/* * Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.find.impl.livePreview; import com.intellij.find.*; import com.intellij.find.impl.FindResultImpl; import com.intellij.openapi.Disposable; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.RangeMarker; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.SelectionModel; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.event.DocumentAdapter; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.event.DocumentEvent; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.event.SelectionEvent; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.event.SelectionListener; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.util.TextRange; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.ReadonlyStatusHandler; import com.intellij.util.Alarm; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.util.ArrayList; public class LivePreviewController implements LivePreview.Delegate, FindUtil.ReplaceDelegate { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance("#com.intellij.find.impl.livePreview.LivePreviewController"); public static final int USER_ACTIVITY_TRIGGERING_DELAY = 30; public static final int MATCHES_LIMIT = 10000; protected EditorSearchSession myComponent; private int myUserActivityDelay = USER_ACTIVITY_TRIGGERING_DELAY; private final Alarm myLivePreviewAlarm; protected SearchResults mySearchResults; private LivePreview myLivePreview; private final boolean myReplaceDenied = false; private boolean mySuppressUpdate = false; private boolean myTrackingDocument; private boolean myChanged; private boolean myListeningSelection = false; private final SelectionListener mySelectionListener = new SelectionListener() { @Override public void selectionChanged(SelectionEvent e) { smartUpdate(); } }; private boolean myDisposed; public void setTrackingSelection(boolean b) { if (b) { if (!myListeningSelection) { getEditor().getSelectionModel().addSelectionListener(mySelectionListener); } } else { if (myListeningSelection) { getEditor().getSelectionModel().removeSelectionListener(mySelectionListener); } } myListeningSelection = b; } private final DocumentAdapter myDocumentListener = new DocumentAdapter() { @Override public void documentChanged(final DocumentEvent e) { if (!myTrackingDocument) { myChanged = true; return; } if (!mySuppressUpdate) { smartUpdate(); } else { mySuppressUpdate = false; } } }; private void smartUpdate() { if (myLivePreview == null) return; myLivePreview.inSmartUpdate(); updateInBackground(mySearchResults.getFindModel(), false); } public void moveCursor(SearchResults.Direction direction) { if (direction == SearchResults.Direction.UP) { mySearchResults.prevOccurrence(false); } else { mySearchResults.nextOccurrence(false); } } public boolean isReplaceDenied() { return myReplaceDenied; } public LivePreviewController(SearchResults searchResults, @Nullable EditorSearchSession component, @NotNull Disposable parentDisposable) { mySearchResults = searchResults; myComponent = component; getEditor().getDocument().addDocumentListener(myDocumentListener); myLivePreviewAlarm = new Alarm(Alarm.ThreadToUse.POOLED_THREAD, parentDisposable); } public int getUserActivityDelay() { return myUserActivityDelay; } public void setUserActivityDelay(int userActivityDelay) { myUserActivityDelay = userActivityDelay; } public void updateInBackground(FindModel findModel, final boolean allowedToChangedEditorSelection) { final int stamp = mySearchResults.getStamp(); myLivePreviewAlarm.cancelAllRequests(); if (findModel == null) return; final boolean unitTestMode = ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode(); final FindModel copy = new FindModel(); copy.copyFrom(findModel); Runnable request = () -> { if (myDisposed) return; Project project = mySearchResults.getProject(); if (project != null && project.isDisposed()) return; mySearchResults.updateThreadSafe(copy, allowedToChangedEditorSelection, null, stamp); }; if (unitTestMode) { request.run(); } else { myLivePreviewAlarm.addRequest(request, myUserActivityDelay); } } @Override public String getStringToReplace(@NotNull Editor editor, @Nullable FindResult findResult) { if (findResult == null) { return null; } String foundString = editor.getDocument().getText(findResult); CharSequence documentText = editor.getDocument().getImmutableCharSequence(); FindModel currentModel = mySearchResults.getFindModel(); String stringToReplace = null; if (currentModel != null) { if (currentModel.isReplaceState()) { FindManager findManager = FindManager.getInstance(mySearchResults.getProject()); try { stringToReplace = findManager.getStringToReplace(foundString, currentModel, findResult.getStartOffset(), documentText); } catch (FindManager.MalformedReplacementStringException e) { return null; } } } return stringToReplace; } @Nullable public TextRange performReplace(final FindResult occurrence, final String replacement, final Editor editor) { Project project = mySearchResults.getProject(); if (myReplaceDenied || !ReadonlyStatusHandler.ensureDocumentWritable(project, editor.getDocument())) return null; FindModel findModel = mySearchResults.getFindModel(); TextRange result = FindUtil.doReplace(project, editor.getDocument(), findModel, new FindResultImpl(occurrence.getStartOffset(), occurrence.getEndOffset()), replacement, true, new ArrayList<>()); myLivePreview.inSmartUpdate(); mySearchResults.updateThreadSafe(findModel, true, result, mySearchResults.getStamp()); return result; } public void performReplaceAll(Editor e) { Project project = mySearchResults.getProject(); if (!ReadonlyStatusHandler.ensureDocumentWritable(project, e.getDocument())) return; if (mySearchResults.getFindModel() != null) { final FindModel copy = new FindModel(); copy.copyFrom(mySearchResults.getFindModel()); final SelectionModel selectionModel = mySearchResults.getEditor().getSelectionModel(); final int offset; if (!selectionModel.hasSelection() || copy.isGlobal()) { copy.setGlobal(true); offset = 0; } else { offset = selectionModel.getBlockSelectionStarts()[0]; } FindUtil.replace(project, e, offset, copy, this); } } @Override public boolean shouldReplace(TextRange range, String replace) { for (RangeMarker r : mySearchResults.getExcluded()) { if (TextRange.areSegmentsEqual(r, range)) { return false; } } return true; } public boolean canReplace() { if (mySearchResults != null && mySearchResults.getCursor() != null && !isReplaceDenied()) { final String replacement = getStringToReplace(getEditor(), mySearchResults.getCursor()); return replacement != null; } return false; } private Editor getEditor() { return mySearchResults.getEditor(); } public void performReplace() { mySuppressUpdate = true; String replacement = getStringToReplace(getEditor(), mySearchResults.getCursor()); if (replacement == null) { return; } final TextRange textRange = performReplace(mySearchResults.getCursor(), replacement, getEditor()); if (textRange == null) { mySuppressUpdate = false; } if (myComponent != null) { myComponent.addTextToRecent(myComponent.getComponent().getReplaceTextComponent()); myComponent.clearUndoInTextFields(); } } public void exclude() { mySearchResults.exclude(mySearchResults.getCursor()); } public void performReplaceAll() { performReplaceAll(getEditor()); } public void setTrackingDocument(boolean trackingDocument) { myTrackingDocument = trackingDocument; } public void setLivePreview(LivePreview livePreview) { if (myLivePreview != null) { myLivePreview.dispose(); myLivePreview.setDelegate(null); } myLivePreview = livePreview; if (myLivePreview != null) { myLivePreview.setDelegate(this); } } public void dispose() { if (myDisposed) return; off(); mySearchResults.dispose(); getEditor().getDocument().removeDocumentListener(myDocumentListener); myDisposed = true; } public void on() { if (myDisposed) return; mySearchResults.setMatchesLimit(MATCHES_LIMIT); setTrackingDocument(true); if (myChanged) { mySearchResults.clear(); myChanged = false; } setLivePreview(new LivePreview(mySearchResults)); } public void off() { if (myDisposed) return; setTrackingDocument(false); setLivePreview(null); setTrackingSelection(false); } }