/* * Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.openapi.editor.richcopy.view; import com.intellij.ide.MacOSApplicationProvider; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.richcopy.model.ColorRegistry; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.richcopy.model.FontNameRegistry; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.richcopy.model.MarkupHandler; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.richcopy.model.SyntaxInfo; import com.intellij.openapi.util.SystemInfo; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.color.ColorSpace; import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor; public class RtfTransferableData extends AbstractSyntaxAwareInputStreamTransferableData { @NotNull public static final DataFlavor FLAVOR = new DataFlavor("text/rtf;class=java.io.InputStream", "RTF text"); @NotNull private static final String HEADER_PREFIX = "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0"; @NotNull private static final String HEADER_SUFFIX = "}"; @NotNull private static final String TAB = "\\tab\n"; @NotNull private static final String NEW_LINE = "\\line\n"; @NotNull private static final String BOLD = "\\b"; @NotNull private static final String ITALIC = "\\i"; public RtfTransferableData(@NotNull SyntaxInfo syntaxInfo) { super(syntaxInfo, FLAVOR); } @Override protected void build(@NotNull final StringBuilder holder, final int maxLength) { holder.append(HEADER_PREFIX); holder.append("{\\colortbl;"); ColorRegistry colorRegistry = mySyntaxInfo.getColorRegistry(); for (int id : colorRegistry.getAllIds()) { Color color = colorRegistry.dataById(id); int[] components = getAdjustedColorComponents(color); holder.append(String.format("\\red%d\\green%d\\blue%d;", components[0], components[1], components[2])); } holder.append("}\n"); holder.append("{\\fonttbl"); FontNameRegistry fontNameRegistry = mySyntaxInfo.getFontNameRegistry(); for (int id : fontNameRegistry.getAllIds()) { String fontName = fontNameRegistry.dataById(id); holder.append(String.format("{\\f%d %s;}", id, fontName)); } holder.append("}\n"); holder.append("\n\\s0\\box") .append("\\cbpat").append(mySyntaxInfo.getDefaultBackground()) .append("\\cb").append(mySyntaxInfo.getDefaultBackground()); addFontSize(holder, mySyntaxInfo.getFontSize()); holder.append('\n'); mySyntaxInfo.processOutputInfo(new MyVisitor(holder, myRawText, mySyntaxInfo, maxLength)); holder.append("\\par"); holder.append(HEADER_SUFFIX); } private static int[] getAdjustedColorComponents(Color color) { if (SystemInfo.isMac) { // on Mac OS color components are expected in Apple's 'Generic RGB' color space ColorSpace genericRgbSpace = MacOSApplicationProvider.getInstance().getGenericRgbColorSpace(); if (genericRgbSpace != null) { float[] components = genericRgbSpace.fromRGB(color.getRGBColorComponents(null)); return new int[] { colorComponentFloatToInt(components[0]), colorComponentFloatToInt(components[1]), colorComponentFloatToInt(components[2]) }; } } return new int[] {color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue()}; } private static int colorComponentFloatToInt(float component) { return (int)(component * 255 + 0.5f); } @NotNull @Override protected String getCharset() { return "US-ASCII"; } private static void addFontSize(StringBuilder buffer, float fontSize) { buffer.append("\\fs").append(Math.round(fontSize * 2)); } private static class MyVisitor implements MarkupHandler { @NotNull private final StringBuilder myBuffer; @NotNull private final String myRawText; private final int myMaxLength; private final int myDefaultBackgroundId; private final float myFontSize; private int myForegroundId = -1; private int myFontNameId = -1; private int myFontStyle = -1; MyVisitor(@NotNull StringBuilder buffer, @NotNull String rawText, @NotNull SyntaxInfo syntaxInfo, int maxLength) { myBuffer = buffer; myRawText = rawText; myMaxLength = maxLength; myDefaultBackgroundId = syntaxInfo.getDefaultBackground(); myFontSize = syntaxInfo.getFontSize(); } @Override public void handleText(int startOffset, int endOffset) throws Exception { myBuffer.append("\n"); for (int i = startOffset; i < endOffset; i++) { char c = myRawText.charAt(i); if (c > 127) { // Escape non-ascii symbols. myBuffer.append(String.format("\\u%04d?", (int)c)); continue; } switch (c) { case '\t': myBuffer.append(TAB); continue; case '\n': myBuffer.append(NEW_LINE); continue; case '\\': case '{': case '}': myBuffer.append('\\'); } myBuffer.append(c); } } @Override public void handleBackground(int backgroundId) throws Exception { if (backgroundId == myDefaultBackgroundId) { myBuffer.append("\\plain"); // we cannot use \chcbpat with default background id, as it doesn't work in MS Word, // and we cannot use \chcbpat0 as it doesn't work in OpenOffice addFontSize(myBuffer, myFontSize); if (myFontNameId >= 0) { handleFont(myFontNameId); } if (myForegroundId >= 0) { handleForeground(myForegroundId); } if (myFontStyle >= 0) { handleStyle(myFontStyle); } } else { myBuffer.append("\\chcbpat").append(backgroundId); } myBuffer.append("\\cb").append(backgroundId); myBuffer.append('\n'); } @Override public void handleForeground(int foregroundId) throws Exception { myBuffer.append("\\cf").append(foregroundId).append('\n'); myForegroundId = foregroundId; } @Override public void handleFont(int fontNameId) throws Exception { myBuffer.append("\\f").append(fontNameId).append('\n'); myFontNameId = fontNameId; } @Override public void handleStyle(int style) throws Exception { myBuffer.append(ITALIC); if ((style & Font.ITALIC) == 0) { myBuffer.append('0'); } myBuffer.append(BOLD); if ((style & Font.BOLD) == 0) { myBuffer.append('0'); } myBuffer.append('\n'); myFontStyle = style; } @Override public boolean canHandleMore() { if (myBuffer.length() > myMaxLength) { myBuffer.append("... truncated ..."); return false; } return true; } } }