plots = plots; } public void setNplots(int nPlots) { if ( nPlots <= 0 ) throw new RuntimeException("nplots must be greater than zero, nplots="+nPlots); this.nPlots = nPlots; } public void setMaxplots(int maxPlots) { if ( maxPlots <= 0 ) throw new RuntimeException("maxplots must be greater than zero, maxplots="+maxPlots); this.maxPlots = maxPlots; } public void setId(String id) { = id; } public void setLayout(String layout) { this.layout = layout; } // PlotterTag Methods overwrite public void setStatusvar(String statusVar) { this.statusVar = statusVar; } public String getStatusvar() { return statusVar; } public void setWidth(int width) { widthIsSet = true; super.setWidth(width); } public void setHeight(int height) { heightIsSet = true; super.setHeight(height); } // Service methods private void formatPlotter(String offsetStr) { int nx = getNx(); int ny = getNy(); // Re-set total number of plots to browse, if needed Object[] data = status.getPlots(); int tmpNPlots = nPlots; if (tmpNPlots > 0){ if (data != null && data.length < tmpNPlots) tmpNPlots = data.length; } else tmpNPlots = data.length; status.setNplots(tmpNPlots); // Re-set max number of plots per page, if layout is defined int index = -1; int tmpMaxPots = maxPlots; if ( !AidaTLDUtils.isEmpty(layout) ) { index = layout.indexOf("x"); nx = Integer.parseInt(layout.substring(0, index).trim()); ny = Integer.parseInt(layout.substring(index+1).trim()); tmpMaxPots = nx*ny; } status.setMaxplots(tmpMaxPots); // get input offset int offset = 0; if ( offsetStr != null ) { int tmpOffset = Integer.valueOf(offsetStr).intValue(); if ( tmpOffset >= 0 ) offset = tmpOffset; } status.setStratindex(offset); int plotsInPage = tmpNPlots - offset > tmpMaxPots ? tmpMaxPots : tmpNPlots - offset; if ( plotsInPage > tmpMaxPots ) plotsInPage = tmpMaxPots; status.setPlotsinpage(plotsInPage); // Default format, if layout is not defined if ( index < 0 ) { if (plotsInPage < 2) { nx=1; ny=1; } else if (plotsInPage < 3) { nx=1; ny=2; } else if (plotsInPage < 3) { nx=1; ny=2; } else if (plotsInPage < 5) { nx=2; ny=2; } else if (plotsInPage < 7) { nx=2; ny=3; } else if (plotsInPage < 10) { nx=3; ny=3; } else if (10 <= plotsInPage) { nx=3; ny=(int) plotsInPage/3; if (plotsInPage%3 > 0) ny++; } } setNx(nx); setNy(ny); // If Width of Height is not set, set defaults (for multiple plots only) if (plotsInPage > 1) { if (!heightIsSet) setHeight(cellHeight*ny); if (!widthIsSet) setWidth(cellWidth*nx); } } private Object[] getPlotsObject(PageContext pageContext) throws JspException { if (plots == null) { return null; } Object obj = null; if (plots instanceof String) { // If we were passed a string, then search all JSP scopes for an // Object with the name. String attributeName = (String) plots; obj = AidaTLDUtils.findObject(attributeName, pageContext); } else if (plots != null) { obj = plots; } if (obj == null) { throw new JspException("nothing to plot (plots Object is not found), plots="+plots); } if (obj instanceof Object[]) { return (Object[]) obj; } else if (obj instanceof List) { return ((List) obj).toArray(); } else if (obj instanceof IManagedObject || obj instanceof DataSource) { return new Object[] { obj }; } return null; } }