package jas.hist; import jas.plot.DataArea; import jas.plot.DateAxis; import jas.plot.DoubleAxis; import jas.plot.Legend; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Cursor; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener; import; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPopupMenu; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; /** * Binned data manager is used for all 1D histograms. */ abstract class BinnedDataManager extends OneDDataManager implements SupportsFunctions { private int m_defaultNumberOfBins; BinnedDataManager(JASHist plot, final DataArea da, final Legend l, StatisticsBlock stats, final int defaultNumberOfBins) { super(plot,da,l, stats); m_defaultNumberOfBins = defaultNumberOfBins; } void XAxisUpdated() { for (Enumeration e = data.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { JASHist1DHistogramData dw = (JASHist1DHistogramData) e.nextElement(); if (dw.isShowing()) dw.setXRange(xm.getBins(),xLow,xHigh); } for (Enumeration e = funcs.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { JASHist1DFunctionData dw = (JASHist1DFunctionData) e.nextElement(); if (dw.isShowing()) dw.setXRange(xLow,xHigh); } ym[0].setAttentionNeeded(); if (ym[1] != null) ym[1].setAttentionNeeded(); } public JASHist1DFunctionData addFunction(Basic1DFunction d) { JASHist1DFunctionData dw = new JASHist1DFunctionData(this,d); funcs.addElement(dw); return dw; } public void removeFunction(JASHist1DFunctionData d) { d.setShowing(false); d.destroy(); funcs.removeElement(d); //The line below is to force the plot to invoke setChanged(). //It should be replaced by something better. plot.setTitle( plot.getTitle() ); } public void destroy() { super.destroy(); removeAllFunctions(); } public void removeAllFunctions() { final Enumeration e = funcs.elements(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { JASHist1DFunctionData d = (JASHist1DFunctionData) e.nextElement(); d.setShowing(false); d.destroy(); } funcs.removeAllElements(); } public int numberOfFunctions() { return funcs.size(); } public Enumeration getFunctions() { return funcs.elements(); } final public void update(final HistogramUpdate hu, final JASHistData data) { // I dont see any point to this?? //if (hu.isFinalUpdate() || hu.isReset()) //{ // if (m_defaultNumberOfBins != -1 && !xm.getIsFixed()) xm.bins = m_defaultNumberOfBins; //} super.update(hu,data); } final public void update(JASHist1DFunctionData data) { // Danger: likely to be run in a different thread SwingUtilities.invokeLater(this); } private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException { // first get rid of excess IO volume... funcs.trimToSize(); // then write out the vector out.defaultWriteObject(); } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { data = new Vector(); in.defaultReadObject(); } protected final Vector funcs = new Vector(); final protected class DateAxisListener extends AxisListener { DateAxisListener(final ManagedAxis axis) { super(axis); axisType = (DateAxis) axis.getType(); } public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent me) { // Scale the axis so the correct point is under the mouse; int min = axis.getMinLocation(); int max = axis.getMaxLocation(); double f = ((double) me.getX()) / (max - min); if (grabType == 1) // move xHigh { xHigh = xLow + (grab-xLow)/f; axisType.setMax((long) (xHigh*1000)); } else if (grabType == 0) // move xLow { xLow = xHigh - (xHigh - grab)/(1-f); axisType.setMin((long) (xLow*1000)); } else // keep the range the same but move the axis { double off = (grab-f)*(xHigh - xLow); xHigh = xLowOld + off + xHigh - xLow; xLow = xLowOld + off; axisType.setMin((long) (xLow*1000)); axisType.setMax((long) (xHigh*1000)); } axis.setRangeAutomatic(false); XAxisUpdated(); computeYAxisRange(); //yAxis.getAxis().processRangeUpdate(); da.repaint(); } private DateAxis axisType; } final protected class DoubleAxisListener extends AxisListener { DoubleAxisListener(final ManagedAxis axis) { super(axis); axisType = (DoubleAxis) axis.getType(); } public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent me) { // Scale the axis so the correct point is under the mouse; int min = axis.getMinLocation(); int max = axis.getMaxLocation(); double f = ((double) me.getX()) / (max - min); if (grabType == 1) // move xHigh { xHigh = xLow + (grab-xLow)/f; axisType.setMax(xHigh); } else if (grabType == 0) // move xLow { xLow = xHigh - (xHigh - grab)/(1-f); axisType.setMin(xLow); } else // keep the range the same but move the axis { double off = (grab-f)*(xHigh - xLow); xHigh = xLowOld + off + xHigh - xLow; xLow = xLowOld + off; axisType.setMin(xLow); axisType.setMax(xHigh); } axis.setRangeAutomatic(false); XAxisUpdated(); computeYAxisRange(); //yAxis.getAxis().processRangeUpdate(); da.repaint(); } private DoubleAxis axisType; } abstract class AxisListener extends MouseAdapter implements MouseMotionListener { AxisListener(final ManagedAxis axis) { this.axis = axis; axis.addMouseListener(this); axis.addMouseMotionListener(this); axis.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); } public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent me) { } public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent me) { } public void mousePressed(MouseEvent me) { int min = axis.getMinLocation(); int max = axis.getMaxLocation(); double rgrab = ((double) me.getX()) / (max - min); oldCursor = axis.getCursor(); // The type of grab depends on where on the axis the grab occurs; if (rgrab < .2) { grabType = 0; grab = xLow + rgrab * (xHigh - xLow); axis.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.E_RESIZE_CURSOR)); } else if (rgrab > .8) { grabType = 1; grab = xLow + rgrab * (xHigh - xLow); axis.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.W_RESIZE_CURSOR)); } else { grabType = 2; grab = rgrab; xLowOld = xLow; axis.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); } } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent me) { axis.setCursor(oldCursor); } protected double xLowOld; protected double grab; protected int grabType; protected ManagedAxis axis; protected Cursor oldCursor; } void modifyPopupMenu(JPopupMenu menu, Component source) { super.modifyPopupMenu(menu,source); if (menu.getComponentCount() > 0) menu.addSeparator(); menu.add(new AddFunctionMenu()); menu.add(new RemoveFunctionMenu()); menu.add(new FitMenu()); menu.add(new AdvancedOptionsMenu()); } public void fillFunctionMenu(JMenu menu) { menu.add(new AddFunctionMenu()); menu.add(new RemoveFunctionMenu()); menu.add(new FitMenu()); menu.add(new AdvancedOptionsMenu()); } final private class AddFunctionMenu extends JMenu { public AddFunctionMenu() { super("Add function"); setMnemonic('A'); // we need to build the menu next time it's selected m_build = FitterRegistry.instance().getDefaultFitter() != null && FunctionRegistry.instance().size() > 0; setEnabled(m_build); } private void buildMenu() { removeAll(); int i = 0; final Enumeration e = FunctionRegistry.instance().elements(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) this.add(new AddFunctionMenuItem((FunctionFactory) e.nextElement(), ++i)); m_build = false; // we don't need to build the menu next time it's selected } protected void fireMenuSelected() { if (m_build) buildMenu(); // super.fireMenuSelected(); } private boolean m_build; final private class AddFunctionMenuItem extends JMenuItem /* * This class is for an item on the AddFunctionMenu. * Each is a function from the FuntionRegistry * that can be added to a window. */ { AddFunctionMenuItem(final FunctionFactory func, final int i) { super(new StringBuffer(String.valueOf(i)).append(' ').append(func.getFunctionName()).toString()); m_func = func; setMnemonic('0' + (char) i); } protected void fireActionPerformed(final ActionEvent evt) { try { //This line replaces the one below. This is so that the adding of the //function goes through the JASHist. This allows to control the title and //the name of the function plot.addData(m_func.createFunction(plot)).show(true); // BinnedDataManager.this.addFunction(m_func.createFunction(plot)).show(true); } catch (FunctionFactoryError ffe) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"Could not add function."); } } private FunctionFactory m_func; } } final private class RemoveFunctionMenu extends JMenu /* * Has on it all functions that are on the * selected hist. */ { public RemoveFunctionMenu() { super("Remove function"); setMnemonic('R'); // use the same remove all item for all menus m_removeAll = new RemoveAll(); m_build = numberOfFunctions() > 0; // we need to build the menu next time it's selected setEnabled(m_build); } private void buildMenu() { m_build = false; removeAll(); int i = 0; final Enumeration e = getFunctions(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) this.add(new RemoveFunctionMenuItem((JASHist1DFunctionData) e.nextElement(), ++i)); if (i > 1) // at least 2 menu items { addSeparator(); this.add(m_removeAll); } } protected void fireMenuSelected() { if (m_build) buildMenu(); // super.fireMenuSelected(); } private boolean m_build; // indicates whether it should be built when selected private RemoveAll m_removeAll; final private class RemoveFunctionMenuItem extends JMenuItem { RemoveFunctionMenuItem(final JASHist1DFunctionData func, final int i) { super(new StringBuffer(String.valueOf(i)).append(' ').append(func.getTitle()).toString()); m_func = func; setMnemonic('0' + (char) i); } protected void fireActionPerformed(final ActionEvent evt) { BinnedDataManager.this.removeFunction(m_func); } private JASHist1DFunctionData m_func; } final private class RemoveAll extends JMenuItem { RemoveAll() { super("Remove all"); } protected void fireActionPerformed(final ActionEvent evt) { removeAllFunctions(); } } } final private class FitMenu extends JMenu /* * This is a dynamic menu whose contents depend * on what data sets are on the window, and * what fittable functions have already been * added. It is only enabled if there is at * least one fittable function on the window, * and at least one data set displayed. */ { public FitMenu() { super("Fit"); setMnemonic('F'); m_build = false; if (numberOfDataSources() > 0) { final Enumeration e = getFunctions(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { final Basic1DFunction func = ((JASHist1DFunctionData) e.nextElement()).getFunction(); if (func instanceof Fittable1DFunction && ((Fittable1DFunction) func).getFit() == null) { m_build = true; break; } } } setEnabled(m_build); } private void buildMenu() { removeAll(); m_build = false; if (numberOfDataSources() > 1) // there are multiple data sets to choose from { int i = 0; final Enumeration e = getDataSources(); while ( e.hasMoreElements() ) this.add( new FitMenuDataMenu( (JASHist1DHistogramData) e.nextElement(), ++i ) ); // The FitMenu menu will contain a selection // of FitMenuDataMenu menus (one for each data // source). Each menu will offer a list of // selectable functions. } else // there is only one data set so it's ovbious // which data set to use { m_selectedDataSet = (JASHist1DHistogramData) getDataSources().nextElement(); // the only data set is selected by default final Enumeration e = getFunctions(); int i = 0; while ( e.hasMoreElements() ) { final Basic1DFunction func = ((JASHist1DFunctionData) e.nextElement()).getFunction(); if (func instanceof Fittable1DFunction && ((Fittable1DFunction) func).getFit() == null) this.add( new FitMenuFunctionItem((Fittable1DFunction) func, ++i) ); } // the FitMenu will offer a choice of all of // the available functions to fit } } protected void fireMenuSelected() { if (m_build) buildMenu(); // super.fireMenuSelected(); } private JASHist1DHistogramData m_selectedDataSet; // This is the data that the user has selected // to fit the function to. If only one choice // of data is available, this is selected // automatically. private boolean m_build; final private class FitMenuFunctionItem extends JMenuItem { FitMenuFunctionItem(final Fittable1DFunction func, final int i) { super( String.valueOf(i) +" "+ func.getTitle() ); m_func = func; setMnemonic('0' + (char) i); } protected void fireActionPerformed(final ActionEvent evt) { final Fitter fitter = FitterRegistry.instance().getDefaultFitter(); fitter.setFunction(m_func); fitter.setData((XYDataSource) m_selectedDataSet.getFittableDataSource()); plot.notifyFitListeners(fitter); fitter.start(); } private Fittable1DFunction m_func; } final private class FitMenuDataMenu extends JMenu { FitMenuDataMenu(final JASHist1DHistogramData data, final int i) { super( String.valueOf(i) +" "+ data.getTitle() ); m_data = data; setMnemonic('0' + (char) i); } protected void fireMenuSelected() { m_selectedDataSet = m_data; if (!m_built) { m_built = true; // build menu: this.removeAll(); final Enumeration e = getFunctions(); int i = 0; while ( e.hasMoreElements() ) { JASHist1DFunctionData d = (JASHist1DFunctionData) e.nextElement(); Object f = d.getDataSource(); if (f instanceof Fittable1DFunction) this.add( new FitMenuFunctionItem((Fittable1DFunction) f, ++i) ); } // Users select an FitMenuDataMenu on the // basis of which data set they want. Once a // FitMenuDataMenu is selected, the // selectedDataSet is set. This menu offers a // list of possible functions to fit. Once // a function is selected, the method // FitMenuFunctionItem.fireActionPerformed() // is called, and a fit is added based on the // selected function and data. // super.fireMenuSelected(); } } private boolean m_built = false; private JASHist1DHistogramData m_data; } } final private class AdvancedOptionsMenu extends JMenu { public AdvancedOptionsMenu() { super("Advanced options..."); setMnemonic('o'); final Enumeration e = getFunctions(); m_build = false; if (e != null) while (e.hasMoreElements()) { if (((JASHist1DFunctionData) e.nextElement()).getFunction() instanceof FunctionAdvancedOptions) { m_build = true; break; } } setEnabled(m_build); } protected void fireMenuSelected() { if (m_build) { m_build = false; removeAll(); final Enumeration e = getFunctions(); int i = 0; while ( e.hasMoreElements() ) { final Basic1DFunction func = ((JASHist1DFunctionData) e.nextElement()).getFunction(); if (func instanceof FunctionAdvancedOptions) this.add( new AdvancedOptionsMenuItem( (FunctionAdvancedOptions) func, ++i ) ); } } // super.fireMenuSelected(); } private boolean m_build; final private class AdvancedOptionsMenuItem extends JMenuItem { AdvancedOptionsMenuItem(final FunctionAdvancedOptions function, final int i) { super(String.valueOf(i) +" "+ ((Basic1DFunction) function).getTitle()); m_function = function; setMnemonic('0' + (char) i); } protected void fireActionPerformed(final ActionEvent e) { m_function.openAdvancedDialog((Frame) SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(Frame.class, plot), plot); } private FunctionAdvancedOptions m_function; } } void computeXAxisRange() { if (!xm.needsAttention()) return; xm.payingAttention(); // do first to avoid race conditions if (data.isEmpty()) return; // Note, when we add items which are rebinnable, we coerce them to adopt the binning preferred by // the x-axis. However, when we add items which are non-rebinnable, they are displayed without regard // to the binning preferred by the axis. if (!xm.getRangeAutomatic()) { xLow = xm.getMin(); xHigh = xm.getMax(); return; } int nShowing = 0; xLow = 0; xHigh = 0; boolean hasRebinnables = false; for (Enumeration e = data.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { JASHist1DHistogramData dw = (JASHist1DHistogramData) e.nextElement(); if (!dw.isShowing()) continue; if (Double.isNaN(dw.getXMin())) continue; if (nShowing++ == 0) { xLow = dw.getXMin(); xHigh = dw.getXMax(); } else { xLow = Math.min(xLow,dw.getXMin()); xHigh = Math.max(xHigh,dw.getXMax()); } if (dw.isRebinnable()) hasRebinnables = true; } if (nShowing == 0) return; xm.setBinned(hasRebinnables); if (!xm.getAllowSuppressedZero()) { if (xLow > 0) xLow = 0; if (xHigh < 0) xHigh = 0; } if (xHigh <= xLow) xHigh = xLow + 1; calcMinMaxBins(xLow,xHigh); } void computeYAxisRange() { for (int i=0; i<ym.length; i++) { double ymin = 0; double ymax = 0; if (ym[i] == null) continue; if (!ym[i].needsAttention()) continue; ym[i].payingAttention(); // do first to avoid race conditions DoubleAxis yAxis = (DoubleAxis) ym[i].getType(); if (data.isEmpty()) return; if (!ym[i].getRangeAutomatic()) { yAxis.setUseSuggestedRange(false); yAxis.getAxis().invalidate(); for (Enumeration e = data.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { JASHist1DHistogramData dw = (JASHist1DHistogramData) e.nextElement(); if (dw.isShowing() && dw.getYAxis() == i) dw.validate(); } } else { boolean first = true; for (Enumeration e = data.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { JASHist1DHistogramData dw = (JASHist1DHistogramData) e.nextElement(); if (!dw.isShowing() || dw.getYAxis() != i) continue; if (first) { ymin = dw.getYMin(); ymax = dw.getYMax(); first = false; } else { ymin = Math.min(ymin,dw.getYMin()); ymax = Math.max(ymax,dw.getYMax()); } } if (!ym[i].getAllowSuppressedZero()) { if (ymin > 0) ymin = 0; if (ymax < 0) ymax = 0; } if (ymax <= ymin) ymax = ymin + 1; if (ym[i].isLogarithmic()) { //Fix to JAIDA-85, JAP-59, JAP-53 double min = Double.NaN; for (Enumeration e = data.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { JASHist1DHistogramData dw = (JASHist1DHistogramData) e.nextElement(); if (dw.isShowing()) { XYDataSource ds = (XYDataSource)dw.getFittableDataSource(); for ( int j = 0; j < ds.getNPoints(); j++ ) { double tmpMin = ds.getY(j) - ds.getMinusError(j); if ( tmpMin > 0 ) { if ( Double.isNaN(min) ) min = tmpMin; else min = Math.min( tmpMin, min ); } } } } if ( Double.isNaN( min ) ) ymin = Math.max(ymin, 0.5); else ymin = 0.8*min; // if Y Axis is logarithmic and ymin > 0.1 and allowSuppressedZero=false, force ymin=0.1 if (!ym[i].getAllowSuppressedZero()) ymin = Math.min(ymin, 0.1); } double oldYMin = yAxis.getPlotMin(); double oldYMax = yAxis.getPlotMax(); if (ymin < oldYMin || ymax > oldYMax || (ymax - ymin) / (oldYMax - oldYMin) < .75) { yAxis.setUseSuggestedRange(true); yAxis.setMin(ymin); yAxis.setMax(ymax); yAxis.getAxis().revalidate(); // Why does this have to be revalidate?? } } } } abstract void calcMinMaxBins(double x1, double x2); }