/* * Copyright 2000-2010 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.patch.formove; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.util.registry.Registry; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.*; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.changes.SortByVcsRoots; import com.intellij.openapi.vcs.checkin.CheckinEnvironment; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.LocalFileSystem; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VfsUtilCore; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile; import com.intellij.util.FilePathByPathComparator; import com.intellij.util.ObjectUtils; import com.intellij.util.Processor; import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil; import com.intellij.util.containers.Convertor; import com.intellij.util.containers.MultiMap; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.util.*; public class TriggerAdditionOrDeletion { private final Collection<FilePath> myExisting; private final Collection<FilePath> myDeleted; private final Set<FilePath> myAffected; private final Project myProject; private final boolean mySilentAddDelete; private final ProjectLevelVcsManager myVcsManager; private final AbstractVcsHelper myVcsHelper; private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance(TriggerAdditionOrDeletion.class); private final VcsFileListenerContextHelper myVcsFileListenerContextHelper; private MultiMap<VcsRoot, FilePath> myPreparedAddition; private MultiMap<VcsRoot, FilePath> myPreparedDeletion; public TriggerAdditionOrDeletion(final Project project) { myProject = project; mySilentAddDelete = Registry.is("vcs.add.remove.silent"); myExisting = new HashSet<>(); myDeleted = new HashSet<>(); myVcsManager = ProjectLevelVcsManager.getInstance(myProject); myVcsHelper = AbstractVcsHelper.getInstance(myProject); myAffected = new HashSet<>(); myVcsFileListenerContextHelper = VcsFileListenerContextHelper.getInstance(myProject); } public void addExisting(final Collection<FilePath> files) { myExisting.addAll(files); } public void addDeleted(final Collection<FilePath> files) { myDeleted.addAll(files); } public void prepare() { if (myExisting.isEmpty() && myDeleted.isEmpty()) return; final SortByVcsRoots<FilePath> sortByVcsRoots = new SortByVcsRoots<>(myProject, new Convertor.IntoSelf<>()); if (! myExisting.isEmpty()) { processAddition(sortByVcsRoots); } if (! myDeleted.isEmpty()) { processDeletion(sortByVcsRoots); } } public void processIt() { if (myPreparedDeletion != null) { for (Map.Entry<VcsRoot, Collection<FilePath>> entry : myPreparedDeletion.entrySet()) { final VcsRoot vcsRoot = entry.getKey(); final AbstractVcs vcs = ObjectUtils.assertNotNull(vcsRoot.getVcs()); final CheckinEnvironment localChangesProvider = vcs.getCheckinEnvironment(); if (localChangesProvider == null) continue; final Collection<FilePath> filePaths = entry.getValue(); if (vcs.fileListenerIsSynchronous()) { myAffected.addAll(filePaths); continue; } askUserIfNeeded(vcsRoot.getVcs(), (List<FilePath>)filePaths, VcsConfiguration.StandardConfirmation.REMOVE); myAffected.addAll(filePaths); localChangesProvider.scheduleMissingFileForDeletion((List<FilePath>)filePaths); } } if (myPreparedAddition != null) { final List<FilePath> incorrectFilePath = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry<VcsRoot, Collection<FilePath>> entry : myPreparedAddition.entrySet()) { final VcsRoot vcsRoot = entry.getKey(); final AbstractVcs vcs = ObjectUtils.assertNotNull(vcsRoot.getVcs()); final CheckinEnvironment localChangesProvider = vcs.getCheckinEnvironment(); if (localChangesProvider == null) continue; final Collection<FilePath> filePaths = entry.getValue(); if (vcs.fileListenerIsSynchronous()) { myAffected.addAll(filePaths); continue; } askUserIfNeeded(vcsRoot.getVcs(), (List<FilePath>)filePaths, VcsConfiguration.StandardConfirmation.ADD); myAffected.addAll(filePaths); final List<VirtualFile> virtualFiles = new ArrayList<>(); ContainerUtil.process(filePaths, new Processor<FilePath>() { @Override public boolean process(FilePath path) { VirtualFile vf = path.getVirtualFile(); if (vf == null) { incorrectFilePath.add(path); } else { virtualFiles.add(vf); } return true; } }); //virtual files collection shouldn't contain 'null' vf localChangesProvider.scheduleUnversionedFilesForAddition(virtualFiles); } //if some errors occurred -> notify if (!incorrectFilePath.isEmpty()) { notifyAndLogFiles("Apply new files error", incorrectFilePath); } } } private void notifyAndLogFiles(@NotNull String topic, @NotNull List<FilePath> incorrectFilePath) { String message = "The following " + StringUtil.pluralize("file", incorrectFilePath.size()) + " may be processed incorrectly by VCS.\n" + "Please check it manually: " + incorrectFilePath; LOG.warn(message); VcsNotifier.getInstance(myProject).notifyImportantWarning(topic, message); } public Set<FilePath> getAffected() { return myAffected; } private void processDeletion(SortByVcsRoots<FilePath> sortByVcsRoots) { final MultiMap<VcsRoot, FilePath> map = sortByVcsRoots.sort(myDeleted); myPreparedDeletion = new MultiMap<>(); for (VcsRoot vcsRoot : map.keySet()) { if (vcsRoot != null && vcsRoot.getVcs() != null) { final CheckinEnvironment localChangesProvider = vcsRoot.getVcs().getCheckinEnvironment(); if (localChangesProvider == null) continue; final boolean takeDirs = vcsRoot.getVcs().areDirectoriesVersionedItems(); final Collection<FilePath> files = map.get(vcsRoot); final List<FilePath> toBeDeleted = new LinkedList<>(); for (FilePath file : files) { final FilePath parent = file.getParentPath(); if ((takeDirs || (! file.isDirectory())) && parent != null && parent.getIOFile().exists()) { toBeDeleted.add(file); } } if (toBeDeleted.isEmpty()) return; if (! vcsRoot.getVcs().fileListenerIsSynchronous()) { for (FilePath filePath : toBeDeleted) { myVcsFileListenerContextHelper.ignoreDeleted(filePath); } } myPreparedDeletion.put(vcsRoot, toBeDeleted); } } } private void processAddition(SortByVcsRoots<FilePath> sortByVcsRoots) { final MultiMap<VcsRoot, FilePath> map = sortByVcsRoots.sort(myExisting); myPreparedAddition = new MultiMap<>(); for (VcsRoot vcsRoot : map.keySet()) { if (vcsRoot != null && vcsRoot.getVcs() != null) { final CheckinEnvironment localChangesProvider = vcsRoot.getVcs().getCheckinEnvironment(); if (localChangesProvider == null) continue; final boolean takeDirs = vcsRoot.getVcs().areDirectoriesVersionedItems(); final Collection<FilePath> files = map.get(vcsRoot); final List<FilePath> toBeAdded; if (takeDirs) { final RecursiveCheckAdder adder = new RecursiveCheckAdder(vcsRoot.getPath()); for (FilePath file : files) { adder.process(file); } toBeAdded = adder.getToBeAdded(); } else { toBeAdded = new LinkedList<>(); for (FilePath file : files) { if (! file.isDirectory()) { toBeAdded.add(file); } } } if (toBeAdded.isEmpty()) { return; } Collections.sort(toBeAdded, FilePathByPathComparator.getInstance()); if (! vcsRoot.getVcs().fileListenerIsSynchronous()) { for (FilePath filePath : toBeAdded) { myVcsFileListenerContextHelper.ignoreAdded(filePath.getVirtualFile()); } } myPreparedAddition.put(vcsRoot, toBeAdded); } } } private void askUserIfNeeded(final AbstractVcs vcs, @NotNull final List<FilePath> filePaths, @NotNull VcsConfiguration.StandardConfirmation type) { if (mySilentAddDelete) return; final VcsShowConfirmationOption confirmationOption = myVcsManager.getStandardConfirmation(type, vcs); if (VcsShowConfirmationOption.Value.DO_NOTHING_SILENTLY.equals(confirmationOption.getValue())) { filePaths.clear(); } else if (VcsShowConfirmationOption.Value.SHOW_CONFIRMATION.equals(confirmationOption.getValue())) { String operation = type == VcsConfiguration.StandardConfirmation.ADD ? "addition" : "deletion"; String preposition = type == VcsConfiguration.StandardConfirmation.ADD ? " to " : " from "; final Collection<FilePath> files = myVcsHelper.selectFilePathsToProcess(filePaths, "Select files to " + StringUtil.decapitalize(type.getId()) + preposition + vcs.getDisplayName(), null, "Schedule for " + operation, "Do you want to schedule the following file for " + operation + preposition + vcs.getDisplayName() + "\n{0}", confirmationOption); if (files == null) { filePaths.clear(); } else { filePaths.retainAll(files); } } } private static class RecursiveCheckAdder { private final Set<FilePath> myToBeAdded; private final VirtualFile myRoot; private RecursiveCheckAdder(final VirtualFile root) { myRoot = root; myToBeAdded = new HashSet<>(); } public void process(final FilePath path) { FilePath current = path; while (current != null) { VirtualFile vf = current.getVirtualFile(); if (vf == null) { vf = LocalFileSystem.getInstance().refreshAndFindFileByPath(current.getPath()); } if (vf == null) { return; } if (!VfsUtilCore.isAncestor(myRoot, vf, true)) return; myToBeAdded.add(current); current = current.getParentPath(); } } public List<FilePath> getToBeAdded() { return new ArrayList<>(myToBeAdded); } } }