package hep.aida.ref.plotter.adapter; import hep.aida.IHistogram1D; import jas.hist.DataSource; import jas.hist.HasStatistics; import jas.hist.Rebinnable1DHistogramData; import jas.hist.Statistics; /** * @author manj * @version $Id: 13788 2010-11-24 19:43:56Z turri $ */ public class AIDAHistogramAdapter1D extends AIDAHistogramAdapter implements Rebinnable1DHistogramData, HasStatistics, AIDA1DAdapterWithAxisLabels { String[] axisLabels = null; AIDAHistogramAdapter1D(IHistogram1D histo) { super(histo); this.h1d=histo; String tmp = null; try { tmp = histo.annotation().value("xAxisType"); if (tmp != null && tmp.equalsIgnoreCase("date")) xAxisType = DataSource.DATE; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {} } public double[][] rebin(int bins, double min, double max, boolean wantErrors, boolean hurry) { double[][] data=new double[2][h1d.axis().bins()]; for(int i=0;i<h1d.axis().bins();i++) { data[0][i]=h1d.binHeight(i); if (Double.isInfinite(data[0][i])) data[0][i] = Double.NaN; data[1][i]=h1d.binError(i); } setValid(); return data; } /** * Returns the (suggested) minimum value for the X axis */ public double getMin() { return h1d.axis().lowerEdge(); } public double getMax() { return h1d.axis().upperEdge(); } public int getBins() { return h1d.axis().bins(); } public boolean isRebinnable() { return false; } public int getAxisType() { return xAxisType; } public void setAxisType(int type) { xAxisType = type; } public String[] getAxisLabels() { return axisLabels; } public void setAxisLabels(String[] axisLabels) { this.axisLabels = axisLabels; } public String getTitle() { return h1d.title(); } public Statistics getStatistics() { return new AIDAHistogramStatistics1D(h1d); } protected IHistogram1D h1d; }