/* * Copyright 2000-2016 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.openapi.fileTypes.impl; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.intellij.ide.highlighter.custom.SyntaxTable; import com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginManager; import com.intellij.ide.util.PropertiesComponent; import com.intellij.openapi.Disposable; import com.intellij.openapi.application.Application; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ModalityState; import com.intellij.openapi.components.*; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.extensions.Extensions; import com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor.impl.LoadTextUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.fileTypes.*; import com.intellij.openapi.fileTypes.ex.*; import com.intellij.openapi.options.BaseSchemeProcessor; import com.intellij.openapi.options.SchemesManager; import com.intellij.openapi.options.SchemesManagerFactory; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.util.*; import com.intellij.openapi.util.io.ByteSequence; import com.intellij.openapi.util.io.FileUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.util.io.FileUtilRt; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtilRt; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.*; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.BulkFileListener; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.FileAttribute; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.FileSystemInterface; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.events.VFileCreateEvent; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.events.VFileEvent; import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.newvfs.impl.StubVirtualFile; import com.intellij.psi.SingleRootFileViewProvider; import com.intellij.testFramework.LightVirtualFile; import com.intellij.ui.GuiUtils; import com.intellij.util.*; import com.intellij.util.concurrency.BoundedTaskExecutor; import com.intellij.util.containers.ConcurrentPackedBitsArray; import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil; import com.intellij.util.io.URLUtil; import com.intellij.util.messages.MessageBus; import com.intellij.util.messages.MessageBusConnection; import gnu.trove.THashMap; import gnu.trove.THashSet; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.jetbrains.annotations.TestOnly; import org.jetbrains.ide.PooledThreadExecutor; import java.io.*; import java.net.URL; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; @State( name = "FileTypeManager", storages = @Storage(file = StoragePathMacros.APP_CONFIG + "/filetypes.xml"), additionalExportFile = FileTypeManagerImpl.FILE_SPEC) public class FileTypeManagerImpl extends FileTypeManagerEx implements PersistentStateComponent<Element>, ApplicationComponent, Disposable { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance(FileTypeManagerImpl.class); // You must update all existing default configurations accordingly private static final int VERSION = 17; private static final ThreadLocal<Pair<VirtualFile, FileType>> FILE_TYPE_FIXED_TEMPORARILY = new ThreadLocal<Pair<VirtualFile, FileType>>(); // cached auto-detected file type. If the file was auto-detected as plain text or binary // then the value is null and AUTO_DETECTED_* flags stored in packedFlags are used instead. static final Key<FileType> DETECTED_FROM_CONTENT_FILE_TYPE_KEY = Key.create("DETECTED_FROM_CONTENT_FILE_TYPE_KEY"); private static final int DETECT_BUFFER_SIZE = 8192; // the number of bytes to read from the file to feed to the file type detector // must be sorted private static final String DEFAULT_IGNORED = "*.hprof;*.pyc;*.pyo;*.rbc;*.yarb;*~;.DS_Store;.git;.hg;.svn;CVS;RCS;SCCS;__pycache__;_svn;rcs;vssver.scc;vssver2.scc;"; static { List<String> strings = StringUtil.split(DEFAULT_IGNORED, ";"); for (int i = 0; i < strings.size(); i++) { String string = strings.get(i); String prev = i == 0 ? "" : strings.get(i - 1); assert prev.compareTo(string) < 0 : "DEFAULT_IGNORED must be sorted, but got: '" + prev + "' >= '" + string + "'"; } } private static boolean RE_DETECT_ASYNC = !ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode(); private final Set<FileType> myDefaultTypes = new THashSet<FileType>(); private FileTypeIdentifiableByVirtualFile[] mySpecialFileTypes = FileTypeIdentifiableByVirtualFile.EMPTY_ARRAY; private FileTypeAssocTable<FileType> myPatternsTable = new FileTypeAssocTable<FileType>(); private final IgnoredPatternSet myIgnoredPatterns = new IgnoredPatternSet(); private final IgnoredFileCache myIgnoredFileCache = new IgnoredFileCache(myIgnoredPatterns); private final FileTypeAssocTable<FileType> myInitialAssociations = new FileTypeAssocTable<FileType>(); private final Map<FileNameMatcher, String> myUnresolvedMappings = new THashMap<FileNameMatcher, String>(); private final Map<FileNameMatcher, Trinity<String, String, Boolean>> myUnresolvedRemovedMappings = new THashMap<FileNameMatcher, Trinity<String, String, Boolean>>(); /** * This will contain removed mappings with "approved" states */ private final Map<FileNameMatcher, Pair<FileType, Boolean>> myRemovedMappings = new THashMap<FileNameMatcher, Pair<FileType, Boolean>>(); @NonNls private static final String ELEMENT_FILETYPE = "filetype"; @NonNls private static final String ELEMENT_IGNORE_FILES = "ignoreFiles"; @NonNls private static final String ATTRIBUTE_LIST = "list"; @NonNls private static final String ATTRIBUTE_VERSION = "version"; @NonNls private static final String ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "name"; @NonNls private static final String ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION = "description"; private static class StandardFileType { @NotNull private final FileType fileType; @NotNull private final List<FileNameMatcher> matchers; private StandardFileType(@NotNull FileType fileType, @NotNull List<FileNameMatcher> matchers) { this.fileType = fileType; this.matchers = matchers; } } private final MessageBus myMessageBus; private final Map<String, StandardFileType> myStandardFileTypes = new LinkedHashMap<String, StandardFileType>(); @NonNls private static final String[] FILE_TYPES_WITH_PREDEFINED_EXTENSIONS = {"JSP", "JSPX", "DTD", "HTML", "Properties", "XHTML"}; private final SchemesManager<FileType, AbstractFileType> mySchemesManager; @NonNls static final String FILE_SPEC = StoragePathMacros.ROOT_CONFIG + "/filetypes"; // these flags are stored in 'packedFlags' as chunks of four bits private static final byte AUTO_DETECTED_AS_TEXT_MASK = 1 << 0; // set if the file was auto-detected as text private static final byte AUTO_DETECTED_AS_BINARY_MASK = 1 << 1; // set if the file was auto-detected as binary // set if auto-detection was performed for this file. // if some detector returned some custom file type, it's stored in DETECTED_FROM_CONTENT_FILE_TYPE_KEY file key. // otherwise if auto-detected as text or binary, the result is stored in AUTO_DETECTED_AS_TEXT_MASK|AUTO_DETECTED_AS_BINARY_MASK bits private static final byte AUTO_DETECT_WAS_RUN_MASK = 1 << 2; private static final byte ATTRIBUTES_WERE_LOADED_MASK = 1 << 3; // set if AUTO_* bits above were loaded from the file persistent attributes and saved to packedFlags private final ConcurrentPackedBitsArray packedFlags = new ConcurrentPackedBitsArray(4); private final AtomicInteger counterAutoDetect = new AtomicInteger(); private final AtomicLong elapsedAutoDetect = new AtomicLong(); public FileTypeManagerImpl(MessageBus bus, SchemesManagerFactory schemesManagerFactory, PropertiesComponent propertiesComponent) { int fileTypeChangedCounter = StringUtilRt.parseInt(propertiesComponent.getValue("fileTypeChangedCounter"), 0); fileTypeChangedCount = new AtomicInteger(fileTypeChangedCounter); autoDetectedAttribute = new FileAttribute("AUTO_DETECTION_CACHE_ATTRIBUTE", fileTypeChangedCounter, true); myMessageBus = bus; mySchemesManager = schemesManagerFactory.createSchemesManager(FILE_SPEC, new BaseSchemeProcessor<AbstractFileType>() { @NotNull @Override public AbstractFileType readScheme(@NotNull Element element, boolean duringLoad) { if (!duringLoad) { fireBeforeFileTypesChanged(); } AbstractFileType type = (AbstractFileType)loadFileType(element, false); if (!duringLoad) { fireFileTypesChanged(); } return type; } @NotNull @Override public State getState(@NotNull AbstractFileType fileType) { if (!shouldSave(fileType)) { return State.NON_PERSISTENT; } if (!myDefaultTypes.contains(fileType)) { return State.POSSIBLY_CHANGED; } return fileType.isModified() ? State.POSSIBLY_CHANGED : State.NON_PERSISTENT; } @Override public Element writeScheme(@NotNull AbstractFileType fileType) { Element root = new Element(ELEMENT_FILETYPE); root.setAttribute("binary", String.valueOf(fileType.isBinary())); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(fileType.getDefaultExtension())) { root.setAttribute("default_extension", fileType.getDefaultExtension()); } root.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION, fileType.getDescription()); root.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME, fileType.getName()); fileType.writeExternal(root); Element map = new Element(AbstractFileType.ELEMENT_EXTENSION_MAP); writeExtensionsMap(map, fileType, false); if (!map.getChildren().isEmpty()) { root.addContent(map); } return root; } @Override public void onSchemeDeleted(@NotNull final AbstractFileType scheme) { GuiUtils.invokeLaterIfNeeded(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Application app = ApplicationManager.getApplication(); app.runWriteAction(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { fireBeforeFileTypesChanged(); } }); myPatternsTable.removeAllAssociations(scheme); app.runWriteAction(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { fireFileTypesChanged(); } }); } }, ModalityState.NON_MODAL); } }, RoamingType.PER_USER); bus.connect().subscribe(VirtualFileManager.VFS_CHANGES, new BulkFileListener.Adapter() { @Override public void after(@NotNull List<? extends VFileEvent> events) { Collection<VirtualFile> files = ContainerUtil.map2Set(events, new Function<VFileEvent, VirtualFile>() { @Override public VirtualFile fun(VFileEvent event) { VirtualFile file = event instanceof VFileCreateEvent ? /* avoid expensive find child here */ null : event.getFile(); VirtualFile filtered = file != null && wasAutoDetectedBefore(file) && isDetectable(file) ? file : null; if (toLog()) { log("F: after() VFS event " + event + "; filtered file: " + filtered + " (file: " + file + "; wasAutoDetectedBefore(file): " + (file == null ? null : wasAutoDetectedBefore(file)) + "; isDetectable(file): " + (file == null ? null : isDetectable(file)) + "; file.getLength(): " + (file == null ? null : file.getLength()) + "; file.isValid(): " + (file == null ? null : file.isValid()) + "; file.is(VFileProperty.SPECIAL): " + (file == null ? null : file.is(VFileProperty.SPECIAL)) + "; packedFlags.get(id): " + (file instanceof VirtualFileWithId ? readableFlags(packedFlags.get(((VirtualFileWithId)file).getId())) : null) + "; file.getFileSystem():" + (file == null ? null : file.getFileSystem()) + ")"); } return filtered; } }); files.remove(null); if (toLog()) { log("F: after() VFS events: " + events + "; files: " + files); } if (!files.isEmpty() && RE_DETECT_ASYNC) { if (toLog()) { log("F: after() queued to redetect: " + files); } if (filesToRedetect.addAll(files)) { awakeReDetectExecutor(); } } } }); //noinspection SpellCheckingInspection myIgnoredPatterns.setIgnoreMasks(DEFAULT_IGNORED); // this should be done BEFORE reading state initStandardFileTypes(); } @VisibleForTesting void initStandardFileTypes() { FileTypeConsumer consumer = new FileTypeConsumer() { @Override public void consume(@NotNull FileType fileType) { register(fileType, parse(fileType.getDefaultExtension())); } @Override public void consume(@NotNull final FileType fileType, String extensions) { register(fileType, parse(extensions)); } @Override public void consume(@NotNull final FileType fileType, @NotNull final FileNameMatcher... matchers) { register(fileType, new ArrayList<FileNameMatcher>(Arrays.asList(matchers))); } @Override public FileType getStandardFileTypeByName(@NotNull final String name) { final StandardFileType type = myStandardFileTypes.get(name); return type != null ? type.fileType : null; } private void register(@NotNull FileType fileType, @NotNull List<FileNameMatcher> fileNameMatchers) { final StandardFileType type = myStandardFileTypes.get(fileType.getName()); if (type != null) { type.matchers.addAll(fileNameMatchers); } else { myStandardFileTypes.put(fileType.getName(), new StandardFileType(fileType, fileNameMatchers)); } } }; for (FileTypeFactory factory : FileTypeFactory.FILE_TYPE_FACTORY_EP.getExtensions()) { try { factory.createFileTypes(consumer); } catch (Throwable e) { PluginManager.handleComponentError(e, factory.getClass().getName(), null); } } for (StandardFileType pair : myStandardFileTypes.values()) { registerFileTypeWithoutNotification(pair.fileType, pair.matchers, true); } try { URL defaultFileTypesUrl = FileTypeManagerImpl.class.getResource("/defaultFileTypes.xml"); if (defaultFileTypesUrl != null) { Element defaultFileTypesElement = JDOMUtil.load(URLUtil.openStream(defaultFileTypesUrl)); for (Element e : defaultFileTypesElement.getChildren()) { //noinspection SpellCheckingInspection if ("filetypes".equals(e.getName())) { for (Element element : e.getChildren(ELEMENT_FILETYPE)) { loadFileType(element, true); } } else if (AbstractFileType.ELEMENT_EXTENSION_MAP.equals(e.getName())) { readGlobalMappings(e); } } } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e); } } boolean toLog; private boolean toLog() { return toLog; } private static void log(String message) { System.out.println(message + " - " + Thread.currentThread()); } private final BoundedTaskExecutor reDetectExecutor = new BoundedTaskExecutor("FileTypeManager redetect pool", PooledThreadExecutor.INSTANCE, 1, this); private final BlockingQueue<VirtualFile> filesToRedetect = new LinkedBlockingDeque<VirtualFile>(); private void awakeReDetectExecutor() { reDetectExecutor.submit(new Runnable() { private static final int CHUNK = 10; @Override public void run() { List<VirtualFile> files = new ArrayList<VirtualFile>(); int drained = filesToRedetect.drainTo(files, CHUNK); reDetect(files); if (drained == CHUNK) { awakeReDetectExecutor(); } } }); } @TestOnly public void drainReDetectQueue() { try { reDetectExecutor.waitAllTasksExecuted(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @TestOnly @NotNull Collection<VirtualFile> dumpReDetectQueue() { return new ArrayList<VirtualFile>(filesToRedetect); } @TestOnly static void reDetectAsync(boolean enable) { RE_DETECT_ASYNC = enable; } private void reDetect(@NotNull Collection<VirtualFile> files) { final Collection<VirtualFile> changed = new ArrayList<VirtualFile>(); for (VirtualFile file : files) { boolean shouldRedetect = wasAutoDetectedBefore(file) && isDetectable(file); if (toLog()) { log("F: reDetect(" + file.getName() + ") " + file.getName() + "; shouldRedetect: " + shouldRedetect); } if (shouldRedetect) { int id = ((VirtualFileWithId)file).getId(); long flags = packedFlags.get(id); FileType before = ObjectUtils.notNull(textOrBinaryFromCachedFlags(flags), ObjectUtils.notNull(file.getUserData(DETECTED_FROM_CONTENT_FILE_TYPE_KEY), PlainTextFileType.INSTANCE)); FileType after = getOrDetectByFile(file); if (toLog()) { log("F: reDetect(" + file.getName() + ") prepare to redetect. flags: " + readableFlags(flags) + "; beforeType: " + before.getName() + "; afterByFileType: " + (after == null ? null : after.getName())); } if (after == null) { after = detectFromContentAndCache(file); } else { // back to standard file type // detected by conventional methods, no need to run detect-from-content file.putUserData(DETECTED_FROM_CONTENT_FILE_TYPE_KEY, null); flags = 0; packedFlags.set(id, flags); } if (toLog()) { log("F: reDetect(" + file.getName() + ") " + "before: " + before.getName() + "; after: " + after.getName() + "; now getFileType()=" + file.getFileType().getName() + "; getUserData(DETECTED_FROM_CONTENT_FILE_TYPE_KEY): " + file.getUserData(DETECTED_FROM_CONTENT_FILE_TYPE_KEY)); } if (before != after) { changed.add(file); } } } if (!changed.isEmpty()) { ApplicationManager.getApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { FileContentUtilCore.reparseFiles(changed); } }, ApplicationManager.getApplication().getDisposed()); } } private boolean wasAutoDetectedBefore(@NotNull VirtualFile file) { if (file.getUserData(DETECTED_FROM_CONTENT_FILE_TYPE_KEY) != null) { return true; } if (file instanceof VirtualFileWithId) { int id = Math.abs(((VirtualFileWithId)file).getId()); // do not re-detect binary files return (packedFlags.get(id) & (AUTO_DETECT_WAS_RUN_MASK | AUTO_DETECTED_AS_BINARY_MASK)) == AUTO_DETECT_WAS_RUN_MASK; } return false; } @Override @NotNull public FileType getStdFileType(@NotNull @NonNls String name) { StandardFileType stdFileType = myStandardFileTypes.get(name); return stdFileType != null ? stdFileType.fileType : PlainTextFileType.INSTANCE; } @Override public void disposeComponent() { } @Override public void initComponent() { if (!myUnresolvedMappings.isEmpty()) { for (StandardFileType pair : myStandardFileTypes.values()) { registerReDetectedMappings(pair); } } // Resolve unresolved mappings initialized before certain plugin initialized. for (StandardFileType pair : myStandardFileTypes.values()) { bindUnresolvedMappings(pair.fileType); } boolean isAtLeastOneStandardFileTypeHasBeenRead = false; for (AbstractFileType fileType : mySchemesManager.loadSchemes()) { isAtLeastOneStandardFileTypeHasBeenRead |= myInitialAssociations.hasAssociationsFor(fileType); } if (isAtLeastOneStandardFileTypeHasBeenRead) { restoreStandardFileExtensions(); } } @Override @NotNull public FileType getFileTypeByFileName(@NotNull String fileName) { return getFileTypeByFileName((CharSequence)fileName); } @NotNull private FileType getFileTypeByFileName(@NotNull CharSequence fileName) { FileType type = myPatternsTable.findAssociatedFileType(fileName); return ObjectUtils.notNull(type, UnknownFileType.INSTANCE); } public void freezeFileTypeTemporarilyIn(@NotNull VirtualFile file, @NotNull Runnable runnable) { FileType fileType = file.getFileType(); Pair<VirtualFile, FileType> old = FILE_TYPE_FIXED_TEMPORARILY.get(); FILE_TYPE_FIXED_TEMPORARILY.set(Pair.create(file, fileType)); if (toLog()) { log("F: freezeFileTypeTemporarilyIn(" + file.getName() + ") to " + fileType.getName() + " in " + Thread.currentThread()); } try { runnable.run(); } finally { if (old == null) { FILE_TYPE_FIXED_TEMPORARILY.remove(); } else { FILE_TYPE_FIXED_TEMPORARILY.set(old); } if (toLog()) { log("F: unfreezeFileType(" + file.getName() + ") in " + Thread.currentThread()); } } } @Override @NotNull public FileType getFileTypeByFile(@NotNull VirtualFile file) { FileType fileType = getOrDetectByFile(file); if (fileType == null) { fileType = file instanceof StubVirtualFile ? UnknownFileType.INSTANCE : getOrDetectFromContent(file); } return fileType; } @Nullable // null means all conventional detect methods returned UnknownFileType.INSTANCE, have to detect from content private FileType getOrDetectByFile(@NotNull VirtualFile file) { Pair<VirtualFile, FileType> fixedType = FILE_TYPE_FIXED_TEMPORARILY.get(); if (fixedType != null && fixedType.getFirst().equals(file)) { FileType fileType = fixedType.getSecond(); if (toLog()) { log("F: getOrDetectByFile(" + file.getName() + ") was frozen to " + fileType.getName() + " in " + Thread.currentThread()); } return fileType; } if (file instanceof LightVirtualFile) { FileType fileType = ((LightVirtualFile)file).getAssignedFileType(); if (fileType != null) { return fileType; } } for (FileTypeIdentifiableByVirtualFile type : mySpecialFileTypes) { if (type.isMyFileType(file)) { if (toLog()) { log("F: getOrDetectByFile(" + file.getName() + "): Special file type: " + type.getName()); } return type; } } FileType fileType = getFileTypeByFileName(file.getNameSequence()); if (fileType == UnknownFileType.INSTANCE) { fileType = null; } if (toLog()) { log("F: getOrDetectByFile(" + file.getName() + ") By name file type: " + (fileType == null ? null : fileType.getName())); } return fileType; } @NotNull private FileType getOrDetectFromContent(@NotNull VirtualFile file) { if (!isDetectable(file)) return UnknownFileType.INSTANCE; if (file instanceof VirtualFileWithId) { int id = ((VirtualFileWithId)file).getId(); if (id < 0) return UnknownFileType.INSTANCE; long flags = packedFlags.get(id); if (!BitUtil.isSet(flags, ATTRIBUTES_WERE_LOADED_MASK)) { flags = readFlagsFromCache(file); flags = BitUtil.set(flags, ATTRIBUTES_WERE_LOADED_MASK, true); packedFlags.set(id, flags); if (toLog()) { log("F: getOrDetectFromContent(" + file.getName() + "): readFlagsFromCache() = " + readableFlags(flags)); } } boolean autoDetectWasRun = BitUtil.isSet(flags, AUTO_DETECT_WAS_RUN_MASK); if (autoDetectWasRun) { FileType type = textOrBinaryFromCachedFlags(flags); if (toLog()) { log("F: getOrDetectFromContent(" + file.getName() + "):" + " cached type = " + (type == null ? null : type.getName()) + "; packedFlags.get(id):" + readableFlags(flags) + "; getUserData(DETECTED_FROM_CONTENT_FILE_TYPE_KEY): " + file.getUserData(DETECTED_FROM_CONTENT_FILE_TYPE_KEY)); } if (type != null) { return type; } } } FileType fileType = file.getUserData(DETECTED_FROM_CONTENT_FILE_TYPE_KEY); if (toLog()) { log("F: getOrDetectFromContent(" + file.getName() + "): " + "getUserData(DETECTED_FROM_CONTENT_FILE_TYPE_KEY) = " + (fileType == null ? null : fileType.getName())); } if (fileType == null) { // run autodetection fileType = detectFromContentAndCache(file); } if (toLog()) { log("F: getOrDetectFromContent(" + file.getName() + "): getFileType after detect run = " + fileType.getName()); } return fileType; } private static String readableFlags(long flags) { String result = ""; if (BitUtil.isSet(flags, ATTRIBUTES_WERE_LOADED_MASK)) result += (result.isEmpty() ? "" : " | ") + "ATTRIBUTES_WERE_LOADED_MASK"; if (BitUtil.isSet(flags, AUTO_DETECT_WAS_RUN_MASK)) result += (result.isEmpty() ? "" : " | ") + "AUTO_DETECT_WAS_RUN_MASK"; if (BitUtil.isSet(flags, AUTO_DETECTED_AS_BINARY_MASK)) result += (result.isEmpty() ? "" : " | ") + "AUTO_DETECTED_AS_BINARY_MASK"; if (BitUtil.isSet(flags, AUTO_DETECTED_AS_TEXT_MASK)) result += (result.isEmpty() ? "" : " | ") + "AUTO_DETECTED_AS_TEXT_MASK"; return result; } private volatile FileAttribute autoDetectedAttribute; // read auto-detection flags from the persistent FS file attributes. If file attributes are absent, return 0 for flags // returns three bits value for AUTO_DETECTED_AS_TEXT_MASK, AUTO_DETECTED_AS_BINARY_MASK and AUTO_DETECT_WAS_RUN_MASK bits // protected for Upsource protected byte readFlagsFromCache(@NotNull VirtualFile file) { DataInputStream stream = autoDetectedAttribute.readAttribute(file); boolean wasAutoDetectRun = false; byte status = 0; try { try { status = stream == null ? 0 : stream.readByte(); wasAutoDetectRun = stream != null; } finally { if (stream != null) { stream.close(); } } } catch (IOException ignored) { } status = BitUtil.set(status, AUTO_DETECT_WAS_RUN_MASK, wasAutoDetectRun); return (byte)(status & (AUTO_DETECTED_AS_TEXT_MASK | AUTO_DETECTED_AS_BINARY_MASK | AUTO_DETECT_WAS_RUN_MASK)); } // store auto-detection flags to the persistent FS file attributes // writes AUTO_DETECTED_AS_TEXT_MASK, AUTO_DETECTED_AS_BINARY_MASK bits only // protected for Upsource protected void writeFlagsToCache(@NotNull VirtualFile file, int flags) { DataOutputStream stream = autoDetectedAttribute.writeAttribute(file); try { try { stream.writeByte(flags & (AUTO_DETECTED_AS_TEXT_MASK | AUTO_DETECTED_AS_BINARY_MASK)); } finally { stream.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(e); } } void clearCaches() { packedFlags.clear(); if (toLog()) { log("F: clearCaches()"); } } private void clearPersistentAttributes() { int count = fileTypeChangedCount.incrementAndGet(); autoDetectedAttribute = autoDetectedAttribute.newVersion(count); PropertiesComponent.getInstance().setValue("fileTypeChangedCounter", Integer.toString(count)); if (toLog()) { log("F: clearPersistentAttributes()"); } } @Nullable //null means the file was not auto-detected as text/binary private static FileType textOrBinaryFromCachedFlags(long flags) { return BitUtil.isSet(flags, AUTO_DETECTED_AS_TEXT_MASK) ? PlainTextFileType.INSTANCE : BitUtil.isSet(flags, AUTO_DETECTED_AS_BINARY_MASK) ? UnknownFileType.INSTANCE : null; } @NotNull @Override @Deprecated public FileType detectFileTypeFromContent(@NotNull VirtualFile file) { return file.getFileType(); } private void cacheAutoDetectedFileType(@NotNull VirtualFile file, @NotNull FileType fileType) { boolean wasAutodetectedAsText = fileType == PlainTextFileType.INSTANCE; boolean wasAutodetectedAsBinary = fileType == UnknownFileType.INSTANCE; int flags = BitUtil.set(0, AUTO_DETECTED_AS_TEXT_MASK, wasAutodetectedAsText); flags = BitUtil.set(flags, AUTO_DETECTED_AS_BINARY_MASK, wasAutodetectedAsBinary); writeFlagsToCache(file, flags); if (file instanceof VirtualFileWithId) { int id = Math.abs(((VirtualFileWithId)file).getId()); flags = BitUtil.set(flags, AUTO_DETECT_WAS_RUN_MASK, true); flags = BitUtil.set(flags, ATTRIBUTES_WERE_LOADED_MASK, true); packedFlags.set(id, flags); if (wasAutodetectedAsText || wasAutodetectedAsBinary) { file.putUserData(DETECTED_FROM_CONTENT_FILE_TYPE_KEY, null); if (toLog()) { log("F: cacheAutoDetectedFileType(" + file.getName() + ") " + "cached to " + fileType.getName() + " flags = " + readableFlags(flags) + "; getUserData(DETECTED_FROM_CONTENT_FILE_TYPE_KEY): " + file.getUserData(DETECTED_FROM_CONTENT_FILE_TYPE_KEY)); } return; } } file.putUserData(DETECTED_FROM_CONTENT_FILE_TYPE_KEY, fileType); if (toLog()) { log("F: cacheAutoDetectedFileType(" + file.getName() + ") " + "cached to " + fileType.getName() + " flags = " + readableFlags(flags) + "; getUserData(DETECTED_FROM_CONTENT_FILE_TYPE_KEY): " + file.getUserData(DETECTED_FROM_CONTENT_FILE_TYPE_KEY)); } } @Override public FileType findFileTypeByName(@NotNull String fileTypeName) { FileType type = getStdFileType(fileTypeName); // TODO: Abstract file types are not std one, so need to be restored specially, // currently there are 6 of them and restoration does not happen very often so just iteration is enough if (type == PlainTextFileType.INSTANCE && !fileTypeName.equals(type.getName())) { for (FileType fileType : mySchemesManager.getAllSchemes()) { if (fileTypeName.equals(fileType.getName())) { return fileType; } } } return type; } private static boolean isDetectable(@NotNull final VirtualFile file) { if (file.isDirectory() || !file.isValid() || file.is(VFileProperty.SPECIAL) || file.getLength() == 0) { // for empty file there is still hope its type will change return false; } return file.getFileSystem() instanceof FileSystemInterface && !SingleRootFileViewProvider.isTooLargeForContentLoading(file); } private boolean processFirstBytes(@NotNull final InputStream stream, final int length, @NotNull Processor<ByteSequence> processor) throws IOException { final byte[] bytes = FileUtilRt.getThreadLocalBuffer(); assert bytes.length >= length : "Cannot process more than " + bytes.length + " in one call, requested:" + length; int n = stream.read(bytes, 0, length); if (n <= 0) { // maybe locked because someone else is writing to it // repeat inside read action to guarantee all writes are finished if (toLog()) { log("F: processFirstBytes(): inputStream.read() returned " + n + "; retrying with read action. stream=" + streamInfo(stream)); } n = ApplicationManager.getApplication().runReadAction(new ThrowableComputable<Integer, IOException>() { @Override public Integer compute() throws IOException { return stream.read(bytes, 0, length); } }); if (toLog()) { log("F: processFirstBytes(): under read action inputStream.read() returned " + n + "; stream=" + streamInfo(stream)); } if (n <= 0) { return false; } } return processor.process(new ByteSequence(bytes, 0, n)); } @NotNull private FileType detectFromContentAndCache(@NotNull final VirtualFile file) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { final InputStream inputStream = ((FileSystemInterface)file.getFileSystem()).getInputStream(file); if (toLog()) { log("F: detectFromContentAndCache(" + file.getName() + "):" + " inputStream=" + streamInfo(inputStream)); } final Ref<FileType> result = new Ref<FileType>(UnknownFileType.INSTANCE); boolean r = false; try { r = processFirstBytes(inputStream, DETECT_BUFFER_SIZE, new Processor<ByteSequence>() { @Override public boolean process(ByteSequence byteSequence) { boolean isText = guessIfText(file, byteSequence); CharSequence text; if (isText) { byte[] bytes = Arrays.copyOf(byteSequence.getBytes(), byteSequence.getLength()); text = LoadTextUtil.getTextByBinaryPresentation(bytes, file, true, true, UnknownFileType.INSTANCE); } else { text = null; } FileTypeDetector[] detectors = Extensions.getExtensions(FileTypeDetector.EP_NAME); if (FileTypeManagerImpl.this.toLog()) { log("F: detectFromContentAndCache.processFirstBytes(" + file.getName() + "): " + "byteSequence.length=" + byteSequence.getLength() + "; isText=" + isText + "; text='" + (text == null ? null : StringUtil.first(text, 100, true)) + "', detectors=" + Arrays.toString(detectors)); } FileType detected = null; for (FileTypeDetector detector : detectors) { try { detected = detector.detect(file, byteSequence, text); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Detector " + detector + " (" + detector.getClass() + ") exception occurred:", e); } if (detected != null) { if (FileTypeManagerImpl.this.toLog()) { log("F: detectFromContentAndCache.processFirstBytes(" + file.getName() + "): " + "detector " + detector + " type as " + detected.getName()); } break; } } if (detected == null) { detected = isText ? PlainTextFileType.INSTANCE : UnknownFileType.INSTANCE; if (FileTypeManagerImpl.this.toLog()) { log("F: detectFromContentAndCache.processFirstBytes(" + file.getName() + "): " + "no detector was able to detect. assigned " + detected.getName()); } } result.set(detected); return true; } }); } finally { if (toLog()) { byte[] buffer = new byte[50]; InputStream newStream = ((FileSystemInterface)file.getFileSystem()).getInputStream(file); int n = newStream.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length); log("F: detectFromContentAndCache(" + file.getName() + "): " + "; result: " + result.get().getName() + "; processor ret: " + r + "; stream: " + streamInfo(inputStream) + "; newStream: " + streamInfo(newStream) + "; read: " + n + "; buffer: " + Arrays.toString(buffer)); newStream.close(); } inputStream.close(); } FileType fileType = result.get(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(file + "; type=" + fileType.getDescription() + "; " + counterAutoDetect); } cacheAutoDetectedFileType(file, fileType); counterAutoDetect.incrementAndGet(); long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; elapsedAutoDetect.addAndGet(elapsed); return fileType; } catch (IOException ignored) { return UnknownFileType.INSTANCE; // return unknown, do not cache } } // for diagnostics private static Object streamInfo(InputStream stream) throws IOException { if (stream instanceof BufferedInputStream) { InputStream in = ReflectionUtil.getField(stream.getClass(), stream, InputStream.class, "in"); byte[] buf = ReflectionUtil.getField(stream.getClass(), stream, byte[].class, "buf"); int count = ReflectionUtil.getField(stream.getClass(), stream, int.class, "count"); int pos = ReflectionUtil.getField(stream.getClass(), stream, int.class, "pos"); return "BufferedInputStream(buf=" + (buf == null ? null : Arrays.toString(Arrays.copyOf(buf, count))) + ", count=" + count + ", pos=" + pos + ", in=" + streamInfo(in) + ")"; } if (stream instanceof FileInputStream) { String path = ReflectionUtil.getField(stream.getClass(), stream, String.class, "path"); FileChannel channel = ReflectionUtil.getField(stream.getClass(), stream, FileChannel.class, "channel"); boolean closed = ReflectionUtil.getField(stream.getClass(), stream, boolean.class, "closed"); int available = stream.available(); File file = new File(path); return "FileInputStream(path=" + path + ", available=" + available + ", closed=" + closed + ", channel=" + channel + ", channel.size=" + (channel == null ? null : channel.size()) + ", file.exists=" + file.exists() + ", file.content='" + FileUtil.loadFile(file) + "')"; } return stream; } private static boolean guessIfText(@NotNull VirtualFile file, @NotNull ByteSequence byteSequence) { byte[] bytes = byteSequence.getBytes(); Trinity<Charset, CharsetToolkit.GuessedEncoding, byte[]> guessed = LoadTextUtil.guessFromContent(file, bytes, byteSequence.getLength()); if (guessed == null) return false; file.setBOM(guessed.third); if (guessed.first != null) { // charset was detected unambiguously return true; } // use wild guess CharsetToolkit.GuessedEncoding guess = guessed.second; return guess != null && (guess == CharsetToolkit.GuessedEncoding.VALID_UTF8 || guess == CharsetToolkit.GuessedEncoding.SEVEN_BIT); } @Override public boolean isFileOfType(@NotNull VirtualFile file, @NotNull FileType type) { if (type instanceof FileTypeIdentifiableByVirtualFile) { return ((FileTypeIdentifiableByVirtualFile)type).isMyFileType(file); } return getFileTypeByFileName(file.getNameSequence()) == type; } @Override @NotNull public FileType getFileTypeByExtension(@NotNull String extension) { return getFileTypeByFileName("IntelliJ_IDEA_RULES." + extension); } @Override public void registerFileType(@NotNull FileType fileType) { //noinspection deprecation registerFileType(fileType, ArrayUtil.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY); } @Override public void registerFileType(@NotNull final FileType type, @NotNull final List<FileNameMatcher> defaultAssociations) { ApplicationManager.getApplication().runWriteAction(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { FileTypeManagerImpl.this.fireBeforeFileTypesChanged(); FileTypeManagerImpl.this.registerFileTypeWithoutNotification(type, defaultAssociations, true); FileTypeManagerImpl.this.fireFileTypesChanged(); } }); } @Override public void unregisterFileType(@NotNull final FileType fileType) { ApplicationManager.getApplication().runWriteAction(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { FileTypeManagerImpl.this.fireBeforeFileTypesChanged(); FileTypeManagerImpl.this.unregisterFileTypeWithoutNotification(fileType); FileTypeManagerImpl.this.fireFileTypesChanged(); } }); } private void unregisterFileTypeWithoutNotification(@NotNull FileType fileType) { myPatternsTable.removeAllAssociations(fileType); mySchemesManager.removeScheme(fileType); if (fileType instanceof FileTypeIdentifiableByVirtualFile) { final FileTypeIdentifiableByVirtualFile fakeFileType = (FileTypeIdentifiableByVirtualFile)fileType; mySpecialFileTypes = ArrayUtil.remove(mySpecialFileTypes, fakeFileType, FileTypeIdentifiableByVirtualFile.ARRAY_FACTORY); } } @Override @NotNull public FileType[] getRegisteredFileTypes() { Collection<FileType> fileTypes = mySchemesManager.getAllSchemes(); return fileTypes.toArray(new FileType[fileTypes.size()]); } @Override @NotNull public String getExtension(@NotNull String fileName) { int index = fileName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (index < 0) return ""; return fileName.substring(index + 1); } @Override @NotNull public String getIgnoredFilesList() { Set<String> masks = myIgnoredPatterns.getIgnoreMasks(); return masks.isEmpty() ? "" : StringUtil.join(masks, ";") + ";"; } @Override public void setIgnoredFilesList(@NotNull String list) { fireBeforeFileTypesChanged(); myIgnoredFileCache.clearCache(); myIgnoredPatterns.setIgnoreMasks(list); fireFileTypesChanged(); } @Override public boolean isIgnoredFilesListEqualToCurrent(@NotNull String list) { Set<String> tempSet = new THashSet<String>(); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(list, ";"); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { tempSet.add(tokenizer.nextToken()); } return tempSet.equals(myIgnoredPatterns.getIgnoreMasks()); } @Override public boolean isFileIgnored(@NotNull CharSequence name) { return myIgnoredPatterns.isIgnored(name); } @Override public boolean isFileIgnored(@NotNull VirtualFile file) { return myIgnoredFileCache.isFileIgnored(file); } @Override @NotNull public String[] getAssociatedExtensions(@NotNull FileType type) { //noinspection deprecation return myPatternsTable.getAssociatedExtensions(type); } @Override @NotNull public List<FileNameMatcher> getAssociations(@NotNull FileType type) { return myPatternsTable.getAssociations(type); } @Override public void associate(@NotNull FileType type, @NotNull FileNameMatcher matcher) { associate(type, matcher, true); } @Override public void removeAssociation(@NotNull FileType type, @NotNull FileNameMatcher matcher) { removeAssociation(type, matcher, true); } @Override public void fireBeforeFileTypesChanged() { FileTypeEvent event = new FileTypeEvent(this); myMessageBus.syncPublisher(TOPIC).beforeFileTypesChanged(event); } private final AtomicInteger fileTypeChangedCount; @Override public void fireFileTypesChanged() { clearCaches(); clearPersistentAttributes(); myMessageBus.syncPublisher(TOPIC).fileTypesChanged(new FileTypeEvent(this)); } private final Map<FileTypeListener, MessageBusConnection> myAdapters = new HashMap<FileTypeListener, MessageBusConnection>(); @Override public void addFileTypeListener(@NotNull FileTypeListener listener) { final MessageBusConnection connection = myMessageBus.connect(); connection.subscribe(TOPIC, listener); myAdapters.put(listener, connection); } @Override public void removeFileTypeListener(@NotNull FileTypeListener listener) { final MessageBusConnection connection = myAdapters.remove(listener); if (connection != null) { connection.disconnect(); } } @Override public void loadState(Element state) { int savedVersion = StringUtilRt.parseInt(state.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_VERSION), 0); for (Element element : state.getChildren()) { if (element.getName().equals(ELEMENT_IGNORE_FILES)) { myIgnoredPatterns.setIgnoreMasks(element.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_LIST)); } else if (AbstractFileType.ELEMENT_EXTENSION_MAP.equals(element.getName())) { readGlobalMappings(element); } } if (savedVersion < 4) { if (savedVersion == 0) { addIgnore(".svn"); } if (savedVersion < 2) { restoreStandardFileExtensions(); } addIgnore("*.pyc"); addIgnore("*.pyo"); addIgnore(".git"); } if (savedVersion < 5) { addIgnore("*.hprof"); } if (savedVersion < 6) { addIgnore("_svn"); } if (savedVersion < 7) { addIgnore(".hg"); } if (savedVersion < 8) { addIgnore("*~"); } if (savedVersion < 9) { addIgnore("__pycache__"); } if (savedVersion < 11) { addIgnore("*.rbc"); } if (savedVersion < 13) { // we want *.lib back since it's an important user artifact for CLion, also for IDEA project itself, since we have some libs. unignoreMask("*.lib"); } if (savedVersion < 15) { // we want .bundle back, bundler keeps useful data there unignoreMask(".bundle"); } if (savedVersion < 16) { // we want .tox back to allow users selecting interpreters from it unignoreMask(".tox"); } if (savedVersion < 17) { addIgnore("*.rbc"); } myIgnoredFileCache.clearCache(); String counter = JDOMExternalizer.readString(state, "fileTypeChangedCounter"); if (counter != null) { fileTypeChangedCount.set(StringUtilRt.parseInt(counter, 0)); autoDetectedAttribute = autoDetectedAttribute.newVersion(fileTypeChangedCount.get()); } } private void unignoreMask(@NotNull final String maskToRemove) { final Set<String> masks = new LinkedHashSet<String>(myIgnoredPatterns.getIgnoreMasks()); masks.remove(maskToRemove); myIgnoredPatterns.clearPatterns(); for (final String each : masks) { myIgnoredPatterns.addIgnoreMask(each); } } private void readGlobalMappings(@NotNull Element e) { for (Pair<FileNameMatcher, String> association : AbstractFileType.readAssociations(e)) { FileType type = getFileTypeByName(association.getSecond()); FileNameMatcher matcher = association.getFirst(); if (type != null) { if (PlainTextFileType.INSTANCE == type) { FileType newFileType = myPatternsTable.findAssociatedFileType(matcher); if (newFileType != null && newFileType != PlainTextFileType.INSTANCE && newFileType != UnknownFileType.INSTANCE) { myRemovedMappings.put(matcher, Pair.create(newFileType, false)); } } associate(type, matcher, false); } else { myUnresolvedMappings.put(matcher, association.getSecond()); } } List<Trinity<FileNameMatcher, String, Boolean>> removedAssociations = AbstractFileType.readRemovedAssociations(e); for (Trinity<FileNameMatcher, String, Boolean> trinity : removedAssociations) { FileType type = getFileTypeByName(trinity.getSecond()); FileNameMatcher matcher = trinity.getFirst(); if (type != null) { removeAssociation(type, matcher, false); } else { myUnresolvedRemovedMappings.put(matcher, Trinity.create(trinity.getSecond(), myUnresolvedMappings.get(matcher), trinity.getThird())); } } } private void addIgnore(@NonNls @NotNull String ignoreMask) { myIgnoredPatterns.addIgnoreMask(ignoreMask); } private void restoreStandardFileExtensions() { for (final String name : FILE_TYPES_WITH_PREDEFINED_EXTENSIONS) { final StandardFileType stdFileType = myStandardFileTypes.get(name); if (stdFileType != null) { FileType fileType = stdFileType.fileType; for (FileNameMatcher matcher : myPatternsTable.getAssociations(fileType)) { FileType defaultFileType = myInitialAssociations.findAssociatedFileType(matcher); if (defaultFileType != null && defaultFileType != fileType) { removeAssociation(fileType, matcher, false); associate(defaultFileType, matcher, false); } } for (FileNameMatcher matcher : myInitialAssociations.getAssociations(fileType)) { associate(fileType, matcher, false); } } } } @NotNull @Override public Element getState() { Element state = new Element("state"); Set<String> masks = myIgnoredPatterns.getIgnoreMasks(); String ignoreFiles; if (masks.isEmpty()) { ignoreFiles = ""; } else { String[] strings = ArrayUtil.toStringArray(masks); Arrays.sort(strings); ignoreFiles = StringUtil.join(strings, ";") + ";"; } if (!ignoreFiles.equalsIgnoreCase(DEFAULT_IGNORED)) { // empty means empty list - we need to distinguish null and empty to apply or not to apply default value state.addContent(new Element(ELEMENT_IGNORE_FILES).setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_LIST, ignoreFiles)); } Element map = new Element(AbstractFileType.ELEMENT_EXTENSION_MAP); List<FileType> notExternalizableFileTypes = new ArrayList<FileType>(); for (FileType type : mySchemesManager.getAllSchemes()) { if (!(type instanceof AbstractFileType) || myDefaultTypes.contains(type)) { notExternalizableFileTypes.add(type); } } if (!notExternalizableFileTypes.isEmpty()) { Collections.sort(notExternalizableFileTypes, new Comparator<FileType>() { @Override public int compare(FileType o1, FileType o2) { return o1.getName().compareTo(o2.getName()); } }); for (FileType type : notExternalizableFileTypes) { writeExtensionsMap(map, type, true); } } if (!myUnresolvedMappings.isEmpty()) { FileNameMatcher[] unresolvedMappingKeys = myUnresolvedMappings.keySet().toArray(new FileNameMatcher[myUnresolvedMappings.size()]); Arrays.sort(unresolvedMappingKeys, new Comparator<FileNameMatcher>() { @Override public int compare(FileNameMatcher o1, FileNameMatcher o2) { return o1.getPresentableString().compareTo(o2.getPresentableString()); } }); for (FileNameMatcher fileNameMatcher : unresolvedMappingKeys) { Element content = AbstractFileType.writeMapping(myUnresolvedMappings.get(fileNameMatcher), fileNameMatcher, true); if (content != null) { map.addContent(content); } } } if (!map.getChildren().isEmpty()) { state.addContent(map); } if (!state.getChildren().isEmpty()) { state.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_VERSION, String.valueOf(VERSION)); } return state; } private void writeExtensionsMap(@NotNull Element map, @NotNull FileType type, boolean specifyTypeName) { List<FileNameMatcher> associations = myPatternsTable.getAssociations(type); Set<FileNameMatcher> defaultAssociations = new THashSet<FileNameMatcher>(myInitialAssociations.getAssociations(type)); for (FileNameMatcher matcher : associations) { if (defaultAssociations.contains(matcher)) { defaultAssociations.remove(matcher); } else if (shouldSave(type)) { Element content = AbstractFileType.writeMapping(type.getName(), matcher, specifyTypeName); if (content != null) { map.addContent(content); } } } for (FileNameMatcher matcher : defaultAssociations) { Element content = AbstractFileType.writeRemovedMapping(type, matcher, specifyTypeName, isApproved(matcher)); if (content != null) { map.addContent(content); } } } private boolean isApproved(@NotNull FileNameMatcher matcher) { Pair<FileType, Boolean> pair = myRemovedMappings.get(matcher); return pair != null && pair.getSecond(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper methods // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Nullable private FileType getFileTypeByName(@NotNull String name) { return mySchemesManager.findSchemeByName(name); } @NotNull private static List<FileNameMatcher> parse(@Nullable String semicolonDelimited) { if (semicolonDelimited == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(semicolonDelimited, FileTypeConsumer.EXTENSION_DELIMITER, false); ArrayList<FileNameMatcher> list = new ArrayList<FileNameMatcher>(); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { list.add(new ExtensionFileNameMatcher(tokenizer.nextToken().trim())); } return list; } /** * Registers a standard file type. Doesn't notifyListeners any change events. */ private void registerFileTypeWithoutNotification(@NotNull FileType fileType, @NotNull List<FileNameMatcher> matchers, boolean addScheme) { if (addScheme) { mySchemesManager.addNewScheme(fileType, true); } for (FileNameMatcher matcher : matchers) { myPatternsTable.addAssociation(matcher, fileType); myInitialAssociations.addAssociation(matcher, fileType); } if (fileType instanceof FileTypeIdentifiableByVirtualFile) { mySpecialFileTypes = ArrayUtil.append(mySpecialFileTypes, (FileTypeIdentifiableByVirtualFile)fileType, FileTypeIdentifiableByVirtualFile.ARRAY_FACTORY); } } private void bindUnresolvedMappings(@NotNull FileType fileType) { for (FileNameMatcher matcher : new THashSet<FileNameMatcher>(myUnresolvedMappings.keySet())) { String name = myUnresolvedMappings.get(matcher); if (Comparing.equal(name, fileType.getName())) { myPatternsTable.addAssociation(matcher, fileType); myUnresolvedMappings.remove(matcher); } } for (FileNameMatcher matcher : new THashSet<FileNameMatcher>(myUnresolvedRemovedMappings.keySet())) { Trinity<String, String, Boolean> trinity = myUnresolvedRemovedMappings.get(matcher); if (Comparing.equal(trinity.getFirst(), fileType.getName())) { removeAssociation(fileType, matcher, false); myUnresolvedRemovedMappings.remove(matcher); } } } @NotNull private FileType loadFileType(@NotNull Element typeElement, boolean isDefault) { String fileTypeName = typeElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_NAME); String fileTypeDescr = typeElement.getAttributeValue(ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTION); String iconPath = typeElement.getAttributeValue("icon"); String extensionsStr = StringUtil.nullize(typeElement.getAttributeValue("extensions")); if (isDefault && extensionsStr != null) { // todo support wildcards extensionsStr = filterAlreadyRegisteredExtensions(extensionsStr); } FileType type = isDefault ? getFileTypeByName(fileTypeName) : null; if (type != null) { return type; } Element element = typeElement.getChild(AbstractFileType.ELEMENT_HIGHLIGHTING); if (element == null) { for (CustomFileTypeFactory factory : CustomFileTypeFactory.EP_NAME.getExtensions()) { type = factory.createFileType(typeElement); if (type != null) { break; } } if (type == null) { type = new UserBinaryFileType(); } } else { SyntaxTable table = AbstractFileType.readSyntaxTable(element); type = new AbstractFileType(table); ((AbstractFileType)type).initSupport(); } setFileTypeAttributes((UserFileType)type, fileTypeName, fileTypeDescr, iconPath); registerFileTypeWithoutNotification(type, parse(extensionsStr), isDefault); if (isDefault) { myDefaultTypes.add(type); if (type instanceof ExternalizableFileType) { ((ExternalizableFileType)type).markDefaultSettings(); } } else { Element extensions = typeElement.getChild(AbstractFileType.ELEMENT_EXTENSION_MAP); if (extensions != null) { for (Pair<FileNameMatcher, String> association : AbstractFileType.readAssociations(extensions)) { associate(type, association.getFirst(), false); } for (Trinity<FileNameMatcher, String, Boolean> removedAssociation : AbstractFileType.readRemovedAssociations(extensions)) { removeAssociation(type, removedAssociation.getFirst(), false); } } } return type; } @Nullable private String filterAlreadyRegisteredExtensions(@NotNull String semicolonDelimited) { StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(semicolonDelimited, FileTypeConsumer.EXTENSION_DELIMITER, false); StringBuilder builder = null; while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String extension = tokenizer.nextToken().trim(); if (getFileTypeByExtension(extension) == UnknownFileType.INSTANCE) { if (builder == null) { builder = new StringBuilder(); } else if (builder.length() > 0) { builder.append(FileTypeConsumer.EXTENSION_DELIMITER); } builder.append(extension); } } return builder == null ? null : builder.toString(); } private static void setFileTypeAttributes(@NotNull UserFileType fileType, @Nullable String name, @Nullable String description, @Nullable String iconPath) { if (!StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(iconPath)) { fileType.setIcon(IconLoader.getIcon(iconPath)); } if (description != null) { fileType.setDescription(description); } if (name != null) { fileType.setName(name); } } private static boolean shouldSave(@NotNull FileType fileType) { return fileType != UnknownFileType.INSTANCE && !fileType.isReadOnly(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Setup // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override @NotNull public String getComponentName() { return getFileTypeComponentName(); } @NotNull public static String getFileTypeComponentName() { return "FileTypeManager"; } @NotNull FileTypeAssocTable getExtensionMap() { return myPatternsTable; } void setPatternsTable(@NotNull Set<FileType> fileTypes, @NotNull FileTypeAssocTable<FileType> assocTable) { fireBeforeFileTypesChanged(); for (FileType existing : getRegisteredFileTypes()) { if (!fileTypes.contains(existing)) { mySchemesManager.removeScheme(existing); } } for (FileType fileType : fileTypes) { mySchemesManager.addNewScheme(fileType, true); if (fileType instanceof AbstractFileType) { ((AbstractFileType)fileType).initSupport(); } } myPatternsTable = assocTable.copy(); fireFileTypesChanged(); } public void associate(@NotNull FileType fileType, @NotNull FileNameMatcher matcher, boolean fireChange) { if (!myPatternsTable.isAssociatedWith(fileType, matcher)) { if (fireChange) { fireBeforeFileTypesChanged(); } myPatternsTable.addAssociation(matcher, fileType); if (fireChange) { fireFileTypesChanged(); } } } public void removeAssociation(@NotNull FileType fileType, @NotNull FileNameMatcher matcher, boolean fireChange) { if (myPatternsTable.isAssociatedWith(fileType, matcher)) { if (fireChange) { fireBeforeFileTypesChanged(); } myPatternsTable.removeAssociation(matcher, fileType); if (fireChange) { fireFileTypesChanged(); } } } @Override @Nullable public FileType getKnownFileTypeOrAssociate(@NotNull VirtualFile file) { FileType type = file.getFileType(); if (type == UnknownFileType.INSTANCE) { type = FileTypeChooser.associateFileType(file.getName()); } return type; } @Override public FileType getKnownFileTypeOrAssociate(@NotNull VirtualFile file, @NotNull Project project) { return FileTypeChooser.getKnownFileTypeOrAssociate(file, project); } private void registerReDetectedMappings(@NotNull StandardFileType pair) { FileType fileType = pair.fileType; if (fileType == PlainTextFileType.INSTANCE) return; for (FileNameMatcher matcher : pair.matchers) { registerReDetectedMapping(fileType, matcher); if (matcher instanceof ExtensionFileNameMatcher) { // also check exact file name matcher ExtensionFileNameMatcher extMatcher = (ExtensionFileNameMatcher)matcher; registerReDetectedMapping(fileType, new ExactFileNameMatcher("." + extMatcher.getExtension())); } } } private void registerReDetectedMapping(@NotNull FileType fileType, @NotNull FileNameMatcher matcher) { String typeName = myUnresolvedMappings.get(matcher); if (typeName != null && !typeName.equals(fileType.getName())) { Trinity<String, String, Boolean> trinity = myUnresolvedRemovedMappings.get(matcher); myRemovedMappings.put(matcher, Pair.create(fileType, trinity != null && trinity.third)); myUnresolvedMappings.remove(matcher); } } @NotNull Map<FileNameMatcher, Pair<FileType, Boolean>> getRemovedMappings() { return myRemovedMappings; } @TestOnly void clearForTests() { for (StandardFileType fileType : myStandardFileTypes.values()) { myPatternsTable.removeAllAssociations(fileType.fileType); } myStandardFileTypes.clear(); myUnresolvedMappings.clear(); mySchemesManager.clearAllSchemes(); } @Override public void dispose() { LOG.info("FileTypeManager: " + counterAutoDetect + " auto-detected files\nElapsed time on auto-detect: " + elapsedAutoDetect + " ms"); } }