package hep.aida.ref.hbook; import hep.aida.IAxis; import hep.aida.IManagedObject; import hep.aida.ref.histogram.FixedAxis; import hep.aida.ref.histogram.Histogram1D; import hep.aida.ref.histogram.Histogram2D; import hep.aida.ref.tuple.AbstractTuple; import; import; import; import; /** * Adapts hbook histograms and Tuples to their corresponding AIDA interfaces * @author tonyj * @version $Id */ class Converter { private static boolean useIdForName = true; static void setUseIdForName(boolean b) { useIdForName = b; } private static Histogram1D convert(OneDHistogram h1) { Histogram1D hist = new Histogram1D(); String name = (useIdForName) ? String.valueOf( : h1.getName(); hist.setName(name); // This is to prevent problems with paw histograms with zero bins // See JAS-156 if ( h1.getXNBins() < 1 ) return null; IAxis xAxis = new FixedAxis(h1.getXNBins(),h1.getXMin(),h1.getXMax()); hist.initHistogram1D(xAxis, null); double[] heights1d = h1.getBins(); double[] errors1d = h1.getErrors(); int[] entries = new int[heights1d.length]; for ( int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++ ) entries[i] = (int)heights1d[i]; hist.setContents(heights1d, errors1d,entries,null,null); hist.setNEntries(h1.getNEntries()); hist.setValidEntries(h1.getNEntries()-hist.extraEntries()); hist.setMeanAndRms(h1.getXMean(), h1.getXRMS()); hist.setTitle(h1.getName()); return hist; } private static Histogram2D convert(TwoDHistogram h2) { Histogram2D hist = new Histogram2D(); String name = (useIdForName) ? String.valueOf( : h2.getName(); hist.setName(name); // This is to prevent problems with paw histograms with zero bins // See JAS-156 if ( h2.getXNBins() < 1 || h2.getYNBins() < 1) return null; IAxis xAxis = new FixedAxis(h2.getXNBins(),h2.getXMin(),h2.getXMax()); IAxis yAxis = new FixedAxis(h2.getYNBins(),h2.getYMin(),h2.getYMax()); hist.initHistogram2D(xAxis, yAxis, null); double[][] heights2d = h2.getBins(); double[][] errors2d = h2.getErrors(); int[][] entries = new int[heights2d.length][heights2d[0].length]; for ( int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++ ) for (int k = 0; k < entries[0].length; k++) entries[i][k] = (int)heights2d[i][k]; hist.setContents(heights2d, errors2d,entries,null,null,null,null); int nEntries = h2.getNEntries(); hist.setNEntries(nEntries); hist.setValidEntries(nEntries-hist.extraEntries()); if (h2.getXRMS() != 0 && h2.getXMean() != 0) { hist.setMeanX(h2.getXMean()); hist.setRmsX(h2.getXRMS()); } if (h2.getYRMS() != 0 && h2.getYMean() != 0) { hist.setMeanY(h2.getYMean()); hist.setRmsY(h2.getYRMS()); } hist.setTitle(h2.getName()); return hist; } private static AbstractTuple convert(ColumnwiseTuple t) { return new HBookColumnwiseTuple(t); } private static AbstractTuple convert(RowwiseTuple t) { return new HBookRowwiseTuple(t); } static IManagedObject convert(Object o) { if (o instanceof OneDHistogram) return convert((OneDHistogram) o); else if (o instanceof TwoDHistogram) return convert((TwoDHistogram) o); else if (o instanceof ColumnwiseTuple) return convert((ColumnwiseTuple) o); else if (o instanceof RowwiseTuple) return convert((RowwiseTuple) o); else return null; } }