package jas.util; import java.awt.AWTEvent; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.Dialog; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.Window; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent; import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener; /** * JASDialog extends the built in java dialog to provide a number of extra features * <ul> * <li>Automatic placement relative to parent frame * <li>OK, Cancel, Apply, and Help buttons at the bottom of the dialog box * <li>Automatic disposal of the dialog when the user hits OK, Cancel or closes * the dialog using the window manager * </ul> * To make components visible on this dialog, add them to the content pane. * @see JASDialog#getContentPane() * @author Tony Johnson */ public class JASDialog extends JDialog implements MouseListener, DocumentListener { /** Include this in your flags to include an OK button. */ public final static int OK_BUTTON = 1; /** Include this in your flags to include an Apply button. */ public final static int APPLY_BUTTON = 2; /** Include this in your flags to include a Cancel button. */ public final static int CANCEL_BUTTON = 4; /** Include this in your flags to include a Help button. */ public final static int HELP_BUTTON = 8; public static JASDialog create(Frame frame, String title) { return create(frame, title, true, OK_BUTTON | CANCEL_BUTTON); } public static JASDialog create(Frame frame, String title, boolean modal) { return create(frame, title, modal, OK_BUTTON | CANCEL_BUTTON); } public static JASDialog create(Component c,String t,boolean modal,int flags) { Window w = (Window) SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(Window.class,c); if (w instanceof Frame ) return new JASDialog((Frame) w,t,modal,flags); else if (w instanceof Dialog) return new JASDialog((Dialog) w,t,modal,flags); else throw new RuntimeException("No dialog parent found"); } /** * Creates a modal dialog with OK and Cancel buttons. * @param frame the parent frame * @param title the title for the dialog box */ public JASDialog(Frame frame, String title) { this(frame, title, true, OK_BUTTON | CANCEL_BUTTON); } /** * Creates a dialog with OK and Cancel buttons. * @param frame the parent frame * @param title the title for the dialog box * @param modal whether the dialog box is modal */ public JASDialog(Frame frame, String title, boolean modal) { this(frame, title, modal, OK_BUTTON | CANCEL_BUTTON); } /** * Creates a dialog box with any combination of buttons. Use bitwise * logic to specify the appropriate flags in the <code>flags</code> * parameter. For example,<br> * <code>JASDialog.OK_BUTTON | JASDialog.CANCEL_BUTTON | JASDialog.HELP_BUTTON</code><br> * when passed as the <code>flags</code> parameter will create a button * that has an OK button, a Cancel button, and a Help button. * @param dlg the parent Dialog * @param title the title for the dialog box * @param modal whether the dialog box is modal * @param flags option flags */ public JASDialog(Frame f,String t,boolean modal,int flags) { super(f,t,modal); init(f,flags); } /** * Creates a modal dialog with OK and Cancel buttons. * @param frame the parent frame * @param title the title for the dialog box */ public JASDialog(Dialog dlg, String title) { this(dlg, title, true, OK_BUTTON | CANCEL_BUTTON); } /** * Creates a dialog with OK and Cancel buttons. * @param dlg the parent Dialog * @param title the title for the dialog box * @param modal whether the dialog box is modal */ public JASDialog(Dialog dlg, String title, boolean modal) { this(dlg, title, modal, OK_BUTTON | CANCEL_BUTTON); } /** * Creates a dialog box with any combination of buttons. Use bitwise * logic to specify the appropriate flags in the <code>flags</code> * parameter. For example,<br> * <code>JASDialog.OK_BUTTON | JASDialog.CANCEL_BUTTON | JASDialog.HELP_BUTTON</code><br> * when passed as the <code>flags</code> parameter will create a button * that has an OK button, a Cancel button, and a Help button. * @param dlg the parent Dialog * @param title the title for the dialog box * @param modal whether the dialog box is modal * @param flags option flags */ public JASDialog(Dialog dlg,String t,boolean modal,int flags) { super(dlg,t,modal); init(dlg,flags); } private void init(Window w, int flags) { m_window = w; m_flags = flags; ActionListener l = new ActionEventHandler(); m_ok = new JButton("OK"); m_ok.addActionListener(l); m_ok.setMnemonic('O'); m_apply = new JButton("Apply"); m_apply.setMnemonic('A'); m_apply.addActionListener(l); m_cancel = new JButton("Cancel"); m_cancel.setMnemonic('C'); m_cancel.addActionListener(l); m_help = new JButton("Help"); m_help.setMnemonic('H'); m_help.addActionListener(l); m_buttonPanel = new JPanel(); super.getContentPane().add(m_buttonPanel,BorderLayout.SOUTH); enableEvents(AWTEvent.WINDOW_EVENT_MASK); JPanel p = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); p.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5,5,5,5)); super.getContentPane().add(p,BorderLayout.CENTER); m_contentPane = p; } /** * Causes a default pack(), but also places the dialog in the center * of the parent frame. * @see java.awt.Window#pack() */ public void pack() { defaultPack(); setLocationRelativeTo(m_window); } /** Causes default pack; does not move dialog. */ public void defaultPack() { if (m_buttonPanel.getComponentCount() == 0) { if ((m_flags & OK_BUTTON) !=0) m_buttonPanel.add(m_ok); if ((m_flags & APPLY_BUTTON) !=0) m_buttonPanel.add(m_apply); if ((m_flags & CANCEL_BUTTON) !=0) m_buttonPanel.add(m_cancel); if ((m_flags & HELP_BUTTON) !=0) m_buttonPanel.add(m_help); } super.pack(); } /** This method is public as an implementation side effect; do not call or override. */ public void processEvent(AWTEvent e) { if (e.getID() == WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING) onCancel(); super.processEvent(e); } /** * Forces a modal display of the dialog box * @return true if the OK button was pushed, otherwise false */ public boolean doModal() { m_result = false; setModal(true); show(); return m_result; } public void show() { callEnable(); if (isModal() && app != null) app.modalDialogOpening(this);; if (isModal() && app != null) app.modalDialogClosing(this); } /** * Set the label on the OK button. Allows for * customized button labels. */ public void setOKLabel(String label) { m_ok.setText(label); } /** * Sets the mnnemonic (or keyboard shortcut) for the * OK button. If you have changed the label * using <code>setOKLabel(String)</code> the default * mnemonic ('O') may not be appropriate, so use * this method to set a better one. * @param mnemonic the new key shortcut to use * @see JASDialog#setOKLabel(String) */ public void setOKMnemonic(char mnemonic) { m_ok.setMnemonic(mnemonic); } /** * Set the label on the Cancel button. Allows for * customized button labels. */ public void setCancelLabel(String label) { m_cancel.setText(label); } /** * Sets the mnnemonic (or keyboard shortcut) for the * Cancel button. If you have changed the label * using <code>setCancelLabel(String)</code> the default * mnemonic ('C') may not be appropriate, so use * this method to set a better one. * @param mnemonic the new key shortcut to use * @see JASDialog#setCancelLabel(String) */ public void setCancelMnemonic(char mnemonic) { m_cancel.setMnemonic(mnemonic); } /** * Set the label on the Apply button. Allows for * customized button labels. */ public void setApplyLabel(String label) { m_apply.setText(label); } /** * Sets the mnnemonic (or keyboard shortcut) for the * Apply button. If you have changed the label * using <code>setApplyLabel(String)</code> the default * mnemonic ('A') may not be appropriate, so use * this method to set a better one. * @param mnemonic the new key shortcut to use * @see JASDialog#setApplyLabel(String) */ public void setApplyMnemonic(char mnemonic) { m_apply.setMnemonic(mnemonic); } /** * Called when the OK button is pushed. Override to provide customized * functionality for derived dialog boxes. */ protected void onOK() { m_result = true; dispose(); } /** * Called when the Cancel button is pushed. Override to provide customized * functionality for derived dialog boxes. */ protected void onCancel() { dispose(); } /** * Called when the Apply button is pushed. Override to provide customized * functionality for derived dialog boxes. */ protected void onApply() { } /** Forces the dialog to re-evaluate button enabling. */ protected void callEnable() { if (m_ok != null) { enableOK(new ButtonState(m_ok)); getRootPane().setDefaultButton(m_ok); } if (m_apply != null) enableApply(new ButtonState(m_apply)); if (m_help != null) enableHelp(new ButtonState(m_help)); } /** * Override to customize when OK is enabled. OK is enabled by * default. */ protected void enableOK(JASState state) { } /** * Override to customize when Help is enabled. By default, Help * is enabled if both a help book and help topic have been set. * @see JASDialog#setHelpTopic(String) */ protected void enableHelp(JASState state) { state.setEnabled(m_helpTopic != null); } /** * Override to customize when Apply is enabled. By default, * Apply is disenabled. */ protected void enableApply(JASState state) { state.setEnabled(false); } /** * Returns the content pane for the JASDialog, which is the * panel (not including the buttons) where components can be * added. Add components to this container to have them appear * in the dialog. */ public Container getContentPane() { return m_contentPane; } /** * Sets the content pane. The buttons are not members of this * content pane. */ public void setContentPane(Container c) { m_contentPane = c; super.getContentPane().add(m_contentPane,BorderLayout.CENTER); } /** * Sets the name for the help topic that the Help button opens. * Note: This is now being used to set the XML target for JavaHelp. */ public final void setHelpTopic(String topic) { m_flags |= HELP_BUTTON; m_helpTopic = topic; } private void onHelp() { Application.getApplication().showHelpTopic(m_helpTopic,this); } private class ActionEventHandler implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Object source = e.getSource(); if (source == m_ok) onOK(); else if (source == m_apply) onApply(); else if (source == m_cancel) onCancel(); else if (source == m_help) onHelp(); } } private class ButtonState implements JASState { ButtonState(JButton b) { m_button = b; } public void setEnabled(boolean state) { m_button.setEnabled(state); } private JButton m_button; } /** * Does nothing by default. To use this class as a MouseListener, * override only the method(s) you need. */ public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e){} /** * Does nothing by default. To use this class as a MouseListener, * override only the method(s) you need. */ public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e){} /** * Does nothing by default. To use this class as a MouseListener, * override only the method(s) you need. */ public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e){} /** * Does nothing by default. To use this class as a MouseListener, * override only the method(s) you need. */ public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e){} /** * Does nothing by default. To use this class as a MouseListener, * override only the method(s) you need. */ public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e){} // Implements DocumentListener as a convenience to subclasses so // that they only need to overload the desired functions /** * Calls <code>callEnable()</code> by default. To use this class * as a DocumentListener, override only the method(s) you need. * @see JASDialog#callEnable() */ public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e){callEnable();} /** * Calls <code>callEnable()</code> by default. To use this class * as a DocumentListener, override only the method(s) you need. * @see JASDialog#callEnable() */ public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e){callEnable();} /** * Calls <code>callEnable()</code> by default. To use this class * as a DocumentListener, override only the method(s) you need. * @see JASDialog#callEnable() */ public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e){callEnable();} private Application app = Application.getApplication(); private String m_helpTopic = null; private int m_flags; private JPanel m_buttonPanel; private JButton m_ok; private JButton m_cancel; private JButton m_apply; private JButton m_help; private boolean m_result; private Window m_window; private Container m_contentPane; }