/* * Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * @author max */ package com.intellij.util.io; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.util.io.BufferExposingByteArrayOutputStream; import com.intellij.openapi.util.io.ByteSequence; import com.intellij.util.SystemProperties; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import java.io.*; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.PriorityQueue; public class PersistentHashMapValueStorage { @Nullable private RAReader myCompactionModeReader = null; private volatile long mySize; private final File myFile; private final String myPath; private final boolean myReadOnly; private final boolean myCompactChunksWithValueDeserialization; private final ExceptionalIOCancellationCallback myExceptionalIOCancellationCallback; private boolean myCompactionMode = false; private static final int CACHE_PROTECTED_QUEUE_SIZE = 10; private static final int CACHE_PROBATIONAL_QUEUE_SIZE = 20; public static class CreationTimeOptions { public static final ThreadLocal<ExceptionalIOCancellationCallback> EXCEPTIONAL_IO_CANCELLATION = new ThreadLocal<ExceptionalIOCancellationCallback>(); public static final ThreadLocal<Boolean> READONLY = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>(); public static final ThreadLocal<Boolean> COMPACT_CHUNKS_WITH_VALUE_DESERIALIZATION = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>(); } public interface ExceptionalIOCancellationCallback { void checkCancellation(); } // cache size is twice larger than constants because (when used) it replaces two caches private static final FileAccessorCache<String, RandomAccessFileWithLengthAndSizeTracking> ourRandomAccessFileCache = new FileAccessorCache<String, RandomAccessFileWithLengthAndSizeTracking>( 2*CACHE_PROTECTED_QUEUE_SIZE, 2*CACHE_PROBATIONAL_QUEUE_SIZE) { @Override protected RandomAccessFileWithLengthAndSizeTracking createAccessor(String path) throws IOException { return new RandomAccessFileWithLengthAndSizeTracking(path); } @Override protected void disposeAccessor(RandomAccessFileWithLengthAndSizeTracking fileAccessor) throws IOException { fileAccessor.close(); } }; private static final boolean useSingleFileDescriptor = SystemProperties.getBooleanProperty("idea.use.single.file.descriptor.for.persistent.hash.map", true); private static final FileAccessorCache<String, DataOutputStream> ourAppendersCache = new FileAccessorCache<String, DataOutputStream>(CACHE_PROTECTED_QUEUE_SIZE, CACHE_PROBATIONAL_QUEUE_SIZE) { @Override protected DataOutputStream createAccessor(String path) throws IOException { OutputStream out = useSingleFileDescriptor ? new OutputStreamOverRandomAccessFileCache(path):new FileOutputStream(path, true); return new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(out)); } @Override protected void disposeAccessor(DataOutputStream fileAccessor) throws IOException { if (!useSingleFileDescriptor) IOUtil.syncStream(fileAccessor); fileAccessor.close(); } }; private static final FileAccessorCache<String, RAReader> ourReadersCache = new FileAccessorCache<String, RAReader>(CACHE_PROTECTED_QUEUE_SIZE, CACHE_PROBATIONAL_QUEUE_SIZE) { @Override protected RAReader createAccessor(String path) throws IOException { return useSingleFileDescriptor ? new ReaderOverRandomAccessFileCache(path) : new FileReader(new File(path)); } @Override protected void disposeAccessor(RAReader fileAccessor) { fileAccessor.dispose(); } }; private final CompressedAppendableFile myCompressedAppendableFile; public static final boolean COMPRESSION_ENABLED = SystemProperties.getBooleanProperty("idea.compression.enabled", true); public PersistentHashMapValueStorage(String path) throws IOException { myExceptionalIOCancellationCallback = CreationTimeOptions.EXCEPTIONAL_IO_CANCELLATION.get(); myReadOnly = CreationTimeOptions.READONLY.get() == Boolean.TRUE; myCompactChunksWithValueDeserialization = CreationTimeOptions.COMPACT_CHUNKS_WITH_VALUE_DESERIALIZATION.get() == Boolean.TRUE; myPath = path; myFile = new File(path); myCompressedAppendableFile = COMPRESSION_ENABLED ? new MyCompressedAppendableFile() : null; if (myCompressedAppendableFile != null) { mySize = myCompressedAppendableFile.length(); // volatile write } else { mySize = myFile.length(); // volatile write } if (mySize == 0 && !myReadOnly) { appendBytes(new ByteSequence("Header Record For PersistentHashMapValueStorage".getBytes()), 0); // avoid corruption issue when disk fails to write first record synchronously or unexpected first write file increase (IDEA-106306), // code depends on correct value of mySize FileAccessorCache.Handle<DataOutputStream> streamCacheValue = ourAppendersCache.getIfCached(myPath); if (streamCacheValue != null) { try { IOUtil.syncStream(streamCacheValue.get()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { streamCacheValue.release(); } } long currentLength = myFile.length(); if (currentLength > mySize) { // if real file length (unexpectedly) increases Logger.getInstance(getClass().getName()).info("Avoided PSHM corruption due to write failure"); mySize = currentLength; // volatile write } } } public long appendBytes(ByteSequence data, long prevChunkAddress) throws IOException { return appendBytes(data.getBytes(), data.getOffset(), data.getLength(), prevChunkAddress); } public long appendBytes(byte[] data, int offset, int dataLength, long prevChunkAddress) throws IOException { assert allowedToCompactChunks(); long result = mySize; // volatile read final FileAccessorCache.Handle<DataOutputStream> appender = myCompressedAppendableFile != null? null : ourAppendersCache.get(myPath); DataOutputStream dataOutputStream; try { if (myCompressedAppendableFile != null) { BufferExposingByteArrayOutputStream stream = new BufferExposingByteArrayOutputStream(dataLength + 15); DataOutputStream testStream = new DataOutputStream(stream); saveData(data, offset, dataLength, prevChunkAddress, result, testStream); myCompressedAppendableFile.append(stream.getInternalBuffer(), stream.size()); mySize += stream.size(); // volatile write } else { dataOutputStream = appender.get(); dataOutputStream.resetWrittenBytesCount(); saveData(data, offset, dataLength, prevChunkAddress, result, dataOutputStream); mySize += dataOutputStream.resetWrittenBytesCount(); // volatile write } } finally { if (appender != null) appender.release(); } return result; } private void saveData(byte[] data, int offset, int dataLength, long prevChunkAddress, long result, DataOutputStream dataOutputStream) throws IOException { DataInputOutputUtil.writeINT(dataOutputStream, dataLength); writePrevChunkAddress(prevChunkAddress, result, dataOutputStream); dataOutputStream.write(data, offset, dataLength); } private final byte[] myBuffer = new byte[1024]; private final UnsyncByteArrayInputStream myBufferStreamWrapper = new UnsyncByteArrayInputStream(myBuffer); private final DataInputStream myBufferDataStreamWrapper = new DataInputStream(myBufferStreamWrapper); public long compactValues(List<PersistentHashMap.CompactionRecordInfo> infos, PersistentHashMapValueStorage storage) throws IOException { PriorityQueue<PersistentHashMap.CompactionRecordInfo> records = new PriorityQueue<PersistentHashMap.CompactionRecordInfo>( infos.size(), new Comparator<PersistentHashMap.CompactionRecordInfo>() { @Override public int compare(PersistentHashMap.CompactionRecordInfo info, PersistentHashMap.CompactionRecordInfo info2) { long i = info.valueAddress - info2.valueAddress; return i > 0 ? -1 : i < 0 ? 1 : 0; } } ); records.addAll(infos); final int fileBufferLength = 256 * 1024; final int maxRecordHeader = 5 /* max length - variable int */ + 10 /* max long offset*/; final byte[] buffer = new byte[fileBufferLength + maxRecordHeader]; byte[] recordBuffer = {}; long lastReadOffset = mySize; long lastConsumedOffset = lastReadOffset; long allRecordsStart = 0; int fragments = 0; int newFragments = 0; int allRecordsLength = 0; byte[] stuffFromPreviousRecord = null; int bytesRead = (int)(mySize - (mySize / fileBufferLength) * fileBufferLength); long retained = 0; final long softMaxRetainedLimit = 10 * 1024* 1024; final int blockSizeToWriteWhenSoftMaxRetainedLimitIsHit = 1024; final long maxRetainedLimit = 100 * 1024* 1024; while(lastReadOffset != 0) { final long readStartOffset = lastReadOffset - bytesRead; myCompactionModeReader.get(readStartOffset, buffer, 0, bytesRead); // buffer contains [readStartOffset, readStartOffset + bytesRead) while(!records.isEmpty()) { final PersistentHashMap.CompactionRecordInfo info = records.peek(); if (info.valueAddress >= readStartOffset) { if (info.valueAddress >= lastReadOffset) { throw new IOException("Value storage is corrupted: value file size:" + mySize + ", readStartOffset:"+ readStartOffset + ", record address:"+info.valueAddress+"; file: "+myPath); } // record start is inside our buffer final int recordStartInBuffer = (int) (info.valueAddress - readStartOffset); myBufferStreamWrapper.init(buffer, recordStartInBuffer, buffer.length); final long prevChunkAddress; int chunkSize; final int dataOffset; if (stuffFromPreviousRecord != null && (fileBufferLength - recordStartInBuffer) < maxRecordHeader) { // add additional bytes to read offset / size if (allRecordsStart != 0) { myCompactionModeReader.get(allRecordsStart, buffer, bytesRead, maxRecordHeader); } else { final int maxAdditionalBytes = Math.min(stuffFromPreviousRecord.length, maxRecordHeader); for(int i = 0; i < maxAdditionalBytes; ++i) { buffer[bytesRead + i] = stuffFromPreviousRecord[i]; } } } int available = myBufferStreamWrapper.available(); chunkSize = DataInputOutputUtil.readINT(myBufferDataStreamWrapper); prevChunkAddress = readPrevChunkAddress(info.valueAddress); dataOffset = available - myBufferStreamWrapper.available(); byte[] b; if (info.value != null) { int defragmentedChunkSize = info.value.length + chunkSize; if (prevChunkAddress == 0) { if (defragmentedChunkSize >= recordBuffer.length) recordBuffer = new byte[defragmentedChunkSize]; b = recordBuffer; } else { b = new byte[defragmentedChunkSize]; retained += defragmentedChunkSize; } System.arraycopy(info.value, 0, b, chunkSize, info.value.length); } else { if (prevChunkAddress == 0) { if (chunkSize >= recordBuffer.length) recordBuffer = new byte[chunkSize]; b = recordBuffer; } else { b = new byte[chunkSize]; retained += chunkSize; } } final int chunkSizeOutOfBuffer = Math.min(chunkSize, Math.max((int)(info.valueAddress + dataOffset + chunkSize - lastReadOffset), 0)); if (chunkSizeOutOfBuffer > 0) { if (allRecordsStart != 0) { myCompactionModeReader.get(allRecordsStart, b, chunkSize - chunkSizeOutOfBuffer, chunkSizeOutOfBuffer); } else { int offsetInStuffFromPreviousRecord = Math.max((int)(info.valueAddress + dataOffset - lastReadOffset), 0); // stuffFromPreviousRecord starts from lastReadOffset System.arraycopy(stuffFromPreviousRecord, offsetInStuffFromPreviousRecord, b, chunkSize - chunkSizeOutOfBuffer, chunkSizeOutOfBuffer); } } stuffFromPreviousRecord = null; allRecordsStart = allRecordsLength = 0; lastConsumedOffset = info.valueAddress; checkPreconditions(b, chunkSize, 0); System.arraycopy(buffer, recordStartInBuffer + dataOffset, b, 0, chunkSize - chunkSizeOutOfBuffer); ++fragments; records.remove(info); if (info.value != null) { chunkSize += info.value.length; retained -= info.value.length; info.value = null; } if (prevChunkAddress == 0) { info.newValueAddress = storage.appendBytes(b, 0, chunkSize, info.newValueAddress); ++newFragments; } else { if (retained > softMaxRetainedLimit && b.length > blockSizeToWriteWhenSoftMaxRetainedLimitIsHit || retained > maxRetainedLimit) { ++newFragments; info.newValueAddress = storage.appendBytes(b, 0, chunkSize, info.newValueAddress); info.value = null; retained -= b.length; } else { info.value = b; } info.valueAddress = prevChunkAddress; records.add(info); } } else { // [readStartOffset,lastConsumedOffset) is from previous segment if (stuffFromPreviousRecord == null) { stuffFromPreviousRecord = new byte[(int)(lastConsumedOffset - readStartOffset)]; System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, stuffFromPreviousRecord, 0, stuffFromPreviousRecord.length); } else { allRecordsStart = readStartOffset; allRecordsLength += buffer.length; } break; // request next read } } lastReadOffset -= bytesRead; bytesRead = fileBufferLength; } return fragments | ((long)newFragments << 32); } public static class ReadResult { public final byte[] buffer; public final int chunksCount; public ReadResult(byte[] buffer, int chunksCount) { this.buffer = buffer; this.chunksCount = chunksCount; } } private long myChunksRemovalTime; private long myChunksReadingTime; private int myChunks; private long myChunksOriginalBytes; private long myChunksBytesAfterRemoval; private int myLastReportedChunksCount; /** * Reads bytes pointed by tailChunkAddress into result passed, returns new address if linked list compactification have been performed */ public ReadResult readBytes(long tailChunkAddress) throws IOException { forceAppender(myPath); checkCancellation(); long startedTime = ourDumpChunkRemovalTime ? System.nanoTime() : 0; long chunk = tailChunkAddress; int chunkCount = 0; byte[] result = null; RAReader reader = myCompactionModeReader; FileAccessorCache.Handle<RAReader> readerHandle = null; if (reader == null) { readerHandle = myCompressedAppendableFile != null ? null : ourReadersCache.get(myPath); reader = myCompressedAppendableFile != null ? null : readerHandle.get(); } try { while (chunk != 0) { if (chunk < 0 || chunk > mySize) throw new PersistentEnumeratorBase.CorruptedException(myFile); int len = (int)Math.min(myBuffer.length, mySize - chunk); if (myCompressedAppendableFile != null) { DataInputStream stream = myCompressedAppendableFile.getStream(chunk); stream.readFully(myBuffer, 0, len); stream.close(); } else { reader.get(chunk, myBuffer, 0, len); } myBufferStreamWrapper.init(myBuffer, 0, len); final int chunkSize = DataInputOutputUtil.readINT(myBufferDataStreamWrapper); if (chunkSize < 0) { throw new IOException("Value storage corrupted: negative chunk size: "+chunkSize); } final long prevChunkAddress = readPrevChunkAddress(chunk); final int headerOffset = len - myBufferStreamWrapper.available(); byte[] b = new byte[(result != null ? result.length:0) + chunkSize]; if (result != null) System.arraycopy(result, 0, b, b.length - result.length, result.length); result = b; checkPreconditions(result, chunkSize, 0); if (chunkSize < myBuffer.length - headerOffset) { System.arraycopy(myBuffer, headerOffset, result, 0, chunkSize); } else { if (myCompressedAppendableFile != null) { DataInputStream stream = myCompressedAppendableFile.getStream(chunk + headerOffset); stream.readFully(result, 0, chunkSize); stream.close(); } else { reader.get(chunk + headerOffset, result, 0, chunkSize); } } if (prevChunkAddress >= chunk) throw new PersistentEnumeratorBase.CorruptedException(myFile); chunk = prevChunkAddress; chunkCount++; if (prevChunkAddress != 0) checkCancellation(); if (result.length > mySize && myCompressedAppendableFile == null) { throw new PersistentEnumeratorBase.CorruptedException(myFile); } } } catch (OutOfMemoryError error) { result = null; throw new PersistentEnumeratorBase.CorruptedException(myFile); } finally { if (readerHandle != null) { readerHandle.release(); } } if (chunkCount > 1) { checkCancellation(); myChunksReadingTime += (ourDumpChunkRemovalTime ? System.nanoTime() : 0) - startedTime; myChunks += chunkCount; myChunksOriginalBytes += result.length; } return new ReadResult(result, chunkCount); } private boolean allowedToCompactChunks() { return !myCompactionMode && !myReadOnly; } boolean performChunksCompaction(int chunksCount, int chunksBytesSize) { return chunksCount > 1 && allowedToCompactChunks(); } long compactChunks(PersistentHashMap.ValueDataAppender appender, ReadResult result) throws IOException { checkCancellation(); long startedTime = ourDumpChunkRemovalTime ? System.nanoTime() : 0; long newValueOffset; if (myCompactChunksWithValueDeserialization) { final BufferExposingByteArrayOutputStream stream = new BufferExposingByteArrayOutputStream(result.buffer.length); DataOutputStream testStream = new DataOutputStream(stream); appender.append(testStream); newValueOffset = appendBytes(stream.getInternalBuffer(), 0, stream.size(), 0); myChunksBytesAfterRemoval += stream.size(); } else { newValueOffset = appendBytes(new ByteSequence(result.buffer), 0); myChunksBytesAfterRemoval += result.buffer.length; } if (ourDumpChunkRemovalTime) { myChunksRemovalTime += System.nanoTime() - startedTime; if (myChunks - myLastReportedChunksCount > 1000) { myLastReportedChunksCount = myChunks; System.out.println(myChunks + " chunks were read " + (myChunksReadingTime / 1000000) + "ms, bytes: " + myChunksOriginalBytes + (myChunksOriginalBytes != myChunksBytesAfterRemoval ? "->" + myChunksBytesAfterRemoval : "") + " compaction:" + (myChunksRemovalTime / 1000000) + "ms in " + myPath); } } return newValueOffset; } private static final boolean ourDumpChunkRemovalTime = SystemProperties.getBooleanProperty("idea.phmp.dump.chunk.removal.time", false); // hook for exceptional termination of long io operation protected void checkCancellation() { if (myExceptionalIOCancellationCallback != null) myExceptionalIOCancellationCallback.checkCancellation(); } private long readPrevChunkAddress(long chunk) throws IOException { final long prevOffsetDiff = DataInputOutputUtil.readLONG(myBufferDataStreamWrapper); if(prevOffsetDiff >= chunk) { throw new IOException("readPrevChunkAddress:" + chunk + "," + prevOffsetDiff + "," + mySize + "," + myFile); } return prevOffsetDiff != 0 ? chunk - prevOffsetDiff : 0; } private void writePrevChunkAddress(long prevChunkAddress, long currentChunkAddress, DataOutputStream dataOutputStream) throws IOException { if(currentChunkAddress < prevChunkAddress) { throw new IOException("writePrevChunkAddress:" + currentChunkAddress + "," + prevChunkAddress + "," + myFile); } long diff = currentChunkAddress - prevChunkAddress; DataInputOutputUtil.writeLONG(dataOutputStream, prevChunkAddress == 0 ? 0 : diff); } public long getSize() { return mySize; } private static void checkPreconditions(final byte[] result, final int chunkSize, final int off) throws IOException { if (chunkSize < 0) { throw new IOException("Value storage corrupted: negative chunk size"); } if (off < 0) { throw new IOException("Value storage corrupted: negative offset"); } if (chunkSize > result.length - off) { throw new IOException("Value storage corrupted"); } } public void force() { if (myReadOnly) return; if (myCompressedAppendableFile != null) { myCompressedAppendableFile.force(); } if (mySize < 0) assert false; // volatile read forceAppender(myPath); } private static void forceAppender(String path) { final FileAccessorCache.Handle<DataOutputStream> cached = ourAppendersCache.getIfCached(path); if (cached != null) { try { cached.get().flush(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { cached.release(); } } } public void dispose() { try { if (myCompressedAppendableFile != null) myCompressedAppendableFile.dispose(); } finally { if (mySize < 0) assert false; // volatile read ourReadersCache.remove(myPath); ourAppendersCache.remove(myPath); ourRandomAccessFileCache.remove(myPath); if (myCompactionModeReader != null) { myCompactionModeReader.dispose(); myCompactionModeReader = null; } } } public void switchToCompactionMode() { ourReadersCache.remove(myPath); ourRandomAccessFileCache.remove(myPath); // in compaction mode use faster reader if (myCompressedAppendableFile != null) { myCompactionModeReader = new RAReader() { @Override public void get(long addr, byte[] dst, int off, int len) throws IOException { DataInputStream stream = myCompressedAppendableFile.getStream(addr); stream.readFully(dst, off, len); stream.close(); } @Override public void dispose() { } }; } else { myCompactionModeReader = new FileReader(myFile); } myCompactionMode = true; } public static PersistentHashMapValueStorage create(final String path, boolean readOnly) throws IOException { if (readOnly) CreationTimeOptions.READONLY.set(Boolean.TRUE); try { return new PersistentHashMapValueStorage(path); } finally { if (readOnly) CreationTimeOptions.READONLY.set(null); } } private interface RAReader { void get(long addr, byte[] dst, int off, int len) throws IOException; void dispose(); } private static class ReaderOverRandomAccessFileCache implements RAReader { private String myPath; private ReaderOverRandomAccessFileCache(String path) { myPath = path; } @Override public void get(final long addr, final byte[] dst, final int off, final int len) throws IOException { FileAccessorCache.Handle<RandomAccessFileWithLengthAndSizeTracking> fileAccessor = ourRandomAccessFileCache.get(myPath); try { RandomAccessFileWithLengthAndSizeTracking file = fileAccessor.get(); file.seek(addr); file.read(dst, off, len); } finally { fileAccessor.release(); } } @Override public void dispose() { } } private static class FileReader implements RAReader { private final RandomAccessFile myFile; private FileReader(File file) { try { myFile = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r"); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public void get(final long addr, final byte[] dst, final int off, final int len) throws IOException { myFile.seek(addr); myFile.read(dst, off, len); } @Override public void dispose() { try { myFile.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } private static class OutputStreamOverRandomAccessFileCache extends OutputStream { private final String myPath; public OutputStreamOverRandomAccessFileCache(String path) throws IOException { myPath = path; } @Override public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { FileAccessorCache.Handle<RandomAccessFileWithLengthAndSizeTracking> fileAccessor = ourRandomAccessFileCache.get(myPath); RandomAccessFileWithLengthAndSizeTracking file = fileAccessor.get(); try { file.seek(file.length()); file.write(b, off, len); } finally { fileAccessor.release(); } } @Override public void write(int b) throws IOException { byte[] r = {(byte)(b & 0xFF)}; write(r); } } private class MyCompressedAppendableFile extends CompressedAppendableFile { public MyCompressedAppendableFile() { super(PersistentHashMapValueStorage.this.myFile); } @NotNull @Override protected InputStream getChunkInputStream(File appendFile, long offset, int pageSize) throws IOException { forceAppender(myPath); FileAccessorCache.Handle<RAReader> fileAccessor = ourReadersCache.get(myPath); try { byte[] bytes = new byte[pageSize]; fileAccessor.get().get(offset, bytes, 0, pageSize); return new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); } finally { fileAccessor.release(); } } @Override protected void saveChunk(BufferExposingByteArrayOutputStream compressedChunk, long endOfFileOffset) throws IOException { FileAccessorCache.Handle<DataOutputStream> streamCacheValue = ourAppendersCache.get(myPath); try { streamCacheValue.get().write(compressedChunk.getInternalBuffer(), 0, compressedChunk.size()); } finally { streamCacheValue.release(); } streamCacheValue = ourAppendersCache.get(myPath + INCOMPLETE_CHUNK_LENGTH_FILE_EXTENSION); try { DataInputOutputUtil.writeINT(streamCacheValue.get(), compressedChunk.size()); } finally { streamCacheValue.release(); } } @NotNull @Override protected File getChunksFile() { return myFile; } @Override protected File getChunkLengthFile() { return new File(myFile.getPath() + INCOMPLETE_CHUNK_LENGTH_FILE_EXTENSION); } @Override public synchronized void force() { super.force(); forceAppender(myPath + INCOMPLETE_CHUNK_LENGTH_FILE_EXTENSION); } @Override public synchronized void dispose() { super.dispose(); ourAppendersCache.remove(myPath + INCOMPLETE_CHUNK_LENGTH_FILE_EXTENSION); ourRandomAccessFileCache.remove(myPath + INCOMPLETE_CHUNK_LENGTH_FILE_EXTENSION); } } }