/* * Copyright 2000-2009 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.openapi.vcs.changes.committed; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Comparing; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Condition; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair; import com.intellij.openapi.util.io.FileUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.*; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.changes.*; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.diff.DiffProvider; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.diff.DiffProviderEx; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.history.VcsRevisionNumber; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.update.FileGroup; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.update.UpdatedFiles; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.versionBrowser.ChangeBrowserSettings; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.versionBrowser.CommittedChangeList; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import com.intellij.util.Function; import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import static com.intellij.openapi.vcs.changes.committed.IncomingChangeState.State.*; /** * @author yole */ public class ChangesCacheFile { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance("#com.intellij.openapi.vcs.changes.committed.ChangesCacheFile"); private static final int VERSION = 7; private final File myPath; private final File myIndexPath; private RandomAccessFile myStream; private RandomAccessFile myIndexStream; private boolean myStreamsOpen; private final Project myProject; private final AbstractVcs myVcs; private final CachingCommittedChangesProvider myChangesProvider; private final ProjectLevelVcsManager myVcsManager; private final FilePath myRootPath; private final RepositoryLocation myLocation; private Date myFirstCachedDate; private Date myLastCachedDate; private long myFirstCachedChangelist; private long myLastCachedChangelist; private int myIncomingCount; private boolean myHaveCompleteHistory; private boolean myHeaderLoaded; @NonNls private static final String INDEX_EXTENSION = ".index"; private static final int INDEX_ENTRY_SIZE = 3*8+2; private static final int HEADER_SIZE = 46; public ChangesCacheFile(Project project, File path, AbstractVcs vcs, VirtualFile root, RepositoryLocation location) { reset(); myProject = project; myPath = path; myIndexPath = new File(myPath.toString() + INDEX_EXTENSION); myVcs = vcs; myChangesProvider = (CachingCommittedChangesProvider) vcs.getCommittedChangesProvider(); myVcsManager = ProjectLevelVcsManager.getInstance(project); myRootPath = new FilePathImpl(root); myLocation = location; } private void reset() { final Calendar date = Calendar.getInstance(); date.set(2020, Calendar.FEBRUARY, 2); myFirstCachedDate = date.getTime(); date.set(1970, Calendar.FEBRUARY, 2); myLastCachedDate = date.getTime(); myIncomingCount = 0; myLastCachedChangelist = -1; myFirstCachedChangelist = Long.MAX_VALUE; myHaveCompleteHistory = false; myHeaderLoaded = false; } public RepositoryLocation getLocation() { return myLocation; } public CachingCommittedChangesProvider getProvider() { return myChangesProvider; } public boolean isEmpty() throws IOException { if (!myPath.exists()) { return true; } try { loadHeader(); } catch(VersionMismatchException ex) { myPath.delete(); myIndexPath.delete(); return true; } catch(EOFException ex) { myPath.delete(); myIndexPath.delete(); return true; } return false; } public void delete() { FileUtil.delete(myPath); FileUtil.delete(myIndexPath); try { closeStreams(); } catch (IOException e) { // } } public List<CommittedChangeList> writeChanges(final List<CommittedChangeList> changes) throws IOException { // the list and index are sorted in direct chronological order Collections.sort(changes, new Comparator<CommittedChangeList>() { public int compare(final CommittedChangeList o1, final CommittedChangeList o2) { return Comparing.compare(o1.getCommitDate(), o2.getCommitDate()); } }); return writeChanges(changes, null); } public List<CommittedChangeList> writeChanges(final List<CommittedChangeList> changes, @Nullable final List<Boolean> present) throws IOException { assert present == null || present.size() == changes.size(); List<CommittedChangeList> result = new ArrayList<CommittedChangeList>(changes.size()); boolean wasEmpty = isEmpty(); openStreams(); try { if (wasEmpty) { myHeaderLoaded = true; writeHeader(); } myStream.seek(myStream.length()); IndexEntry[] entries = readLastIndexEntries(0, changes.size()); final Iterator<Boolean> iterator = present == null ? null : present.iterator(); for(CommittedChangeList list: changes) { boolean duplicate = false; for(IndexEntry entry: entries) { if (list.getCommitDate().getTime() == entry.date && list.getNumber() == entry.number) { duplicate = true; break; } } if (duplicate) { debug("Skipping duplicate changelist " + list.getNumber()); continue; } debug("Writing incoming changelist " + list.getNumber()); result.add(list); long position = myStream.getFilePointer(); //noinspection unchecked myChangesProvider.writeChangeList(myStream, list); updateCachedRange(list); writeIndexEntry(list.getNumber(), list.getCommitDate().getTime(), position, present == null ? false : iterator.next()); myIncomingCount++; } writeHeader(); myHeaderLoaded = true; } finally { closeStreams(); } return result; } private static void debug(@NonNls String message) { LOG.debug(message); } private void updateCachedRange(final CommittedChangeList list) { if (list.getCommitDate().getTime() > myLastCachedDate.getTime()) { myLastCachedDate = list.getCommitDate(); } if (list.getCommitDate().getTime() < myFirstCachedDate.getTime()) { myFirstCachedDate = list.getCommitDate(); } if (list.getNumber() < myFirstCachedChangelist) { myFirstCachedChangelist = list.getNumber(); } if (list.getNumber() > myLastCachedChangelist) { myLastCachedChangelist = list.getNumber(); } } private void writeIndexEntry(long number, long date, long offset, boolean completelyDownloaded) throws IOException { myIndexStream.writeLong(number); myIndexStream.writeLong(date); myIndexStream.writeLong(offset); myIndexStream.writeShort(completelyDownloaded ? 1 : 0); } private void openStreams() throws FileNotFoundException { myStream = new RandomAccessFile(myPath, "rw"); myIndexStream = new RandomAccessFile(myIndexPath, "rw"); myStreamsOpen = true; } private void closeStreams() throws IOException { myStreamsOpen = false; try { if (myStream != null) { myStream.close(); } } finally { if (myIndexStream != null) { myIndexStream.close(); } } } private void writeHeader() throws IOException { assert myStreamsOpen && myHeaderLoaded; myStream.seek(0); myStream.writeInt(VERSION); myStream.writeInt(myChangesProvider.getFormatVersion()); myStream.writeLong(myLastCachedDate.getTime()); myStream.writeLong(myFirstCachedDate.getTime()); myStream.writeLong(myFirstCachedChangelist); myStream.writeLong(myLastCachedChangelist); myStream.writeShort(myHaveCompleteHistory ? 1 : 0); myStream.writeInt(myIncomingCount); debug("Saved header for cache of " + myLocation + ": last cached date=" + myLastCachedDate + ", last cached number=" + myLastCachedChangelist + ", incoming count=" + myIncomingCount); } private IndexEntry[] readIndexEntriesByOffset(final long offsetFromStart, int count) throws IOException { if (!myIndexPath.exists()) { return NO_ENTRIES; } long totalCount = myIndexStream.length() / INDEX_ENTRY_SIZE; if (count > (totalCount - offsetFromStart)) { count = (int) (totalCount - offsetFromStart); } if (count == 0) { return NO_ENTRIES; } // offset from start myIndexStream.seek(INDEX_ENTRY_SIZE * offsetFromStart); IndexEntry[] result = new IndexEntry[count]; for(int i = (count - 1); i >= 0; --i) { result [i] = new IndexEntry(); readIndexEntry(result [i]); } return result; } private IndexEntry[] readLastIndexEntries(int offset, int count) throws IOException { if (!myIndexPath.exists()) { return NO_ENTRIES; } long totalCount = myIndexStream.length() / INDEX_ENTRY_SIZE; if (count > totalCount - offset) { count = (int)totalCount - offset; } if (count == 0) { return NO_ENTRIES; } myIndexStream.seek(myIndexStream.length() - INDEX_ENTRY_SIZE * (count + offset)); IndexEntry[] result = new IndexEntry[count]; for(int i=0; i<count; i++) { result [i] = new IndexEntry(); readIndexEntry(result [i]); } return result; } private void readIndexEntry(final IndexEntry result) throws IOException { result.number = myIndexStream.readLong(); result.date = myIndexStream.readLong(); result.offset = myIndexStream.readLong(); result.completelyDownloaded = (myIndexStream.readShort() != 0); } public Date getLastCachedDate() throws IOException { loadHeader(); return myLastCachedDate; } public Date getFirstCachedDate() throws IOException { loadHeader(); return myFirstCachedDate; } public long getFirstCachedChangelist() throws IOException { loadHeader(); return myFirstCachedChangelist; } public long getLastCachedChangelist() throws IOException { loadHeader(); return myLastCachedChangelist; } private void loadHeader() throws IOException { if (!myHeaderLoaded) { RandomAccessFile stream = new RandomAccessFile(myPath, "r"); try { int version = stream.readInt(); if (version != VERSION) { throw new VersionMismatchException(); } int providerVersion = stream.readInt(); if (providerVersion != myChangesProvider.getFormatVersion()) { throw new VersionMismatchException(); } myLastCachedDate = new Date(stream.readLong()); myFirstCachedDate = new Date(stream.readLong()); myFirstCachedChangelist = stream.readLong(); myLastCachedChangelist = stream.readLong(); myHaveCompleteHistory = (stream.readShort() != 0); myIncomingCount = stream.readInt(); assert stream.getFilePointer() == HEADER_SIZE; } finally { stream.close(); } myHeaderLoaded = true; } } public Iterator<ChangesBunch> getBackBunchedIterator(final int bunchSize) { return new BackIterator(bunchSize); } private List<Boolean> loadAllData(final List<CommittedChangeList> lists) throws IOException { List<Boolean> idx = new ArrayList<Boolean>(); openStreams(); try { loadHeader(); final long length = myIndexStream.length(); long totalCount = length / INDEX_ENTRY_SIZE; for(int i=0; i<totalCount; i++) { final long indexOffset = length - (i + 1) * INDEX_ENTRY_SIZE; myIndexStream.seek(indexOffset); IndexEntry e = new IndexEntry(); readIndexEntry(e); final CommittedChangeList list = loadChangeListAt(e.offset); lists.add(list); idx.add(e.completelyDownloaded); } } finally { closeStreams(); } return idx; } public void editChangelist(long number, String message) throws IOException { final List<CommittedChangeList> lists = new ArrayList<CommittedChangeList>(); final List<Boolean> present = loadAllData(lists); for (CommittedChangeList list : lists) { if (list.getNumber() == number) { list.setDescription(message); break; } } delete(); Collections.reverse(lists); Collections.reverse(present); writeChanges(lists, present); } private class BackIterator implements Iterator<ChangesBunch> { private final int bunchSize; private long myOffset; private BackIterator(final int bunchSize) { this.bunchSize = bunchSize; try { try { openStreams(); myOffset = (myIndexStream.length() / INDEX_ENTRY_SIZE); } finally { closeStreams(); } } catch (IOException e) { myOffset = -1; } } public boolean hasNext() { return myOffset > 0; } @Nullable public ChangesBunch next() { try { final int size; if (myOffset < bunchSize) { size = (int) myOffset; myOffset = 0; } else { myOffset -= bunchSize; size = bunchSize; } return new ChangesBunch(readChangesInterval(myOffset, size), true); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(e); return null; } } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } private List<CommittedChangeList> readChangesInterval(final long indexOffset, final int number) throws IOException { openStreams(); try { IndexEntry[] entries = readIndexEntriesByOffset(indexOffset, number); if (entries.length == 0) { return Collections.emptyList(); } final List<CommittedChangeList> result = new ArrayList<CommittedChangeList>(); for (IndexEntry entry : entries) { final CommittedChangeList changeList = loadChangeListAt(entry.offset); result.add(changeList); } return result; } finally { closeStreams(); } } public List<CommittedChangeList> readChanges(final ChangeBrowserSettings settings, final int maxCount) throws IOException { final List<CommittedChangeList> result = new ArrayList<CommittedChangeList>(); final ChangeBrowserSettings.Filter filter = settings.createFilter(); openStreams(); try { if (maxCount == 0) { myStream.seek(HEADER_SIZE); // skip header while(myStream.getFilePointer() < myStream.length()) { CommittedChangeList changeList = myChangesProvider.readChangeList(myLocation, myStream); if (filter.accepts(changeList)) { result.add(changeList); } } } else if (!settings.isAnyFilterSpecified()) { IndexEntry[] entries = readLastIndexEntries(0, maxCount); for(IndexEntry entry: entries) { myStream.seek(entry.offset); result.add(myChangesProvider.readChangeList(myLocation, myStream)); } } else { int offset = 0; while(result.size() < maxCount) { IndexEntry[] entries = readLastIndexEntries(offset, 1); if (entries.length == 0) { break; } CommittedChangeList changeList = loadChangeListAt(entries [0].offset); if (filter.accepts(changeList)) { result.add(0, changeList); } offset++; } } return result; } finally { closeStreams(); } } public boolean hasCompleteHistory() { return myHaveCompleteHistory; } public void setHaveCompleteHistory(final boolean haveCompleteHistory) { if (myHaveCompleteHistory != haveCompleteHistory) { myHaveCompleteHistory = haveCompleteHistory; try { openStreams(); try { writeHeader(); } finally { closeStreams(); } } catch(IOException ex) { LOG.error(ex); } } } public List<CommittedChangeList> loadIncomingChanges() throws IOException { List<CommittedChangeList> result = new ArrayList<CommittedChangeList>(); int offset = 0; openStreams(); try { while(true) { IndexEntry[] entries = readLastIndexEntries(offset, 1); if (entries.length == 0) { break; } if (!entries [0].completelyDownloaded) { IncomingChangeListData data = readIncomingChangeListData(offset, entries [0]); if (data.accountedChanges.size() == 0) { result.add(data.changeList); } else { ReceivedChangeList changeList = new ReceivedChangeList(data.changeList); for(Change change: data.changeList.getChanges()) { if (!data.accountedChanges.contains(change)) { changeList.addChange(change); } } result.add(changeList); } if (result.size() == myIncomingCount) break; } offset++; } debug("Loaded " + result.size() + " incoming changelists"); } finally { closeStreams(); } return result; } private CommittedChangeList loadChangeListAt(final long clOffset) throws IOException { myStream.seek(clOffset); return myChangesProvider.readChangeList(myLocation, myStream); } public boolean processUpdatedFiles(UpdatedFiles updatedFiles, Collection<CommittedChangeList> receivedChanges) throws IOException { boolean haveUnaccountedUpdatedFiles = false; openStreams(); loadHeader(); ReceivedChangeListTracker tracker = new ReceivedChangeListTracker(); try { final List<IncomingChangeListData> incomingData = loadIncomingChangeListData(); for(FileGroup group: updatedFiles.getTopLevelGroups()) { haveUnaccountedUpdatedFiles |= processGroup(group, incomingData, tracker); } if (!haveUnaccountedUpdatedFiles) { for(IncomingChangeListData data: incomingData) { saveIncoming(data, false); } writeHeader(); } } finally { closeStreams(); } receivedChanges.addAll(tracker.getChangeLists()); return haveUnaccountedUpdatedFiles; } private void saveIncoming(final IncomingChangeListData data, boolean haveNoMoreIncoming) throws IOException { writePartial(data, haveNoMoreIncoming); if (data.accountedChanges.size() == data.changeList.getChanges().size() || haveNoMoreIncoming) { debug("Removing changelist " + data.changeList.getNumber() + " from incoming changelists"); myIndexStream.seek(data.indexOffset); writeIndexEntry(data.indexEntry.number, data.indexEntry.date, data.indexEntry.offset, true); myIncomingCount--; } } private boolean processGroup(final FileGroup group, final List<IncomingChangeListData> incomingData, final ReceivedChangeListTracker tracker) { boolean haveUnaccountedUpdatedFiles = false; final List<Pair<String,VcsRevisionNumber>> list = group.getFilesAndRevisions(myVcsManager); for(Pair<String, VcsRevisionNumber> pair: list) { final String file = pair.first; FilePath path = new FilePathImpl(new File(file), false); if (!path.isUnder(myRootPath, false) || pair.second == null) { continue; } if (group.getId().equals(FileGroup.REMOVED_FROM_REPOSITORY_ID)) { haveUnaccountedUpdatedFiles |= processDeletedFile(path, incomingData, tracker); } else { haveUnaccountedUpdatedFiles |= processFile(path, pair.second, incomingData, tracker); } } for(FileGroup childGroup: group.getChildren()) { haveUnaccountedUpdatedFiles |= processGroup(childGroup, incomingData, tracker); } return haveUnaccountedUpdatedFiles; } private static boolean processFile(final FilePath path, final VcsRevisionNumber number, final List<IncomingChangeListData> incomingData, final ReceivedChangeListTracker tracker) { boolean foundRevision = false; debug("Processing updated file " + path + ", revision " + number); for(IncomingChangeListData data: incomingData) { for(Change change: data.changeList.getChanges()) { ContentRevision afterRevision = change.getAfterRevision(); if (afterRevision != null && afterRevision.getFile().equals(path)) { int rc = number.compareTo(afterRevision.getRevisionNumber()); if (rc == 0) { foundRevision = true; } if (rc >= 0) { tracker.addChange(data.changeList, change); data.accountedChanges.add(change); } } } } debug(foundRevision ? "All changes for file found" : "Some of changes for file not found"); return !foundRevision; } private static boolean processDeletedFile(final FilePath path, final List<IncomingChangeListData> incomingData, final ReceivedChangeListTracker tracker) { boolean foundRevision = false; for(IncomingChangeListData data: incomingData) { for(Change change: data.changeList.getChanges()) { ContentRevision beforeRevision = change.getBeforeRevision(); if (beforeRevision != null && beforeRevision.getFile().equals(path)) { tracker.addChange(data.changeList, change); data.accountedChanges.add(change); if (change.getAfterRevision() == null) { foundRevision = true; } } } } return !foundRevision; } private List<IncomingChangeListData> loadIncomingChangeListData() throws IOException { final long length = myIndexStream.length(); long totalCount = length / INDEX_ENTRY_SIZE; List<IncomingChangeListData> incomingData = new ArrayList<IncomingChangeListData>(); for(int i=0; i<totalCount; i++) { final long indexOffset = length - (i + 1) * INDEX_ENTRY_SIZE; myIndexStream.seek(indexOffset); IndexEntry e = new IndexEntry(); readIndexEntry(e); if (!e.completelyDownloaded) { incomingData.add(readIncomingChangeListData(indexOffset, e)); if (incomingData.size() == myIncomingCount) { break; } } } debug("Loaded " + incomingData.size() + " incoming changelist pointers"); return incomingData; } private IncomingChangeListData readIncomingChangeListData(final long indexOffset, final IndexEntry e) throws IOException { IncomingChangeListData data = new IncomingChangeListData(); data.indexOffset = indexOffset; data.indexEntry = e; data.changeList = loadChangeListAt(e.offset); readPartial(data); return data; } private void writePartial(final IncomingChangeListData data, boolean haveNoMoreIncoming) throws IOException { File partialFile = getPartialPath(data.indexEntry.offset); final int accounted = data.accountedChanges.size(); if (haveNoMoreIncoming || accounted == data.changeList.getChanges().size()) { partialFile.delete(); } else if (accounted > 0) { RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile(partialFile, "rw"); try { file.writeInt(accounted); for(Change c: data.accountedChanges) { boolean isAfterRevision = true; ContentRevision revision = c.getAfterRevision(); if (revision == null) { isAfterRevision = false; revision = c.getBeforeRevision(); assert revision != null; } file.writeByte(isAfterRevision ? 1 : 0); file.writeUTF(revision.getFile().getIOFile().toString()); } } finally { file.close(); } } } private void readPartial(IncomingChangeListData data) { HashSet<Change> result = new HashSet<Change>(); try { File partialFile = getPartialPath(data.indexEntry.offset); if (partialFile.exists()) { RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile(partialFile, "r"); try { int count = file.readInt(); if (count > 0) { final Collection<Change> changes = data.changeList.getChanges(); final Map<String, Change> beforePaths = new HashMap<String, Change>(); final Map<String, Change> afterPaths = new HashMap<String, Change>(); for (Change change : changes) { if (change.getBeforeRevision() != null) { beforePaths.put(FilePathsHelper.convertPath(change.getBeforeRevision().getFile()), change); } if (change.getAfterRevision() != null) { afterPaths.put(FilePathsHelper.convertPath(change.getAfterRevision().getFile()), change); } } for(int i=0; i<count; i++) { boolean isAfterRevision = (file.readByte() != 0); String path = file.readUTF(); final String converted = FilePathsHelper.convertPath(path); final Change change; if (isAfterRevision) { change = afterPaths.get(converted); } else { change = beforePaths.get(converted); } if (change != null) { result.add(change); } } } } finally { file.close(); } } } catch(IOException ex) { LOG.error(ex); } data.accountedChanges = result; } @NonNls private File getPartialPath(final long offset) { return new File(myPath + "." + offset + ".partial"); } public boolean refreshIncomingChanges() throws IOException, VcsException { if (myProject.isDisposed()) return false; DiffProvider diffProvider = myVcs.getDiffProvider(); if (diffProvider == null) return false; return new RefreshIncomingChangesOperation(this, myProject, diffProvider).invoke(); } public AbstractVcs getVcs() { return myVcs; } public FilePath getRootPath() { return myRootPath; } private static class RefreshIncomingChangesOperation { private final Set<FilePath> myDeletedFiles = new HashSet<FilePath>(); private final Set<FilePath> myCreatedFiles = new HashSet<FilePath>(); private final Set<FilePath> myReplacedFiles = new HashSet<FilePath>(); private final Map<Long, IndexEntry> myIndexEntryCache = new HashMap<Long, IndexEntry>(); private final Map<Long, CommittedChangeList> myPreviousChangeListsCache = new HashMap<Long, CommittedChangeList>(); private final ChangeListManagerImpl myClManager; private final ChangesCacheFile myChangesCacheFile; private final Project myProject; private final DiffProvider myDiffProvider; private boolean myAnyChanges; RefreshIncomingChangesOperation(ChangesCacheFile changesCacheFile, Project project, final DiffProvider diffProvider) { myChangesCacheFile = changesCacheFile; myProject = project; myDiffProvider = diffProvider; myClManager = ChangeListManagerImpl.getInstanceImpl(project); } public boolean invoke() throws VcsException, IOException { myChangesCacheFile.myLocation.onBeforeBatch(); final Collection<FilePath> incomingFiles = myChangesCacheFile.myChangesProvider.getIncomingFiles(myChangesCacheFile.myLocation); myAnyChanges = false; myChangesCacheFile.openStreams(); myChangesCacheFile.loadHeader(); try { IncomingChangeState.header(myChangesCacheFile.myLocation.toPresentableString()); final List<IncomingChangeListData> list = myChangesCacheFile.loadIncomingChangeListData(); boolean shouldChangeHeader; if (incomingFiles != null && incomingFiles.isEmpty()) { // we should just delete any partial files shouldChangeHeader = ! list.isEmpty(); for (IncomingChangeListData data : list) { myChangesCacheFile.saveIncoming(data, true); } } else { shouldChangeHeader = refreshIncomingInFile(incomingFiles, list); } IncomingChangeState.footer(); if (shouldChangeHeader) { myChangesCacheFile.writeHeader(); } } finally { myChangesCacheFile.myLocation.onAfterBatch(); myChangesCacheFile.closeStreams(); } return myAnyChanges; } private boolean refreshIncomingInFile(Collection<FilePath> incomingFiles, List<IncomingChangeListData> list) throws IOException { // the incoming changelist pointers are actually sorted in reverse chronological order, // so we process file delete changes before changes made to deleted files before they were deleted Map<Pair<IncomingChangeListData, Change>, VirtualFile> revisionDependentFiles = ContainerUtil.newHashMap(); Map<Pair<IncomingChangeListData, Change>, ProcessingResult> results = ContainerUtil.newHashMap(); // try to process changelists in a light way, remember which files need revisions for(IncomingChangeListData data: list) { debug("Checking incoming changelist " + data.changeList.getNumber()); for(Change change: data.getChangesToProcess()) { final ProcessingResult result = processIncomingChange(change, data, incomingFiles); Pair<IncomingChangeListData, Change> key = Pair.create(data, change); results.put(key, result); if (result.revisionDependentProcessing != null) { revisionDependentFiles.put(key, result.file); } } } if (!revisionDependentFiles.isEmpty()) { // bulk-get all needed revisions at once Map<VirtualFile, VcsRevisionNumber> revisions = myDiffProvider instanceof DiffProviderEx ? ((DiffProviderEx)myDiffProvider).getCurrentRevisions(revisionDependentFiles.values()) : DiffProviderEx.getCurrentRevisions(revisionDependentFiles.values(), myDiffProvider); // perform processing requiring those revisions for(IncomingChangeListData data: list) { for (Change change : data.getChangesToProcess()) { Pair<IncomingChangeListData, Change> key = Pair.create(data, change); Function<VcsRevisionNumber, ProcessingResult> revisionHandler = results.get(key).revisionDependentProcessing; if (revisionHandler != null) { results.put(key, revisionHandler.fun(revisions.get(revisionDependentFiles.get(key)))); } } } } // collect and save processing results for(IncomingChangeListData data: list) { boolean updated = false; boolean anyChangeFound = false; for (Change change : data.getChangesToProcess()) { final ContentRevision revision = (change.getAfterRevision() == null) ? change.getBeforeRevision() : change.getAfterRevision(); assert revision != null; ProcessingResult result = results.get(Pair.create(data, change)); new IncomingChangeState(change, revision.getRevisionNumber().asString(), result.state).logSelf(); if (result.changeFound) { updated = true; data.accountedChanges.add(change); } else { anyChangeFound = true; } } if (updated || ! anyChangeFound) { myAnyChanges = true; myChangesCacheFile.saveIncoming(data, !anyChangeFound); } } return myAnyChanges || !list.isEmpty(); } private static class ProcessingResult { final boolean changeFound; final IncomingChangeState.State state; final VirtualFile file; final Function<VcsRevisionNumber, ProcessingResult> revisionDependentProcessing; private ProcessingResult(boolean changeFound, IncomingChangeState.State state) { this.changeFound = changeFound; this.state = state; this.file = null; this.revisionDependentProcessing = null; } private ProcessingResult(VirtualFile file, Function<VcsRevisionNumber, ProcessingResult> revisionDependentProcessing) { this.file = file; this.revisionDependentProcessing = revisionDependentProcessing; this.changeFound = false; this.state = null; } } private ProcessingResult processIncomingChange(final Change change, final IncomingChangeListData changeListData, @Nullable final Collection<FilePath> incomingFiles) { final CommittedChangeList changeList = changeListData.changeList; final ContentRevision afterRevision = change.getAfterRevision(); if (afterRevision != null) { if (afterRevision.getFile().isNonLocal()) { // don't bother to search for non-local paths on local disk return new ProcessingResult(true, AFTER_DOES_NOT_MATTER_NON_LOCAL); } if (change.getBeforeRevision() == null) { final FilePath path = afterRevision.getFile(); debug("Marking created file " + path); myCreatedFiles.add(path); } else if (change.getBeforeRevision().getFile().getIOFile().getAbsolutePath().equals( afterRevision.getFile().getIOFile().getAbsolutePath()) && change.isIsReplaced()) { myReplacedFiles.add(afterRevision.getFile()); } if (incomingFiles != null && !incomingFiles.contains(afterRevision.getFile())) { debug("Skipping new/changed file outside of incoming files: " + afterRevision.getFile()); return new ProcessingResult(true, AFTER_DOES_NOT_MATTER_OUTSIDE_INCOMING); } debug("Checking file " + afterRevision.getFile().getPath()); FilePath localPath = ChangesUtil.getLocalPath(myProject, afterRevision.getFile()); if (! FileUtil.isAncestor(myChangesCacheFile.myRootPath.getIOFile(), localPath.getIOFile(), false)) { // alien change in list; skip debug("Alien path " + localPath.getPresentableUrl() + " under root " + myChangesCacheFile.myRootPath.getPresentableUrl() + "; skipping."); return new ProcessingResult(true, AFTER_DOES_NOT_MATTER_ALIEN_PATH); } localPath.refresh(); final VirtualFile file = localPath.getVirtualFile(); if (isDeletedFile(myDeletedFiles, afterRevision, myReplacedFiles)) { debug("Found deleted file"); return new ProcessingResult(true, AFTER_DOES_NOT_MATTER_DELETED_FOUND_IN_INCOMING_LIST); } else if (file != null) { return new ProcessingResult(file, new Function<VcsRevisionNumber, ProcessingResult>() { @Override public ProcessingResult fun(VcsRevisionNumber revision) { if (revision != null) { debug("Current revision is " + revision + ", changelist revision is " + afterRevision.getRevisionNumber()); //noinspection unchecked if (myChangesCacheFile.myChangesProvider .isChangeLocallyAvailable(afterRevision.getFile(), revision, afterRevision.getRevisionNumber(), changeList)) { return new ProcessingResult(true, AFTER_EXISTS_LOCALLY_AVAILABLE); } return new ProcessingResult(false, AFTER_EXISTS_NOT_LOCALLY_AVAILABLE); } debug("Failed to fetch revision"); return new ProcessingResult(false, AFTER_EXISTS_REVISION_NOT_LOADED); } }); } else { //noinspection unchecked if (myChangesCacheFile.myChangesProvider.isChangeLocallyAvailable(afterRevision.getFile(), null, afterRevision.getRevisionNumber(), changeList)) { return new ProcessingResult(true, AFTER_NOT_EXISTS_LOCALLY_AVAILABLE); } if (fileMarkedForDeletion(localPath)) { debug("File marked for deletion and not committed jet."); return new ProcessingResult(true, AFTER_NOT_EXISTS_MARKED_FOR_DELETION); } if (wasSubsequentlyDeleted(afterRevision.getFile(), changeListData.indexOffset)) { return new ProcessingResult(true, AFTER_NOT_EXISTS_SUBSEQUENTLY_DELETED); } debug("Could not find local file for change " + afterRevision.getFile().getPath()); return new ProcessingResult(false, AFTER_NOT_EXISTS_OTHER); } } else { final ContentRevision beforeRevision = change.getBeforeRevision(); assert beforeRevision != null; debug("Checking deleted file " + beforeRevision.getFile()); myDeletedFiles.add(beforeRevision.getFile()); if (incomingFiles != null && !incomingFiles.contains(beforeRevision.getFile())) { debug("Skipping deleted file outside of incoming files: " + beforeRevision.getFile()); return new ProcessingResult(true, BEFORE_DOES_NOT_MATTER_OUTSIDE); } beforeRevision.getFile().refresh(); if (beforeRevision.getFile().getVirtualFile() == null || myCreatedFiles.contains(beforeRevision.getFile())) { // if not deleted from vcs, mark as incoming, otherwise file already deleted final boolean locallyDeleted = myClManager.isContainedInLocallyDeleted(beforeRevision.getFile()); debug(locallyDeleted ? "File deleted locally, change marked as incoming" : "File already deleted"); return new ProcessingResult(!locallyDeleted, locallyDeleted ? BEFORE_NOT_EXISTS_DELETED_LOCALLY : BEFORE_NOT_EXISTS_ALREADY_DELETED); } else if (!myChangesCacheFile.myVcs.fileExistsInVcs(beforeRevision.getFile())) { debug("File exists locally and is unversioned"); return new ProcessingResult(true, BEFORE_UNVERSIONED_INSTEAD_OF_VERS_DELETED); } else { final VirtualFile file = beforeRevision.getFile().getVirtualFile(); return new ProcessingResult(file, new Function<VcsRevisionNumber, ProcessingResult>() { @Override public ProcessingResult fun(VcsRevisionNumber currentRevision) { if ((currentRevision != null) && (currentRevision.compareTo(beforeRevision.getRevisionNumber()) > 0)) { // revived in newer revision - possibly was added file with same name debug("File with same name was added after file deletion"); return new ProcessingResult(true, BEFORE_SAME_NAME_ADDED_AFTER_DELETION); } debug("File exists locally and no 'create' change found for it"); return new ProcessingResult(false, BEFORE_EXISTS_BUT_SHOULD_NOT); } }); } } } private boolean fileMarkedForDeletion(final FilePath localPath) { final List<LocalChangeList> changeLists = myClManager.getChangeListsCopy(); for (LocalChangeList list : changeLists) { final Collection<Change> changes = list.getChanges(); for (Change change : changes) { if (change.getBeforeRevision() != null && change.getBeforeRevision().getFile() != null && change.getBeforeRevision().getFile().getPath().equals(localPath.getPath())) { if (FileStatus.DELETED.equals(change.getFileStatus()) || change.isMoved() || change.isRenamed()) { return true; } } } } return false; } // If we have an incoming add, we may have already processed the subsequent delete of the same file during // a previous incoming changes refresh. So we try to search for the deletion of this file through all // subsequent committed changelists, regardless of whether they are in "incoming" status. private boolean wasSubsequentlyDeleted(final FilePath file, long indexOffset) { try { indexOffset += INDEX_ENTRY_SIZE; while(indexOffset < myChangesCacheFile.myIndexStream.length()) { IndexEntry e = getIndexEntryAtOffset(indexOffset); final CommittedChangeList changeList = getChangeListAtOffset(e.offset); for(Change c: changeList.getChanges()) { final ContentRevision beforeRevision = c.getBeforeRevision(); if ((beforeRevision != null) && (c.getAfterRevision() == null)) { if (file.getIOFile().getAbsolutePath().equals(beforeRevision.getFile().getIOFile().getAbsolutePath()) || file.isUnder(beforeRevision.getFile(), false)) { debug("Found subsequent deletion for file " + file); return true; } } else if ((beforeRevision != null) && (c.getAfterRevision() != null)) { boolean underBefore = file.isUnder(beforeRevision.getFile(), false); if (underBefore && c.isIsReplaced() && (! file.equals(beforeRevision.getFile()))) { debug("For " + file + "some of parents is replaced: " + beforeRevision.getFile()); return true; } else if (underBefore && (c.isMoved() || c.isRenamed())) { debug("For " + file + "some of parents was renamed/moved: " + beforeRevision.getFile()); return true; } } } indexOffset += INDEX_ENTRY_SIZE; } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(e); } return false; } private IndexEntry getIndexEntryAtOffset(final long indexOffset) throws IOException { IndexEntry e = myIndexEntryCache.get(indexOffset); if (e == null) { myChangesCacheFile.myIndexStream.seek(indexOffset); e = new IndexEntry(); myChangesCacheFile.readIndexEntry(e); myIndexEntryCache.put(indexOffset, e); } return e; } private CommittedChangeList getChangeListAtOffset(final long offset) throws IOException { CommittedChangeList changeList = myPreviousChangeListsCache.get(offset); if (changeList == null) { changeList = myChangesCacheFile.loadChangeListAt(offset); myPreviousChangeListsCache.put(offset, changeList); } return changeList; } private static boolean isDeletedFile(final Set<FilePath> deletedFiles, final ContentRevision afterRevision, final Set<FilePath> replacedFiles) { FilePath file = afterRevision.getFile(); while(file != null) { if (deletedFiles.contains(file)) { return true; } file = file.getParentPath(); if (file != null && replacedFiles.contains(file)) { return true; } } return false; } } private static class IndexEntry { long number; long date; long offset; boolean completelyDownloaded; } private static class IncomingChangeListData { public long indexOffset; public IndexEntry indexEntry; public CommittedChangeList changeList; public Set<Change> accountedChanges; List<Change> getChangesToProcess() { return ContainerUtil.filter(changeList.getChanges(), new Condition<Change>() { @Override public boolean value(Change change) { return !accountedChanges.contains(change); } }); } } private static final IndexEntry[] NO_ENTRIES = new IndexEntry[0]; private static class VersionMismatchException extends RuntimeException { } private static class ReceivedChangeListTracker { private final Map<CommittedChangeList, ReceivedChangeList> myMap = new HashMap<CommittedChangeList, ReceivedChangeList>(); public void addChange(CommittedChangeList changeList, Change change) { ReceivedChangeList list = myMap.get(changeList); if (list == null) { list = new ReceivedChangeList(changeList); myMap.put(changeList, list); } list.addChange(change); } public Collection<? extends CommittedChangeList> getChangeLists() { return myMap.values(); } } }