/* * Copyright 2000-2009 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.ui; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.markup.EffectType; import com.intellij.openapi.editor.markup.TextAttributes; import com.intellij.util.ui.UIUtil; import gnu.trove.TIntObjectHashMap; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * @author Eugene Belyaev */ public class HighlightableComponent extends JComponent { protected String myText = ""; protected Icon myIcon; protected int myIconTextGap; protected ArrayList<HighlightedRegion> myHighlightedRegions; protected TIntObjectHashMap<FontMetrics> myFontMetrics; protected boolean myIsSelected; protected boolean myHasFocus; protected boolean myPaintUnfocusedSelection = false; private boolean myDoNotHighlight = false; public HighlightableComponent() { myIconTextGap = 4; myFontMetrics = new TIntObjectHashMap<FontMetrics>(); setText(""); fillFontMetricsMap(); setOpaque(true); } protected void fillFontMetricsMap() { Font font = getFont(); if (font != null){ myFontMetrics.put(Font.PLAIN, getFontMetrics(font.deriveFont(Font.PLAIN))); myFontMetrics.put(Font.BOLD, getFontMetrics(font.deriveFont(Font.BOLD))); myFontMetrics.put(Font.ITALIC, getFontMetrics(font.deriveFont(Font.ITALIC))); myFontMetrics.put(Font.BOLD | Font.ITALIC, getFontMetrics(font.deriveFont(Font.BOLD | Font.ITALIC))); } } public void setText(String text) { if (text == null) { text = ""; } myText = text; myHighlightedRegions = new ArrayList<HighlightedRegion>(4); } public void setIcon(Icon icon) { myIcon = icon; } @Override public void setFont(Font font) { if (!font.equals(getFont())){ super.setFont(font); fillFontMetricsMap(); } } public void addHighlighter(int startOffset, int endOffset, TextAttributes attributes) { addHighlighter(0, startOffset, endOffset, attributes); } private void addHighlighter(int startIndex, int startOffset, int endOffset, TextAttributes attributes) { if (startOffset < 0) startOffset = 0; if (endOffset > myText.length()) endOffset = myText.length(); if (startOffset >= endOffset) return; if (myHighlightedRegions.size() == 0){ myHighlightedRegions.add(new HighlightedRegion(startOffset, endOffset, attributes)); } else{ for(int i = startIndex; i < myHighlightedRegions.size(); i++){ HighlightedRegion hRegion = myHighlightedRegions.get(i); // must be before if (startOffset < hRegion.startOffset && endOffset <= hRegion.startOffset){ myHighlightedRegions.add(i, new HighlightedRegion(startOffset, endOffset, attributes)); break; } // must be after if (startOffset >= hRegion.endOffset){ if (i == myHighlightedRegions.size() - 1){ myHighlightedRegions.add(new HighlightedRegion(startOffset, endOffset, attributes)); break; } } // must be before and overlap if (startOffset < hRegion.startOffset && endOffset > hRegion.startOffset){ if (endOffset < hRegion.endOffset){ myHighlightedRegions.add(i, new HighlightedRegion(startOffset, hRegion.startOffset, attributes)); myHighlightedRegions.add(i + 1, new HighlightedRegion(hRegion.startOffset, endOffset, TextAttributes.merge(hRegion.textAttributes, attributes))); hRegion.startOffset = endOffset; break; } if (endOffset == hRegion.endOffset){ myHighlightedRegions.remove(hRegion); myHighlightedRegions.add(i, new HighlightedRegion(startOffset, hRegion.startOffset, attributes)); myHighlightedRegions.add(i + 1, new HighlightedRegion(hRegion.startOffset, endOffset, TextAttributes.merge(hRegion.textAttributes, attributes))); break; } if (endOffset > hRegion.endOffset){ myHighlightedRegions.remove(hRegion); myHighlightedRegions.add(i, new HighlightedRegion(startOffset, hRegion.startOffset, attributes)); myHighlightedRegions.add(i + 1, new HighlightedRegion(hRegion.startOffset, hRegion.endOffset, TextAttributes.merge(hRegion.textAttributes, attributes))); if (i < myHighlightedRegions.size() - 1){ addHighlighter(i + 1, hRegion.endOffset, endOffset, attributes); } else{ myHighlightedRegions.add(i + 2, new HighlightedRegion(hRegion.endOffset, endOffset, attributes)); } break; } } // must be after and overlap or full overlap if (startOffset >= hRegion.startOffset && startOffset < hRegion.endOffset){ int oldEndOffset = hRegion.endOffset; hRegion.endOffset = startOffset; if (endOffset < oldEndOffset){ myHighlightedRegions.add(i + 1, new HighlightedRegion(startOffset, endOffset, TextAttributes.merge(hRegion.textAttributes, attributes))); myHighlightedRegions.add(i + 2, new HighlightedRegion(endOffset, oldEndOffset, hRegion.textAttributes)); if (startOffset == hRegion.startOffset){ myHighlightedRegions.remove(hRegion); } break; } if (endOffset == oldEndOffset){ myHighlightedRegions.add(i + 1, new HighlightedRegion(startOffset, oldEndOffset, TextAttributes.merge(hRegion.textAttributes, attributes))); if (startOffset == hRegion.startOffset){ myHighlightedRegions.remove(hRegion); } break; } if (endOffset > oldEndOffset){ myHighlightedRegions.add(i + 1, new HighlightedRegion(startOffset, oldEndOffset, TextAttributes.merge(hRegion.textAttributes, attributes))); if (i < myHighlightedRegions.size() - 1){ addHighlighter(i + 1, oldEndOffset, endOffset, attributes); } else{ myHighlightedRegions.add(i + 2, new HighlightedRegion(hRegion.endOffset, endOffset, attributes)); } if (startOffset == hRegion.startOffset){ myHighlightedRegions.remove(hRegion); } break; } } } } } public void setIconTextGap(int gap) { myIconTextGap = Math.max(gap, 2); } public int getIconTextGap() { return myIconTextGap; } private Color myEnforcedBackground = null; protected void enforceBackgroundOutsideText(Color bg) { myEnforcedBackground = bg; } protected void setDoNotHighlight(final boolean b) { myDoNotHighlight = b; } @Override protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { // determine color of background Color bgColor; Color fgColor; boolean paintHighlightsBackground; boolean paintHighlightsForeground; if (myIsSelected && (myHasFocus || myPaintUnfocusedSelection)) { bgColor = UIUtil.getTreeSelectionBackground(); fgColor = UIUtil.getTreeSelectionForeground(); paintHighlightsBackground = false; paintHighlightsForeground = false; } else { bgColor = myEnforcedBackground == null ? UIUtil.getTreeTextBackground() : myEnforcedBackground; fgColor = getForeground(); paintHighlightsBackground = isOpaque(); paintHighlightsForeground = true; } if (myDoNotHighlight) { paintHighlightsForeground = false; } // paint background int textOffset = getTextOffset(); int offset = textOffset; if (isOpaque()) { g.setColor(getBackground()); g.fillRect(0,0,textOffset-2,getHeight()); g.setColor(bgColor); g.fillRect(textOffset-2, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); } // paint icon if (myIcon != null) { myIcon.paintIcon(this, g, 0, (getHeight() - myIcon.getIconHeight()) / 2); } // paint text applyRenderingHints(g); FontMetrics defFontMetrics = getFontMetrics(getFont()); if (myText == null) { myText = ""; } // center text inside the component: final int yOffset = (getHeight() - defFontMetrics.getMaxAscent() - defFontMetrics.getMaxDescent()) / 2 + defFontMetrics.getMaxAscent() - 1; if (myHighlightedRegions.size() == 0){ g.setColor(fgColor); g.drawString(myText, textOffset, yOffset/*defFontMetrics.getMaxAscent()*/); } else{ int endIndex = 0; for (HighlightedRegion hRegion : myHighlightedRegions) { String text = myText.substring(endIndex, hRegion.startOffset); endIndex = hRegion.endOffset; // draw plain text if (text.length() != 0) { g.setColor(fgColor); g.setFont(defFontMetrics.getFont()); g.drawString(text, offset, yOffset/*defFontMetrics.getMaxAscent()*/); offset += defFontMetrics.stringWidth(text); } FontMetrics fontMetrics = myFontMetrics.get(hRegion.textAttributes.getFontType()); text = myText.substring(hRegion.startOffset, hRegion.endOffset); // paint highlight background if (hRegion.textAttributes.getBackgroundColor() != null && paintHighlightsBackground) { g.setColor(hRegion.textAttributes.getBackgroundColor()); g.fillRect(offset, 0, fontMetrics.stringWidth(text), fontMetrics.getHeight() + fontMetrics.getLeading()); } // draw highlight text if (hRegion.textAttributes.getForegroundColor() != null && paintHighlightsForeground) { g.setColor(hRegion.textAttributes.getForegroundColor()); } else { g.setColor(fgColor); } g.setFont(fontMetrics.getFont()); g.drawString(text, offset, yOffset/*fontMetrics.getMaxAscent()*/); // draw highlight underscored line if (hRegion.textAttributes.getEffectColor() != null) { g.setColor(hRegion.textAttributes.getEffectColor()); int y = yOffset/*fontMetrics.getMaxAscent()*/ + 2; UIUtil.drawLine(g, offset, y, offset + fontMetrics.stringWidth(text) - 1, y); } // draw highlight border if (hRegion.textAttributes.getEffectColor() != null && hRegion.textAttributes.getEffectType() == EffectType.BOXED) { g.setColor(hRegion.textAttributes.getEffectColor()); g.drawRect(offset, 0, fontMetrics.stringWidth(text) - 1, fontMetrics.getHeight() + fontMetrics.getLeading() - 1); } offset += fontMetrics.stringWidth(text); } String text = myText.substring(endIndex, myText.length()); if (text.length() != 0){ g.setColor(fgColor); g.setFont(defFontMetrics.getFont()); g.drawString(text, offset, yOffset/*defFontMetrics.getMaxAscent()*/); } } // paint border if (myIsSelected){ g.setColor(UIUtil.getTreeSelectionBorderColor()); UIUtil.drawDottedRectangle(g, textOffset - 2, 0, getWidth() - 1, getHeight() - 1); } super.paintComponent(g); } protected void applyRenderingHints(Graphics g) { UIUtil.applyRenderingHints(g); } private int getTextOffset() { if (myIcon == null){ return 2; } return myIcon.getIconWidth() + myIconTextGap; } @Nullable public HighlightedRegion findRegionByX(int x) { FontMetrics defFontMetrics = getFontMetrics(getFont()); int width = getTextOffset(); if (width > x) return null; if (myText.length() != 0 && myHighlightedRegions.size() != 0) { int endIndex = 0; for (HighlightedRegion hRegion : myHighlightedRegions) { width += defFontMetrics.stringWidth(myText.substring(endIndex, hRegion.startOffset)); endIndex = hRegion.endOffset; if (width > x) return null; String text = getRegionText(hRegion); FontMetrics fontMetrics = myFontMetrics.get(hRegion.textAttributes.getFontType()); width += fontMetrics.stringWidth(text); if (width > x) return hRegion; } } return null; } @Override public Dimension getPreferredSize() { FontMetrics defFontMetrics = getFontMetrics(getFont()); int width = getTextOffset(); if (myText.length() != 0){ if (myHighlightedRegions.size() == 0){ width += defFontMetrics.stringWidth(myText); } else{ int endIndex = 0; for (HighlightedRegion hRegion : myHighlightedRegions) { width += defFontMetrics.stringWidth(myText.substring(endIndex, hRegion.startOffset)); endIndex = hRegion.endOffset; String text = getRegionText(hRegion); FontMetrics fontMetrics = myFontMetrics.get(hRegion.textAttributes.getFontType()); width += fontMetrics.stringWidth(text); } width += defFontMetrics.stringWidth(myText.substring(endIndex, myText.length())); } } int height = defFontMetrics.getHeight() + defFontMetrics.getLeading(); if (myIcon != null){ height = Math.max(myIcon.getIconHeight() + defFontMetrics.getLeading(), height); } return new Dimension(width + 2, height); } private String getRegionText(HighlightedRegion hRegion) { String text; if (hRegion.endOffset > myText.length()) { if (hRegion.startOffset < myText.length()) { text = myText.substring(hRegion.startOffset); } else { text = ""; } } else { text = myText.substring(hRegion.startOffset, hRegion.endOffset); } return text; } }