package jas.hist; import jas.plot.Overlay; import jas.util.ColorConverter; import; import java.util.Observable; class JASHist1DHistogramData extends JASHistData { JASHist1DHistogramData(DataManager dm,DataSource ds) { super(dm); dataSource = ds; initTransientData(); JASHistStyle s = null; if (ds instanceof HasStyle) s = ((HasStyle) ds).getStyle(); if (s == null) s = new JASHist1DHistogramStyle(); setStyle(s); String property = System.getProperty("hurry", "false"); hurry = property != null && property.equalsIgnoreCase("true"); } private void initTransientData() { yLimitsValid = false; isBinned = false; } public void setStyle(JASHistStyle style) { if (!(style instanceof JASHist1DHistogramStyle)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Style is not subclass of JASHist1DHistogramStyle"); if ( != null); = (JASHist1DHistogramStyle) style;; } public String getTitle() { return dataSource.getTitle(); } String[] getAxisLabels() { return dataSource instanceof Rebinnable1DHistogramData ? ((Rebinnable1DHistogramData) dataSource).getAxisLabels() : null; } Overlay createOverlay() { return new OneDOverlay(this); } void writeAsXML(XMLPrintWriter pw, boolean snapshot) { pw.setAttribute("axis","y"+getYAxis()); pw.openTag("data1d"); String theAxisType = pw.convertAxisTypeToString(getAxisType()); if (snapshot) { if (dataSource instanceof Rebinnable1DHistogramData) { pw.setAttribute("title",getTitle()); pw.openTag("bins1d"); for (int i=0; i < data.length; i++) { pw.print(data[i]); pw.print(","); pw.print(plusError[i]); pw.print(","); pw.print(minusError[i]); pw.println(); } pw.closeTag(); pw.printBinnedDataAxisAttributes( "x", "" + xLow, "" + xHigh, "" + xBins, theAxisType); if (theAxisType.equals("string")) { pw.setAttribute("type","x0"); pw.openTag("axisLabels"); String[] labels = getAxisLabels(); for (int i=0; i < labels.length; i++) { pw.setAttribute("value",labels[i]); pw.printTag("axisLabel"); } pw.closeTag(); } } else { pw.setAttribute("title",getTitle()); pw.openTag("points"); for (int i=0; i < data.length; i++) { pw.print(dataX[i]); pw.print(','); pw.print(data[i]); pw.print(','); pw.print(plusError[i]); pw.print(','); pw.print(minusError[i]); pw.println(); } pw.closeTag(); pw.setAttribute("axis","x"); pw.setAttribute("type",theAxisType); pw.printTag("pointDataAxisAttributes"); } if (dataSource instanceof HasStatistics) { Statistics stats = ((HasStatistics) dataSource).getStatistics(); if (stats != null) { pw.openTag("statistics"); String[] names = stats.getStatisticNames(); for (int i=0; i<names.length; i++) { String name = names[i]; pw.setAttribute("name",name); String valueString = null; if (stats instanceof ExtendedStatistics) { Object value = ((ExtendedStatistics) stats).getExtendedStatistic(name); if (value != null) valueString = value.toString(); } if (valueString == null) valueString = String.valueOf(stats.getStatistic(name)); pw.setAttribute("value",valueString); pw.printTag("statistic"); } pw.closeTag(); } } } else // !snapshot { if (dataSource instanceof jas.util.xml.HasXMLRepresentation) { ((jas.util.xml.HasXMLRepresentation) dataSource).writeAsXML(pw); } else { if (dataSource instanceof HasDataSource) pw.setAttribute("name",dataSource.getClass().getName()); else pw.setAttribute("name","???"); pw.setAttribute("param","???"); pw.printTag("class"); } } pw.setAttribute("histogramBarsFilled",style.getHistogramFill()); pw.setAttribute("histogramBarColor", ColorConverter.colorToString(style.getHistogramBarColor())); pw.setAttribute("errorBarColor", ColorConverter.colorToString(style.getErrorBarColor())); pw.setAttribute("dataPointColor", ColorConverter.colorToString(style.getDataPointColor())); pw.setAttribute("dataPointStyle",pw.convertStyleToString(style.getDataPointStyle())); pw.setAttribute("dataPointSize",style.getDataPointSize()); pw.setAttribute("lineColor",ColorConverter.colorToString(style.getLineColor())); pw.setAttribute("showHistogramBars",style.getShowHistogramBars()); pw.setAttribute("showErrorBars",style.getShowErrorBars()); pw.setAttribute("showDataPoints",style.getShowDataPoints()); pw.setAttribute("showLinesBetweenPoints",style.getShowLinesBetweenPoints()); pw.printTag("style1d"); pw.closeTag(); } boolean isRebinnable() { return dataSource instanceof Rebinnable1DHistogramData ? ((Rebinnable1DHistogramData) dataSource).isRebinnable() : false; } double getXMin() { if (dataSource instanceof Rebinnable1DHistogramData) return ((Rebinnable1DHistogramData) dataSource).getMin(); if (!xLimitsValid) calcXLimits(); return xMin; } double getXMax() { if (dataSource instanceof Rebinnable1DHistogramData) return ((Rebinnable1DHistogramData) dataSource).getMax(); if (!xLimitsValid) calcXLimits(); return xMax; } void setXRange(int xBins,double xLow, double xHigh) { if (isRebinnable()) { if (xBins != this.xBins || xLow != this.xLow || xHigh != this.xHigh) { this.xBins = xBins; isBinned = false; } } else if (dataSource instanceof Rebinnable1DHistogramData) { this.xBins = ((Rebinnable1DHistogramData) dataSource).getBins(); } yLimitsValid = false; this.xLow = xLow; this.xHigh = xHigh; } private void doXYBin() { isBinned = true; XYDataSource xy = (XYDataSource) dataSource; int n = xy.getNPoints(); dataX = new double[n]; data = new double[n]; plusError = new double[n]; minusError = new double[n]; for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { dataX[i] = xy.getX(i); data[i] = xy.getY(i); plusError[i] = xy.getPlusError(i); minusError[i] = xy.getMinusError(i); } // apply normalization if (normalization != null) { double factor = 1./normalization.getNormalizationFactor(); double[] normalizedData = new double[n]; double[] normalizedPlusError = new double[n]; double[] normalizedMinusError = new double[n]; for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { normalizedData[i] = data[i] * factor; normalizedPlusError[i] = plusError[i] * factor; normalizedMinusError[i] = minusError[i] * factor; } if (overlay instanceof OneDOverlay) { ((OneDOverlay) overlay).setData(dataX,normalizedData,normalizedPlusError,normalizedMinusError); } } else if (overlay instanceof OneDOverlay) { ((OneDOverlay) overlay).setData(dataX,data,plusError,minusError); } } private void doBin() { if ( dataSource instanceof XYDataSource ) doXYBin(); else { int type = getAxisType(); String[] labels = null; double xl,xh; if (type == dataSource.STRING) { labels = getAxisLabels(); xBins = labels.length; xl = 0; xh = labels.length; } else if (isRebinnable()) { xl = xLow; xh = xHigh; } else { xl = ((Rebinnable1DHistogramData) dataSource).getMin(); xh = ((Rebinnable1DHistogramData) dataSource).getMax(); } isBinned = true; // Set before call to rebin to avoid race condition double[][] result = ((Rebinnable1DHistogramData) dataSource).rebin(xBins,xl,xh,true,hurry); if (result == null) result = new double[1][xBins]; data = result[0]; if (data.length != xBins) System.err.println("Warning xbins="+xBins+" data.length="+data.length); if (result.length > 1) { plusError = result[1]; if (result.length > 2) minusError = result[2]; else minusError = plusError; } else { plusError = new double[xBins]; for (int i=0; i<xBins; i++) { plusError[i] = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(data[i])); } minusError = plusError; } if (plusError.length != xBins) System.err.println("Warning xbins="+xBins+" plusError.length="+plusError.length); if (minusError.length != xBins) System.err.println("Warning xbins="+xBins+" minusError.length="+minusError.length); // apply normalization if (normalization != null) { double factor = 1./normalization.getNormalizationFactor(); double[] normalizedData = new double[xBins]; double[] normalizedPlusError = new double[xBins]; double[] normalizedMinusError = new double[xBins]; for (int i=0; i<data.length; i++) { normalizedData[i] = data[i] * factor; normalizedPlusError[i] = plusError[i] * factor; normalizedMinusError[i] = minusError[i] * factor; } if (overlay instanceof OneDOverlay) { if (type == dataSource.STRING) ((OneDOverlay) overlay).setData(normalizedData,normalizedPlusError,normalizedMinusError,labels); else ((OneDOverlay) overlay).setData(normalizedData,normalizedPlusError,normalizedMinusError,xl,xh); } } else { if (overlay instanceof OneDOverlay) { if (type == dataSource.STRING) ((OneDOverlay) overlay).setData(data,plusError,minusError,labels); else ((OneDOverlay) overlay).setData(data,plusError,minusError,xl,xh); } } } } // Note: This set xMin and xMax to NaN if the number of points == 0. See JAS=334. private void calcXLimits() { xLimitsValid = true; XYDataSource xy = (XYDataSource) dataSource; int n = xy.getNPoints(); if (n == 0) { xMin = Double.NaN; xMax = Double.NaN; } else { xMin = Double.MAX_VALUE; xMax = -Double.MAX_VALUE; for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { double x = xy.getX(i); if (x<xMin) xMin = x; if (x>xMax) xMax = x; } if (xMin > xMax) { xMin = 0; xMax = 1; } else { // Allow a little extra space for the size of the points double delta = (xMax-xMin)/25; xMin -= delta; xMax += delta; } } } private void calcYLimits() { if (!isBinned) { if (dataSource instanceof XYDataSource) doXYBin(); else doBin(); fittableDataSource.binningChanged(); } yLimitsValid = true; // Note: If the data member for a bin is NaN then we should // skip that point, and not count it in the Y limits. // Note2: In the case of non-rebinnable histograms, not all of the points may // be visible. Only include the visible points in the calculation. int nGoodPoints = 0; yLow = Double.MAX_VALUE; yHigh = -Double.MAX_VALUE; // not the same as MIN_VALUE // Also remember points just outside the [xLow, xHigh] region - // if there are no good points in this region, will use those // to set the Y Axis limits yNearLow = Double.MAX_VALUE; yNearHigh = -Double.MAX_VALUE; xNearLow = -Double.MAX_VALUE; xNearHigh = Double.MAX_VALUE; int iNearLow = -1; int iNearHigh = -1; int ndp = -1; double dm = 0.; double dp = 0.; boolean eb = style.getShowErrorBars(); boolean fixed = !isRebinnable() && getAxisType() != dataSource.STRING; if (dataSource instanceof Rebinnable1DHistogramData) { double x = getXMin(); double bw = (getXMax() - getXMin())/xBins; ndp = xBins; for (int i=0; i<xBins; i++) { if (fixed) { double xBinMin = x; x += bw; double xBinMax = x; if (xBinMax < xLow) { if (x>xNearLow) { xNearLow = x; iNearLow = i; } continue; } if (xBinMin > xHigh) { if (x<xNearHigh) { xNearHigh = x; iNearHigh = i; } continue; } } double d = data[i]; if (Double.isNaN(d)) continue; nGoodPoints++; yLow = Math.min(yLow,d-(eb ? minusError[i] : 0)); yHigh = Math.max(yHigh,d+(eb ? plusError[i] : 0)); } } else { ndp = dataX.length; for (int i=0; i<dataX.length; i++) { double x = dataX[i]; double d = data[i]; if (Double.isNaN(d)) continue; if (x<xLow) { if (x>xNearLow) { xNearLow = x; iNearLow = i; } continue; } if (x>xHigh) { if (x<xNearHigh) { xNearHigh = x; iNearHigh = i; } continue; } nGoodPoints++; yLow = Math.min(yLow , d-(eb ? minusError[i] : 0)); yHigh = Math.max(yHigh , d+(eb ? plusError[i] : 0)); } // Allow a little extra space for the size of the points double delta = (yHigh-yLow)/25; if ( delta == 0 ) delta = 1; yLow -= delta; yHigh += delta; } if (iNearHigh < 0 && iNearLow < 0 && nGoodPoints == 0) { yLow = 0; yHigh = 1; } else { if (nGoodPoints == 0) { if (iNearLow >= 0) { double d = data[iNearLow]; dm = d-(eb ? minusError[iNearLow] : 0); dp = d+(eb ? minusError[iNearLow] : 0); if (dm < yNearLow) yNearLow = dm; if (dp > yNearHigh) yNearHigh = dp; } if (iNearHigh >= 0) { double d = data[iNearHigh]; dm = d-(eb ? minusError[iNearHigh] : 0); dp = d+(eb ? minusError[iNearHigh] : 0); if (dm < yNearLow) yNearLow = dm; if (dp > yNearHigh) yNearHigh = dp; } yLow = yNearLow; yHigh = yNearHigh; } } if (iNearHigh < 0 && iNearLow < 0 && nGoodPoints == 0) { yLow = 0; yHigh = 1; } else { if (nGoodPoints == 0) { if (iNearLow >= 0) { double d = data[iNearLow]; dm = d-(eb ? minusError[iNearLow] : 0); dp = d+(eb ? minusError[iNearLow] : 0); if (dm < yNearLow) yNearLow = dm; if (dp > yNearHigh) yNearHigh = dp; } if (iNearHigh >= 0) { double d = data[iNearHigh]; dm = d-(eb ? minusError[iNearHigh] : 0); dp = d+(eb ? minusError[iNearHigh] : 0); if (dm < yNearLow) yNearLow = dm; if (dp > yNearHigh) yNearHigh = dp; } yLow = yNearLow; yHigh = yNearHigh; } else { // apply normalization if (normalization != null) { double factor = 1./normalization.getNormalizationFactor(); yLow *= factor; yHigh *= factor; } } } // Round yLow and yHigh for a more sane mumbers yLow = JASHistUtil.roundDown(yLow, 2); yHigh = JASHistUtil.roundUp(yHigh, 2); } public void update(Observable o, Object arg) { // Dragons: Likely to be called by different thread if (o == dataSource) { // Currently there are several types of update notifications // - DataUpdate // - RangeUpdate // - FinalUpdate // - TitleUpdate // - Reset (Ususlly for when partition changes) HistogramUpdate hu = (HistogramUpdate) arg; // If we are not binned, we must pass the update onto any fits. // If we are binned then hopefully our observer will ask us to rebin // ourselves, and the fit will be informed then. isBinned = false; yLimitsValid = false; xLimitsValid = false; //if (hu.isReset()) //parent.resetNumberOfBins(this); //if (hu.isRangeUpdate() || hu.isReset()) //parent.invalidateXAxis(); //long delay = hu.isFinalUpdate() || hu.isReset() ? 0 : 1000; //parent.scheduleDataUpdate(delay); parent.update(hu, this); } else if (o == style) { yLimitsValid = false; //. in case error bar settings changed parent.styleUpdate(this); } else if (o == normalization) { normalizationChanged(false); } } void normalizationChanged(boolean now) { // treat the same as dataChanged // Could be more efficient by just renormalizing the cached copy of the data // It would be more efficient just to change the normalization of the fit, // there is no need to refit the plot just because the normalization changed HistogramUpdate hu = new HistogramUpdate(HistogramUpdate.DATA_UPDATE,now); if (!isBinned || countObservers() == 0) fittableDataSource.update(hu); isBinned = false; yLimitsValid = false; parent.update(hu,this); } public boolean hasChanged() { return !isBinned; } // Note YMin and YMax include allowances for error bars, if shown double getYMin() { if (!yLimitsValid) calcYLimits(); return yLow; } double getYMax() { if (!yLimitsValid) calcYLimits(); return yHigh; } void validate() { if (!isBinned) doBin(); } void axisChanged() { parent.axisChanged(this); } public DataSource getDataSource() { return dataSource; } public DataSource getFittableDataSource() { return fittableDataSource; } public boolean getBinnable() { return true; } public int getBins() { return dataSource instanceof Rebinnable1DHistogramData ? ((Rebinnable1DHistogramData) dataSource).getBins() : ((XYDataSource) dataSource).getNPoints(); } int getAxisType() { if (dataSource instanceof Rebinnable1DHistogramData) return ((Rebinnable1DHistogramData) dataSource).getAxisType(); else return ((XYDataSource) dataSource).getAxisType(); } public JASHistStyle getStyle() { return style; } void destroy() { if (dataSource instanceof Observable) ((Observable) dataSource).deleteObserver(this); style.deleteObserver(this); super.deleteNormalizationObserver(); } private DataSource dataSource; JASHist1DHistogramStyle style; // directly accessed by Overlay private boolean hurry; private boolean isBinned = false; private boolean yLimitsValid = false; private boolean xLimitsValid = false; private double[] data; private double[] dataX; private double[] plusError; private double[] minusError; private int xBins; private double xMin; private double xMax; private double xLow; private double xHigh; private double yLow; private double yHigh; private double xNearLow; private double xNearHigh; private double yNearLow; private double yNearHigh; private static final HistogramUpdate hu = new HistogramUpdate(HistogramUpdate.DATA_UPDATE,true); static final long serialVersionUID = -3529869583896718619L; private FittableDataSource fittableDataSource = new jas.hist.JASHist1DHistogramData.FittableDataSource(); /** * Fits are done to binned data, so the result of the fit * depends on the current binning. FittableDataSource is * a DataSource that reflects the current binning. */ class FittableDataSource extends Observable implements XYDataSource, Serializable { public int getAxisType() { return DOUBLE; } public String getTitle() { return dataSource.getTitle(); } void update(Object obj) { this.setChanged(); this.notifyObservers(obj); } void binningChanged() { this.setChanged(); this.notifyObservers(hu); } JASHist1DHistogramData parent() // Used in FitManager { return JASHist1DHistogramData.this; } public double getMinusError(int index) { return minusError[index]; } public double getPlusError(int index) { return plusError[index]; } public double getX(int index) { if (dataX != null) return dataX[index]; else { double bw = (xHigh-xLow)/xBins; return xLow+bw*index+bw/2; } } public double getY(int index) { return data[index]; } public int getNPoints() { if (data == null) return 0; return data.length; } public String toString() { return getTitle(); } } }