package org.freehep.math.minuit; /** MinimumError keeps the inverse 2nd derivative (inverse Hessian) used for * calculating the parameter step size (-V*g) and for the covariance update * (ErrorUpdator). The covariance matrix is equal to twice the inverse Hessian. * @version $Id: 8584 2006-08-10 23:06:37Z duns $ */ class MinimumError { MinimumError(int n) { theMatrix = new MnAlgebraicSymMatrix(n); theDCovar = 1.; } MinimumError(MnAlgebraicSymMatrix mat, double dcov) { theMatrix = mat; theDCovar = dcov; theValid = true; thePosDef = true; theAvailable = true; } MinimumError(MnAlgebraicSymMatrix mat, MnHesseFailed x) { theMatrix = mat; theDCovar = 1; theValid = false; thePosDef = false; theMadePosDef = false; theHesseFailed= true; theInvertFailed = false; theAvailable = true; } MinimumError(MnAlgebraicSymMatrix mat, MnMadePosDef x) { theMatrix = mat; theDCovar = 1.; theValid = false; thePosDef = false; theMadePosDef = true; theHesseFailed = false; theInvertFailed = false; theAvailable = true; } MinimumError(MnAlgebraicSymMatrix mat, MnInvertFailed x) { theMatrix = mat; theDCovar = 1.; theValid = false; thePosDef = true; theMadePosDef = false; theHesseFailed = false; theInvertFailed = true; theAvailable = true; } MinimumError(MnAlgebraicSymMatrix mat, MnNotPosDef x ) { theMatrix = mat; theDCovar = 1.; theValid = false; thePosDef = false; theMadePosDef = false; theHesseFailed = false; theInvertFailed = false; theAvailable = true; } MnAlgebraicSymMatrix matrix() { return MnUtils.mul(theMatrix,2); } MnAlgebraicSymMatrix invHessian() { return theMatrix; } MnAlgebraicSymMatrix hessian() { try { MnAlgebraicSymMatrix tmp = theMatrix.clone(); tmp.invert(); return tmp; } catch (MatrixInversionException x) { System.err.println("BasicMinimumError inversion fails; return diagonal matrix."); MnAlgebraicSymMatrix tmp = new MnAlgebraicSymMatrix(theMatrix.nrow()); for(int i = 0; i < theMatrix.nrow(); i++) { tmp.set(i,i, 1./theMatrix.get(i,i)); } return tmp; } } double dcovar() { return theDCovar; } boolean isAccurate() { return theDCovar < 0.1; } boolean isValid() { return theValid; } boolean isPosDef() { return thePosDef; } boolean isMadePosDef() { return theMadePosDef; } boolean hesseFailed() { return theHesseFailed; } boolean invertFailed() { return theInvertFailed; } boolean isAvailable() { return theAvailable; } private MnAlgebraicSymMatrix theMatrix; private double theDCovar; private boolean theValid; private boolean thePosDef; private boolean theMadePosDef; private boolean theHesseFailed; private boolean theInvertFailed; private boolean theAvailable; static class MnNotPosDef {}; static class MnMadePosDef {}; static class MnHesseFailed {}; static class MnInvertFailed {}; }