/* * Copyright 2000-2011 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.codeInsight.editorActions; import com.intellij.codeInsight.template.TemplateManager; import com.intellij.formatting.FormatConstants; import com.intellij.lang.Language; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.psi.formatter.WhiteSpaceFormattingStrategy; import com.intellij.ide.DataManager; import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.DataContext; import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.IdeActions; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.*; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.actionSystem.EditorActionManager; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.event.DocumentEvent; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.event.DocumentListener; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.impl.TextChangeImpl; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Key; import com.intellij.psi.codeStyle.CodeStyleSettings; import com.intellij.psi.formatter.WhiteSpaceFormattingStrategyFactory; import com.intellij.util.containers.WeakHashMap; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.util.Map; /** * Encapsulates logic for processing {@link EditorSettings#isWrapWhenTypingReachesRightMargin(Project)} option. * * @author Denis Zhdanov * @since 10/4/10 9:56 AM */ public class AutoHardWrapHandler { /** * This key is used as a flag that indicates if <code>'auto wrap line on typing'</code> activity is performed now. * * @see CodeStyleSettings#isWrapOnTyping(Language) */ public static final Key<Boolean> AUTO_WRAP_LINE_IN_PROGRESS_KEY = new Key<Boolean>("AUTO_WRAP_LINE_IN_PROGRESS"); private static final AutoHardWrapHandler INSTANCE = new AutoHardWrapHandler(); /** * There is a possible case that the user configured editor to * {@link EditorSettings#isWrapWhenTypingReachesRightMargin(Project) wrap line on reaching right margin} and that he or she * types in the middle of the long line. One line part is cut from end and moved to the next line as a result. But the user * keeps typing and another part of the line should be moved to the next line then. We don't want to have a number of * such line endings to be located on distinct lines. * <p/> * Hence, we remember last auto-wrap change per-document and merge it with the new auto-wrap if necessary. Current collection * holds that <code>'document -> last auto-wrap change'</code> mappings. */ private final Map<Document, AutoWrapChange> myAutoWrapChanges = new WeakHashMap<Document, AutoWrapChange>(); public static AutoHardWrapHandler getInstance() { return INSTANCE; } /** * The user is allowed to configured IJ in a way that it automatically wraps line on right margin exceeding on typing * (check {@link EditorSettings#isWrapWhenTypingReachesRightMargin(Project)}). * <p/> * This method encapsulates that functionality, i.e. it performs the following logical actions: * <pre> * <ol> * <li>Check if IJ is configured to perform automatic line wrapping on typing. Return in case of the negative answer;</li> * <li>Check if right margin is exceeded. Return in case of the negative answer;</li> * <li>Perform line wrapping;</li> * </ol> </pre> * * @param editor active editor * @param dataContext current data context * @param modificationStampBeforeTyping document modification stamp before the current symbols typing */ public void wrapLineIfNecessary(@NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull DataContext dataContext, long modificationStampBeforeTyping) { Project project = editor.getProject(); Document document = editor.getDocument(); AutoWrapChange change = myAutoWrapChanges.get(document); if (change != null) { change.charTyped(editor, modificationStampBeforeTyping); } // Return eagerly if we don't need to auto-wrap line, e.g. because of right margin exceeding. if (/*editor.isOneLineMode() || */project == null || !editor.getSettings().isWrapWhenTypingReachesRightMargin(project) || (TemplateManager.getInstance(project) != null && TemplateManager.getInstance(project).getActiveTemplate(editor) != null)) { return; } CaretModel caretModel = editor.getCaretModel(); int caretOffset = caretModel.getOffset(); int line = document.getLineNumber(caretOffset); int startOffset = document.getLineStartOffset(line); int endOffset = document.getLineEndOffset(line); final CharSequence endOfString = document.getCharsSequence().subSequence(caretOffset, endOffset); final boolean endsWithSpaces = StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(String.valueOf(endOfString)); // Check if right margin is exceeded. int margin = editor.getSettings().getRightMargin(project); if (margin <= 0) { return; } VisualPosition visEndLinePosition = editor.offsetToVisualPosition(endOffset); if (margin >= visEndLinePosition.column) { if (change != null) { change.modificationStamp = document.getModificationStamp(); } return; } // We assume that right margin is exceeded if control flow reaches this place. Hence, we define wrap position and perform // smart line break there. LineWrapPositionStrategy strategy = LanguageLineWrapPositionStrategy.INSTANCE.forEditor(editor); // There is a possible case that user starts typing in the middle of the long string. Hence, there is a possible case that // particular symbols were already wrapped because of typing. Example: // a b c d e f g <caret>h i j k l m n o p| <- right margin // Suppose the user starts typing at caret: // type '1': a b c d e f g 1<caret>h i j k l m n o | <- right margin // p | <- right margin // type '2': a b c d e f g 12<caret>h i j k l m n o| <- right margin // | <- right margin // p | <- right margin // type '3': a b c d e f g 123<caret>h i j k l m n | <- right margin // o | <- right margin // | <- right margin // p | <- right margin // We want to prevent such behavior, hence, we remove automatically generated wraps and wrap the line as a whole. if (change == null) { change = new AutoWrapChange(); myAutoWrapChanges.put(document, change); } else { final int start = change.change.getStart(); final int end = change.change.getEnd(); if (!change.isEmpty() && start < end) { document.replaceString(start, end, change.change.getText()); } change.reset(); } change.update(editor); // Is assumed to be max possible number of characters inserted on the visual line with caret. int maxPreferredOffset = editor.logicalPositionToOffset(editor.visualToLogicalPosition( new VisualPosition(caretModel.getVisualPosition().line, margin - FormatConstants.RESERVED_LINE_WRAP_WIDTH_IN_COLUMNS) )); int wrapOffset = strategy.calculateWrapPosition(document, project, startOffset, endOffset, maxPreferredOffset, true, false); if (wrapOffset < 0) { return; } WhiteSpaceFormattingStrategy formattingStrategy = WhiteSpaceFormattingStrategyFactory.getStrategy(editor); if (wrapOffset <= startOffset || wrapOffset > maxPreferredOffset || formattingStrategy.check(document.getCharsSequence(), startOffset, wrapOffset) >= wrapOffset) { // Don't perform hard line wrapping if it doesn't makes sense (no point to wrap at first position and no point to wrap // on first non-white space symbol because wrapped part will have the same indent value). return; } final int[] wrapIntroducedSymbolsNumber = new int[1]; final int[] caretOffsetDiff = new int[1]; final int baseCaretOffset = caretModel.getOffset(); DocumentListener listener = new DocumentListener() { @Override public void beforeDocumentChange(DocumentEvent event) { if (event.getOffset() < baseCaretOffset + caretOffsetDiff[0]) { caretOffsetDiff[0] += event.getNewLength() - event.getOldLength(); } if (autoFormatted(event)) { return; } wrapIntroducedSymbolsNumber[0] += event.getNewLength() - event.getOldLength(); } private boolean autoFormatted(DocumentEvent event) { return event.getNewLength() <= event.getOldLength() && endsWithSpaces; } @Override public void documentChanged(DocumentEvent event) { } }; caretModel.moveToOffset(wrapOffset); DataManager.getInstance().saveInDataContext(dataContext, AUTO_WRAP_LINE_IN_PROGRESS_KEY, true); document.addDocumentListener(listener); try { EditorActionManager.getInstance().getActionHandler(IdeActions.ACTION_EDITOR_ENTER).execute(editor, dataContext); } finally { DataManager.getInstance().saveInDataContext(dataContext, AUTO_WRAP_LINE_IN_PROGRESS_KEY, null); document.removeDocumentListener(listener); } change.modificationStamp = document.getModificationStamp(); change.change.setStart(wrapOffset); change.change.setEnd(wrapOffset + wrapIntroducedSymbolsNumber[0]); caretModel.moveToOffset(baseCaretOffset + caretOffsetDiff[0]); } private static class AutoWrapChange { final TextChangeImpl change = new TextChangeImpl("", 0, 0); int visualLine; int logicalLine; long modificationStamp; void reset() { visualLine = -1; logicalLine = -1; change.setStart(0); change.setEnd(0); } void update(Editor editor) { modificationStamp = editor.getDocument().getModificationStamp(); CaretModel caretModel = editor.getCaretModel(); visualLine = caretModel.getVisualPosition().line; logicalLine = caretModel.getLogicalPosition().line; } void charTyped(Editor editor, long modificationStamp) { if (matches(editor.getCaretModel(), modificationStamp)) { this.modificationStamp = editor.getDocument().getModificationStamp(); change.advance(1); } else { reset(); } } boolean isEmpty() { return change.getDiff() == 0; } private boolean matches(CaretModel caretModel, long modificationStamp) { return this.modificationStamp == modificationStamp && caretModel.getOffset() <= change.getStart() && visualLine == caretModel.getVisualPosition().line && logicalLine == caretModel.getLogicalPosition().line; } @Override public String toString() { return "visual line: " + visualLine + ", logical line: " + logicalLine + ", modification stamp: " + modificationStamp + ", text change: " + change; } } }