/* * Copyright 2000-2015 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.codeInsight.lookup; import com.intellij.codeInsight.completion.InsertHandler; import com.intellij.codeInsight.completion.InsertionContext; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement; import com.intellij.psi.PsiNamedElement; import com.intellij.psi.SmartPointerManager; import com.intellij.psi.util.PsiUtilCore; import consulo.ide.IconDescriptorUpdaters; import gnu.trove.THashSet; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Contract; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Set; /** * @author peter * @see LookupElementDecorator * @see com.intellij.codeInsight.completion.PrioritizedLookupElement */ public final class LookupElementBuilder extends LookupElement { @NotNull private final String myLookupString; @NotNull private final Object myObject; private final boolean myCaseSensitive; @Nullable private final InsertHandler<LookupElement> myInsertHandler; @Nullable private final LookupElementRenderer<LookupElement> myRenderer; @Nullable private final LookupElementPresentation myHardcodedPresentation; @NotNull private final Set<String> myAllLookupStrings; private LookupElementBuilder(@NotNull String lookupString, @NotNull Object object, @Nullable InsertHandler<LookupElement> insertHandler, @Nullable LookupElementRenderer<LookupElement> renderer, @Nullable LookupElementPresentation hardcodedPresentation, @NotNull Set<String> allLookupStrings, boolean caseSensitive) { myLookupString = lookupString; myObject = object; myInsertHandler = insertHandler; myRenderer = renderer; myHardcodedPresentation = hardcodedPresentation; myAllLookupStrings = Collections.unmodifiableSet(allLookupStrings); myCaseSensitive = caseSensitive; } private LookupElementBuilder(@NotNull String lookupString, @NotNull Object object) { this(lookupString, object, null, null, null, Collections.singleton(lookupString), true); } @NotNull public static LookupElementBuilder create(@NotNull String lookupString) { return new LookupElementBuilder(lookupString, lookupString); } public static LookupElementBuilder create(@NotNull Object object) { return new LookupElementBuilder(object.toString(), object); } public static LookupElementBuilder createWithSmartPointer(@NotNull String lookupString, @NotNull PsiElement element) { PsiUtilCore.ensureValid(element); return new LookupElementBuilder(lookupString, SmartPointerManager.getInstance(element.getProject()).createSmartPsiElementPointer(element)); } public static LookupElementBuilder create(@NotNull PsiNamedElement element) { PsiUtilCore.ensureValid(element); return new LookupElementBuilder(StringUtil.notNullize(element.getName()), element); } public static LookupElementBuilder createWithIcon(@NotNull PsiNamedElement element) { PsiUtilCore.ensureValid(element); return create(element).withIcon(IconDescriptorUpdaters.getIcon(element, 0)); } public static LookupElementBuilder create(@NotNull Object lookupObject, @NotNull String lookupString) { if (lookupObject instanceof PsiElement) { PsiUtilCore.ensureValid((PsiElement)lookupObject); } return new LookupElementBuilder(lookupString, lookupObject); } /** * @deprecated use {@link #withInsertHandler(com.intellij.codeInsight.completion.InsertHandler)} */ @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder setInsertHandler(@Nullable InsertHandler<LookupElement> insertHandler) { return withInsertHandler(insertHandler); } @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder withInsertHandler(@Nullable InsertHandler<LookupElement> insertHandler) { return new LookupElementBuilder(myLookupString, myObject, insertHandler, myRenderer, myHardcodedPresentation, myAllLookupStrings, myCaseSensitive); } /** * @deprecated use {@link #withRenderer(LookupElementRenderer)} */ @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder setRenderer(@Nullable LookupElementRenderer<LookupElement> renderer) { return withRenderer(renderer); } @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder withRenderer(@Nullable LookupElementRenderer<LookupElement> renderer) { return new LookupElementBuilder(myLookupString, myObject, myInsertHandler, renderer, myHardcodedPresentation, myAllLookupStrings, myCaseSensitive); } @Override @NotNull public Set<String> getAllLookupStrings() { return myAllLookupStrings; } /** * @deprecated use {@link #withIcon(javax.swing.Icon)} */ @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder setIcon(@Nullable Icon icon) { return withIcon(icon); } @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder withIcon(@Nullable Icon icon) { final LookupElementPresentation presentation = copyPresentation(); presentation.setIcon(icon); return new LookupElementBuilder(myLookupString, myObject, myInsertHandler, null, presentation, myAllLookupStrings, myCaseSensitive); } @NotNull private LookupElementPresentation copyPresentation() { final LookupElementPresentation presentation = new LookupElementPresentation(); if (myHardcodedPresentation != null) { presentation.copyFrom(myHardcodedPresentation); } else { presentation.setItemText(myLookupString); } return presentation; } /** * @deprecated use {@link #withLookupString(String)} */ @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder addLookupString(@NotNull String another) { return withLookupString(another); } @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder withLookupString(@NotNull String another) { final THashSet<String> set = new THashSet<>(myAllLookupStrings); set.add(another); return new LookupElementBuilder(myLookupString, myObject, myInsertHandler, myRenderer, myHardcodedPresentation, Collections.unmodifiableSet(set), myCaseSensitive); } @Override public boolean isCaseSensitive() { return myCaseSensitive; } /** * @deprecated use {@link #withCaseSensitivity(boolean)} */ @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder setCaseSensitive(boolean caseSensitive) { return withCaseSensitivity(caseSensitive); } /** * @param caseSensitive if this lookup item should be completed in the same letter case as prefix * @return modified builder * @see com.intellij.codeInsight.completion.CompletionResultSet#caseInsensitive() */ @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder withCaseSensitivity(boolean caseSensitive) { return new LookupElementBuilder(myLookupString, myObject, myInsertHandler, myRenderer, myHardcodedPresentation, myAllLookupStrings, caseSensitive); } /** * @deprecated use {@link #withItemTextForeground(java.awt.Color)} */ @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder setItemTextForeground(@NotNull Color itemTextForeground) { return withItemTextForeground(itemTextForeground); } @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder withItemTextForeground(@NotNull Color itemTextForeground) { final LookupElementPresentation presentation = copyPresentation(); presentation.setItemTextForeground(itemTextForeground); return new LookupElementBuilder(myLookupString, myObject, myInsertHandler, null, presentation, myAllLookupStrings, myCaseSensitive); } /** * @deprecated use {@link #withItemTextUnderlined(boolean)} */ @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder setItemTextUnderlined(boolean underlined) { return withItemTextUnderlined(underlined); } @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder withItemTextUnderlined(boolean underlined) { final LookupElementPresentation presentation = copyPresentation(); presentation.setItemTextUnderlined(underlined); return new LookupElementBuilder(myLookupString, myObject, myInsertHandler, null, presentation, myAllLookupStrings, myCaseSensitive); } /** * @deprecated use {@link #withTypeText(String)} */ @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder setTypeText(@Nullable String typeText) { return withTypeText(typeText); } @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder withTypeText(@Nullable String typeText) { return withTypeText(typeText, false); } /** * @deprecated use {@link #withTypeText(String, boolean)} */ @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder setTypeText(@Nullable String typeText, boolean grayed) { return withTypeText(typeText, grayed); } @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder withTypeText(@Nullable String typeText, boolean grayed) { return withTypeText(typeText, null, grayed); } @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder withTypeText(@Nullable String typeText, @Nullable Icon typeIcon, boolean grayed) { final LookupElementPresentation presentation = copyPresentation(); presentation.setTypeText(typeText, typeIcon); presentation.setTypeGrayed(grayed); return new LookupElementBuilder(myLookupString, myObject, myInsertHandler, null, presentation, myAllLookupStrings, myCaseSensitive); } /** * @deprecated use {@link #withPresentableText(String)} */ @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder setPresentableText(@NotNull String presentableText) { return withPresentableText(presentableText); } @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder withPresentableText(@NotNull String presentableText) { final LookupElementPresentation presentation = copyPresentation(); presentation.setItemText(presentableText); return new LookupElementBuilder(myLookupString, myObject, myInsertHandler, null, presentation, myAllLookupStrings, myCaseSensitive); } /** * @deprecated use {@link #bold()} */ @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder setBold() { return bold(); } @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder bold() { return withBoldness(true); } /** * @deprecated use {@link #withBoldness(boolean)} */ @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder setBold(boolean bold) { return withBoldness(bold); } @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder withBoldness(boolean bold) { final LookupElementPresentation presentation = copyPresentation(); presentation.setItemTextBold(bold); return new LookupElementBuilder(myLookupString, myObject, myInsertHandler, null, presentation, myAllLookupStrings, myCaseSensitive); } /** * @deprecated use {@link #strikeout()} */ @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder setStrikeout() { return strikeout(); } @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder strikeout() { return withStrikeoutness(true); } /** * @deprecated use {@link #withStrikeoutness(boolean)} */ @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder setStrikeout(boolean strikeout) { return withStrikeoutness(strikeout); } @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder withStrikeoutness(boolean strikeout) { final LookupElementPresentation presentation = copyPresentation(); presentation.setStrikeout(strikeout); return new LookupElementBuilder(myLookupString, myObject, myInsertHandler, null, presentation, myAllLookupStrings, myCaseSensitive); } /** * @deprecated use {@link #withTailText(String)} */ @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder setTailText(@Nullable String tailText) { return withTailText(tailText); } @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder withTailText(@Nullable String tailText) { return withTailText(tailText, false); } /** * @deprecated use {@link #withTailText(String, boolean)} */ @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder setTailText(@Nullable String tailText, boolean grayed) { return withTailText(tailText, grayed); } @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder withTailText(@Nullable String tailText, boolean grayed) { final LookupElementPresentation presentation = copyPresentation(); presentation.setTailText(tailText, grayed); return new LookupElementBuilder(myLookupString, myObject, myInsertHandler, null, presentation, myAllLookupStrings, myCaseSensitive); } @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElementBuilder appendTailText(@NotNull String tailText, boolean grayed) { final LookupElementPresentation presentation = copyPresentation(); presentation.appendTailText(tailText, grayed); return new LookupElementBuilder(myLookupString, myObject, myInsertHandler, null, presentation, myAllLookupStrings, myCaseSensitive); } @Contract(value = "", pure = true) public LookupElement withAutoCompletionPolicy(AutoCompletionPolicy policy) { return policy.applyPolicy(this); } @NotNull @Override public String getLookupString() { return myLookupString; } @Nullable public InsertHandler<LookupElement> getInsertHandler() { return myInsertHandler; } @NotNull @Override public Object getObject() { return myObject; } @Override public void handleInsert(InsertionContext context) { if (myInsertHandler != null) { myInsertHandler.handleInsert(context, this); } } @Override public void renderElement(LookupElementPresentation presentation) { if (myRenderer != null) { myRenderer.renderElement(this, presentation); } else if (myHardcodedPresentation != null) { presentation.copyFrom(myHardcodedPresentation); } else { presentation.setItemText(myLookupString); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; LookupElementBuilder that = (LookupElementBuilder)o; final InsertHandler<LookupElement> insertHandler = that.myInsertHandler; if (myInsertHandler != null && insertHandler != null ? !myInsertHandler.getClass().equals(insertHandler.getClass()) : myInsertHandler != insertHandler) { return false; } if (!myLookupString.equals(that.myLookupString)) return false; if (!myObject.equals(that.myObject)) return false; final LookupElementRenderer<LookupElement> renderer = that.myRenderer; if (myRenderer != null && renderer != null ? !myRenderer.getClass().equals(renderer.getClass()) : myRenderer != renderer) return false; return true; } @Override public String toString() { return "LookupElementBuilder: string=" + getLookupString() + "; handler=" + myInsertHandler; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = 0; result = 31 * result + (myInsertHandler != null ? myInsertHandler.getClass().hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (myLookupString.hashCode()); result = 31 * result + (myObject.hashCode()); result = 31 * result + (myRenderer != null ? myRenderer.getClass().hashCode() : 0); return result; } }