/* * Copyright 2000-2015 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.util.io; import com.intellij.openapi.util.LowMemoryWatcher; import com.intellij.openapi.util.io.BufferExposingByteArrayOutputStream; import com.intellij.util.ArrayUtil; import com.intellij.util.CompressionUtil; import com.intellij.util.SystemProperties; import com.intellij.util.containers.SLRUMap; import gnu.trove.TLongArrayList; import org.iq80.snappy.CorruptionException; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.io.*; import java.util.Arrays; /** * Random read append only file, that internally consists of sequence of (compressed) chunks with the same length (buffer size) + * tail that is smaller that buffer size. Main file contains compressed data chunks, there are also chunk length table (.s) and incomplete * chunk file (.at). * (Decompressed) chunks are cached. */ public class CompressedAppendableFile { private final File myBaseFile; // force will clear the buffer and reset the position private byte[] myNextChunkBuffer; private int myBufferPosition; private boolean myDirty; private short[] myChunkLengthTable; private int myChunkTableLength; private static final int FACTOR = 32; private long [] myChunkOffsetTable; // one long offset per FACTOR compressed chunks private static final boolean doDebug = SystemProperties.getBooleanProperty("idea.compressed.file.self.check", true); private TLongArrayList myCompressedChunksFileOffsets = doDebug ? new TLongArrayList() : null; private static final int MAX_PAGE_LENGTH = 0xFFFF; private long myFileLength; private long myUncompressedFileLength = -1; protected final int myAppendBufferLength; private static final int myMinAppendBufferLength = 1024; public static final String INCOMPLETE_CHUNK_LENGTH_FILE_EXTENSION = ".s"; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private final LowMemoryWatcher myLowMemoryWatcher; public CompressedAppendableFile(File file) { this(file, PersistentBTreeEnumerator.PAGE_SIZE); } private CompressedAppendableFile(File file, int bufferSize) { myBaseFile = file; myAppendBufferLength = bufferSize; assert bufferSize <= MAX_PAGE_LENGTH; // length of compressed buffer size should be in short range myLowMemoryWatcher = LowMemoryWatcher.register(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { synchronized (CompressedAppendableFile.this) { force(); myChunkLengthTable = null; myChunkTableLength = 0; myChunkOffsetTable = null; myNextChunkBuffer = null; myBufferPosition = 0; if (doDebug) myCompressedChunksFileOffsets.clear(); } } }); } public synchronized <Data> Data read(final long addr, KeyDescriptor<Data> descriptor) throws IOException { DataInputStream stream = getStream(addr); try { return descriptor.read(stream); } finally { stream.close(); } } @NotNull public synchronized DataInputStream getStream(final long addr) throws IOException { initChunkLengthTable(); loadAppendBuffer(); return new DataInputStream( new SegmentedChunkInputStream(addr, myChunkTableLength, myNextChunkBuffer, myBufferPosition) ); } protected File getChunkLengthFile() { return new File(myBaseFile.getPath() + INCOMPLETE_CHUNK_LENGTH_FILE_EXTENSION); } private synchronized void initChunkLengthTable() throws IOException { if (myChunkLengthTable != null) return; File chunkLengthFile = getChunkLengthFile(); if (chunkLengthFile.exists()) { final DataInputStream chunkLengthStream = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream( new LimitedInputStream(new FileInputStream(chunkLengthFile), (int)chunkLengthFile.length()) { @Override public int available() throws IOException { return remainingLimit(); } }, 32768)); try{ short[] chunkLengthTable = new short[(int)(chunkLengthFile.length() / 2)]; int chunkLengthTableLength = 0; long o = 0; while (chunkLengthStream.available() != 0) { int chunkLength = DataInputOutputUtil.readINT(chunkLengthStream); o += chunkLength; if (chunkLengthTableLength == chunkLengthTable.length) { chunkLengthTable = reallocShortTable(chunkLengthTable); } chunkLengthTable[chunkLengthTableLength++] = (short)chunkLength; if (doDebug) myCompressedChunksFileOffsets.add(o); } myChunkLengthTable = chunkLengthTable; myChunkTableLength = chunkLengthTableLength; if (myChunkTableLength >= FACTOR) { long[] chunkOffsetTable = new long[myChunkTableLength / FACTOR]; long offset = 0; for(int i = 0; i < chunkOffsetTable.length; ++i) { int start = i * FACTOR; for(int j = 0; j < FACTOR; ++j) { offset += (chunkLengthTable[start + j] & MAX_PAGE_LENGTH); } chunkOffsetTable[i] = offset; } myChunkOffsetTable = chunkOffsetTable; if (doDebug) { // check all offsets for(int i = 0; i < chunkLengthTableLength; ++i) { calcOffsetOfPage(i); } } } else { myChunkOffsetTable = ArrayUtil.EMPTY_LONG_ARRAY; } myFileLength = calcOffsetOfPage(myChunkTableLength - 1); } finally { try { chunkLengthStream.close(); } catch (IOException ignore) {} } } else { myChunkLengthTable = ArrayUtil.EMPTY_SHORT_ARRAY; myChunkTableLength = 0; myChunkOffsetTable = ArrayUtil.EMPTY_LONG_ARRAY; myFileLength = 0; } if (myUncompressedFileLength == -1) { long tempFileLength = getIncompleteChunkFile().length(); myUncompressedFileLength = ((long)myChunkTableLength * myAppendBufferLength) + tempFileLength; if (myUncompressedFileLength != myFileLength + tempFileLength) { if (CompressionUtil.DUMP_COMPRESSION_STATS) { System.out.println(myUncompressedFileLength + "->" + (myFileLength + tempFileLength) + " for " + myBaseFile); } } } } private static final FileChunkReadCache ourDecompressedCache = new FileChunkReadCache(); private synchronized byte[] loadChunk(int chunkNumber) throws IOException { try { if (myChunkLengthTable == null) initChunkLengthTable(); assert chunkNumber < myChunkTableLength; final DataInputStream keysStream = getChunkStream(getChunksFile(), chunkNumber); try { if (keysStream.available() > 0) { byte[] decompressedBytes = decompress(keysStream); if (decompressedBytes.length != myAppendBufferLength) { assert false; } return decompressedBytes; } } finally { try { keysStream.close(); } catch (IOException ignore) {} } assert false; return ArrayUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY; } catch (CorruptionException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } @NotNull private DataInputStream getChunkStream(final File appendFile, int pageNumber) throws IOException { assert myFileLength != 0; int limit; long pageStartOffset; final long pageEndOffset = pageNumber < myChunkTableLength ? calcOffsetOfPage(pageNumber) : myFileLength; if (pageNumber > 0) { pageStartOffset = calcOffsetOfPage(pageNumber - 1); limit = (int)(pageEndOffset - pageStartOffset); } else { pageStartOffset = 0; limit = (int)pageEndOffset; } return new DataInputStream(getChunkInputStream(appendFile, pageStartOffset, limit)); } private long calcOffsetOfPage(int pageNumber) { final int calculatedOffset = ((pageNumber + 1) / FACTOR); long offset = calculatedOffset > 0 ? myChunkOffsetTable[calculatedOffset - 1]:0; final int baseOffset = calculatedOffset * FACTOR; for(int index = 0, len = (pageNumber + 1) % FACTOR; index < len; ++index) { offset += (myChunkLengthTable[baseOffset + index] & MAX_PAGE_LENGTH); } if (doDebug) { assert myCompressedChunksFileOffsets.get(pageNumber) == offset; } return offset; } @NotNull protected InputStream getChunkInputStream(File appendFile, long offset, int pageSize) throws IOException { FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(appendFile); if (offset > 0) { in.skip(offset); } return new BufferedInputStream(new LimitedInputStream(in, pageSize) { @Override public int available() throws IOException { return remainingLimit(); } }, 32768); } public synchronized <Data> void append(Data value, KeyDescriptor<Data> descriptor) throws IOException { final BufferExposingByteArrayOutputStream bos = new BufferExposingByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutput out = new DataOutputStream(bos); descriptor.save(out, value); final int size = bos.size(); final byte[] buffer = bos.getInternalBuffer(); append(buffer, size); } public synchronized void append(byte[] buffer, int size) throws IOException { if (size == 0) return; if (myNextChunkBuffer == null) loadAppendBuffer(); int newBufferSize = calcBufferSize(myBufferPosition + size); if (newBufferSize != myNextChunkBuffer.length) { myNextChunkBuffer = Arrays.copyOf(myNextChunkBuffer, newBufferSize); } int bufferPosition = 0; int sizeToWrite = size; while (sizeToWrite > 0) { int bytesToWriteInTheBuffer = Math.min(myNextChunkBuffer.length - myBufferPosition, sizeToWrite); System.arraycopy(buffer, bufferPosition, myNextChunkBuffer, myBufferPosition, bytesToWriteInTheBuffer); myBufferPosition += bytesToWriteInTheBuffer; bufferPosition += bytesToWriteInTheBuffer; sizeToWrite -= bytesToWriteInTheBuffer; saveNextChunkIfNeeded(); } myUncompressedFileLength += size; myDirty = true; } private synchronized void loadAppendBuffer() throws IOException { if (myNextChunkBuffer != null) return; myNextChunkBuffer = new byte[myAppendBufferLength]; File tempAppendFile = getIncompleteChunkFile(); if (tempAppendFile.exists()) { myBufferPosition = (int)tempAppendFile.length(); myNextChunkBuffer = new byte[calcBufferSize(myBufferPosition)]; FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(tempAppendFile); try { stream.read(myNextChunkBuffer, 0, myBufferPosition); } finally { try { stream.close(); } catch (IOException ignore) { } } } else { myBufferPosition = 0; myNextChunkBuffer = new byte[myMinAppendBufferLength]; } } private int calcBufferSize(int position) { return Math.min( myAppendBufferLength, Integer.highestOneBit(Math.max(myMinAppendBufferLength - 1, position)) << 1 ); } private void saveNextChunkIfNeeded() throws IOException { if (myBufferPosition == myNextChunkBuffer.length) { BufferExposingByteArrayOutputStream compressedOut = new BufferExposingByteArrayOutputStream(); DataOutputStream compressedDataOut = new DataOutputStream(compressedOut); compress(compressedDataOut, myNextChunkBuffer); compressedDataOut.close(); assert compressedDataOut.size() <= MAX_PAGE_LENGTH; // we need to be in short range for chunk length table saveChunk(compressedOut, myFileLength); myBufferPosition = 0; initChunkLengthTable(); myFileLength += compressedOut.size(); if (doDebug) myCompressedChunksFileOffsets.add(myFileLength); if (myChunkLengthTable.length == myChunkTableLength) { myChunkLengthTable = reallocShortTable(myChunkLengthTable); } myChunkLengthTable[myChunkTableLength++] = (short)compressedOut.size(); if (myChunkTableLength / FACTOR > myChunkOffsetTable.length) { long[] newChunkOffsetTable = new long[myChunkOffsetTable.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(myChunkOffsetTable, 0, newChunkOffsetTable, 0, myChunkOffsetTable.length); newChunkOffsetTable[myChunkOffsetTable.length] = myFileLength; myChunkOffsetTable = newChunkOffsetTable; } byte[] bytes = new byte[myAppendBufferLength]; System.arraycopy(myNextChunkBuffer, 0, bytes, 0, myAppendBufferLength); ourDecompressedCache.put(this, myChunkTableLength - 1, bytes); } } private static short[] reallocShortTable(short[] table) { short[] newTable = new short[Math.max(table.length * 8 / 5, table.length + 1)]; System.arraycopy(table, 0, newTable, 0, table.length); return newTable; } protected int compress(DataOutputStream compressedDataOut, byte[] buffer) throws IOException { return CompressionUtil.writeCompressedWithoutOriginalBufferLength(compressedDataOut, buffer, myAppendBufferLength); } protected byte[] decompress(DataInputStream keysStream) throws IOException { return CompressionUtil.readCompressedWithoutOriginalBufferLength(keysStream); } protected void saveChunk(BufferExposingByteArrayOutputStream compressedChunk, long endOfFileOffset) throws IOException { DataOutputStream stream = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(getChunksFile(), true))); try { stream.write(compressedChunk.getInternalBuffer(), 0, compressedChunk.size()); } finally { try { stream.close(); } catch (IOException ignore) {} } DataOutputStream chunkLengthStream = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(getChunkLengthFile(), true))); try { DataInputOutputUtil.writeINT(chunkLengthStream, compressedChunk.size()); } finally { try { chunkLengthStream.close(); } catch (IOException ignore) {} } } @NotNull protected File getChunksFile() { return new File(myBaseFile.getPath() + ".a"); } private void saveIncompleteChunk() { if (myNextChunkBuffer != null && myBufferPosition != 0 && myDirty) { try { saveNextChunkIfNeeded(); if (myBufferPosition != 0) { BufferedOutputStream stream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(getIncompleteChunkFile())); try { stream.write(myNextChunkBuffer, 0, myBufferPosition); } finally { try { stream.close(); } catch (IOException ignore) { } } } } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } myDirty = false; } } @NotNull private File getIncompleteChunkFile() { return new File(myBaseFile.getPath() + ".at"); } public synchronized void force() { saveIncompleteChunk(); } public synchronized void dispose() { force(); } public synchronized long length() { if (myUncompressedFileLength == -1) { if (myChunkLengthTable == null) { try { initChunkLengthTable(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } } return myUncompressedFileLength; } public synchronized boolean isDirty() { return myDirty; } private static class FileChunkReadCache extends SLRUMap<FileChunkKey<CompressedAppendableFile>, byte[]> { @SuppressWarnings("unused") private final LowMemoryWatcher myLowMemoryWatcher = LowMemoryWatcher.register(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { synchronized (FileChunkReadCache.this) { clear(); } } }); private final FileChunkKey<CompressedAppendableFile> myKey = new FileChunkKey<CompressedAppendableFile>(null, 0); public FileChunkReadCache() { super(64, 64); } @NotNull public byte[] get(CompressedAppendableFile file, int page) throws IOException { byte[] bytes; synchronized (this) { myKey.setup(file, page); bytes = get(myKey); if (bytes != null) return bytes; } bytes = file.loadChunk(page); // out of lock synchronized (this) { put(file, page, bytes); } return bytes; } public void put(CompressedAppendableFile file, long page, byte[] bytes) { synchronized (this) { myKey.setup(file, page); put(myKey, bytes); } } } private class SegmentedChunkInputStream extends InputStream { private final long myAddr; private final int myChunkLengthTableSnapshotLength; private final byte[] myNextChunkBufferSnapshot; private final int myBufferPositionSnapshot; private InputStream bytesFromCompressedBlock; private InputStream bytesFromTempAppendBlock; private int myCurrentPageNumber; private int myPageOffset; public SegmentedChunkInputStream(long addr, int chunkLengthTableSnapshotLength, byte[] tableRef, int position) { myAddr = addr; myChunkLengthTableSnapshotLength = chunkLengthTableSnapshotLength; myNextChunkBufferSnapshot = tableRef; myBufferPositionSnapshot = position; myCurrentPageNumber = (int)(myAddr / myAppendBufferLength); myPageOffset = (int)(myAddr % myAppendBufferLength); } @Override public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { if (bytesFromCompressedBlock == null) { byte[] decompressedBytes = myCurrentPageNumber < myChunkLengthTableSnapshotLength ? ourDecompressedCache.get(CompressedAppendableFile.this, myCurrentPageNumber) : ArrayUtil.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY; bytesFromCompressedBlock = new ByteArrayInputStream(decompressedBytes, myPageOffset, decompressedBytes.length); } int readBytesCount = 0; if (bytesFromCompressedBlock.available() > 0) { readBytesCount = bytesFromCompressedBlock.read(b, off, len); myPageOffset += readBytesCount; if (myPageOffset == myAppendBufferLength) { ++myCurrentPageNumber; myPageOffset = 0; } if (readBytesCount == len) return readBytesCount; } while (myCurrentPageNumber < myChunkLengthTableSnapshotLength) { byte[] decompressedBytes = ourDecompressedCache.get(CompressedAppendableFile.this, myCurrentPageNumber); bytesFromCompressedBlock = new ByteArrayInputStream(decompressedBytes, 0, decompressedBytes.length); int read = bytesFromCompressedBlock.read(b, off + readBytesCount, len - readBytesCount); myPageOffset += read; if (myPageOffset == myAppendBufferLength) { ++myCurrentPageNumber; myPageOffset = 0; } readBytesCount += read; if (readBytesCount == len) return readBytesCount; } if (bytesFromTempAppendBlock == null) { bytesFromTempAppendBlock = new ByteArrayInputStream(myNextChunkBufferSnapshot, myPageOffset, myBufferPositionSnapshot); } return readBytesCount + bytesFromTempAppendBlock.read(b, off + readBytesCount, len - readBytesCount); } @Override public int read() throws IOException { byte[] buf = {0}; int read = read(buf); if (read == -1) return -1; return buf[0] & 0xFF; } } }