/* * Copyright 2000-2014 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.ide.util.gotoByName; import com.intellij.featureStatistics.FeatureUsageTracker; import com.intellij.ide.ui.UISettings; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ModalityState; import com.intellij.openapi.keymap.KeymapUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.ui.popup.ComponentPopupBuilder; import com.intellij.openapi.ui.popup.JBPopupFactory; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Computable; import com.intellij.openapi.util.Key; import com.intellij.openapi.util.SystemInfo; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement; import com.intellij.psi.statistics.StatisticsInfo; import com.intellij.psi.statistics.StatisticsManager; import com.intellij.ui.ScreenUtil; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.MouseListener; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class ChooseByNamePopup extends ChooseByNameBase implements ChooseByNamePopupComponent { public static final Key<ChooseByNamePopup> CHOOSE_BY_NAME_POPUP_IN_PROJECT_KEY = new Key<ChooseByNamePopup>("ChooseByNamePopup"); private Component myOldFocusOwner = null; private boolean myShowListForEmptyPattern = false; private final boolean myMayRequestCurrentWindow; private final ChooseByNamePopup myOldPopup; private ActionMap myActionMap; private InputMap myInputMap; private String myAdText; protected ChooseByNamePopup(@Nullable final Project project, @NotNull ChooseByNameModel model, @NotNull ChooseByNameItemProvider provider, @Nullable ChooseByNamePopup oldPopup, @Nullable final String predefinedText, boolean mayRequestOpenInCurrentWindow, int initialIndex) { super(project, model, provider, oldPopup != null ? oldPopup.getEnteredText() : predefinedText, initialIndex); myOldPopup = oldPopup; if (oldPopup != null) { //inherit old focus owner myOldFocusOwner = oldPopup.myPreviouslyFocusedComponent; } myMayRequestCurrentWindow = mayRequestOpenInCurrentWindow; myAdText = myMayRequestCurrentWindow ? "Press " + KeymapUtil.getKeystrokeText(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER, InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK)) + " to open in current window" : null; } public String getEnteredText() { return myTextField.getText(); } public int getSelectedIndex() { return myList.getSelectedIndex(); } @Override protected void initUI(final Callback callback, final ModalityState modalityState, boolean allowMultipleSelection) { super.initUI(callback, modalityState, allowMultipleSelection); if (myOldPopup != null) { myTextField.setCaretPosition(myOldPopup.myTextField.getCaretPosition()); } if (myInitialText != null) { int selStart = myOldPopup == null ? 0 : myOldPopup.myTextField.getSelectionStart(); int selEnd = myOldPopup == null ? myInitialText.length() : myOldPopup.myTextField.getSelectionEnd(); if (selEnd > selStart) { myTextField.select(selStart, selEnd); } rebuildList(myInitialIndex, 0, ModalityState.current(), null); } if (myOldFocusOwner != null) { myPreviouslyFocusedComponent = myOldFocusOwner; myOldFocusOwner = null; } if (myInputMap != null && myActionMap != null) { for (KeyStroke keyStroke : myInputMap.keys()) { Object key = myInputMap.get(keyStroke); myTextField.getInputMap().put(keyStroke, key); myTextField.getActionMap().put(key, myActionMap.get(key)); } } } @Override public boolean isOpenInCurrentWindowRequested() { return super.isOpenInCurrentWindowRequested() && myMayRequestCurrentWindow; } @Override protected boolean isCheckboxVisible() { return true; } @Override protected boolean isShowListForEmptyPattern(){ return myShowListForEmptyPattern; } public void setShowListForEmptyPattern(boolean showListForEmptyPattern) { myShowListForEmptyPattern = showListForEmptyPattern; } @Override protected boolean isCloseByFocusLost() { return UISettings.getInstance().HIDE_NAVIGATION_ON_FOCUS_LOSS; } @Override protected void showList() { final JLayeredPane layeredPane = myTextField.getRootPane().getLayeredPane(); Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(myTextFieldPanel.getLocationOnScreen(), myTextField.getSize()); bounds.y += myTextFieldPanel.getHeight() + (SystemInfo.isMac ? 3 : 1); final Dimension preferredScrollPaneSize = myListScrollPane.getPreferredSize(); if (myList.getModel().getSize() == 0) { preferredScrollPaneSize.height = UIManager.getFont("Label.font").getSize(); } preferredScrollPaneSize.width = Math.max(myTextFieldPanel.getWidth(), preferredScrollPaneSize.width); Rectangle preferredBounds = new Rectangle(bounds.x, bounds.y, preferredScrollPaneSize.width, preferredScrollPaneSize.height); Rectangle original = new Rectangle(preferredBounds); ScreenUtil.fitToScreen(preferredBounds); if (original.width > preferredBounds.width) { int height = myListScrollPane.getHorizontalScrollBar().getPreferredSize().height; preferredBounds.height += height; } myListScrollPane.setVisible(true); myListScrollPane.setBorder(null); String adText = getAdText(); if (myDropdownPopup == null) { ComponentPopupBuilder builder = JBPopupFactory.getInstance().createComponentPopupBuilder(myListScrollPane, myListScrollPane); builder.setFocusable(false) .setRequestFocus(false) .setCancelKeyEnabled(false) .setFocusOwners(new JComponent[]{myTextField}) .setBelongsToGlobalPopupStack(false) .setModalContext(false) .setAdText(adText) .setMayBeParent(true); builder.setCancelCallback(new Computable<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean compute() { return Boolean.TRUE; } }); myDropdownPopup = builder.createPopup(); myDropdownPopup.setLocation(preferredBounds.getLocation()); myDropdownPopup.setSize(preferredBounds.getSize()); myDropdownPopup.show(layeredPane); } else { myDropdownPopup.setLocation(preferredBounds.getLocation()); // in 'focus follows mouse' mode, to avoid focus escaping to editor, don't reduce popup size when list size is reduced final Dimension currentSize = myDropdownPopup.getSize(); if (UISettings.getInstance().HIDE_NAVIGATION_ON_FOCUS_LOSS || preferredBounds.width > currentSize.width || preferredBounds.height > currentSize.height) { myDropdownPopup.setSize(preferredBounds.getSize()); } } } @Override protected void hideList() { if (myDropdownPopup != null) { myDropdownPopup.cancel(); myDropdownPopup = null; } } @Override public void close(final boolean isOk) { if (checkDisposed()){ return; } if (isOk) { myModel.saveInitialCheckBoxState(myCheckBox.isSelected()); final List<Object> chosenElements = getChosenElements(); if (chosenElements != null) { if (myActionListener instanceof MultiElementsCallback) { ((MultiElementsCallback)myActionListener).elementsChosen(chosenElements); } else { for (Object element : chosenElements) { myActionListener.elementChosen(element); String text = myModel.getFullName(element); if (text != null) { StatisticsManager.getInstance().incUseCount(new StatisticsInfo(statisticsContext(), text)); } } } } else { return; } if (!chosenElements.isEmpty()) { final String enteredText = getEnteredText(); if (enteredText.indexOf('*') >= 0) { FeatureUsageTracker.getInstance().triggerFeatureUsed("navigation.popup.wildcards"); } else { for (Object element : chosenElements) { final String name = myModel.getElementName(element); if (name != null) { if (!StringUtil.startsWithIgnoreCase(name, enteredText)) { FeatureUsageTracker.getInstance().triggerFeatureUsed("navigation.popup.camelprefix"); break; } } } } } else { return; } } setDisposed(true); myAlarm.cancelAllRequests(); if (myProject != null) { myProject.putUserData(CHOOSE_BY_NAME_POPUP_IN_PROJECT_KEY, null); } cleanupUI(isOk); if (ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode()) return; if (myActionListener != null) { myActionListener.onClose(); } } private void cleanupUI(boolean ok) { if (myTextPopup != null) { if (ok) { myTextPopup.closeOk(null); } else { myTextPopup.cancel(); } myTextPopup = null; } if (myDropdownPopup != null) { if (ok) { myDropdownPopup.closeOk(null); } else { myDropdownPopup.cancel(); } myDropdownPopup = null; } } public static ChooseByNamePopup createPopup(final Project project, final ChooseByNameModel model, final PsiElement context) { return createPopup(project, model, new DefaultChooseByNameItemProvider(context), null); } public static ChooseByNamePopup createPopup(final Project project, final ChooseByNameModel model, final PsiElement context, @Nullable final String predefinedText) { return createPopup(project, model, new DefaultChooseByNameItemProvider(context), predefinedText, false, 0); } public static ChooseByNamePopup createPopup(final Project project, final ChooseByNameModel model, final PsiElement context, @Nullable final String predefinedText, boolean mayRequestOpenInCurrentWindow, final int initialIndex) { return createPopup(project, model, new DefaultChooseByNameItemProvider(context), predefinedText, mayRequestOpenInCurrentWindow, initialIndex); } public static ChooseByNamePopup createPopup(final Project project, @NotNull ChooseByNameModel model, @NotNull ChooseByNameItemProvider provider) { return createPopup(project, model, provider, null); } public static ChooseByNamePopup createPopup(final Project project, @NotNull ChooseByNameModel model, @NotNull ChooseByNameItemProvider provider, @Nullable final String predefinedText) { return createPopup(project, model, provider, predefinedText, false, 0); } public static ChooseByNamePopup createPopup(final Project project, @NotNull final ChooseByNameModel model, @NotNull ChooseByNameItemProvider provider, @Nullable final String predefinedText, boolean mayRequestOpenInCurrentWindow, final int initialIndex) { final ChooseByNamePopup oldPopup = project == null ? null : project.getUserData(CHOOSE_BY_NAME_POPUP_IN_PROJECT_KEY); if (oldPopup != null) { oldPopup.close(false); } ChooseByNamePopup newPopup = new ChooseByNamePopup(project, model, provider, oldPopup, predefinedText, mayRequestOpenInCurrentWindow, initialIndex) { @NotNull @Override protected Set<Object> filter(@NotNull Set<Object> elements) { return model instanceof EdtSortingModel ? super.filter(((EdtSortingModel)model).sort(elements)) : super.filter(elements); } }; if (project != null) { project.putUserData(CHOOSE_BY_NAME_POPUP_IN_PROJECT_KEY, newPopup); } return newPopup; } private static final Pattern patternToDetectLinesAndColumns = Pattern.compile("([^:]+)(?::|@|,|)\\[?(\\d+)?(?:(?:\\D)(\\d+)?)?\\]?"); public static final Pattern patternToDetectAnonymousClasses = Pattern.compile("([\\.\\w]+)((\\$[\\d]+)*(\\$)?)"); private static final Pattern patternToDetectMembers = Pattern.compile("(.+)(#)(.*)"); @Override public String transformPattern(String pattern) { final ChooseByNameModel model = getModel(); return getTransformedPattern(pattern, model); } public static String getTransformedPattern(String pattern, ChooseByNameModel model) { Pattern regex = null; if (pattern.indexOf(':') != -1 || pattern.indexOf(',') != -1 || pattern.indexOf(';') != -1 || //pattern.indexOf('#') != -1 || pattern.indexOf('@') != -1) { // quick test if reg exp should be used regex = patternToDetectLinesAndColumns; } if (model instanceof GotoClassModel2) { if (pattern.indexOf('#') != -1) { regex = patternToDetectMembers; } if (pattern.indexOf('$') != -1) { regex = patternToDetectAnonymousClasses; } } if (regex != null) { final Matcher matcher = regex.matcher(pattern); if (matcher.matches()) { pattern = matcher.group(1); } } return pattern; } public int getLinePosition() { return getLineOrColumn(true); } private int getLineOrColumn(final boolean line) { final Matcher matcher = patternToDetectLinesAndColumns.matcher(getEnteredText()); if (matcher.matches()) { final int groupNumber = line ? 2 : 3; try { if (groupNumber <= matcher.groupCount()) { final String group = matcher.group(groupNumber); if (group != null) return Integer.parseInt(group) - 1; } if (!line && getLineOrColumn(true) != -1) return 0; } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) { } } return -1; } @Nullable public String getPathToAnonymous() { final Matcher matcher = patternToDetectAnonymousClasses.matcher(getEnteredText()); if (matcher.matches()) { String path = matcher.group(2); if (path != null) { path = path.trim(); if (path.endsWith("$") && path.length() >= 2) { path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 2); } if (!path.isEmpty()) return path; } } return null; } public int getColumnPosition() { return getLineOrColumn(false); } @Nullable public String getMemberPattern() { final int index = getEnteredText().lastIndexOf('#'); if (index == -1) { return null; } String name = getEnteredText().substring(index + 1).trim(); return StringUtil.isEmpty(name) ? null : name; } public void registerAction(@NonNls String aActionName, KeyStroke keyStroke, Action aAction) { if (myInputMap == null) myInputMap = new InputMap(); if (myActionMap == null) myActionMap = new ActionMap(); myInputMap.put(keyStroke, aActionName); myActionMap.put(aActionName, aAction); } public String getAdText() { return myAdText; } public void setAdText(final String adText) { myAdText = adText; } public void addMouseClickListener(MouseListener listener) { myList.addMouseListener(listener); } public Object getSelectionByPoint(Point point) { final int index = myList.locationToIndex(point); return index > -1 ? myList.getModel().getElementAt(index) : null; } public void repaintList() { myList.repaint(); } }