/* * Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.psi.codeStyle; import com.intellij.lang.Language; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Document; import com.intellij.openapi.fileTypes.FileType; import com.intellij.openapi.util.*; import com.intellij.psi.PsiDocumentManager; import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile; import com.intellij.psi.codeStyle.arrangement.ArrangementSettings; import com.intellij.psi.codeStyle.arrangement.ArrangementUtil; import com.intellij.util.ReflectionUtil; import com.intellij.util.xmlb.SkipDefaultValuesSerializationFilters; import com.intellij.util.xmlb.XmlSerializer; import org.intellij.lang.annotations.MagicConstant; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.Set; /** * Common code style settings can be used by several programming languages. Each language may have its own * instance of <code>CommonCodeStyleSettings</code>. * * @author Rustam Vishnyakov */ public class CommonCodeStyleSettings { // Dev. notes: // - Do not add language-specific options here, use CustomCodeStyleSettings instead. // - A new options should be added to CodeStyleSettingsCustomizable as well. // - Covered by CodeStyleConfigurationsTest. @NonNls private static final String ARRANGEMENT_ELEMENT_NAME = "arrangement"; private final Language myLanguage; private ArrangementSettings myArrangementSettings; private CodeStyleSettings myRootSettings; private IndentOptions myIndentOptions; private final FileType myFileType; private boolean myForceArrangeMenuAvailable; @NonNls private static final String INDENT_OPTIONS_TAG = "indentOptions"; public CommonCodeStyleSettings(Language language, FileType fileType) { myLanguage = language; myFileType = fileType; } public CommonCodeStyleSettings(Language language) { this(language, language == null ? null : language.getAssociatedFileType()); } void setRootSettings(@NotNull CodeStyleSettings rootSettings) { myRootSettings = rootSettings; } public Language getLanguage() { return myLanguage; } @NotNull public IndentOptions initIndentOptions() { myIndentOptions = new IndentOptions(); return myIndentOptions; } @Nullable public FileType getFileType() { return myFileType; } @NotNull public CodeStyleSettings getRootSettings() { return myRootSettings; } @Nullable public IndentOptions getIndentOptions() { return myIndentOptions; } @Nullable public ArrangementSettings getArrangementSettings() { return myArrangementSettings; } public void setArrangementSettings(@NotNull ArrangementSettings settings) { myArrangementSettings = settings; } public void setForceArrangeMenuAvailable(boolean value) { myForceArrangeMenuAvailable = value; } public boolean isForceArrangeMenuAvailable() { return myForceArrangeMenuAvailable; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public CommonCodeStyleSettings clone(@NotNull CodeStyleSettings rootSettings) { CommonCodeStyleSettings commonSettings = new CommonCodeStyleSettings(myLanguage, getFileType()); copyPublicFields(this, commonSettings); commonSettings.setRootSettings(rootSettings); commonSettings.myForceArrangeMenuAvailable = this.myForceArrangeMenuAvailable; if (myIndentOptions != null) { IndentOptions targetIndentOptions = commonSettings.initIndentOptions(); targetIndentOptions.copyFrom(myIndentOptions); } if (myArrangementSettings != null) { commonSettings.setArrangementSettings(myArrangementSettings.clone()); } return commonSettings; } protected static void copyPublicFields(Object from, Object to) { assert from != to; ReflectionUtil.copyFields(to.getClass().getFields(), from, to); } void copyNonDefaultValuesFrom(CommonCodeStyleSettings from) { CommonCodeStyleSettings defaultSettings = new CommonCodeStyleSettings(null); PARENT_SETTINGS_INSTALLED = ReflectionUtil.copyFields(getClass().getFields(), from, this, new SupportedFieldsDiffFilter(from, getSupportedFields(), defaultSettings) { @Override public boolean isAccept(@NotNull Field field) { if ("RIGHT_MARGIN".equals(field.getName())) return false; // Never copy RIGHT_MARGIN, it is inherited automatically if -1 return super.isAccept(field); } }); } @Nullable private CommonCodeStyleSettings getDefaultSettings() { return LanguageCodeStyleSettingsProvider.getDefaultCommonSettings(myLanguage); } public void readExternal(Element element) throws InvalidDataException { DefaultJDOMExternalizer.readExternal(this, element); if (myIndentOptions != null) { Element indentOptionsElement = element.getChild(INDENT_OPTIONS_TAG); if (indentOptionsElement != null) { myIndentOptions.deserialize(indentOptionsElement); } } Element arrangementRulesContainer = element.getChild(ARRANGEMENT_ELEMENT_NAME); if (arrangementRulesContainer != null) { myArrangementSettings = ArrangementUtil.readExternal(arrangementRulesContainer, myLanguage); } } public void writeExternal(Element element) throws WriteExternalException { CommonCodeStyleSettings defaultSettings = getDefaultSettings(); Set<String> supportedFields = getSupportedFields(); if (supportedFields != null) { supportedFields.add("PARENT_SETTINGS_INSTALLED"); supportedFields.add("FORCE_REARRANGE_MODE"); } DefaultJDOMExternalizer.writeExternal(this, element, new SupportedFieldsDiffFilter(this, supportedFields, defaultSettings)); if (myIndentOptions != null) { IndentOptions defaultIndentOptions = defaultSettings != null ? defaultSettings.getIndentOptions() : null; Element indentOptionsElement = new Element(INDENT_OPTIONS_TAG); myIndentOptions.serialize(indentOptionsElement, defaultIndentOptions); if (!indentOptionsElement.getChildren().isEmpty()) { element.addContent(indentOptionsElement); } } if (myArrangementSettings != null) { Element container = new Element(ARRANGEMENT_ELEMENT_NAME); ArrangementUtil.writeExternal(container, myArrangementSettings, myLanguage); if (!container.getChildren().isEmpty()) { element.addContent(container); } } } @Nullable private Set<String> getSupportedFields() { final LanguageCodeStyleSettingsProvider provider = LanguageCodeStyleSettingsProvider.forLanguage(myLanguage); return provider == null ? null : provider.getSupportedFields(); } private static class SupportedFieldsDiffFilter extends DifferenceFilter<CommonCodeStyleSettings> { private final Set<String> mySupportedFieldNames; public SupportedFieldsDiffFilter(final CommonCodeStyleSettings object, Set<String> supportedFiledNames, final CommonCodeStyleSettings parentObject) { super(object, parentObject); mySupportedFieldNames = supportedFiledNames; } @Override public boolean isAccept(@NotNull Field field) { if (mySupportedFieldNames == null || mySupportedFieldNames.contains(field.getName())) { return super.isAccept(field); } return false; } } //----------------- GENERAL -------------------- public int RIGHT_MARGIN = -1; public boolean LINE_COMMENT_AT_FIRST_COLUMN = true; public boolean BLOCK_COMMENT_AT_FIRST_COLUMN = true; /** * Tells if a space is added when commenting/uncommenting lines with a line comment. */ public boolean LINE_COMMENT_ADD_SPACE = false; public boolean KEEP_LINE_BREAKS = true; /** * Controls END_OF_LINE_COMMENT's and C_STYLE_COMMENT's */ public boolean KEEP_FIRST_COLUMN_COMMENT = true; public boolean INSERT_FIRST_SPACE_IN_LINE = true; /** * Keep "if (..) ...;" (also while, for) * Does not control "if (..) { .. }" */ public boolean KEEP_CONTROL_STATEMENT_IN_ONE_LINE = true; //----------------- BLANK LINES -------------------- /** * Keep up to this amount of blank lines between declarations */ public int KEEP_BLANK_LINES_IN_DECLARATIONS = 2; /** * Keep up to this amount of blank lines in code */ public int KEEP_BLANK_LINES_IN_CODE = 2; public int KEEP_BLANK_LINES_BEFORE_RBRACE = 2; public int BLANK_LINES_BEFORE_PACKAGE = 0; public int BLANK_LINES_AFTER_PACKAGE = 1; public int BLANK_LINES_BEFORE_IMPORTS = 1; public int BLANK_LINES_AFTER_IMPORTS = 1; public int BLANK_LINES_AROUND_CLASS = 1; public int BLANK_LINES_AROUND_FIELD = 0; public int BLANK_LINES_AROUND_METHOD = 1; public int BLANK_LINES_BEFORE_METHOD_BODY = 0; public int BLANK_LINES_AROUND_FIELD_IN_INTERFACE = 0; public int BLANK_LINES_AROUND_METHOD_IN_INTERFACE = 1; public int BLANK_LINES_AFTER_CLASS_HEADER = 0; public int BLANK_LINES_AFTER_ANONYMOUS_CLASS_HEADER = 0; //public int BLANK_LINES_BETWEEN_CASE_BLOCKS; //----------------- BRACES & INDENTS -------------------- /** * <PRE> * 1. * if (..) { * body; * } * 2. * if (..) * { * body; * } * 3. * if (..) * { * body; * } * 4. * if (..) * { * body; * } * 5. * if (long-condition-1 && * long-condition-2) * { * body; * } * if (short-condition) { * body; * } * </PRE> */ public static final int END_OF_LINE = 1; public static final int NEXT_LINE = 2; public static final int NEXT_LINE_SHIFTED = 3; public static final int NEXT_LINE_SHIFTED2 = 4; public static final int NEXT_LINE_IF_WRAPPED = 5; @MagicConstant(intValues = {END_OF_LINE, NEXT_LINE, NEXT_LINE_SHIFTED, NEXT_LINE_SHIFTED2, NEXT_LINE_IF_WRAPPED}) public @interface BraceStyleConstant { } @BraceStyleConstant public int BRACE_STYLE = END_OF_LINE; @BraceStyleConstant public int CLASS_BRACE_STYLE = END_OF_LINE; @BraceStyleConstant public int METHOD_BRACE_STYLE = END_OF_LINE; /** * Defines if 'flying geese' style should be used for curly braces formatting, e.g. if we want to format code like * <p> * <pre> * class Test { * { * System.out.println(); * } * } * </pre> * to * <pre> * class Test { { * System.out.println(); * } } * </pre> */ public boolean USE_FLYING_GEESE_BRACES = false; /** * Defines number of white spaces between curly braces in case of {@link #USE_FLYING_GEESE_BRACES 'flying geese'} style usage. */ public int FLYING_GEESE_BRACES_GAP = 1; public boolean DO_NOT_INDENT_TOP_LEVEL_CLASS_MEMBERS = false; /** * <PRE> * "} * else" * or * "} else" * </PRE> */ public boolean ELSE_ON_NEW_LINE = false; /** * <PRE> * "} * while" * or * "} while" * </PRE> */ public boolean WHILE_ON_NEW_LINE = false; /** * <PRE> * "} * catch" * or * "} catch" * </PRE> */ public boolean CATCH_ON_NEW_LINE = false; /** * <PRE> * "} * finally" * or * "} finally" * </PRE> */ public boolean FINALLY_ON_NEW_LINE = false; public boolean INDENT_CASE_FROM_SWITCH = true; /** * Controls "break" position realtive to "case". * <pre> * case 0: * <--->break; * </pre> */ public boolean INDENT_BREAK_FROM_CASE = true; public boolean SPECIAL_ELSE_IF_TREATMENT = true; /** * Indicates if long sequence of chained method calls should be aligned. * <p> * E.g. if statement like <code>'foo.bar().bar().bar();'</code> should be reformatted to the one below if, * say, last <code>'bar()'</code> call exceeds right margin. The code looks as follows after reformatting * if this property is <code>true</code>: * <p> * <pre> * foo.bar().bar() * .bar(); * </pre> */ public boolean ALIGN_MULTILINE_CHAINED_METHODS = false; public boolean ALIGN_MULTILINE_PARAMETERS = true; public boolean ALIGN_MULTILINE_PARAMETERS_IN_CALLS = false; public boolean ALIGN_MULTILINE_RESOURCES = true; public boolean ALIGN_MULTILINE_FOR = true; public boolean INDENT_WHEN_CASES = true; public boolean ALIGN_MULTILINE_BINARY_OPERATION = false; public boolean ALIGN_MULTILINE_ASSIGNMENT = false; public boolean ALIGN_MULTILINE_TERNARY_OPERATION = false; public boolean ALIGN_MULTILINE_THROWS_LIST = false; public boolean ALIGN_THROWS_KEYWORD = false; public boolean ALIGN_MULTILINE_EXTENDS_LIST = false; public boolean ALIGN_MULTILINE_METHOD_BRACKETS = false; public boolean ALIGN_MULTILINE_PARENTHESIZED_EXPRESSION = false; public boolean ALIGN_MULTILINE_ARRAY_INITIALIZER_EXPRESSION = false; //----------------- Group alignments --------------- /** * Specifies if subsequent fields/variables declarations and initialisations should be aligned in columns like below: * int start = 1; * int end = 10; */ public boolean ALIGN_GROUP_FIELD_DECLARATIONS = false; public boolean ALIGN_CONSECUTIVE_VARIABLE_DECLARATIONS = false; public boolean ALIGN_SUBSEQUENT_SIMPLE_METHODS = false; //----------------- SPACES -------------------- /** * Controls =, +=, -=, etc */ public boolean SPACE_AROUND_ASSIGNMENT_OPERATORS = true; /** * Controls &&, || */ public boolean SPACE_AROUND_LOGICAL_OPERATORS = true; /** * Controls ==, != */ public boolean SPACE_AROUND_EQUALITY_OPERATORS = true; /** * Controls <, >, <=, >= */ public boolean SPACE_AROUND_RELATIONAL_OPERATORS = true; /** * Controls &, |, ^ */ public boolean SPACE_AROUND_BITWISE_OPERATORS = true; /** * Controls +, - */ public boolean SPACE_AROUND_ADDITIVE_OPERATORS = true; /** * Controls *, /, % */ public boolean SPACE_AROUND_MULTIPLICATIVE_OPERATORS = true; /** * Controls <<. >>, >>> */ public boolean SPACE_AROUND_SHIFT_OPERATORS = true; public boolean SPACE_AROUND_UNARY_OPERATOR = false; public boolean SPACE_AROUND_LAMBDA_ARROW = true; public boolean SPACE_AROUND_METHOD_REF_DBL_COLON = false; public boolean SPACE_AFTER_COMMA = true; public boolean SPACE_AFTER_COMMA_IN_TYPE_ARGUMENTS = true; public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_COMMA = false; public boolean SPACE_AFTER_SEMICOLON = true; // in for-statement public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_SEMICOLON = false; // in for-statement /** * "( expr )" * or * "(expr)" */ public boolean SPACE_WITHIN_PARENTHESES = false; /** * "f( expr )" * or * "f(expr)" */ public boolean SPACE_WITHIN_METHOD_CALL_PARENTHESES = false; /** * "f( )" * or * "f()" */ public boolean SPACE_WITHIN_EMPTY_METHOD_CALL_PARENTHESES = false; /** * "void f( int param )" * or * "void f(int param)" */ public boolean SPACE_WITHIN_METHOD_PARENTHESES = false; /** * "void f( )" * or * "void f()" */ public boolean SPACE_WITHIN_EMPTY_METHOD_PARENTHESES = false; /** * "if( expr )" * or * "if(expr)" */ public boolean SPACE_WITHIN_IF_PARENTHESES = false; /** * "while( expr )" * or * "while(expr)" */ public boolean SPACE_WITHIN_WHILE_PARENTHESES = false; /** * "for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )" * or * "for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)" */ public boolean SPACE_WITHIN_FOR_PARENTHESES = false; /** * "try( Resource r = r() )" * or * "catch(Resource r = r())" */ public boolean SPACE_WITHIN_TRY_PARENTHESES = false; /** * "catch( Exception e )" * or * "catch(Exception e)" */ public boolean SPACE_WITHIN_CATCH_PARENTHESES = false; /** * "switch( expr )" * or * "switch(expr)" */ public boolean SPACE_WITHIN_SWITCH_PARENTHESES = false; /** * "synchronized( expr )" * or * "synchronized(expr)" */ public boolean SPACE_WITHIN_SYNCHRONIZED_PARENTHESES = false; /** * "( Type )expr" * or * "(Type)expr" */ public boolean SPACE_WITHIN_CAST_PARENTHESES = false; /** * "[ expr ]" * or * "[expr]" */ public boolean SPACE_WITHIN_BRACKETS = false; /** * void foo(){ { return; } } * or * void foo(){{return;}} */ public boolean SPACE_WITHIN_BRACES = false; /** * "int X[] { 1, 3, 5 }" * or * "int X[] {1, 3, 5}" */ public boolean SPACE_WITHIN_ARRAY_INITIALIZER_BRACES = false; /** * "int X[] { }" * or * "int X[] {}" */ public boolean SPACE_WITHIN_EMPTY_ARRAY_INITIALIZER_BRACES = false; public boolean SPACE_AFTER_TYPE_CAST = true; /** * "f (x)" * or * "f(x)" */ public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_METHOD_CALL_PARENTHESES = false; /** * "void f (int param)" * or * "void f(int param)" */ public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_METHOD_PARENTHESES = false; /** * "if (...)" * or * "if(...)" */ public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_IF_PARENTHESES = true; /** * "while (...)" * or * "while(...)" */ public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_WHILE_PARENTHESES = true; /** * "for (...)" * or * "for(...)" */ public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_FOR_PARENTHESES = true; /** * "try (...)" * or * "try(...)" */ public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_TRY_PARENTHESES = true; /** * "catch (...)" * or * "catch(...)" */ public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_CATCH_PARENTHESES = true; /** * "switch (...)" * or * "switch(...)" */ public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_SWITCH_PARENTHESES = true; /** * "synchronized (...)" * or * "synchronized(...)" */ public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_SYNCHRONIZED_PARENTHESES = true; /** * "class A {" * or * "class A{" */ public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_CLASS_LBRACE = true; /** * "void f() {" * or * "void f(){" */ public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_METHOD_LBRACE = true; /** * "if (...) {" * or * "if (...){" */ public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_IF_LBRACE = true; /** * "else {" * or * "else{" */ public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_ELSE_LBRACE = true; /** * "while (...) {" * or * "while (...){" */ public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_WHILE_LBRACE = true; /** * "for (...) {" * or * "for (...){" */ public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_FOR_LBRACE = true; /** * "do {" * or * "do{" */ public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_DO_LBRACE = true; /** * "switch (...) {" * or * "switch (...){" */ public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_SWITCH_LBRACE = true; /** * "try {" * or * "try{" */ public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_TRY_LBRACE = true; /** * "catch (...) {" * or * "catch (...){" */ public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_CATCH_LBRACE = true; /** * "finally {" * or * "finally{" */ public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_FINALLY_LBRACE = true; /** * "synchronized (...) {" * or * "synchronized (...){" */ public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_SYNCHRONIZED_LBRACE = true; /** * "new int[] {" * or * "new int[]{" */ public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_ARRAY_INITIALIZER_LBRACE = false; /** * '@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) * or * '@SuppressWarnings( {"unchecked"}) */ public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_ANNOTATION_ARRAY_INITIALIZER_LBRACE = false; public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_ELSE_KEYWORD = true; public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_WHILE_KEYWORD = true; public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_CATCH_KEYWORD = true; public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_FINALLY_KEYWORD = true; public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_QUEST = true; public boolean SPACE_AFTER_QUEST = true; public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_COLON = true; public boolean SPACE_AFTER_COLON = true; public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_TYPE_PARAMETER_LIST = false; //----------------- WRAPPING --------------------------- public static final int DO_NOT_WRAP = 0x00; public static final int WRAP_AS_NEEDED = 0x01; public static final int WRAP_ALWAYS = 0x02; public static final int WRAP_ON_EVERY_ITEM = 0x04; public int CALL_PARAMETERS_WRAP = DO_NOT_WRAP; public boolean PREFER_PARAMETERS_WRAP = false; public boolean CALL_PARAMETERS_LPAREN_ON_NEXT_LINE = false; public boolean CALL_PARAMETERS_RPAREN_ON_NEXT_LINE = false; public int METHOD_PARAMETERS_WRAP = DO_NOT_WRAP; public boolean METHOD_PARAMETERS_LPAREN_ON_NEXT_LINE = false; public boolean METHOD_PARAMETERS_RPAREN_ON_NEXT_LINE = false; public int RESOURCE_LIST_WRAP = DO_NOT_WRAP; public boolean RESOURCE_LIST_LPAREN_ON_NEXT_LINE = false; public boolean RESOURCE_LIST_RPAREN_ON_NEXT_LINE = false; public int EXTENDS_LIST_WRAP = DO_NOT_WRAP; public int THROWS_LIST_WRAP = DO_NOT_WRAP; public int EXTENDS_KEYWORD_WRAP = DO_NOT_WRAP; public int THROWS_KEYWORD_WRAP = DO_NOT_WRAP; public int METHOD_CALL_CHAIN_WRAP = DO_NOT_WRAP; public boolean WRAP_FIRST_METHOD_IN_CALL_CHAIN = false; public boolean PARENTHESES_EXPRESSION_LPAREN_WRAP = false; public boolean PARENTHESES_EXPRESSION_RPAREN_WRAP = false; public int BINARY_OPERATION_WRAP = DO_NOT_WRAP; public boolean BINARY_OPERATION_SIGN_ON_NEXT_LINE = false; public int TERNARY_OPERATION_WRAP = DO_NOT_WRAP; public boolean TERNARY_OPERATION_SIGNS_ON_NEXT_LINE = false; public boolean MODIFIER_LIST_WRAP = false; public boolean KEEP_SIMPLE_BLOCKS_IN_ONE_LINE = false; public boolean KEEP_SIMPLE_METHODS_IN_ONE_LINE = false; public boolean KEEP_SIMPLE_CLASSES_IN_ONE_LINE = false; public boolean KEEP_SIMPLE_LAMBDAS_IN_ONE_LINE = false; public boolean KEEP_MULTIPLE_EXPRESSIONS_IN_ONE_LINE = false; public int FOR_STATEMENT_WRAP = DO_NOT_WRAP; public boolean FOR_STATEMENT_LPAREN_ON_NEXT_LINE = false; public boolean FOR_STATEMENT_RPAREN_ON_NEXT_LINE = false; public int ARRAY_INITIALIZER_WRAP = DO_NOT_WRAP; public boolean ARRAY_INITIALIZER_LBRACE_ON_NEXT_LINE = false; public boolean ARRAY_INITIALIZER_RBRACE_ON_NEXT_LINE = false; public int ASSIGNMENT_WRAP = DO_NOT_WRAP; public boolean PLACE_ASSIGNMENT_SIGN_ON_NEXT_LINE = false; public int LABELED_STATEMENT_WRAP = WRAP_ALWAYS; public boolean WRAP_COMMENTS = false; public int ASSERT_STATEMENT_WRAP = DO_NOT_WRAP; public boolean ASSERT_STATEMENT_COLON_ON_NEXT_LINE = false; // BRACE FORCING public static final int DO_NOT_FORCE = 0x00; public static final int FORCE_BRACES_IF_MULTILINE = 0x01; public static final int FORCE_BRACES_ALWAYS = 0x03; public int IF_BRACE_FORCE = DO_NOT_FORCE; public int DOWHILE_BRACE_FORCE = DO_NOT_FORCE; public int WHILE_BRACE_FORCE = DO_NOT_FORCE; public int FOR_BRACE_FORCE = DO_NOT_FORCE; public boolean WRAP_LONG_LINES = false; //-------------- Annotation formatting settings------------------------------------------- public int METHOD_ANNOTATION_WRAP = WRAP_ALWAYS; public int CLASS_ANNOTATION_WRAP = WRAP_ALWAYS; public int FIELD_ANNOTATION_WRAP = WRAP_ALWAYS; public int PARAMETER_ANNOTATION_WRAP = DO_NOT_WRAP; public int VARIABLE_ANNOTATION_WRAP = DO_NOT_WRAP; public boolean SPACE_BEFORE_ANOTATION_PARAMETER_LIST = false; public boolean SPACE_WITHIN_ANNOTATION_PARENTHESES = false; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------Enums---------------------------------------------------------- public int ENUM_CONSTANTS_WRAP = DO_NOT_WRAP; // // The flag telling that original default settings were overwritten with non-default // values from shared code style settings (happens upon the very first initialization). // public boolean PARENT_SETTINGS_INSTALLED = false; //-------------------------Force rearrange settings--------------------------------------- public static int REARRANGE_ACCORDIND_TO_DIALOG = 0; public static int REARRANGE_ALWAYS = 1; public static int REARRANGE_NEVER = 2; public int FORCE_REARRANGE_MODE = REARRANGE_ACCORDIND_TO_DIALOG; public enum WrapOnTyping { DEFAULT(-1), NO_WRAP(0), WRAP(1); public int intValue; WrapOnTyping(int i) { this.intValue = i; } } /** * Defines if wrapping should occur when typing reaches right margin. <b>Do not use a value of this field directly, call * {@link CodeStyleSettings#isWrapOnTyping(Language)} method instead</b>. */ public int WRAP_ON_TYPING = WrapOnTyping.DEFAULT.intValue; //-------------------------Indent options------------------------------------------------- public static class IndentOptions implements JDOMExternalizable, Cloneable { public int INDENT_SIZE = 4; public int CONTINUATION_INDENT_SIZE = 8; public int TAB_SIZE = 4; public boolean USE_TAB_CHARACTER = false; public boolean SMART_TABS = false; public int LABEL_INDENT_SIZE = 0; public boolean LABEL_INDENT_ABSOLUTE = false; public boolean USE_RELATIVE_INDENTS = false; public boolean KEEP_INDENTS_ON_EMPTY_LINES = false; private FileIndentOptionsProvider myFileIndentOptionsProvider; private static final Key<CommonCodeStyleSettings.IndentOptions> INDENT_OPTIONS_KEY = Key.create("INDENT_OPTIONS_KEY"); private boolean myInaccurate; private boolean myOverrideLanguageOptions; @Override public void readExternal(Element element) throws InvalidDataException { DefaultJDOMExternalizer.readExternal(this, element); } @Override public void writeExternal(Element element) throws WriteExternalException { DefaultJDOMExternalizer.writeExternal(this, element, new DefaultJDOMExternalizer.JDOMFilter() { @Override public boolean isAccept(@NotNull Field field) { if ("KEEP_INDENTS_ON_EMPTY_LINES".equals(field.getName())) { return KEEP_INDENTS_ON_EMPTY_LINES; } return true; } }); } public void serialize(Element indentOptionsElement, final IndentOptions defaultOptions) { XmlSerializer.serializeInto(this, indentOptionsElement, new SkipDefaultValuesSerializationFilters() { @Override protected void configure(@NotNull Object o) { if (o instanceof IndentOptions && defaultOptions != null) { ((IndentOptions)o).copyFrom(defaultOptions); } } }); } public void deserialize(Element indentOptionsElement) { XmlSerializer.deserializeInto(this, indentOptionsElement); } @Override public Object clone() { try { return super.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { // Cannot happen throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; IndentOptions that = (IndentOptions)o; if (CONTINUATION_INDENT_SIZE != that.CONTINUATION_INDENT_SIZE) return false; if (INDENT_SIZE != that.INDENT_SIZE) return false; if (LABEL_INDENT_ABSOLUTE != that.LABEL_INDENT_ABSOLUTE) return false; if (USE_RELATIVE_INDENTS != that.USE_RELATIVE_INDENTS) return false; if (LABEL_INDENT_SIZE != that.LABEL_INDENT_SIZE) return false; if (SMART_TABS != that.SMART_TABS) return false; if (TAB_SIZE != that.TAB_SIZE) return false; if (USE_TAB_CHARACTER != that.USE_TAB_CHARACTER) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = INDENT_SIZE; result = 31 * result + CONTINUATION_INDENT_SIZE; result = 31 * result + TAB_SIZE; result = 31 * result + (USE_TAB_CHARACTER ? 1 : 0); result = 31 * result + (SMART_TABS ? 1 : 0); result = 31 * result + LABEL_INDENT_SIZE; result = 31 * result + (LABEL_INDENT_ABSOLUTE ? 1 : 0); result = 31 * result + (USE_RELATIVE_INDENTS ? 1 : 0); return result; } public void copyFrom(IndentOptions other) { copyPublicFields(other, this); } @Nullable FileIndentOptionsProvider getFileIndentOptionsProvider() { return myFileIndentOptionsProvider; } void setFileIndentOptionsProvider(@NotNull FileIndentOptionsProvider provider) { myFileIndentOptionsProvider = provider; } void associateWithDocument(@NotNull Document document) { document.putUserData(INDENT_OPTIONS_KEY, this); } @Nullable static IndentOptions retrieveFromAssociatedDocument(@NotNull PsiFile file) { Document document = PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(file.getProject()).getDocument(file); return document != null ? document.getUserData(INDENT_OPTIONS_KEY) : null; } /** * @return True if the options can override the ones defined in language settings. * @see CommonCodeStyleSettings.IndentOptions#setOverrideLanguageOptions(boolean) */ public boolean isOverrideLanguageOptions() { return myOverrideLanguageOptions; } /** * Make the indent options override options defined for a language block if the block implements {@code BlockEx.getLanguage()} * Useful when indent options provider must take a priority over any language settings for a formatter block. * * @param overrideLanguageOptions True if language block options should be ignored. * @see FileIndentOptionsProvider */ public void setOverrideLanguageOptions(boolean overrideLanguageOptions) { myOverrideLanguageOptions = overrideLanguageOptions; } boolean isRecalculateForCommittedDocument() { return myInaccurate; } void setRecalculateForCommittedDocument(boolean value) { myInaccurate = value; } } }