/* * Copyright 2000-2009 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.ide.ui.customization; import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.*; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.keymap.impl.ui.Group; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Pair; import com.intellij.ui.PopupHandler; import com.intellij.ui.treeStructure.Tree; import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil; import com.intellij.util.diff.Diff; import com.intellij.util.diff.FilesTooBigForDiffException; import com.intellij.util.ui.tree.TreeUtil; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode; import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel; import javax.swing.tree.TreeNode; import javax.swing.tree.TreePath; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * User: anna * Date: Mar 30, 2005 */ public class CustomizationUtil { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance("#com.intellij.ide.ui.customization.CustomizationUtil"); private CustomizationUtil() { } public static ActionGroup correctActionGroup(final ActionGroup group, final CustomActionsSchema schema, final String defaultGroupName) { if (!schema.isCorrectActionGroup(group, defaultGroupName)){ return group; } String text = group.getTemplatePresentation().getText(); final int mnemonic = group.getTemplatePresentation().getMnemonic(); if (text != null) { for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { if (Character.toUpperCase(text.charAt(i)) == mnemonic) { text = text.replaceFirst(String.valueOf(text.charAt(i)), "_" + text.charAt(i)); break; } } } return new CustomisedActionGroup(text, group.isPopup(), group, schema, defaultGroupName); } static AnAction [] getReordableChildren(ActionGroup group, CustomActionsSchema schema, String defaultGroupName, AnActionEvent e) { String text = group.getTemplatePresentation().getText(); ActionManager actionManager = ActionManager.getInstance(); final ArrayList<AnAction> reorderedChildren = new ArrayList<AnAction>(); ContainerUtil.addAll(reorderedChildren, group.getChildren(e)); final List<ActionUrl> actions = schema.getActions(); for (ActionUrl actionUrl : actions) { if ((actionUrl.getParentGroup().equals(text) || actionUrl.getParentGroup().equals(defaultGroupName) || actionUrl.getParentGroup().equals(actionManager.getId(group)))) { AnAction componentAction = actionUrl.getComponentAction(); if (componentAction != null) { if (actionUrl.getActionType() == ActionUrl.ADDED) { if (componentAction == group) { LOG.error("Attempt to add group to itself; group ID=" + actionManager.getId(group)); continue; } if (reorderedChildren.size() > actionUrl.getAbsolutePosition()) { reorderedChildren.add(actionUrl.getAbsolutePosition(), componentAction); } else { reorderedChildren.add(componentAction); } } else if (actionUrl.getActionType() == ActionUrl.DELETED && reorderedChildren.size() > actionUrl.getAbsolutePosition()) { final AnAction anAction = reorderedChildren.get(actionUrl.getAbsolutePosition()); if (anAction.getTemplatePresentation().getText() == null ? (componentAction.getTemplatePresentation().getText() != null && componentAction.getTemplatePresentation().getText().length() > 0) : !anAction.getTemplatePresentation().getText().equals(componentAction.getTemplatePresentation().getText())) { continue; } reorderedChildren.remove(actionUrl.getAbsolutePosition()); } } } } for (int i = 0; i < reorderedChildren.size(); i++) { if (reorderedChildren.get(i) instanceof ActionGroup) { final ActionGroup groupToCorrect = (ActionGroup)reorderedChildren.get(i); final AnAction correctedAction = correctActionGroup(groupToCorrect, schema, ""); reorderedChildren.set(i, correctedAction); } } return reorderedChildren.toArray(new AnAction[reorderedChildren.size()]); } public static void optimizeSchema(final JTree tree, final CustomActionsSchema schema) { //noinspection HardCodedStringLiteral Group rootGroup = new Group("root", null, null); DefaultMutableTreeNode root = new DefaultMutableTreeNode(rootGroup); root.removeAllChildren(); schema.fillActionGroups(root); final JTree defaultTree = new Tree(new DefaultTreeModel(root)); final ArrayList<ActionUrl> actions = new ArrayList<ActionUrl>(); TreeUtil.traverseDepth((TreeNode)tree.getModel().getRoot(), new TreeUtil.Traverse() { public boolean accept(Object node) { DefaultMutableTreeNode treeNode = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)node; if (treeNode.isLeaf()) { return true; } final ActionUrl url = getActionUrl(new TreePath(treeNode.getPath()), 0); url.getGroupPath().add(((Group)treeNode.getUserObject()).getName()); final TreePath treePath = getTreePath(defaultTree, url); if (treePath != null) { final DefaultMutableTreeNode visited = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)treePath.getLastPathComponent(); final ActionUrl[] defaultUserObjects = getChildUserObjects(visited, url); final ActionUrl[] currentUserObjects = getChildUserObjects(treeNode, url); computeDiff(defaultUserObjects, currentUserObjects, actions); } else { //customizations at the new place url.getGroupPath().remove(url.getParentGroup()); if (actions.contains(url)){ url.getGroupPath().add(((Group)treeNode.getUserObject()).getName()); actions.addAll(schema.getChildActions(url)); } } return true; } }); schema.setActions(actions); } private static void computeDiff(final ActionUrl[] defaultUserObjects, final ActionUrl[] currentUserObjects, final ArrayList<ActionUrl> actions) { Diff.Change change = null; try { change = Diff.buildChanges(defaultUserObjects, currentUserObjects); } catch (FilesTooBigForDiffException e) { LOG.info(e); } while (change != null) { for (int i = 0; i < change.deleted; i++) { final int idx = change.line0 + i; ActionUrl currentUserObject = defaultUserObjects[idx]; currentUserObject.setActionType(ActionUrl.DELETED); currentUserObject.setAbsolutePosition(idx); actions.add(currentUserObject); } for (int i = 0; i < change.inserted; i++) { final int idx = change.line1 + i; ActionUrl currentUserObject = currentUserObjects[idx]; currentUserObject.setActionType(ActionUrl.ADDED); currentUserObject.setAbsolutePosition(idx); actions.add(currentUserObject); } change = change.link; } } public static TreePath getPathByUserObjects(JTree tree, TreePath treePath){ List<String> path = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < treePath.getPath().length; i++) { Object o = ((DefaultMutableTreeNode)treePath.getPath()[i]).getUserObject(); if (o instanceof Group) { path.add(((Group)o).getName()); } } return getTreePath(0, path, tree.getModel().getRoot(), tree); } public static ActionUrl getActionUrl(final TreePath treePath, int actionType) { ActionUrl url = new ActionUrl(); for (int i = 0; i < treePath.getPath().length - 1; i++) { Object o = ((DefaultMutableTreeNode)treePath.getPath()[i]).getUserObject(); if (o instanceof Group) { url.getGroupPath().add(((Group)o).getName()); } } final DefaultMutableTreeNode component = ((DefaultMutableTreeNode)treePath.getLastPathComponent()); url.setComponent(component.getUserObject()); DefaultMutableTreeNode node = component; final TreeNode parent = node.getParent(); url.setAbsolutePosition(parent != null ? parent.getIndex(node) : 0); url.setActionType(actionType); return url; } public static TreePath getTreePath(JTree tree, ActionUrl url) { return getTreePath(0, url.getGroupPath(), tree.getModel().getRoot(), tree); } @Nullable private static TreePath getTreePath(final int positionInPath, final List<String> path, final Object root, JTree tree) { if (!(root instanceof DefaultMutableTreeNode)) return null; final DefaultMutableTreeNode treeNode = ((DefaultMutableTreeNode)root); final Object userObject = treeNode.getUserObject(); final String pathElement; if (path.size() > positionInPath) { pathElement = path.get(positionInPath); } else { return null; } if (pathElement == null) return null; if (!(userObject instanceof Group)) return null; if (!pathElement.equals(((Group)userObject).getName())) return null; TreePath currentPath = new TreePath(treeNode.getPath()); if (positionInPath == path.size() - 1) { return currentPath; } for (int j = 0; j < treeNode.getChildCount(); j++) { final TreeNode child = treeNode.getChildAt(j); currentPath = getTreePath(positionInPath + 1, path, child, tree); if (currentPath != null) { break; } } return currentPath; } private static ActionUrl[] getChildUserObjects(DefaultMutableTreeNode node, ActionUrl parent) { ArrayList<ActionUrl> result = new ArrayList<ActionUrl>(); ArrayList<String> groupPath = new ArrayList<String>(); groupPath.addAll(parent.getGroupPath()); for (int i = 0; i < node.getChildCount(); i++) { DefaultMutableTreeNode child = (DefaultMutableTreeNode)node.getChildAt(i); ActionUrl url = new ActionUrl(); url.setGroupPath(groupPath); final Object userObject = child.getUserObject(); url.setComponent(userObject instanceof Pair ? ((Pair)userObject).first : userObject); result.add(url); } return result.toArray(new ActionUrl[result.size()]); } public static MouseListener installPopupHandler(JComponent component, @NotNull final String groupId, final String place) { if (ApplicationManager.getApplication() == null) return new MouseAdapter(){}; PopupHandler popupHandler = new PopupHandler() { public void invokePopup(Component comp, int x, int y) { ActionGroup group = (ActionGroup)CustomActionsSchema.getInstance().getCorrectedAction(groupId); final ActionPopupMenu popupMenu = ActionManager.getInstance().createActionPopupMenu(place, group); popupMenu.getComponent().show(comp, x, y); } }; component.addMouseListener(popupHandler); return popupHandler; } }