/* * Copyright 2000-2015 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.codeInsight.hint; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Document; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.Editor; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.LogicalPosition; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.colors.EditorColors; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.colors.EditorColorsScheme; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.ex.EditorEx; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.ex.FoldingModelEx; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.ex.util.EditorUIUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.ex.util.EditorUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.impl.EditorImpl; import com.intellij.openapi.util.TextRange; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.ui.HintHint; import com.intellij.ui.LightweightHint; import com.intellij.ui.ScreenUtil; import com.intellij.util.ui.JBUI; import com.intellij.util.ui.UIUtil; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.Border; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; public class EditorFragmentComponent extends JPanel { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance("#com.intellij.codeInsight.hint.EditorFragmentComponent"); private static final int LINE_BORDER_THICKNESS = 1; private static final int EMPTY_BORDER_THICKNESS = 2; private EditorFragmentComponent(EditorEx editor, int startLine, int endLine, boolean showFolding, boolean showGutter) { editor.setPurePaintingMode(true); try { doInit(editor, startLine, endLine, showFolding, showGutter); } finally { editor.setPurePaintingMode(false); } } private void doInit(EditorEx editor, int startLine, int endLine, boolean showFolding, boolean showGutter) { Document doc = editor.getDocument(); final int endOffset = endLine < doc.getLineCount() ? doc.getLineEndOffset(endLine) : doc.getTextLength(); boolean newRendering = editor instanceof EditorImpl && true; int widthAdjustment = newRendering ? EditorUtil.getSpaceWidth(Font.PLAIN, editor) : 0; final int textImageWidth = Math.min( editor.getMaxWidthInRange(doc.getLineStartOffset(startLine), endOffset) + widthAdjustment, ScreenUtil.getScreenRectangle(1, 1).width ); LOG.assertTrue(textImageWidth > 0, "TextWidth: "+textImageWidth+"; startLine:" + startLine + "; endLine:" + endLine + ";"); FoldingModelEx foldingModel = editor.getFoldingModel(); boolean isFoldingEnabled = foldingModel.isFoldingEnabled(); if (!showFolding) { foldingModel.setFoldingEnabled(false); } Point p1 = editor.logicalPositionToXY(new LogicalPosition(startLine, 0)); Point p2 = editor.logicalPositionToXY(new LogicalPosition(Math.max(endLine, startLine + 1), 0)); int y1 = p1.y; int y2 = p2.y; final int textImageHeight = y2 - y1 == 0 ? editor.getLineHeight() : y2 - y1; LOG.assertTrue(textImageHeight > 0, "Height: " + textImageHeight + "; startLine:" + startLine + "; endLine:" + endLine + "; p1:" + p1 + "; p2:" + p2); int savedScrollOffset = newRendering ? 0 : editor.getScrollingModel().getHorizontalScrollOffset(); if (savedScrollOffset > 0) { editor.getScrollingModel().scrollHorizontally(0); } final BufferedImage textImage = UIUtil.createImage(textImageWidth, textImageHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics textGraphics = textImage.getGraphics(); EditorUIUtil.setupAntialiasing(textGraphics); final JComponent rowHeader; final BufferedImage markersImage; final int markersImageWidth; if (showGutter) { rowHeader = editor.getGutterComponentEx(); markersImageWidth = Math.max(1, rowHeader.getWidth()); markersImage = UIUtil.createImage(markersImageWidth, textImageHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics markerGraphics = markersImage.getGraphics(); EditorUIUtil.setupAntialiasing(markerGraphics); markerGraphics.translate(0, -y1); markerGraphics.setClip(0, y1, rowHeader.getWidth(), textImageHeight); markerGraphics.setColor(getBackgroundColor(editor)); markerGraphics.fillRect(0, y1, rowHeader.getWidth(), textImageHeight); rowHeader.paint(markerGraphics); } else { markersImageWidth = 0; rowHeader = null; markersImage = null; } textGraphics.translate(0, -y1); textGraphics.setClip(0, y1, textImageWidth, textImageHeight); final boolean wasVisible = editor.setCaretVisible(false); editor.getContentComponent().paint(textGraphics); if (wasVisible) { editor.setCaretVisible(true); } if (!showFolding) { foldingModel.setFoldingEnabled(isFoldingEnabled); } if (savedScrollOffset > 0) { editor.getScrollingModel().scrollHorizontally(savedScrollOffset); } JComponent component = new JComponent() { @Override public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return new Dimension(textImageWidth + markersImageWidth, textImageHeight); } @Override protected void paintComponent(Graphics graphics) { if (markersImage != null) { UIUtil.drawImage(graphics, markersImage, 0, 0, null); UIUtil.drawImage(graphics, textImage, rowHeader.getWidth(), 0, null); } else { UIUtil.drawImage(graphics, textImage, 0, 0, null); } } }; setLayout(new BorderLayout()); add(component); final Color borderColor = editor.getColorsScheme().getColor(EditorColors.SELECTED_TEARLINE_COLOR); Border outsideBorder = JBUI.Borders.customLine(borderColor, LINE_BORDER_THICKNESS); Border insideBorder = JBUI.Borders.empty(EMPTY_BORDER_THICKNESS, EMPTY_BORDER_THICKNESS); setBorder(BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder(outsideBorder, insideBorder)); } /** * @param y <code>y</code> coordinate in layered pane coordinate system. */ @Nullable public static LightweightHint showEditorFragmentHintAt(Editor editor, TextRange range, int y, boolean showUpward, boolean showFolding, boolean hideByAnyKey, boolean hideByScrolling, boolean useCaretRowBackground) { if (ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode()) return null; Document document = editor.getDocument(); int startOffset = range.getStartOffset(); int startLine = document.getLineNumber(startOffset); CharSequence text = document.getCharsSequence(); // There is a possible case that we have a situation like below: // line 1 // line 2 <fragment start> // line 3<fragment end> // We don't want to include 'line 2' to the target fragment then. boolean incrementLine = false; for (int offset = startOffset, max = Math.min(range.getEndOffset(), text.length()); offset < max; offset++) { char c = text.charAt(offset); incrementLine = StringUtil.isWhiteSpace(c); if (!incrementLine || c == '\n') { break; } } if (incrementLine) { startLine++; } int endLine = Math.min(document.getLineNumber(range.getEndOffset()) + 1, document.getLineCount() - 1); if (startLine >= endLine) return null; EditorFragmentComponent fragmentComponent = createEditorFragmentComponent(editor, startLine, endLine, showFolding, true, useCaretRowBackground); if (showUpward) { y -= fragmentComponent.getPreferredSize().height; y = Math.max(0,y); } final JComponent c = editor.getComponent(); int x = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(c, new Point(-3,0), UIUtil.getRootPane(c)).x; //IDEA-68016 Point p = new Point(x, y); LightweightHint hint = new MyComponentHint(fragmentComponent); HintManagerImpl.getInstanceImpl().showEditorHint(hint, editor, p, (hideByAnyKey ? HintManager.HIDE_BY_ANY_KEY : 0) | (hideByScrolling ? HintManager.HIDE_BY_SCROLLING : 0) | HintManager.HIDE_BY_TEXT_CHANGE | HintManager.HIDE_BY_MOUSEOVER, 0, false, new HintHint(editor, p)); return hint; } public static EditorFragmentComponent createEditorFragmentComponent(Editor editor, int startLine, int endLine, boolean showFolding, boolean showGutter) { return createEditorFragmentComponent(editor, startLine, endLine, showFolding, showGutter, true); } public static EditorFragmentComponent createEditorFragmentComponent(Editor editor, int startLine, int endLine, boolean showFolding, boolean showGutter, boolean useCaretRowBackground) { final EditorEx editorEx = (EditorEx)editor; final Color old = editorEx.getBackgroundColor(); Color backColor = getBackgroundColor(editor, useCaretRowBackground); editorEx.setBackgroundColor(backColor); EditorFragmentComponent fragmentComponent = new EditorFragmentComponent(editorEx, startLine, endLine, showFolding, showGutter); fragmentComponent.setBackground(backColor); editorEx.setBackgroundColor(old); return fragmentComponent; } @Nullable public static LightweightHint showEditorFragmentHint(Editor editor, TextRange range, boolean showFolding, boolean hideByAnyKey){ if (!(editor instanceof EditorEx)) return null; JRootPane rootPane = editor.getComponent().getRootPane(); if (rootPane == null) return null; JLayeredPane layeredPane = rootPane.getLayeredPane(); int lineHeight = editor.getLineHeight(); int overhang = editor.getScrollingModel().getVisibleArea().y - editor.logicalPositionToXY(editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(range.getEndOffset())).y; int yRelative = overhang > 0 && overhang < lineHeight ? lineHeight - overhang + JBUI.scale(LINE_BORDER_THICKNESS + EMPTY_BORDER_THICKNESS) : 0; Point point = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(((EditorEx)editor).getScrollPane().getViewport(), -2, yRelative, layeredPane); return showEditorFragmentHintAt(editor, range, point.y, true, showFolding, hideByAnyKey, true, false); } public static Color getBackgroundColor(Editor editor){ return getBackgroundColor(editor, true); } public static Color getBackgroundColor(Editor editor, boolean useCaretRowBackground){ EditorColorsScheme colorsScheme = editor.getColorsScheme(); Color color = colorsScheme.getColor(EditorColors.CARET_ROW_COLOR); if (!useCaretRowBackground || color == null){ color = colorsScheme.getDefaultBackground(); } return color; } private static class MyComponentHint extends LightweightHint { public MyComponentHint(JComponent component) { super(component); setForceLightweightPopup(true); } @Override public void hide() { // needed for Alt-Q multiple times // Q: not good? SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { MyComponentHint.super.hide(); } } ); } } }