package hep.aida.ref.tuple; import hep.aida.IBaseTupleColumn; import hep.aida.ITuple; import hep.aida.ref.AidaUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.freehep.util.Value; /** * * @author The FreeHEP team @ SLAC. * */ public class Tuple extends AbstractTuple { protected static final int COLUMN_ROWS = 1000; private int columnLength; private int columnMaxLength; private String tupColumnsString = ""; private int startRow = 0; private int endRow = -1; private int filledRows = 0; private Map optionMap; private String[] columnDefaultValues; private ArrayList tupleColumns = new ArrayList(); private ArrayList folderList = new ArrayList(); private Hashtable columnCounters = new Hashtable(); private Value tupleValue = new Value(); public Tuple(String name, String title, String[] columnName, Class[] columnType, String options) { super(name, title, options); initTuple(name, title,columnName,columnType,options); } public Tuple(String name, String title, String columnsString, String options) { super(name, title, options); initTuple(name, title,columnsString,options); } private int numberOf(String str, String s) { int n = 0; int i = str.indexOf(s); if ( i <0 ) return n; else { n++; n += numberOf(str.substring(i+1),s); } return n; } private void initTuple( String name, String title, String columnsString, String options) { setTitle(title); this.tupColumnsString = columnsString; optionMap = AidaUtils.parseOptions(options); StringTokenizer strT = new StringTokenizer( columnsString,",;"); int bracketCounter = 0; int nCol = 0; while( strT.hasMoreTokens() ) { String token = strT.nextToken(); if ( bracketCounter == 0 ) nCol++; bracketCounter += numberOf(token,"{"); bracketCounter -= numberOf(token,"}"); } if ( nCol < 1 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot build Tuple with no columns\n"); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(columnsString,",;"); int columnIndex = 0; bracketCounter = 0; String iTupleColString = ""; String type = ""; int colDefCount = 0; columnDefaultValues = new String[nCol]; while( st.hasMoreTokens() ) { String token = st.nextToken(); token.trim(); bracketCounter += numberOf(token,"{"); bracketCounter -= numberOf(token,"}"); iTupleColString += token; if ( st.hasMoreTokens() ) iTupleColString += ";"; if ( bracketCounter == 0 ) { String colName; String defaultValue = ""; iTupleColString = iTupleColString.trim(); int brPos = iTupleColString.indexOf("{"); if ( brPos > 0 ) { iTupleColString.trim(); int pos = iTupleColString.indexOf("("); if ( pos > 0 && pos < brPos ) { type = iTupleColString.substring(0,pos).trim(); colName = iTupleColString.substring( iTupleColString.indexOf(")")+1, brPos).trim(); if ( colName.endsWith("=") ) colName = colName.substring(0,colName.length()-1).trim(); defaultValue += iTupleColString.substring( pos+1, iTupleColString.indexOf(")") ).trim(); defaultValue += iTupleColString.substring( brPos ); } else { int spPos = iTupleColString.indexOf(" "); int eqPos = iTupleColString.indexOf("="); type = iTupleColString.substring(0,spPos).trim(); colName = iTupleColString.substring(spPos+1,eqPos).trim(); defaultValue = iTupleColString.substring( brPos ).trim(); } } else { StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer( token, "="); int tokens = t.countTokens(); String nameAndType = t.nextToken().trim(); if ( tokens == 2 ) defaultValue = t.nextToken().trim(); else if ( tokens != 1 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong format "+token+"\n"); StringTokenizer tt = new StringTokenizer( nameAndType, " " ); if ( tt.countTokens() == 2 ) type = tt.nextToken().trim(); colName = tt.nextToken().trim(); } Value value = new Value(); Class colType = null; if ( type.endsWith("ITuple") ) { String defVal = defaultValue.substring(defaultValue.indexOf("{")+1,defaultValue.lastIndexOf("}")); Tuple tup = new Tuple( colName, "", defVal, options); addTuple( tup ); columnDefaultValues[colDefCount++] = defVal; } else { if ( type.equals("int") ) colType = Integer.TYPE; else if ( type.equals("short") ) colType = Short.TYPE; else if ( type.equals("long") ) colType = Long.TYPE; else if ( type.equals("float") ) colType = Float.TYPE; else if ( type.equals("double") ) colType = Double.TYPE; else if ( type.equals("boolean") ) colType = Boolean.TYPE; else if ( type.equals("byte") ) colType = Byte.TYPE; else if ( type.equals("char") ) colType = Character.TYPE; else if ( type.equals("string") ) colType = String.class; else { try { colType = Class.forName( type ); } catch ( ClassNotFoundException cnfe ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported type "+type); } } fillDefaultValue(colType, defaultValue,value); TupleColumn fcolumn = TupleColumnFactory.createTupleColumn(colName, colType, value, options, this); addColumn( fcolumn ); columnDefaultValues[colDefCount++] = defaultValue; } iTupleColString = ""; } } start(); } private void initTuple(String name, String title, String[] columnName, Class[] columnType, String options){ setTitle(title); optionMap = AidaUtils.parseOptions(options); int colNames = columnName.length; int colTypes = columnType.length; if ( colNames < 1 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("columnName cannot be empty\n"); if ( colTypes < 1 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("columnType cannot be empty\n"); if ( colNames != colTypes ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of column names " +colNames+" is different than the number of column types "+colTypes+"\n"); int colDefCount = 0; columnDefaultValues = new String[colNames]; for (int i=0; i<colNames; i++) { Class colType = columnType[i]; String colName =""; String defaultValue = ""; tupColumnsString += colType + " " + columnName[i]; if ( i < colNames ) tupColumnsString += ";"; Value value = new Value(); if ( colType == ITuple.class ) { String iTupleString = columnName[i]; int pos = iTupleString.indexOf(")"); if ( pos > 0 ) { colName = iTupleString.substring(pos+1,iTupleString.indexOf("{")).trim(); if ( colName.endsWith("=") ) colName = colName.substring(0,colName.length()-1).trim(); defaultValue += iTupleString.substring(iTupleString.indexOf("(")+1,pos); } else { if (iTupleString.indexOf("=") > 0) colName = iTupleString.substring(0,iTupleString.indexOf("=")).trim(); else colName = iTupleString.trim(); } if (iTupleString.indexOf("{") > 0) defaultValue += iTupleString.substring(iTupleString.indexOf("{"),iTupleString.lastIndexOf("}")+1).trim(); String defVal = defaultValue.substring(defaultValue.indexOf("{")+1,defaultValue.lastIndexOf("}")); Tuple tup = new Tuple( colName, "", defVal, options); addTuple( tup ); columnDefaultValues[colDefCount++] = defVal; } else { colName = columnName[i]; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(colName,"="); colName = st.nextToken().trim(); if ( st.hasMoreTokens() ) defaultValue = st.nextToken().trim(); fillDefaultValue(colType, defaultValue,value); TupleColumn fcolumn = TupleColumnFactory.createTupleColumn(colName, colType, value, options, this); addColumn( fcolumn ); columnDefaultValues[colDefCount++] = defaultValue; } } start(); } // FIXME is this needed? private String getColString() { return tupColumnsString; } private void fillDefaultValue( Class type, String defaultValue, Value value ) { if ( type == Integer.TYPE ) value.set( defaultValue.equals("") ? (int)0 : Integer.parseInt(defaultValue) ); else if ( type == Short.TYPE ) value.set( defaultValue.equals("") ? (short)0 : Short.parseShort(defaultValue) ); else if ( type == Long.TYPE ) value.set( defaultValue.equals("") ? (long)0 : Long.parseLong(defaultValue) ); else if ( type == Float.TYPE ) value.set( defaultValue.equals("") ? (float)0 : Float.parseFloat(defaultValue) ); else if ( type == Double.TYPE ) value.set( defaultValue.equals("") ? (double)0 : Double.parseDouble(defaultValue) ); else if ( type == Boolean.TYPE ) value.set( defaultValue.equals("") ? false : Boolean.valueOf(defaultValue).booleanValue() ); else if ( type == Byte.TYPE ) value.set( defaultValue.equals("") ? (byte)0 : Byte.parseByte(defaultValue) ); else if ( type == Character.TYPE ) value.set( defaultValue.equals("") ? (char)0 : defaultValue.charAt(0) ); else value.set( defaultValue ); } public String columnDefaultString( int column ) { if ( columnType( column ) != ITuple.class ) return columnDefaultValues[column]; else { Tuple tup = (Tuple) findTuple(column); if ( tup != null ) return" = {"+tup.getColString()+"}"; else return "null"; } } public boolean providesColumnDefaultValues() { return true; } /** * Get Folder at the current cursor position. * @param index The column's index of the Folder. * @return The folder. * */ public ITuple findTuple(int index) { return getFolder( index, filledRows ); } public void fill(int column, Value value) { tupleColumn(column).fill( value ); } public void columnValue(int column, FTupleCursor cursor, Value value) { if ( columnType( column ) != ITuple.class ) tupleColumn(column).value(cursor, value); else value.set( getFolder( column, cursor.row() ) ); } public void columnValue(int column, Value value) { if ( columnType( column ) != ITuple.class ) tupleColumn(column).value(internalCursor(), value); else value.set( getFolder( column, internalCursor().row() ) ); } public boolean isInMemory() { return true; } public boolean supportsMultipleCursors() { return true; } public boolean supportsRandomAccess() { return true; } public void addRow() { for ( int i = 0; i < columns(); i++ ) tupleColumn(i).addRow(); for ( Enumeration keys = columnCounters.keys(); keys.hasMoreElements(); ) { String folderName = (String)keys.nextElement(); Tuple folder = (Tuple) getFolder( findColumn( folderName ), filledRows ); TupleColumn tc = (TupleColumn)columnCounters.get( folderName ); tc.fill( tupleValue.set( folder.startRow()+folder.rows() ) ); tc.addRow(); } filledRows++; newInternalCursor(); } public void resetRow() { for ( int i = 0; i<columns(); i++ ) ((TupleColumn)tupleColumns.get(i)).resetRow(); for ( Enumeration keys = columnCounters.keys(); keys.hasMoreElements(); ) { String folderName = (String)keys.nextElement(); Tuple folder = (Tuple) getFolder( findColumn( folderName ), filledRows ); folder.resetRows( folder.rows() ); TupleColumn tc = (TupleColumn)columnCounters.get( ); tc.resetRow(); } } public void reset() { for ( int i = 0; i<columns(); i++ ) ((TupleColumn)tupleColumns.get(i)).reset(); filledRows = 0; newInternalCursor(); } public int rows() { if ( endRow != -1 ) return endRow-startRow; return filledRows-startRow; } public int findColumn(String name) { for ( int i = 0; i<columns(); i++ ) if ( columnName(i).equals( name ) ) return i; throw new IllegalArgumentException("Column "+name+" does not exist\n"); } public String columnName(int column) { return column(column).name(); } public Class columnType(int column) { return column(column).type(); } public double columnMin(int column) { tupleColumn(column).minValue(tupleValue); return tupleValue.getDouble(); } public double columnMax(int column) { tupleColumn(column).maxValue(tupleValue); return tupleValue.getDouble(); } public double columnMean(int column) { tupleColumn(column).meanValue(tupleValue); return tupleValue.getDouble(); } public double columnRms(int column) { tupleColumn(column).rmsValue(tupleValue); return tupleValue.getDouble(); } public int columns() { return tupleColumns.size(); } int startRow() { return startRow; } void addColumn(TupleColumn column) { tupleColumns.add( column ); } void removeColumn(TupleColumn column) { tupleColumns.remove(column); } void addTuple(Tuple tuple) { columnCounters.put(, TupleColumnFactory.createTupleColumn(, Integer.TYPE, new Value().set((int)0), "length=1000; maxlength=-1", this) ); addColumn( TupleColumnFactory.createFolderColumn(, tuple, "", this ) ); folderList.add(tuple); } void removeTuple(Tuple tuple) { String name = ((Tuple)tuple).name(); columnCounters.remove(name); TupleColumn col = (TupleColumn) column(name); removeColumn(col); folderList.remove(tuple); } // PRIVATE METHODS /** * Set the start row. * @param startRow The start row. * */ private void setStartEndRow( int startRow, int endRow ) { this.startRow = startRow; this.endRow = endRow; } /** * Clears the values on the stack. */ private void resetRows( int numberOfRows ) { for ( int i = 0; i<columns(); i++ ) ((TupleColumn)tupleColumns.get(i)).resetRows( numberOfRows ); int cf = filledRows; filledRows -= numberOfRows; for ( Enumeration keys = columnCounters.keys(); keys.hasMoreElements(); ) { String folderName = (String)keys.nextElement(); while ( numberOfRows-- > 0 ) { cf--; Tuple folder = (Tuple) getFolder( findColumn( folderName ), cf ); TupleColumn tc = (TupleColumn)columnCounters.get( ); tc.value(numberOfRows, tupleValue); int end = tupleValue.getInt(); int start = 0; if ( numberOfRows > 0 ) { tc.value(numberOfRows-1, tupleValue); start = tupleValue.getInt(); } folder.setStartEndRow(start,end); folder.resetRows( folder.rows() ); tc.resetRows(1); } } } /** * Get a Folder in a given configuration. * @param index The column's index for this Folder. * @param cursor The cursor position for the Folder. * */ private Tuple getFolder( int index, int cursor ) { Tuple tup = (Tuple)((TupleColumn)tupleColumns.get( index )).getDefaultValue().getObject(); TupleColumn tc = (TupleColumn)columnCounters.get( ); if ( cursor > -1 && cursor < filledRows ) { tc.value(cursor, tupleValue); int end = tupleValue.getInt(); int start = 0; if ( cursor > 0 ) { tc.value(cursor-1, tupleValue); start = tupleValue.getInt(); } tup.setStartEndRow( start, end ); } else if ( cursor == filledRows && cursor > 0 ) { tc.value(cursor-1, tupleValue); int start = tupleValue.getInt(); tup.setStartEndRow( start, -1 ); } tup.newInternalCursor(); return (Tuple) tup; } public IBaseTupleColumn column( int column ) { return (IBaseTupleColumn)tupleColumns.get( column ); } public IBaseTupleColumn column( String name ) { return column( findColumn( name ) ); } private TupleColumn tupleColumn(int column) { return (TupleColumn) column(column); } public abstract static class TupleColumnFactory { public static TupleColumn createTupleColumn(String name, Class type, Value value, Tuple tuple) { return createTupleColumn(name, type, value, "", tuple); } public static TupleColumn createFolderColumn(String name, Tuple folderTuple, String options, Tuple parentTuple) { return new TupleColumn.TupleColumnFolder( name, folderTuple, options, parentTuple); } public static TupleColumn createTupleColumn(String name, Class type, Value value, String options, Tuple tuple) { if ( type == ITuple.class ) throw new RuntimeException("Cannot create Folder tuple. Use createFolderColumn method instead."); if ( type == Integer.TYPE ) return new TupleColumn.TupleColumnInt( name, value, options, tuple); else if ( type == Short.TYPE ) return new TupleColumn.TupleColumnShort( name, value, options, tuple); else if ( type == Long.TYPE ) return new TupleColumn.TupleColumnLong( name, value, options, tuple); else if ( type == Float.TYPE ) return new TupleColumn.TupleColumnFloat( name, value, options, tuple); else if ( type == Double.TYPE ) return new TupleColumn.TupleColumnDouble( name, value, options, tuple); else if ( type == Boolean.TYPE ) return new TupleColumn.TupleColumnBoolean( name, value, options, tuple); else if ( type == Byte.TYPE ) return new TupleColumn.TupleColumnByte( name, value, options, tuple); else if ( type == Character.TYPE ) return new TupleColumn.TupleColumnChar( name, value, options, tuple); else if ( type == String.class ) return new TupleColumn.TupleColumnString( name, value, options, tuple); else return new TupleColumn.TupleColumnObject( name, type, value, options, tuple); } } }