/* * Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.ui; import com.intellij.ide.ui.LafManager; import com.intellij.ide.ui.LafManagerListener; import com.intellij.notification.EventLog; import com.intellij.notification.Notification; import com.intellij.notification.impl.NotificationsManagerImpl; import com.intellij.openapi.Disposable; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager; import com.intellij.openapi.ui.popup.Balloon; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Disposer; import com.intellij.openapi.util.registry.Registry; import com.intellij.openapi.wm.impl.IdeRootPane; import com.intellij.openapi.wm.impl.ToolWindowsPane; import com.intellij.util.Alarm; import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil; import com.intellij.util.ui.JBInsets; import com.intellij.util.ui.UIUtil; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter; import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; public class BalloonLayoutImpl implements BalloonLayout { private final ComponentAdapter myResizeListener = new ComponentAdapter() { @Override public void componentResized(@NotNull ComponentEvent e) { queueRelayout(); } }; protected JLayeredPane myLayeredPane; private final Insets myInsets; protected final List<Balloon> myBalloons = new ArrayList<>(); private final Map<Balloon, BalloonLayoutData> myLayoutData = new HashMap<>(); private Integer myWidth; private final Alarm myRelayoutAlarm = new Alarm(); private final Runnable myRelayoutRunnable = () -> { relayout(); fireRelayout(); }; private JRootPane myParent; private final Runnable myCloseAll = () -> { for (Balloon balloon : new ArrayList<>(myBalloons)) { remove(balloon, true); } }; private final Runnable myLayoutRunnable = () -> { calculateSize(); relayout(); fireRelayout(); }; private LafManagerListener myLafListener; private final List<Runnable> myListeners = new ArrayList<>(); public BalloonLayoutImpl(@NotNull JRootPane parent, @NotNull Insets insets) { myParent = parent; myLayeredPane = parent.getLayeredPane(); myInsets = insets; myLayeredPane.addComponentListener(myResizeListener); } public void dispose() { myLayeredPane.removeComponentListener(myResizeListener); if (myLafListener != null) { LafManager.getInstance().removeLafManagerListener(myLafListener); myLafListener = null; } for (Balloon balloon : new ArrayList<>(myBalloons)) { Disposer.dispose(balloon); } myRelayoutAlarm.cancelAllRequests(); myBalloons.clear(); myLayoutData.clear(); myListeners.clear(); myLayeredPane = null; myParent = null; } public void addListener(Runnable listener) { myListeners.add(listener); } public void removeListener(Runnable listener) { myListeners.remove(listener); } private void fireRelayout() { for (Runnable listener : myListeners) { listener.run(); } } @Nullable public Component getTopBalloonComponent() { BalloonImpl balloon = (BalloonImpl)ContainerUtil.getLastItem(myBalloons); return balloon == null ? null : balloon.getComponent(); } @Override public void add(@NotNull Balloon balloon) { add(balloon, null); } @Override public void add(@NotNull final Balloon balloon, @Nullable Object layoutData) { ApplicationManager.getApplication().assertIsDispatchThread(); Balloon merge = merge(layoutData); if (merge == null) { if (NotificationsManagerImpl.newEnabled() && getVisibleCount() > 0 && layoutData instanceof BalloonLayoutData && ((BalloonLayoutData)layoutData).groupId != null) { int index = -1; int count = 0; for (int i = 0, size = myBalloons.size(); i < size; i++) { BalloonLayoutData ld = myLayoutData.get(myBalloons.get(i)); if (ld != null && ld.groupId != null) { if (index == -1) { index = i; } count++; } } if (count > 0 && count == getVisibleCount()) { remove(myBalloons.get(index)); } } myBalloons.add(balloon); } else { int index = myBalloons.indexOf(merge); remove(merge); myBalloons.add(index, balloon); } if (layoutData instanceof BalloonLayoutData) { BalloonLayoutData balloonLayoutData = (BalloonLayoutData)layoutData; balloonLayoutData.closeAll = myCloseAll; balloonLayoutData.doLayout = myLayoutRunnable; myLayoutData.put(balloon, balloonLayoutData); } Disposer.register(balloon, new Disposable() { public void dispose() { clearNMore(balloon); remove(balloon, false); queueRelayout(); } }); if (myLafListener == null && layoutData != null) { myLafListener = new LafManagerListener() { @Override public void lookAndFeelChanged(LafManager source) { for (BalloonLayoutData layoutData : myLayoutData.values()) { if (layoutData.lafHandler != null) { layoutData.lafHandler.run(); } } } }; LafManager.getInstance().addLafManagerListener(myLafListener); } calculateSize(); relayout(); ((BalloonImpl)balloon).traceDispose(false); balloon.show(myLayeredPane); fireRelayout(); } @Nullable private Balloon merge(@Nullable Object data) { String mergeId = null; if (data instanceof String) { mergeId = (String)data; } else if (data instanceof BalloonLayoutData) { mergeId = ((BalloonLayoutData)data).groupId; } if (mergeId != null) { for (Map.Entry<Balloon, BalloonLayoutData> e : myLayoutData.entrySet()) { if (mergeId.equals(e.getValue().groupId)) { return e.getKey(); } } } return null; } @Nullable public BalloonLayoutData.MergeInfo preMerge(@NotNull Notification notification) { Balloon balloon = merge(notification.getGroupId()); if (balloon != null) { BalloonLayoutData layoutData = myLayoutData.get(balloon); if (layoutData != null) { return layoutData.merge(); } } return null; } public void remove(@NotNull Notification notification) { Balloon balloon = merge(notification.getGroupId()); if (balloon != null) { remove(balloon, true); } } private void remove(@NotNull Balloon balloon) { remove(balloon, false); balloon.hide(true); fireRelayout(); } private void clearNMore(@NotNull Balloon balloon) { BalloonLayoutData layoutData = myLayoutData.get(balloon); if (layoutData != null && layoutData.mergeData != null) { EventLog.clearNMore(layoutData.project, Collections.singleton(layoutData.groupId)); } } private void remove(@NotNull Balloon balloon, boolean hide) { myBalloons.remove(balloon); BalloonLayoutData layoutData = myLayoutData.remove(balloon); if (layoutData != null) { layoutData.mergeData = null; } if (hide) { balloon.hide(); fireRelayout(); } } private static int getVisibleCount() { return Registry.intValue("ide.new.notification.visible.count", 2); } @NotNull private Dimension getSize(@NotNull Balloon balloon) { BalloonLayoutData layoutData = myLayoutData.get(balloon); if (layoutData == null) { Dimension size = balloon.getPreferredSize(); return myWidth == null ? size : new Dimension(myWidth, size.height); } return new Dimension(myWidth, layoutData.height); } public boolean isEmpty() { return myBalloons.isEmpty(); } public void queueRelayout() { myRelayoutAlarm.cancelAllRequests(); myRelayoutAlarm.addRequest(myRelayoutRunnable, 200); } private void calculateSize() { myWidth = null; if (myLayoutData.isEmpty() && !NotificationsManagerImpl.newEnabled()) { return; } for (Balloon balloon : myBalloons) { BalloonLayoutData layoutData = myLayoutData.get(balloon); if (layoutData != null) { layoutData.height = balloon.getPreferredSize().height; } } myWidth = BalloonLayoutConfiguration.FixedWidth; } private void relayout() { final Dimension size = myLayeredPane.getSize(); JBInsets.removeFrom(size, myInsets); final Rectangle layoutRec = new Rectangle(new Point(myInsets.left, myInsets.top), size); List<ArrayList<Balloon>> columns = createColumns(layoutRec); while (columns.size() > 1) { remove(myBalloons.get(0), true); columns = createColumns(layoutRec); } List<Integer> columnWidths = computeWidths(columns); ToolWindowsPane pane = UIUtil.findComponentOfType(myParent, ToolWindowsPane.class); JComponent component = pane != null ? pane : myParent; int paneOnScreen = component.isShowing() ? component.getLocationOnScreen().y : 0; int layerOnScreen = myLayeredPane.isShowing() ? myLayeredPane.getLocationOnScreen().y : 0; int toolbarsOffset = paneOnScreen - layerOnScreen; JComponent layeredPane = pane != null ? pane.getMyLayeredPane() : null; int eachColumnX = (layeredPane == null ? myLayeredPane.getWidth() : layeredPane.getX() + layeredPane.getWidth()) - 4; if (NotificationsManagerImpl.newEnabled()) { newLayout(columns.get(0), eachColumnX + 4, (int)myLayeredPane.getBounds().getMaxY()); return; } if (myLayoutData.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) { final ArrayList<Balloon> eachColumn = columns.get(i); final Integer eachWidth = columnWidths.get(i); eachColumnX -= eachWidth.intValue(); int eachY = toolbarsOffset + 2; for (Balloon eachBalloon : eachColumn) { final Rectangle eachRec = new Rectangle(); eachRec.setSize(getSize(eachBalloon)); if (((BalloonImpl)eachBalloon).hasShadow()) { final Insets shadow = ((BalloonImpl)eachBalloon).getShadowBorderInsets(); eachRec.width += shadow.left + shadow.right; eachRec.height += shadow.top + shadow.bottom; } eachY += 2; // space between two notifications eachRec.setLocation(eachColumnX + eachWidth.intValue() - eachRec.width, eachY); eachBalloon.setBounds(eachRec); eachY += eachRec.height; } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) { final ArrayList<Balloon> eachColumn = columns.get(i); final Integer eachWidth = columnWidths.get(i); int eachY = toolbarsOffset; int columnSize = eachColumn.size(); if (columnSize > 0 && !((BalloonImpl)eachColumn.get(0)).hasShadow()) { eachY += 4; } eachColumnX -= eachWidth.intValue(); boolean addShadow = false; for (Balloon balloon : eachColumn) { if (myLayoutData.get(balloon) == null) { addShadow = true; break; } } for (int j = 0; j < columnSize; j++) { BalloonImpl eachBalloon = (BalloonImpl)eachColumn.get(j); Rectangle eachRec = new Rectangle(getSize(eachBalloon)); eachRec.setLocation(eachColumnX + eachWidth.intValue() - eachRec.width, eachY); boolean hasShadow = eachBalloon.hasShadow(); Insets shadow = hasShadow ? eachBalloon.getShadowBorderInsets() : null; if (addShadow && hasShadow) { eachRec.width += shadow.left + shadow.right; eachRec.x -= shadow.left; } eachBalloon.setBounds(eachRec); eachY += eachRec.height; // space between two notifications if (j + 1 < columnSize) { BalloonImpl next = (BalloonImpl)eachColumn.get(j + 1); boolean hasNextShadow = next.hasShadow(); int space = BalloonLayoutConfiguration.NotificationSpace; if (hasShadow == hasNextShadow) { if (hasShadow) { eachY += space - shadow.top - shadow.bottom; } else { eachY += space; } } else if (hasShadow) { eachY += space - shadow.top; } else { eachY += space - next.getShadowBorderInsets().bottom; } } } } } } private void newLayout(List<Balloon> balloons, int startX, int bottomY) { int y = bottomY; ToolWindowsPane pane = UIUtil.findComponentOfType(myParent, ToolWindowsPane.class); if (pane != null) { y -= pane.getBottomHeight(); } if (myParent instanceof IdeRootPane) { y -= ((IdeRootPane)myParent).getStatusBarHeight(); } for (Balloon balloon : balloons) { Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(getSize(balloon)); y -= bounds.height; bounds.setLocation(startX - bounds.width, y); balloon.setBounds(bounds); } } private List<Integer> computeWidths(List<ArrayList<Balloon>> columns) { List<Integer> columnWidths = new ArrayList<>(); for (ArrayList<Balloon> eachColumn : columns) { int maxWidth = 0; for (Balloon each : eachColumn) { maxWidth = Math.max(getSize(each).width, maxWidth); } columnWidths.add(maxWidth); } return columnWidths; } private List<ArrayList<Balloon>> createColumns(Rectangle layoutRec) { List<ArrayList<Balloon>> columns = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Balloon> eachColumn = new ArrayList<>(); columns.add(eachColumn); int eachColumnHeight = 0; for (Balloon each : myBalloons) { final Dimension eachSize = getSize(each); if (eachColumnHeight + eachSize.height > layoutRec.getHeight()) { eachColumn = new ArrayList<>(); columns.add(eachColumn); eachColumnHeight = 0; } eachColumn.add(each); eachColumnHeight += eachSize.height; } return columns; } }