/* * Copyright 2000-2016 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.execution.ui.layout.impl; import com.intellij.execution.ui.RunnerLayoutUi; import com.intellij.execution.ui.layout.*; import com.intellij.execution.ui.layout.actions.CloseViewAction; import com.intellij.execution.ui.layout.actions.MinimizeViewAction; import com.intellij.execution.ui.layout.actions.RestoreViewAction; import com.intellij.ide.DataManager; import com.intellij.ide.actions.CloseAction; import com.intellij.openapi.Disposable; import com.intellij.openapi.actionSystem.*; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.ui.AbstractPainter; import com.intellij.openapi.util.*; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.wm.IdeFocusManager; import com.intellij.openapi.wm.IdeFrame; import com.intellij.openapi.wm.IdeGlassPaneUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.wm.ToolWindow; import com.intellij.ui.ColorUtil; import com.intellij.ui.JBColor; import com.intellij.ui.ScreenUtil; import com.intellij.ui.UIBundle; import com.intellij.ui.awt.RelativePoint; import com.intellij.ui.awt.RelativeRectangle; import com.intellij.ui.components.panels.NonOpaquePanel; import com.intellij.ui.components.panels.Wrapper; import com.intellij.ui.content.*; import com.intellij.ui.docking.DockContainer; import com.intellij.ui.docking.DockManager; import com.intellij.ui.docking.DockableContent; import com.intellij.ui.docking.DragSession; import com.intellij.ui.docking.impl.DockManagerImpl; import com.intellij.ui.switcher.QuickActionProvider; import com.intellij.ui.switcher.SwitchProvider; import com.intellij.ui.switcher.SwitchTarget; import com.intellij.ui.tabs.JBTabs; import com.intellij.ui.tabs.TabInfo; import com.intellij.ui.tabs.TabsListener; import com.intellij.ui.tabs.impl.JBTabsImpl; import com.intellij.util.NotNullFunction; import com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil; import com.intellij.util.ui.AbstractLayoutManager; import com.intellij.util.ui.GraphicsUtil; import com.intellij.util.ui.JBUI; import com.intellij.util.ui.UIUtil; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet; import java.util.stream.Collectors; public class RunnerContentUi implements ContentUI, Disposable, CellTransform.Facade, ViewContextEx, PropertyChangeListener, SwitchProvider, QuickActionProvider, DockContainer.Dialog { public static final DataKey<RunnerContentUi> KEY = DataKey.create("DebuggerContentUI"); public static final Key<Boolean> LIGHTWEIGHT_CONTENT_MARKER = Key.create("LightweightContent"); @NonNls private static final String LAYOUT = "Runner.Layout"; @NonNls private static final String SETTINGS = "XDebugger.Settings"; @NonNls private static final String VIEW_POPUP = "Runner.View.Popup"; @NonNls static final String VIEW_TOOLBAR = "Runner.View.Toolbar"; private ContentManager myManager; private final RunnerLayout myLayoutSettings; @NotNull private final ActionManager myActionManager; private final String mySessionName; private NonOpaquePanel myComponent; private final Wrapper myToolbar = new Wrapper(); final MyDragOutDelegate myDragOutDelegate = new MyDragOutDelegate(); JBRunnerTabs myTabs; private final Comparator<TabInfo> myTabsComparator = (o1, o2) -> { //noinspection ConstantConditions TabImpl tab1 = getTabFor(o1); TabImpl tab2 = getTabFor(o2); int index1 = tab1 != null ? tab1.getIndex() : -1; int index2 = tab2 != null ? tab2.getIndex() : -1; return index1 - index2; }; private final Project myProject; private ActionGroup myTopActions = new DefaultActionGroup(); private final DefaultActionGroup myMinimizedViewActions = new DefaultActionGroup(); private final Map<GridImpl, Wrapper> myMinimizedButtonsPlaceholder = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<GridImpl, Wrapper> myCommonActionsPlaceholder = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<GridImpl, AnAction[]> myContextActions = new HashMap<>(); private boolean myUiLastStateWasRestored; private final Set<Object> myRestoreStateRequestors = new HashSet<>(); private String myActionsPlace = ActionPlaces.UNKNOWN; private final IdeFocusManager myFocusManager; private boolean myMinimizeActionEnabled = true; private boolean myMoveToGridActionEnabled = true; private final RunnerLayoutUi myRunnerUi; private final Map<String, LayoutAttractionPolicy> myAttractions = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String, LayoutAttractionPolicy> myConditionAttractions = new HashMap<>(); private ActionGroup myTabPopupActions; private ActionGroup myAdditionalFocusActions; private final ActionCallback myInitialized = new ActionCallback(); private boolean myToDisposeRemovedContent = true; private int myAttractionCount; private ActionGroup myLeftToolbarActions; private JBTabs myCurrentOver; private Image myCurrentOverImg; private TabInfo myCurrentOverInfo; private MyDropAreaPainter myCurrentPainter; private RunnerContentUi myOriginal; private final CopyOnWriteArraySet<Listener> myDockingListeners = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>(); private final Set<RunnerContentUi> myChildren = new TreeSet<>((o1, o2) -> o1.myWindow - o2.myWindow); private int myWindow; private boolean myDisposing; public RunnerContentUi(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull RunnerLayoutUi ui, @NotNull ActionManager actionManager, @NotNull IdeFocusManager focusManager, @NotNull RunnerLayout settings, @NotNull String sessionName) { myProject = project; myRunnerUi = ui; myLayoutSettings = settings; myActionManager = actionManager; mySessionName = sessionName; myFocusManager = focusManager; } public RunnerContentUi(@NotNull RunnerContentUi ui, @NotNull RunnerContentUi original, int window) { this(ui.myProject, ui.myRunnerUi, ui.myActionManager, ui.myFocusManager, ui.myLayoutSettings, ui.mySessionName); myOriginal = original; original.myChildren.add(this); myWindow = window == 0 ? original.findFreeWindow() : window; } public void setTopActions(@NotNull final ActionGroup topActions, @NotNull String place) { myTopActions = topActions; myActionsPlace = place; rebuildCommonActions(); } public void setTabPopupActions(ActionGroup tabPopupActions) { myTabPopupActions = tabPopupActions; rebuildTabPopup(); } public void setAdditionalFocusActions(final ActionGroup group) { myAdditionalFocusActions = group; rebuildTabPopup(); } public void setLeftToolbar(ActionGroup group, String place) { final ActionToolbar tb = myActionManager.createActionToolbar(place, group, false); tb.setTargetComponent(myComponent); myToolbar.setContent(tb.getComponent()); myLeftToolbarActions = group; myComponent.revalidate(); myComponent.repaint(); } public void initUi() { if (myTabs != null) return; myTabs = (JBRunnerTabs)new JBRunnerTabs(myProject, myActionManager, myFocusManager, this).setDataProvider(new DataProvider() { @Override public Object getData(@NonNls final String dataId) { if (ViewContext.CONTENT_KEY.is(dataId)) { TabInfo info = myTabs.getTargetInfo(); if (info != null) { return getGridFor(info).getData(dataId); } } else if (ViewContext.CONTEXT_KEY.is(dataId)) { return RunnerContentUi.this; } return null; } }).setTabLabelActionsAutoHide(false).setProvideSwitchTargets(false).setInnerInsets(JBUI.emptyInsets()) .setToDrawBorderIfTabsHidden(false).setTabDraggingEnabled(isMoveToGridActionEnabled()).setUiDecorator(null).getJBTabs(); rebuildTabPopup(); myTabs.getPresentation().setPaintBorder(0, 0, 0, 0).setPaintFocus(false) .setRequestFocusOnLastFocusedComponent(true); myTabs.getComponent().setBackground(myToolbar.getBackground()); myTabs.getComponent().setBorder(new EmptyBorder(0, 1, 0, 0)); final NonOpaquePanel wrappper = new MyComponent(new BorderLayout(0, 0)); wrappper.add(myToolbar, BorderLayout.WEST); wrappper.add(myTabs.getComponent(), BorderLayout.CENTER); wrappper.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(-1, 0, 0, 0)); myComponent = wrappper; myTabs.addListener(new TabsListener.Adapter() { @Override public void beforeSelectionChanged(TabInfo oldSelection, TabInfo newSelection) { if (oldSelection != null && !isStateBeingRestored()) { final GridImpl grid = getGridFor(oldSelection); if (grid != null && getTabFor(grid) != null) { grid.saveUiState(); } } } @Override public void tabsMoved() { saveUiState(); } @Override public void selectionChanged(final TabInfo oldSelection, final TabInfo newSelection) { if (!myTabs.getComponent().isShowing()) return; if (newSelection != null) { newSelection.stopAlerting(); getGridFor(newSelection).processAddToUi(false); } if (oldSelection != null) { getGridFor(oldSelection).processRemoveFromUi(); } } }); myTabs.addTabMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mousePressed(@NotNull MouseEvent e) { if (UIUtil.isCloseClick(e)) { final TabInfo tabInfo = myTabs.findInfo(e); final GridImpl grid = tabInfo == null? null : getGridFor(tabInfo); final Content[] contents = grid != null ? CONTENT_KEY.getData(grid) : null; if (contents == null) return; // see GridCellImpl.closeOrMinimize as well if (CloseViewAction.isEnabled(contents)) { CloseViewAction.perform(RunnerContentUi.this, contents[0]); } else if (MinimizeViewAction.isEnabled(RunnerContentUi.this, contents, ViewContext.TAB_TOOLBAR_PLACE)) { grid.getCellFor(contents[0]).minimize(contents[0]); } } } }); if (myOriginal != null) { final ContentManager manager = ContentFactory.SERVICE.getInstance().createContentManager(this, false, myProject); Disposer.register((Disposable)myRunnerUi, manager); manager.getComponent(); } else { final DockManager dockManager = DockManager.getInstance(myProject); if (dockManager != null) { //default project dockManager.register(this); } } } private void rebuildTabPopup() { initUi(); myTabs.setPopupGroup(getCellPopupGroup(TAB_POPUP_PLACE), TAB_POPUP_PLACE, true); for (GridImpl each : getGrids()) { each.rebuildTabPopup(); } } @Override public ActionGroup getCellPopupGroup(final String place) { final ActionGroup original = myTabPopupActions != null? myTabPopupActions : (ActionGroup)myActionManager.getAction(VIEW_POPUP); final ActionGroup focusPlaceholder = (ActionGroup)myActionManager.getAction("Runner.Focus"); DefaultActionGroup group = new DefaultActionGroup(VIEW_POPUP, original.isPopup()); final AnActionEvent event = new AnActionEvent(null, DataManager.getInstance().getDataContext(), place, new Presentation(), ActionManager.getInstance(), 0); final AnAction[] originalActions = original.getChildren(event); for (final AnAction each : originalActions) { if (each == focusPlaceholder) { final AnAction[] focusActions = ((ActionGroup)each).getChildren(event); for (AnAction eachFocus : focusActions) { group.add(eachFocus); } if (myAdditionalFocusActions != null) { for (AnAction action : myAdditionalFocusActions.getChildren(event)) { group.add(action); } } } else { group.add(each); } } return group; } @Override public boolean isOriginal() { return myOriginal == null; } @Override public int getWindow() { return myWindow; } @Override public void propertyChange(@NotNull final PropertyChangeEvent evt) { Content content = (Content)evt.getSource(); final GridImpl grid = getGridFor(content, false); if (grid == null) return; final GridCellImpl cell = grid.findCell(content); if (cell == null) return; final String property = evt.getPropertyName(); if (Content.PROP_ALERT.equals(property)) { attract(content, true); } else if (Content.PROP_DISPLAY_NAME.equals(property) || Content.PROP_ICON.equals(property) || Content.PROP_ACTIONS.equals(property) || Content.PROP_DESCRIPTION.equals(property)) { cell.updateTabPresentation(content); updateTabsUI(false); } } public void processBounce(Content content, final boolean activate) { final GridImpl grid = getGridFor(content, false); if (grid == null) return; final GridCellImpl cell = grid.findCell(content); if (cell == null) return; final TabInfo tab = myTabs.findInfo(grid); if (tab == null) return; if (getSelectedGrid() != grid) { tab.setAlertIcon(content.getAlertIcon()); if (activate) { tab.fireAlert(); } else { tab.stopAlerting(); } } else { grid.processAlert(content, activate); } } @Override public ActionCallback detachTo(int window, GridCell cell) { if (myOriginal != null) { return myOriginal.detachTo(window, cell); } RunnerContentUi target = null; if (window > 0) { for (RunnerContentUi child : myChildren) { if (child.myWindow == window) { target = child; break; } } } final GridCellImpl gridCell = (GridCellImpl)cell; final Content[] contents = gridCell.getContents(); storeDefaultIndices(contents); for (Content content : contents) { content.putUserData(RunnerLayout.DROP_INDEX, getStateFor(content).getTab().getIndex()); } Dimension size = gridCell.getSize(); if (size == null) { size = JBUI.size(200, 200); } final DockableGrid content = new DockableGrid(null, null, size, Arrays.asList(contents), window); if (target != null) { target.add(content, null); } else { Point location = gridCell.getLocation(); if (location == null) { location = getComponent().getLocationOnScreen(); } location.translate(size.width / 2, size.height / 2); getDockManager().createNewDockContainerFor(content, new RelativePoint(location)); } return ActionCallback.DONE; } private void storeDefaultIndices(@NotNull Content[] contents) { //int i = 0; for (Content content : contents) { content.putUserData(RunnerLayout.DEFAULT_INDEX, getStateFor(content).getTab().getDefaultIndex()); //content.putUserData(CONTENT_NUMBER, i++); } } @Override public RelativeRectangle getAcceptArea() { return new RelativeRectangle(myTabs.getComponent()); } @Override public RelativeRectangle getAcceptAreaFallback() { return getAcceptArea(); } @NotNull @Override public ContentResponse getContentResponse(@NotNull DockableContent content, RelativePoint point) { if (!(content instanceof DockableGrid)) { return ContentResponse.DENY; } final RunnerContentUi ui = ((DockableGrid)content).getOriginalRunnerUi(); return ui.getProject() == myProject && ui.mySessionName.equals(mySessionName) ? ContentResponse.ACCEPT_MOVE : ContentResponse.DENY; } @Override public JComponent getComponent() { initUi(); return myComponent; } @Override public JComponent getContainerComponent() { initUi(); return myManager.getComponent(); } @Override public void add(@NotNull DockableContent dockable, RelativePoint dropTarget) { final DockableGrid dockableGrid = (DockableGrid)dockable; final RunnerContentUi prev = dockableGrid.getRunnerUi(); saveUiState(); final List<Content> contents = dockableGrid.getContents(); final boolean wasRestoring = myOriginal != null && myOriginal.isStateBeingRestored(); setStateIsBeingRestored(true, this); try { final Point point = dropTarget != null ? dropTarget.getPoint(myComponent) : null; boolean hadGrid = !myTabs.shouldAddToGlobal(point); for (Content content : contents) { final View view = getStateFor(content); if (view.isMinimizedInGrid()) continue; prev.myManager.removeContent(content, false); myManager.removeContent(content, false); if (hadGrid && !wasRestoring) { view.assignTab(getTabFor(getSelectedGrid())); view.setPlaceInGrid(calcPlaceInGrid(point, myComponent.getSize())); } else if (contents.size() == 1 && !wasRestoring) { view.assignTab(null); view.setPlaceInGrid(myLayoutSettings.getDefaultGridPlace(content)); } view.setWindow(myWindow); myManager.addContent(content); } } finally { setStateIsBeingRestored(false, this); } saveUiState(); updateTabsUI(true); } @Override public void closeAll() { final Content[] contents = myManager.getContents(); if (myOriginal != null) { for (Content content : contents) { getStateFor(content).setWindow(0); myOriginal.myManager.addContent(content); GridCell cell = myOriginal.findCellFor(content); if (cell != null) { myOriginal.restoreContent(content.getUserData(ViewImpl.ID)); cell.minimize(content); } } } myManager.removeAllContents(false); } @Override public void addListener(final Listener listener, Disposable parent) { myDockingListeners.add(listener); Disposer.register(parent, new Disposable() { @Override public void dispose() { myDockingListeners.remove(listener); } }); } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return myTabs.isEmptyVisible() || myDisposing; } @Override public Image startDropOver(@NotNull DockableContent content, RelativePoint point) { return null; } @Override public Image processDropOver(@NotNull DockableContent dockable, RelativePoint dropTarget) { JBTabs current = getTabsAt(dockable, dropTarget); if (myCurrentOver != null && myCurrentOver != current) { resetDropOver(dockable); } if (myCurrentOver == null && current != null) { myCurrentOver = current; Presentation presentation = dockable.getPresentation(); myCurrentOverInfo = new TabInfo(new JLabel("")).setText(presentation.getText()).setIcon(presentation.getIcon()); myCurrentOverImg = myCurrentOver.startDropOver(myCurrentOverInfo, dropTarget); } if (myCurrentOver != null) { myCurrentOver.processDropOver(myCurrentOverInfo, dropTarget); } if (myCurrentPainter == null) { myCurrentPainter = new MyDropAreaPainter(); IdeGlassPaneUtil.find(myComponent).addPainter(myComponent, myCurrentPainter, this); } myCurrentPainter.processDropOver(this, dockable, dropTarget); return myCurrentOverImg; } @NotNull private static PlaceInGrid calcPlaceInGrid(Point point, Dimension size) { // 1/3 (left) | (center/bottom) | 1/3 (right) if (point.x < size.width / 3) return PlaceInGrid.left; if (point.x > size.width * 2 / 3) return PlaceInGrid.right; // 3/4 (center with tab titles) | 1/4 (bottom) if (point.y > size.height * 3 / 4) return PlaceInGrid.bottom; return PlaceInGrid.center; } @Nullable private JBTabs getTabsAt(DockableContent content, RelativePoint point) { if (content instanceof DockableGrid) { final Point p = point.getPoint(getComponent()); Component c = SwingUtilities.getDeepestComponentAt(getComponent(), p.x, p.y); while (c != null) { if (c instanceof JBRunnerTabs) { return (JBTabs)c; } c = c.getParent(); } } return null; } @Override public void resetDropOver(@NotNull DockableContent content) { if (myCurrentOver != null) { myCurrentOver.resetDropOver(myCurrentOverInfo); myCurrentOver = null; myCurrentOverInfo = null; myCurrentOverImg = null; IdeGlassPaneUtil.find(myComponent).removePainter(myCurrentPainter); myCurrentPainter = null; } } @Override public boolean isDisposeWhenEmpty() { return myOriginal != null; } @Override public boolean isCycleRoot() { return false; } @Override public void setManager(@NotNull final ContentManager manager) { assert myManager == null; myManager = manager; myManager.addContentManagerListener(new ContentManagerListener() { @Override public void contentAdded(final ContentManagerEvent event) { initUi(); if (event.getContent().getUserData(LIGHTWEIGHT_CONTENT_MARKER) == Boolean.TRUE) { myLayoutSettings.setLightWeight(event.getContent()); Disposer.register(event.getContent(), new Disposable() { @Override public void dispose() { myLayoutSettings.clearStateFor(event.getContent()); } }); } GridImpl grid = getGridFor(event.getContent(), true); if (grid == null) { return; } grid.add(event.getContent()); if (getSelectedGrid() == grid) { grid.processAddToUi(false); } if (myManager.getComponent().isShowing() && !isStateBeingRestored()) { grid.restoreLastUiState(); } updateTabsUI(false); event.getContent().addPropertyChangeListener(RunnerContentUi.this); fireContentOpened(event.getContent()); } @Override public void contentRemoved(final ContentManagerEvent event) { event.getContent().removePropertyChangeListener(RunnerContentUi.this); GridImpl grid = (GridImpl)findGridFor(event.getContent()); if (grid != null) { grid.remove(event.getContent()); grid.processRemoveFromUi(); removeGridIfNeeded(grid); } updateTabsUI(false); fireContentClosed(event.getContent()); } @Override public void contentRemoveQuery(final ContentManagerEvent event) { } @Override public void selectionChanged(final ContentManagerEvent event) { if (isStateBeingRestored()) return; if (event.getOperation() == ContentManagerEvent.ContentOperation.add) { select(event.getContent(), false); } } }); } @Nullable private GridImpl getSelectedGrid() { TabInfo selection = myTabs.getSelectedInfo(); return selection != null ? getGridFor(selection) : null; } private void removeGridIfNeeded(GridImpl grid) { if (grid.isEmpty()) { myTabs.removeTab(myTabs.findInfo(grid)); myMinimizedButtonsPlaceholder.remove(grid); myCommonActionsPlaceholder.remove(grid); Disposer.dispose(grid); } } @Nullable private GridImpl getGridFor(@NotNull Content content, boolean createIfMissing) { GridImpl grid = (GridImpl)findGridFor(content); if (grid != null || !createIfMissing) return grid; grid = new GridImpl(this, mySessionName); if (myCurrentOver != null || myOriginal != null) { Integer forcedDropIndex = content.getUserData(RunnerLayout.DROP_INDEX); final int index = myTabs.getDropInfoIndex() + (myOriginal != null ? myOriginal.getTabOffsetFor(this) : 0); final int dropIndex = forcedDropIndex != null ? forcedDropIndex : index; if (forcedDropIndex == null) { moveFollowingTabs(dropIndex); } final int defaultIndex = content.getUserData(RunnerLayout.DEFAULT_INDEX); final TabImpl tab = myLayoutSettings.getOrCreateTab(forcedDropIndex != null ? forcedDropIndex : -1); tab.setDefaultIndex(defaultIndex); tab.setIndex(dropIndex); getStateFor(content).assignTab(tab); content.putUserData(RunnerLayout.DROP_INDEX, null); content.putUserData(RunnerLayout.DEFAULT_INDEX, null); } TabInfo tab = new TabInfo(grid).setObject(getStateFor(content).getTab()).setText("Tab"); Wrapper left = new Wrapper(); myCommonActionsPlaceholder.put(grid, left); Wrapper minimizedToolbar = new Wrapper(); myMinimizedButtonsPlaceholder.put(grid, minimizedToolbar); final Wrapper searchComponent = new Wrapper(); if (content.getSearchComponent() != null) { searchComponent.setContent(content.getSearchComponent()); } TwoSideComponent right = new TwoSideComponent(searchComponent, minimizedToolbar); NonOpaquePanel sideComponent = new TwoSideComponent(left, right); tab.setSideComponent(sideComponent); tab.setTabLabelActions((ActionGroup)myActionManager.getAction(VIEW_TOOLBAR), TAB_TOOLBAR_PLACE); myTabs.addTab(tab); myTabs.sortTabs(myTabsComparator); return grid; } private void moveFollowingTabs(int index) { if (myOriginal != null) { myOriginal.moveFollowingTabs(index); return; } moveFollowingTabs(index, myTabs); for (RunnerContentUi child : myChildren) { moveFollowingTabs(index, child.myTabs); } } public ActionGroup getSettingsActions() { return (ActionGroup)myActionManager.getAction(SETTINGS); } public ContentManager getContentManager(Content content) { if (hasContent(myManager, content)) { return myManager; } for (RunnerContentUi child : myChildren) { if (hasContent(child.myManager, content)) { return child.myManager; } } return myManager; } private static boolean hasContent(ContentManager manager, Content content) { for (Content c : manager.getContents()) { if (c == content) { return true; } } return false; } private static void moveFollowingTabs(int index, final JBRunnerTabs tabs) { for (TabInfo info : tabs.getTabs()) { TabImpl tab = getTabFor(info); if (tab != null) { int tabIndex = tab.getIndex(); if (tabIndex >= index) { tab.setIndex(tabIndex + 1); } } } } private int getTabOffsetFor(RunnerContentUi ui) { int offset = myTabs.getTabCount(); for (RunnerContentUi child : myChildren) { if (child == ui) break; offset += child.myTabs.getTabCount(); } return offset; } @Override @Nullable public GridCell findCellFor(@NotNull final Content content) { GridImpl cell = getGridFor(content, false); return cell != null ? cell.getCellFor(content) : null; } private boolean rebuildToolbar() { boolean hasToolbarContent = rebuildCommonActions(); hasToolbarContent |= rebuildMinimizedActions(); return hasToolbarContent; } private boolean rebuildCommonActions() { boolean hasToolbarContent = false; for (Map.Entry<GridImpl, Wrapper> entry : myCommonActionsPlaceholder.entrySet()) { Wrapper eachPlaceholder = entry.getValue(); List<Content> contentList = entry.getKey().getContents(); Set<Content> contents = new HashSet<>(); contents.addAll(contentList); DefaultActionGroup groupToBuild; JComponent contextComponent = null; if (isHorizontalToolbar() && contents.size() == 1) { Content content = contentList.get(0); groupToBuild = new DefaultActionGroup(); if (content.getActions() != null) { groupToBuild.addAll(content.getActions()); groupToBuild.addSeparator(); contextComponent = content.getActionsContextComponent(); } groupToBuild.addAll(myTopActions); } else { final DefaultActionGroup group = new DefaultActionGroup(); group.addAll(myTopActions); groupToBuild = group; } final AnAction[] actions = groupToBuild.getChildren(null); if (!Arrays.equals(actions, myContextActions.get(entry.getKey()))) { String adjustedPlace = myActionsPlace == ActionPlaces.UNKNOWN ? ActionPlaces.TOOLBAR : myActionsPlace; ActionToolbar tb = myActionManager.createActionToolbar(adjustedPlace, groupToBuild, true); tb.getComponent().setBorder(null); tb.setTargetComponent(contextComponent); eachPlaceholder.setContent(tb.getComponent()); } if (groupToBuild.getChildrenCount() > 0) { hasToolbarContent = true; } myContextActions.put(entry.getKey(), actions); } return hasToolbarContent; } private boolean rebuildMinimizedActions() { for (Map.Entry<GridImpl, Wrapper> entry : myMinimizedButtonsPlaceholder.entrySet()) { Wrapper eachPlaceholder = entry.getValue(); ActionToolbar tb = myActionManager.createActionToolbar(ActionPlaces.DEBUGGER_TOOLBAR, myMinimizedViewActions, true); tb.getComponent().setBorder(null); tb.setReservePlaceAutoPopupIcon(false); JComponent minimized = tb.getComponent(); eachPlaceholder.setContent(minimized); } myTabs.getComponent().revalidate(); myTabs.getComponent().repaint(); return myMinimizedViewActions.getChildrenCount() > 0; } private void updateTabsUI(final boolean validateNow) { boolean hasToolbarContent = rebuildToolbar(); Set<String> usedNames = new HashSet<>(); List<TabInfo> tabs = myTabs.getTabs(); for (TabInfo each : tabs) { hasToolbarContent |= updateTabUI(each, usedNames); } int tabsCount = tabs.size() + myChildren.stream().mapToInt(child -> child.myTabs.getTabCount()).sum(); myTabs.getPresentation().setHideTabs(!hasToolbarContent && tabsCount <= 1 && myOriginal == null); myTabs.updateTabActions(validateNow); if (validateNow) { myTabs.sortTabs(myTabsComparator); } } private boolean updateTabUI(TabInfo tab, Set<String> usedNames) { TabImpl t = getTabFor(tab); if (t == null) { return false; } Icon icon = t.getIcon(); GridImpl grid = getGridFor(tab); boolean hasToolbarContent = grid.updateGridUI(); List<Content> contents = grid.getContents(); String title = contents.size() > 1 ? t.getDisplayName() : null; if (title == null) { final String name = myLayoutSettings.getDefaultDisplayName(t.getDefaultIndex()); if (name != null && contents.size() > 1 && !usedNames.contains(name)) { title = name; } else { title = StringUtil.join(contents, (NotNullFunction<Content, String>)dom -> dom.getTabName(), " | "); } } usedNames.add(title); boolean hidden = true; for (Content content : contents) { if (!grid.isMinimized(content)) { hidden = false; break; } } tab.setHidden(hidden); if (icon == null && contents.size() == 1) { icon = contents.get(0).getIcon(); } tab.setDragOutDelegate(myTabs.getTabs().size() > 1 || !isOriginal() ? myDragOutDelegate : null); Tab gridTab = grid.getTab(); tab.setText(title).setIcon(gridTab != null && gridTab.isDefault() && contents.size() > 1 ? null : icon); return hasToolbarContent; } private ActionCallback restoreLastUiState() { if (isStateBeingRestored()) return ActionCallback.REJECTED; try { setStateIsBeingRestored(true, this); List<TabInfo> tabs = new ArrayList<>(); tabs.addAll(myTabs.getTabs()); final ActionCallback result = new ActionCallback(tabs.size()); for (TabInfo each : tabs) { getGridFor(each).restoreLastUiState().notifyWhenDone(result); } return result; } finally { setStateIsBeingRestored(false, this); } } @Override public void saveUiState() { if (isStateBeingRestored()) return; if (myOriginal != null) { myOriginal.saveUiState(); return; } int offset = updateTabsIndices(myTabs, 0); for (RunnerContentUi child : myChildren) { offset = updateTabsIndices(child.myTabs, offset); } doSaveUiState(); } private static int updateTabsIndices(final JBRunnerTabs tabs, int offset) { for (TabInfo each : tabs.getTabs()) { final int index = tabs.getIndexOf(each); final TabImpl tab = getTabFor(each); if (tab != null) tab.setIndex(index >= 0 ? index + offset : index); } return offset + tabs.getTabCount(); } private void doSaveUiState() { if (isStateBeingRestored()) return; for (TabInfo each : myTabs.getTabs()) { GridImpl eachGrid = getGridFor(each); eachGrid.saveUiState(); } for (RunnerContentUi child : myChildren) { child.doSaveUiState(); } } @Override @Nullable public Tab getTabFor(final Grid grid) { TabInfo info = myTabs.findInfo((Component)grid); return getTabFor(info); } @Override public void showNotify() { final Window window = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(myComponent); if (window instanceof IdeFrame.Child) { ((IdeFrame.Child)window).setFrameTitle(mySessionName); } } @Override public void hideNotify() {} @Nullable private static TabImpl getTabFor(@Nullable final TabInfo tab) { if (tab == null) { return null; } return (TabImpl)tab.getObject(); } private static GridImpl getGridFor(TabInfo tab) { return (GridImpl)tab.getComponent(); } @Override @Nullable public Grid findGridFor(@NotNull Content content) { TabImpl tab = (TabImpl)getStateFor(content).getTab(); for (TabInfo each : myTabs.getTabs()) { TabImpl t = getTabFor(each); if (t != null && t.equals(tab)) return getGridFor(each); } return null; } private ArrayList<GridImpl> getGrids() { return myTabs.getTabs().stream().map(RunnerContentUi::getGridFor).collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new)); } public void setHorizontalToolbar(final boolean state) { myLayoutSettings.setToolbarHorizontal(state); for (GridImpl each : getGrids()) { each.setToolbarHorizontal(state); } myContextActions.clear(); updateTabsUI(false); } @Override public boolean isSingleSelection() { return false; } @Override public boolean isToSelectAddedContent() { return false; } @Override public boolean canBeEmptySelection() { return true; } @Override public void beforeDispose() { if (myOriginal != null) { myDisposing = true; fireContentClosed(null); } } @Override public boolean canChangeSelectionTo(@NotNull Content content, boolean implicit) { if (implicit) { GridImpl grid = getGridFor(content, false); if (grid != null) { return !grid.isMinimized(content); } } return true; } @NotNull @Override public String getCloseActionName() { return UIBundle.message("tabbed.pane.close.tab.action.name"); } @NotNull @Override public String getCloseAllButThisActionName() { return UIBundle.message("tabbed.pane.close.all.tabs.but.this.action.name"); } @NotNull @Override public String getPreviousContentActionName() { return "Select Previous Tab"; } @NotNull @Override public String getNextContentActionName() { return "Select Next Tab"; } @Override public void dispose() { if (myOriginal != null) { myOriginal.myChildren.remove(this); } myMinimizedButtonsPlaceholder.clear(); myCommonActionsPlaceholder.clear(); myContextActions.clear(); myOriginal = null; myTopActions = null; myAdditionalFocusActions = null; myLeftToolbarActions = null; } @Override public void restoreLayout() { final RunnerContentUi[] children = myChildren.toArray(new RunnerContentUi[myChildren.size()]); final List<Content> contents = new ArrayList<>(); Collections.addAll(contents, myManager.getContents()); for (RunnerContentUi child : children) { Collections.addAll(contents, child.myManager.getContents()); } for (AnAction action : myMinimizedViewActions.getChildren(null)) { final Content content = ((RestoreViewAction)action).getContent(); contents.add(content); } Content[] all = contents.toArray(new Content[contents.size()]); Arrays.sort(all, (content, content1) -> { final int i = getStateFor(content).getTab().getDefaultIndex(); final int i1 = getStateFor(content1).getTab().getDefaultIndex(); return i - i1; }); setStateIsBeingRestored(true, this); try { for (RunnerContentUi child : children) { child.myManager.removeAllContents(false); } myManager.removeAllContents(false); myMinimizedViewActions.removeAll(); } finally { setStateIsBeingRestored(false, this); } myLayoutSettings.resetToDefault(); for (Content each : all) { myManager.addContent(each); } updateTabsUI(true); } @Override public boolean isStateBeingRestored() { return !myRestoreStateRequestors.isEmpty(); } @Override public void setStateIsBeingRestored(final boolean restoredNow, final Object requestor) { if (restoredNow) { myRestoreStateRequestors.add(requestor); } else { myRestoreStateRequestors.remove(requestor); } } public ActionGroup getLayoutActions() { return (ActionGroup)myActionManager.getAction(LAYOUT); } public void updateActionsImmediately() { if (myToolbar.getTargetComponent() instanceof ActionToolbar) { ((ActionToolbar)myToolbar.getTargetComponent()).updateActionsImmediately(); } } public void setMinimizeActionEnabled(final boolean enabled) { myMinimizeActionEnabled = enabled; } @SuppressWarnings("SpellCheckingInspection") public void setMovetoGridActionEnabled(final boolean enabled) { myMoveToGridActionEnabled = enabled; } @Override public boolean isMinimizeActionEnabled() { return myMinimizeActionEnabled && myOriginal == null; } @Override public boolean isMoveToGridActionEnabled() { return myMoveToGridActionEnabled; } public void setPolicy(String contentId, final LayoutAttractionPolicy policy) { myAttractions.put(contentId, policy); } public void setConditionPolicy(final String condition, final LayoutAttractionPolicy policy) { myConditionAttractions.put(condition, policy); } private static LayoutAttractionPolicy getOrCreatePolicyFor(String key, Map<String, LayoutAttractionPolicy> map, LayoutAttractionPolicy defaultPolicy) { LayoutAttractionPolicy policy = map.get(key); if (policy == null) { policy = defaultPolicy; map.put(key, policy); } return policy; } @Nullable public Content findContent(final String key) { final ContentManager manager = getContentManager(); if (manager == null || key == null) return null; Content[] contents = manager.getContents(); for (Content content : contents) { String kind = content.getUserData(ViewImpl.ID); if (key.equals(kind)) { return content; } } return null; } public void restoreContent(final String key) { for (AnAction action : myMinimizedViewActions.getChildren(null)) { Content content = ((RestoreViewAction)action).getContent(); if (key.equals(content.getUserData(ViewImpl.ID))) { action.actionPerformed(null); return; } } } public void setToDisposeRemovedContent(final boolean toDispose) { myToDisposeRemovedContent = toDispose; } @Override public boolean isToDisposeRemovedContent() { return myToDisposeRemovedContent; } private static class MyDropAreaPainter extends AbstractPainter { private Shape myBoundingBox; private final Color myColor = ColorUtil.mix(JBColor.BLUE, JBColor.WHITE, .3); @Override public boolean needsRepaint() { return myBoundingBox != null; } @Override public void executePaint(Component component, Graphics2D g) { if (myBoundingBox == null) return; GraphicsUtil.setupAAPainting(g); g.setColor(ColorUtil.toAlpha(myColor, 200)); g.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2)); g.draw(myBoundingBox); g.setColor(ColorUtil.toAlpha(myColor, 40)); g.fill(myBoundingBox); } private void processDropOver(RunnerContentUi ui, DockableContent dockable, RelativePoint dropTarget) { myBoundingBox = null; setNeedsRepaint(true); if (!(dockable instanceof DockableGrid)) return; JComponent component = ui.myComponent; Point point = dropTarget != null ? dropTarget.getPoint(component) : null; // do not paint anything if adding to the top if (ui.myTabs.shouldAddToGlobal(point)) return; // calc target place-in-grid PlaceInGrid targetPlaceInGrid = null; for (Content c : ((DockableGrid)dockable).getContents()) { View view = ui.getStateFor(c); if (view.isMinimizedInGrid()) continue; PlaceInGrid defaultGridPlace = ui.getLayoutSettings().getDefaultGridPlace(c); targetPlaceInGrid = point == null ? defaultGridPlace : calcPlaceInGrid(point, component.getSize()); break; } if (targetPlaceInGrid == null) return; // calc the default rectangle for the targetPlaceInGrid "area" Dimension size = component.getSize(); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(size); switch (targetPlaceInGrid) { case left: r.width /= 3; break; case center: r.width /= 3; r.x += r.width; break; case right: r.width /= 3; r.x += 2 * r.width; break; case bottom: r.height /= 4; r.y += 3 * r.height; break; } // adjust the rectangle if the target grid cell is already present and showing for (Content c : ui.getContentManager().getContents()) { GridCell cellFor = ui.findCellFor(c); PlaceInGrid placeInGrid = cellFor == null? null : ((GridCellImpl)cellFor).getPlaceInGrid(); if (placeInGrid != targetPlaceInGrid) continue; Wrapper wrapper = UIUtil.getParentOfType(Wrapper.class, c.getComponent()); JComponent cellWrapper = wrapper == null ? null : (JComponent)wrapper.getParent(); if (cellWrapper == null || !cellWrapper.isShowing()) continue; r = new RelativeRectangle(cellWrapper).getRectangleOn(component); break; } myBoundingBox = new RoundRectangle2D.Double(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height, 16, 16); } } private class MyComponent extends NonOpaquePanel implements DataProvider, QuickActionProvider { private boolean myWasEverAdded; public MyComponent(LayoutManager layout) { super(layout); setOpaque(true); setFocusCycleRoot(true); setBorder(new ToolWindow.Border(false, false, false, false)); } @Override @Nullable public Object getData(@NonNls final String dataId) { if (KEY.is(dataId)) { return RunnerContentUi.this; } else if (CloseAction.CloseTarget.KEY.is(dataId)) { Content content = getContentManager().getSelectedContent(); if (content != null && content.getManager().canCloseContents() && content.isCloseable()) { return new CloseAction.CloseTarget() { @Override public void close() { content.getManager().removeContent(content, true, true, true); } }; } } ContentManager originalContentManager = myOriginal == null ? null : myOriginal.getContentManager(); JComponent originalContentComponent = originalContentManager == null ? null : originalContentManager.getComponent(); if (originalContentComponent instanceof DataProvider) { return ((DataProvider)originalContentComponent).getData(dataId); } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("NullableProblems") @Override public String getName() { return RunnerContentUi.this.getName(); } @Override public List<AnAction> getActions(boolean originalProvider) { return RunnerContentUi.this.getActions(originalProvider); } @Override public JComponent getComponent() { return RunnerContentUi.this.getComponent(); } @Override public boolean isCycleRoot() { return RunnerContentUi.this.isCycleRoot(); } @Override public void addNotify() { super.addNotify(); if (!myUiLastStateWasRestored && myOriginal == null) { myUiLastStateWasRestored = true; // [kirillk] this is done later since restoreUiState doesn't work properly in the addNotify call chain //todo to investigate and to fix (may cause extra flickering) //noinspection SSBasedInspection SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> restoreLastUiState().doWhenDone(() -> { if (!myWasEverAdded) { myWasEverAdded = true; attractOnStartup(); myInitialized.setDone(); } })); } } @Override public void removeNotify() { super.removeNotify(); if (!ScreenUtil.isStandardAddRemoveNotify(this)) return; if (Disposer.isDisposed(RunnerContentUi.this)) return; saveUiState(); } } @SuppressWarnings({"SSBasedInspection"}) // [kirillk] this is done later since "startup" attractions should be done gently, only if no explicit calls are done private void attractOnStartup() { final int currentCount = myAttractionCount; SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> { if (currentCount < myAttractionCount) return; attractByCondition(LayoutViewOptions.STARTUP, false); }); } public void attract(final Content content, boolean afterInitialized) { processAttraction(content.getUserData(ViewImpl.ID), myAttractions, new LayoutAttractionPolicy.Bounce(), afterInitialized, true); } public void attractByCondition(@NotNull String condition, boolean afterInitialized) { processAttraction(myLayoutSettings.getToFocus(condition), myConditionAttractions, myLayoutSettings.getAttractionPolicy(condition), afterInitialized, true); } public void clearAttractionByCondition(String condition, boolean afterInitialized) { processAttraction(myLayoutSettings.getToFocus(condition), myConditionAttractions, new LayoutAttractionPolicy.FocusOnce(), afterInitialized, false); } private void processAttraction(final String contentId, final Map<String, LayoutAttractionPolicy> policyMap, final LayoutAttractionPolicy defaultPolicy, final boolean afterInitialized, final boolean activate) { IdeFocusManager.getInstance(getProject()).doWhenFocusSettlesDown(() -> myInitialized.processOnDone(() -> { Content content = findContent(contentId); if (content == null) return; final LayoutAttractionPolicy policy = getOrCreatePolicyFor(contentId, policyMap, defaultPolicy); if (activate) { // See IDEA-93683, bounce attraction should not disable further focus attraction if (!(policy instanceof LayoutAttractionPolicy.Bounce)) { myAttractionCount++; } policy.attract(content, myRunnerUi); } else { policy.clearAttraction(content, myRunnerUi); } }, afterInitialized)); } public static boolean ensureValid(JComponent c) { if (c.getRootPane() == null) return false; Container eachParent = c.getParent(); while (eachParent != null && eachParent.isValid()) { eachParent = eachParent.getParent(); } if (eachParent == null) { eachParent = c.getRootPane(); } eachParent.validate(); return true; } public ContentUI getContentUI() { return this; } @Override public void minimize(final Content content, final CellTransform.Restore restore) { final Ref<AnAction> restoreAction = new Ref<>(); myManager.removeContent(content, false); restoreAction.set(new RestoreViewAction(content, new CellTransform.Restore() { @Override public ActionCallback restoreInGrid() { myMinimizedViewActions.remove(restoreAction.get()); final GridImpl grid = getGridFor(content, false); if (grid == null) { getStateFor(content).assignTab(myLayoutSettings.getOrCreateTab(-1)); } else { //noinspection ConstantConditions ((GridCellImpl)findCellFor(content)).restore(content); } getStateFor(content).setMinimizedInGrid(false); myManager.addContent(content); saveUiState(); select(content, true); updateTabsUI(false); return ActionCallback.DONE; } })); myMinimizedViewActions.add(restoreAction.get()); saveUiState(); updateTabsUI(false); } @Override public Project getProject() { return myProject; } @Override public CellTransform.Facade getCellTransform() { return this; } @Override public ContentManager getContentManager() { return myManager; } @NotNull @Override public ActionManager getActionManager() { return myActionManager; } @Override public RunnerLayout getLayoutSettings() { return myLayoutSettings; } @Override public View getStateFor(@NotNull final Content content) { return myLayoutSettings.getStateFor(content); } public boolean isHorizontalToolbar() { return myLayoutSettings.isToolbarHorizontal(); } @Override public ActionCallback select(@NotNull final Content content, final boolean requestFocus) { final GridImpl grid = (GridImpl)findGridFor(content); if (grid == null) return ActionCallback.DONE; final TabInfo info = myTabs.findInfo(grid); if (info == null) return ActionCallback.DONE; final ActionCallback result = new ActionCallback(); myTabs.select(info, false).doWhenDone(() -> grid.select(content, requestFocus).notifyWhenDone(result)); return result; } @Override public void validate(Content content, final ActiveRunnable toRestore) { final TabInfo current = myTabs.getSelectedInfo(); myTabs.getPresentation().setPaintBlocked(true, true); select(content, false).doWhenDone(() -> { myTabs.getComponent().validate(); toRestore.run().doWhenDone(() -> { assert current != null; myTabs.select(current, true); myTabs.getPresentation().setPaintBlocked(false, true); }); }); } private static class TwoSideComponent extends NonOpaquePanel { private TwoSideComponent(JComponent left, JComponent right) { setLayout(new CommonToolbarLayout(left, right)); add(left); add(right); } } private static class CommonToolbarLayout extends AbstractLayoutManager { private final JComponent myLeft; private final JComponent myRight; public CommonToolbarLayout(final JComponent left, final JComponent right) { myLeft = left; myRight = right; } @Override public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(@NotNull final Container parent) { Dimension size = new Dimension(); Dimension leftSize = myLeft.getPreferredSize(); Dimension rightSize = myRight.getPreferredSize(); size.width = leftSize.width + rightSize.width; size.height = Math.max(leftSize.height, rightSize.height); return size; } @Override public void layoutContainer(@NotNull final Container parent) { Dimension size = parent.getSize(); Dimension prefSize = parent.getPreferredSize(); if (prefSize.width <= size.width) { myLeft.setBounds(0, 0, myLeft.getPreferredSize().width, parent.getHeight()); Dimension rightSize = myRight.getPreferredSize(); myRight.setBounds(parent.getWidth() - rightSize.width, 0, rightSize.width, parent.getHeight()); } else { Dimension leftMinSize = myLeft.getMinimumSize(); Dimension rightMinSize = myRight.getMinimumSize(); // see IDEA-140557, always shrink left component last int delta = 0; //int delta = (prefSize.width - size.width) / 2; myLeft.setBounds(0, 0, myLeft.getPreferredSize().width - delta, parent.getHeight()); int rightX = (int)myLeft.getBounds().getMaxX(); int rightWidth = size.width - rightX; if (rightWidth < rightMinSize.width) { Dimension leftSize = myLeft.getSize(); int diffToRightMin = rightMinSize.width - rightWidth; if (leftSize.width - diffToRightMin >= leftMinSize.width) { leftSize.width -= diffToRightMin; myLeft.setSize(leftSize); } } myRight.setBounds((int)myLeft.getBounds().getMaxX(), 0, parent.getWidth() - myLeft.getWidth(), parent.getHeight()); } toMakeVerticallyInCenter(myLeft, parent); toMakeVerticallyInCenter(myRight, parent); } private static void toMakeVerticallyInCenter(JComponent comp, Container parent) { final Rectangle compBounds = comp.getBounds(); int compHeight = comp.getPreferredSize().height; final int parentHeight = parent.getHeight(); if (compHeight > parentHeight) { compHeight = parentHeight; } int y = (int)Math.floor(parentHeight / 2.0 - compHeight / 2.0); comp.setBounds(compBounds.x, y, compBounds.width, compHeight); } } @Override public IdeFocusManager getFocusManager() { return myFocusManager; } @Override public RunnerLayoutUi getRunnerLayoutUi() { return myRunnerUi; } @Override public String getName() { return mySessionName; } @Override public List<AnAction> getActions(boolean originalProvider) { ArrayList<AnAction> result = new ArrayList<>(); if (myLeftToolbarActions != null) { AnAction[] kids = myLeftToolbarActions.getChildren(null); ContainerUtil.addAll(result, kids); } return result; } @Override public SwitchTarget getCurrentTarget() { Component owner = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusOwner(); if (owner == null) return myTabs.getCurrentTarget(); GridImpl grid = getSelectedGrid(); if (grid != null && grid.getContents().size() <= 1) return myTabs.getCurrentTarget(); if (grid != null) { SwitchTarget cell = grid.getCellFor(owner); return cell != null ? cell : myTabs.getCurrentTarget(); } else { return myTabs.getCurrentTarget(); } } @Override public List<SwitchTarget> getTargets(boolean onlyVisible, boolean originalProvider) { List<SwitchTarget> result = new ArrayList<>(); result.addAll(myTabs.getTargets(true, false)); GridImpl grid = getSelectedGrid(); if (grid != null) { result.addAll(grid.getTargets(onlyVisible)); } for (Wrapper wrapper : myMinimizedButtonsPlaceholder.values()) { if (!wrapper.isShowing()) continue; JComponent target = wrapper.getTargetComponent(); if (target instanceof ActionToolbar) { ActionToolbar tb = (ActionToolbar)target; result.addAll(tb.getTargets(onlyVisible, false)); } } return result; } private int findFreeWindow() { int i; for (i = 1; i < Integer.MAX_VALUE; i++) { if (!isUsed(i)) { return i; } } return i; } private boolean isUsed(int i) { return myChildren.stream().anyMatch(child -> child.getWindow() == i); } private DockManagerImpl getDockManager() { return (DockManagerImpl)DockManager.getInstance(myProject); } class MyDragOutDelegate implements TabInfo.DragOutDelegate { private DragSession mySession; @Override public void dragOutStarted(MouseEvent mouseEvent, TabInfo info) { JComponent component = info.getComponent(); Content[] data = CONTENT_KEY.getData((DataProvider)component); assert data != null; storeDefaultIndices(data); final Dimension size = info.getComponent().getSize(); final Image image = JBTabsImpl.getComponentImage(info); if (component instanceof Grid) { info.setHidden(true); } Presentation presentation = new Presentation(info.getText()); presentation.setIcon(info.getIcon()); mySession = getDockManager().createDragSession(mouseEvent, new DockableGrid(image, presentation, size, Arrays.asList(data), 0)); } @Override public void processDragOut(MouseEvent event, TabInfo source) { mySession.process(event); } @Override public void dragOutFinished(MouseEvent event, TabInfo source) { final Component component = event.getComponent(); final IdeFrame window = UIUtil.getParentOfType(IdeFrame.class, component); mySession.process(event); mySession = null; } @Override public void dragOutCancelled(TabInfo source) { source.setHidden(false); mySession.cancel(); mySession = null; } } class DockableGrid implements DockableContent<List<Content>> { private final Image myImg; private final Presentation myPresentation; private final Dimension myPreferredSize; private final List<Content> myContents; private final int myWindow; public DockableGrid(Image img, Presentation presentation, final Dimension size, List<Content> contents, int window) { myImg = img; myPresentation = presentation; myPreferredSize = size; myContents = contents; myWindow = window; } @NotNull @Override public List<Content> getKey() { return myContents; } @Override public Image getPreviewImage() { return myImg; } @Override public Dimension getPreferredSize() { return myPreferredSize; } @Override public String getDockContainerType() { return DockableGridContainerFactory.TYPE; } @Override public Presentation getPresentation() { return myPresentation; } public RunnerContentUi getRunnerUi() { return RunnerContentUi.this; } public RunnerContentUi getOriginalRunnerUi() { return myOriginal != null ? myOriginal : RunnerContentUi.this; } @NotNull public List<Content> getContents() { return myContents; } @Override public void close() { } public int getWindow() { return myWindow; } } void fireContentOpened(Content content) { for (Listener each : myDockingListeners) { each.contentAdded(content); } } void fireContentClosed(Content content) { for (Listener each : myDockingListeners) { each.contentRemoved(content); } } }