/* * Copyright 2000-2013 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.util.io; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.util.LowMemoryWatcher; import com.intellij.openapi.util.ThreadLocalCachedValue; import com.intellij.openapi.util.io.BufferExposingByteArrayOutputStream; import com.intellij.openapi.util.io.FileUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil; import com.intellij.util.CommonProcessors; import com.intellij.util.IncorrectOperationException; import com.intellij.util.Processor; import com.intellij.util.SystemProperties; import com.intellij.util.containers.LimitedPool; import com.intellij.util.containers.SLRUCache; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.jetbrains.annotations.TestOnly; import java.io.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; /** * @author Eugene Zhuravlev * Date: Dec 18, 2007 */ public class PersistentHashMap<Key, Value> extends PersistentEnumeratorDelegate<Key> implements PersistentMap<Key, Value> { // PersistentHashMap (PHM) works in following (generic) way: // particular key is translated via myEnumerator into int, as part of enumeration process for new key additional space is reserved in // myEnumerator.myStorage for offset in .values file (myValueStorage) where (serialized) value is stored. Once new value is written // the offset storage is updated. When the key is removed from PHM, offset storage is set to zero. It is important to note that offset // is nonnegative and can be 4 or 8 bytes, depending on size of .values file. // PHM can work in appendable mode: for particular key additional calculated chunk of value can be appended to .values file with offset // of previously calculated chunk. // For performance reasons we try hard to minimize storage occupied by keys / offsets to .values file: this storage is allocated as (limited) // direct bytebuffers so 4 bytes offset is used until it is possible. Generic record produced by enumerator used with PHM as part of new // key enumeration is <enumerated_id>? [.values file offset 4 or 8 bytes], however for unique integral keys enumerate_id isn't produced. // Also for certain Value types it is possible to avoid random reads at all: e.g. in case Value is nonnegative integer the value can be stored // directly in storage used for offset and in case of btreeenumerator directly in btree leaf. private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance("#com.intellij.util.io.PersistentHashMap"); private static final boolean myDoTrace = SystemProperties.getBooleanProperty("idea.trace.persistent.map", false); private static final int DEAD_KEY_NUMBER_MASK = 0xFFFFFFFF; private final File myStorageFile; private final boolean myIsReadOnly; private final KeyDescriptor<Key> myKeyDescriptor; private PersistentHashMapValueStorage myValueStorage; protected final DataExternalizer<Value> myValueExternalizer; private static final long NULL_ADDR = 0; private static final int INITIAL_INDEX_SIZE; static { String property = System.getProperty("idea.initialIndexSize"); INITIAL_INDEX_SIZE = property == null ? 4 * 1024 : Integer.valueOf(property); } @NonNls public static final String DATA_FILE_EXTENSION = ".values"; private long myLiveAndGarbageKeysCounter; // first four bytes contain live keys count (updated via LIVE_KEY_MASK), last four bytes - number of dead keys private int myReadCompactionGarbageSize; private static final long LIVE_KEY_MASK = (1L << 32); private static final long USED_LONG_VALUE_MASK = 1L << 62; private static final int POSITIVE_VALUE_SHIFT = 1; private final int myParentValueRefOffset; @NotNull private final byte[] myRecordBuffer; @NotNull private final byte[] mySmallRecordBuffer; private final boolean myIntMapping; private final boolean myDirectlyStoreLongFileOffsetMode; private final boolean myCanReEnumerate; private int myLargeIndexWatermarkId; // starting with this id we store offset in adjacent file in long format private boolean myIntAddressForNewRecord; private static final boolean doHardConsistencyChecks = false; private volatile boolean myBusyReading; private static class AppendStream extends DataOutputStream { private AppendStream() { super(null); } private void setOut(BufferExposingByteArrayOutputStream stream) { out = stream; } } private final LimitedPool<BufferExposingByteArrayOutputStream> myStreamPool = new LimitedPool<BufferExposingByteArrayOutputStream>(10, new LimitedPool.ObjectFactory<BufferExposingByteArrayOutputStream>() { @Override @NotNull public BufferExposingByteArrayOutputStream create() { return new BufferExposingByteArrayOutputStream(); } @Override public void cleanup(@NotNull final BufferExposingByteArrayOutputStream appendStream) { appendStream.reset(); } }); private final SLRUCache<Key, BufferExposingByteArrayOutputStream> myAppendCache; private boolean canUseIntAddressForNewRecord(long size) { return myCanReEnumerate ? size + POSITIVE_VALUE_SHIFT < Integer.MAX_VALUE: false; } private final LowMemoryWatcher myAppendCacheFlusher = LowMemoryWatcher.register(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { dropMemoryCaches(); } }); public PersistentHashMap(@NotNull final File file, @NotNull KeyDescriptor<Key> keyDescriptor, @NotNull DataExternalizer<Value> valueExternalizer) throws IOException { this(file, keyDescriptor, valueExternalizer, INITIAL_INDEX_SIZE); } public PersistentHashMap(@NotNull final File file, @NotNull KeyDescriptor<Key> keyDescriptor, @NotNull DataExternalizer<Value> valueExternalizer, final int initialSize) throws IOException { this(file, keyDescriptor, valueExternalizer, initialSize, 0); } public PersistentHashMap(@NotNull final File file, @NotNull KeyDescriptor<Key> keyDescriptor, @NotNull DataExternalizer<Value> valueExternalizer, final int initialSize, int version) throws IOException { super(checkDataFiles(file), keyDescriptor, initialSize, null, version); myStorageFile = file; myKeyDescriptor = keyDescriptor; myIsReadOnly = isReadOnly(); myAppendCache = createAppendCache(keyDescriptor); final PersistentEnumeratorBase.RecordBufferHandler<PersistentEnumeratorBase> recordHandler = myEnumerator.getRecordHandler(); myParentValueRefOffset = recordHandler.getRecordBuffer(myEnumerator).length; myIntMapping = valueExternalizer instanceof IntInlineKeyDescriptor && wantNonnegativeIntegralValues(); myDirectlyStoreLongFileOffsetMode = keyDescriptor instanceof InlineKeyDescriptor && myEnumerator instanceof PersistentBTreeEnumerator; myRecordBuffer = myDirectlyStoreLongFileOffsetMode ? new byte[0]:new byte[myParentValueRefOffset + 8]; mySmallRecordBuffer = myDirectlyStoreLongFileOffsetMode ? new byte[0]:new byte[myParentValueRefOffset + 4]; myEnumerator.setRecordHandler(new PersistentEnumeratorBase.RecordBufferHandler<PersistentEnumeratorBase>() { @Override int recordWriteOffset(PersistentEnumeratorBase enumerator, byte[] buf) { return recordHandler.recordWriteOffset(enumerator, buf); } @NotNull @Override byte[] getRecordBuffer(PersistentEnumeratorBase enumerator) { return myIntAddressForNewRecord ? mySmallRecordBuffer : myRecordBuffer; } @Override void setupRecord(PersistentEnumeratorBase enumerator, int hashCode, int dataOffset, @NotNull byte[] buf) { recordHandler.setupRecord(enumerator, hashCode, dataOffset, buf); for (int i = myParentValueRefOffset; i < buf.length; i++) { buf[i] = 0; } } }); myEnumerator.setMarkCleanCallback( new Flushable() { @Override public void flush() throws IOException { myEnumerator.putMetaData(myLiveAndGarbageKeysCounter); myEnumerator.putMetaData2(myLargeIndexWatermarkId | ((long)myReadCompactionGarbageSize << 32)); } } ); if(myDoTrace) LOG.info("Opened " + file); try { myValueExternalizer = valueExternalizer; myValueStorage = PersistentHashMapValueStorage.create(getDataFile(file).getPath(), myIsReadOnly); myLiveAndGarbageKeysCounter = myEnumerator.getMetaData(); long data2 = myEnumerator.getMetaData2(); myLargeIndexWatermarkId = (int)(data2 & DEAD_KEY_NUMBER_MASK); myReadCompactionGarbageSize = (int)(data2 >>> 32); myCanReEnumerate = myEnumerator.canReEnumerate(); if (makesSenseToCompact()) { compact(); } } catch (IOException e) { try { // attempt to close already opened resources close(); } catch (Throwable ignored) { } throw e; // rethrow } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.error(t); try { // attempt to close already opened resources close(); } catch (Throwable ignored) { } throw new PersistentEnumerator.CorruptedException(file); } } protected boolean wantNonnegativeIntegralValues() { return false; } protected boolean isReadOnly() { return false; } private SLRUCache<Key, BufferExposingByteArrayOutputStream> createAppendCache(final KeyDescriptor<Key> keyDescriptor) { return new SLRUCache<Key, BufferExposingByteArrayOutputStream>(16 * 1024, 4 * 1024, keyDescriptor) { @Override @NotNull public BufferExposingByteArrayOutputStream createValue(final Key key) { return myStreamPool.alloc(); } @Override protected void onDropFromCache(final Key key, @NotNull final BufferExposingByteArrayOutputStream bytes) { myEnumerator.lockStorage(); try { long previousRecord; final int id; if (myDirectlyStoreLongFileOffsetMode) { previousRecord = ((PersistentBTreeEnumerator<Key>)myEnumerator).getNonnegativeValue(key); id = -1; } else { id = enumerate(key); previousRecord = readValueId(id); } long headerRecord = myValueStorage.appendBytes(bytes.getInternalBuffer(), 0, bytes.size(), previousRecord); if (myDirectlyStoreLongFileOffsetMode) { ((PersistentBTreeEnumerator<Key>)myEnumerator).putNonnegativeValue(key, headerRecord); } else { updateValueId(id, headerRecord, previousRecord, key, 0); } if (previousRecord == NULL_ADDR) { myLiveAndGarbageKeysCounter += LIVE_KEY_MASK; } myStreamPool.recycle(bytes); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { myEnumerator.unlockStorage(); } } }; } private boolean doNewCompact() { return System.getProperty("idea.persistent.hash.map.oldcompact") == null; } private boolean forceNewCompact() { return System.getProperty("idea.persistent.hash.map.newcompact") != null && ((int)(myLiveAndGarbageKeysCounter & DEAD_KEY_NUMBER_MASK)) > 0; } public final void dropMemoryCaches() { if(myDoTrace) LOG.info("Drop memory caches " + myStorageFile); synchronized (myEnumerator) { doDropMemoryCaches(); } } protected void doDropMemoryCaches() { myEnumerator.lockStorage(); try { clearAppenderCaches(); } finally { myEnumerator.unlockStorage(); } } public int getGarbageSize() { return (int)myLiveAndGarbageKeysCounter; } public File getBaseFile() { return myEnumerator.myFile; } @TestOnly // public for tests public boolean makesSenseToCompact() { if (myIsReadOnly) return false; final long fileSize = myValueStorage.getSize(); final int megabyte = 1024 * 1024; if (fileSize > 5 * megabyte) { // file is longer than 5MB and (more than 50% of keys is garbage or approximate benefit larger than 100M) int liveKeys = (int)(myLiveAndGarbageKeysCounter / LIVE_KEY_MASK); int deadKeys = (int)(myLiveAndGarbageKeysCounter & DEAD_KEY_NUMBER_MASK); if (fileSize > 50 * megabyte && forceNewCompact()) return true; if (deadKeys < 50) return false; final int benefitSize = 100 * megabyte; final long avgValueSize = fileSize / (liveKeys + deadKeys); return deadKeys > liveKeys || avgValueSize *deadKeys > benefitSize || myReadCompactionGarbageSize > (fileSize / 2); } return false; } @NotNull private static File checkDataFiles(@NotNull final File file) { if (!file.exists()) { deleteFilesStartingWith(getDataFile(file)); } return file; } public static void deleteFilesStartingWith(@NotNull File prefixFile) { IOUtil.deleteAllFilesStartingWith(prefixFile); } @NotNull private static File getDataFile(@NotNull final File file) { return new File(file.getParentFile(), file.getName() + DATA_FILE_EXTENSION); } @Override public final void put(Key key, Value value) throws IOException { if (myIsReadOnly) throw new IncorrectOperationException(); synchronized (myEnumerator) { doPut(key, value); } } protected void doPut(Key key, Value value) throws IOException { long newValueOffset = -1; if (!myIntMapping) { final BufferExposingByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new BufferExposingByteArrayOutputStream(); AppendStream appenderStream = ourFlyweightAppenderStream.getValue(); appenderStream.setOut(bytes); myValueExternalizer.save(appenderStream, value); appenderStream.setOut(null); newValueOffset = myValueStorage.appendBytes(bytes.getInternalBuffer(), 0, bytes.size(), 0); } myEnumerator.lockStorage(); try { myEnumerator.markDirty(true); myAppendCache.remove(key); long oldValueOffset; if (myDirectlyStoreLongFileOffsetMode) { if (myIntMapping) { ((PersistentBTreeEnumerator<Key>)myEnumerator).putNonnegativeValue(key, (Integer)value); return; } oldValueOffset = ((PersistentBTreeEnumerator<Key>)myEnumerator).getNonnegativeValue(key); ((PersistentBTreeEnumerator<Key>)myEnumerator).putNonnegativeValue(key, newValueOffset); } else { final int id = enumerate(key); if (myIntMapping) { myEnumerator.myStorage.putInt(id + myParentValueRefOffset, (Integer)value); return; } oldValueOffset = readValueId(id); updateValueId(id, newValueOffset, oldValueOffset, key, 0); } if (oldValueOffset != NULL_ADDR) { myLiveAndGarbageKeysCounter++; } else { myLiveAndGarbageKeysCounter += LIVE_KEY_MASK; } } finally { myEnumerator.unlockStorage(); } } @Override public final int enumerate(Key name) throws IOException { if (myIsReadOnly) throw new IncorrectOperationException(); synchronized (myEnumerator) { myIntAddressForNewRecord = canUseIntAddressForNewRecord(myValueStorage.getSize()); return super.enumerate(name); } } public interface ValueDataAppender { void append(DataOutput out) throws IOException; } /** * Appends value chunk from specified appender to key's value. * Important use note: value externalizer used by this map should process all bytes from DataInput during deserialization and make sure * that deserialized value is consistent with value chunks appended. * E.g. Value can be Set of String and individual Strings can be appended with this method for particular key, when {@link #get()} will * be eventually called for the key, deserializer will read all bytes retrieving Strings and collecting them into Set * @throws IOException */ public final void appendData(Key key, @NotNull ValueDataAppender appender) throws IOException { if (myIsReadOnly) throw new IncorrectOperationException(); synchronized (myEnumerator) { doAppendData(key, appender); } } private static final ThreadLocalCachedValue<AppendStream> ourFlyweightAppenderStream = new ThreadLocalCachedValue<AppendStream>() { @Override protected AppendStream create() { return new AppendStream(); } }; protected void doAppendData(Key key, @NotNull ValueDataAppender appender) throws IOException { assert !myIntMapping; myEnumerator.markDirty(true); AppendStream appenderStream = ourFlyweightAppenderStream.getValue(); BufferExposingByteArrayOutputStream stream = myAppendCache.get(key); appenderStream.setOut(stream); appender.append(appenderStream); appenderStream.setOut(null); } /** * Process all keys registered in the map. Note that keys which were removed after {@link #compact()} call will be processed as well. Use * {@link #processKeysWithExistingMapping(com.intellij.util.Processor)} to process only keys with existing mappings */ @Override public final boolean processKeys(Processor<Key> processor) throws IOException { synchronized (myEnumerator) { myAppendCache.clear(); return myEnumerator.iterateData(processor); } } @NotNull public Collection<Key> getAllKeysWithExistingMapping() throws IOException { final List<Key> values = new ArrayList<Key>(); processKeysWithExistingMapping(new CommonProcessors.CollectProcessor<Key>(values)); return values; } public final boolean processKeysWithExistingMapping(Processor<Key> processor) throws IOException { synchronized (myEnumerator) { myAppendCache.clear(); return myEnumerator.processAllDataObject(processor, new PersistentEnumerator.DataFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(final int id) { return readValueId(id) != NULL_ADDR; } }); } } @Override public final Value get(Key key) throws IOException { synchronized (myEnumerator) { myBusyReading = true; try { return doGet(key); } finally { myBusyReading = false; } } } public boolean isBusyReading() { return myBusyReading; } @Nullable protected Value doGet(Key key) throws IOException { final long valueOffset; final int id; myEnumerator.lockStorage(); try { myAppendCache.remove(key); if (myDirectlyStoreLongFileOffsetMode) { valueOffset = ((PersistentBTreeEnumerator<Key>)myEnumerator).getNonnegativeValue(key); if (myIntMapping) { return (Value)(Integer)(int)valueOffset; } id = -1; } else { id = tryEnumerate(key); if (id == PersistentEnumerator.NULL_ID) { return null; } if (myIntMapping) { return (Value)(Integer)myEnumerator.myStorage.getInt(id + myParentValueRefOffset); } valueOffset = readValueId(id); } if (valueOffset == NULL_ADDR) { return null; } } finally { myEnumerator.unlockStorage(); } final PersistentHashMapValueStorage.ReadResult readResult = myValueStorage.readBytes(valueOffset); DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream(new UnsyncByteArrayInputStream(readResult.buffer)); final Value valueRead; try { valueRead = myValueExternalizer.read(input); } finally { input.close(); } if (myValueStorage.performChunksCompaction(readResult.chunksCount, readResult.buffer.length)) { long newValueOffset = myValueStorage.compactChunks(new ValueDataAppender() { @Override public void append(DataOutput out) throws IOException { myValueExternalizer.save(out, valueRead); } }, readResult); myEnumerator.lockStorage(); try { myEnumerator.markDirty(true); if (myDirectlyStoreLongFileOffsetMode) { ((PersistentBTreeEnumerator<Key>)myEnumerator).putNonnegativeValue(key, newValueOffset); } else { updateValueId(id, newValueOffset, valueOffset, key, 0); } myLiveAndGarbageKeysCounter++; myReadCompactionGarbageSize += readResult.buffer.length; } finally { myEnumerator.unlockStorage(); } } return valueRead; } public final boolean containsMapping(Key key) throws IOException { synchronized (myEnumerator) { return doContainsMapping(key); } } protected boolean doContainsMapping(Key key) throws IOException { myEnumerator.lockStorage(); try { myAppendCache.remove(key); if (myDirectlyStoreLongFileOffsetMode) { return ((PersistentBTreeEnumerator<Key>)myEnumerator).getNonnegativeValue(key) != NULL_ADDR; } else { final int id = tryEnumerate(key); if (id == PersistentEnumerator.NULL_ID) { return false; } if (myIntMapping) return true; return readValueId(id) != NULL_ADDR; } } finally { myEnumerator.unlockStorage(); } } public final void remove(Key key) throws IOException { if (myIsReadOnly) throw new IncorrectOperationException(); synchronized (myEnumerator) { doRemove(key); } } protected void doRemove(Key key) throws IOException { myEnumerator.lockStorage(); try { final long record; myAppendCache.remove(key); if (myDirectlyStoreLongFileOffsetMode) { assert !myIntMapping; // removal isn't supported record = ((PersistentBTreeEnumerator<Key>)myEnumerator).getNonnegativeValue(key); if (record != NULL_ADDR) { ((PersistentBTreeEnumerator<Key>)myEnumerator).putNonnegativeValue(key, NULL_ADDR); } } else { final int id = tryEnumerate(key); if (id == PersistentEnumeratorBase.NULL_ID) { return; } assert !myIntMapping; // removal isn't supported myEnumerator.markDirty(true); record = readValueId(id); updateValueId(id, NULL_ADDR, record, key, 0); } if (record != NULL_ADDR) { myLiveAndGarbageKeysCounter++; myLiveAndGarbageKeysCounter -= LIVE_KEY_MASK; } } finally { myEnumerator.unlockStorage(); } } @Override public final void force() { if (myIsReadOnly) return; if(myDoTrace) LOG.info("Forcing " + myStorageFile); synchronized (myEnumerator) { doForce(); } } protected void doForce() { myEnumerator.lockStorage(); try { try { clearAppenderCaches(); } finally { super.force(); } } finally { myEnumerator.unlockStorage(); } } private void clearAppenderCaches() { myAppendCache.clear(); myValueStorage.force(); } @Override public final void close() throws IOException { if(myDoTrace) LOG.info("Closed " + myStorageFile); synchronized (myEnumerator) { doClose(); } } protected void doClose() throws IOException { myEnumerator.lockStorage(); try { try { myAppendCacheFlusher.stop(); myAppendCache.clear(); } finally { final PersistentHashMapValueStorage valueStorage = myValueStorage; try { if (valueStorage != null) { valueStorage.dispose(); } } finally { super.close(); } } } finally { myEnumerator.unlockStorage(); } } static class CompactionRecordInfo { final int key; final int address; long valueAddress; long newValueAddress; byte[] value; public CompactionRecordInfo(int _key, long _valueAddress, int _address) { key = _key; address = _address; valueAddress = _valueAddress; } } // made public for tests public void compact() throws IOException { if (myIsReadOnly) throw new IncorrectOperationException(); synchronized (myEnumerator) { force(); LOG.info("Compacting "+myEnumerator.myFile.getPath()); LOG.info("Live keys:" + ((int)(myLiveAndGarbageKeysCounter / LIVE_KEY_MASK)) + ", dead keys:" + ((int)(myLiveAndGarbageKeysCounter & DEAD_KEY_NUMBER_MASK)) + ", read compaction size:" + myReadCompactionGarbageSize); final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); final File oldDataFile = getDataFile(myEnumerator.myFile); final String oldDataFileBaseName = oldDataFile.getName(); final File[] oldFiles = getFilesInDirectoryWithNameStartingWith(oldDataFile, oldDataFileBaseName); final String newPath = getDataFile(myEnumerator.myFile).getPath() + ".new"; final PersistentHashMapValueStorage newStorage = PersistentHashMapValueStorage.create(newPath, myIsReadOnly); myValueStorage.switchToCompactionMode(); myEnumerator.markDirty(true); long sizeBefore = myValueStorage.getSize(); myLiveAndGarbageKeysCounter = 0; myReadCompactionGarbageSize = 0; try { if (doNewCompact()) { newCompact(newStorage); } else { traverseAllRecords(new PersistentEnumerator.RecordsProcessor() { @Override public boolean process(final int keyId) throws IOException { final long record = readValueId(keyId); if (record != NULL_ADDR) { PersistentHashMapValueStorage.ReadResult readResult = myValueStorage.readBytes(record); long value = newStorage.appendBytes(readResult.buffer, 0, readResult.buffer.length, 0); updateValueId(keyId, value, record, null, getCurrentKey()); myLiveAndGarbageKeysCounter += LIVE_KEY_MASK; } return true; } }); } } finally { newStorage.dispose(); } myValueStorage.dispose(); if (oldFiles != null) { for(File f:oldFiles) { assert FileUtil.deleteWithRenaming(f); } } final long newSize = newStorage.getSize(); File newDataFile = new File(newPath); final String newBaseName = newDataFile.getName(); final File[] newFiles = getFilesInDirectoryWithNameStartingWith(newDataFile, newBaseName); if (newFiles != null) { File parentFile = newDataFile.getParentFile(); // newFiles should get the same names as oldDataFiles for (File f : newFiles) { String nameAfterRename = StringUtil.replace(f.getName(), newBaseName, oldDataFileBaseName); FileUtil.rename(f, new File(parentFile, nameAfterRename)); } } myValueStorage = PersistentHashMapValueStorage.create(oldDataFile.getPath(), myIsReadOnly); LOG.info("Compacted " + myEnumerator.myFile.getPath() + ":" + sizeBefore + " bytes into " + newSize + " bytes in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - now) + "ms."); myEnumerator.putMetaData(myLiveAndGarbageKeysCounter); myEnumerator.putMetaData2( myLargeIndexWatermarkId ); if (myDoTrace) LOG.assertTrue(myEnumerator.isDirty()); } } private static File[] getFilesInDirectoryWithNameStartingWith(File fileFromDirectory, final String baseFileName) { File parentFile = fileFromDirectory.getParentFile(); return parentFile != null ?parentFile.listFiles(new FileFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(final File pathname) { return pathname.getName().startsWith(baseFileName); } }) : null; } private void newCompact(PersistentHashMapValueStorage newStorage) throws IOException { long started = System.currentTimeMillis(); final List<CompactionRecordInfo> infos = new ArrayList<CompactionRecordInfo>(10000); traverseAllRecords(new PersistentEnumerator.RecordsProcessor() { @Override public boolean process(final int keyId) throws IOException { final long record = readValueId(keyId); if (record != NULL_ADDR) { infos.add(new CompactionRecordInfo(getCurrentKey(), record, keyId)); } return true; } }); LOG.info("Loaded mappings:"+(System.currentTimeMillis() - started) + "ms, keys:"+infos.size()); started = System.currentTimeMillis(); long fragments = 0; if (!infos.isEmpty()) { try { fragments = myValueStorage.compactValues(infos, newStorage); } catch (Throwable t) { if (!(t instanceof IOException)) throw new IOException("Compaction failed", t); throw (IOException)t; } } LOG.info("Compacted values for:"+(System.currentTimeMillis() - started) + "ms fragments:"+((int)fragments) + ", newfragments:"+(fragments >> 32)); started = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { myEnumerator.lockStorage(); for(int i = 0; i < infos.size(); ++i) { CompactionRecordInfo info = infos.get(i); updateValueId(info.address, info.newValueAddress, info.valueAddress, null, info.key); myLiveAndGarbageKeysCounter += LIVE_KEY_MASK; } } finally { myEnumerator.unlockStorage(); } LOG.info("Updated mappings:" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - started) + " ms"); } private long readValueId(final int keyId) { if (myDirectlyStoreLongFileOffsetMode) { return ((PersistentBTreeEnumerator<Key>)myEnumerator).keyIdToNonnegattiveOffset(keyId); } long address = myEnumerator.myStorage.getInt(keyId + myParentValueRefOffset); if (address == 0 || address == -POSITIVE_VALUE_SHIFT) { return NULL_ADDR; } if (address < 0) { address = -address - POSITIVE_VALUE_SHIFT; } else { long value = (myEnumerator.myStorage.getInt(keyId + myParentValueRefOffset + 4)) & 0xFFFFFFFFL; address = ((address << 32) + value) & ~USED_LONG_VALUE_MASK; } return address; } private int smallKeys; private int largeKeys; private int transformedKeys; private int requests; private int updateValueId(int keyId, long value, long oldValue, @Nullable Key key, int processingKey) throws IOException { if (myDirectlyStoreLongFileOffsetMode) { ((PersistentBTreeEnumerator<Key>)myEnumerator).putNonnegativeValue(((InlineKeyDescriptor<Key>)myKeyDescriptor).fromInt(processingKey), value); return keyId; } final boolean newKey = oldValue == NULL_ADDR; if (newKey) ++requests; boolean defaultSizeInfo = true; if (myCanReEnumerate) { if (canUseIntAddressForNewRecord(value)) { defaultSizeInfo = false; myEnumerator.myStorage.putInt(keyId + myParentValueRefOffset, -(int)(value + POSITIVE_VALUE_SHIFT)); if (newKey) ++smallKeys; } else { if ((keyId < myLargeIndexWatermarkId || myLargeIndexWatermarkId == 0) && (newKey || canUseIntAddressForNewRecord(oldValue))) { // keyId is result of enumerate, if we do reenumerate then it is no longer accessible unless somebody cached it myIntAddressForNewRecord = false; keyId = myEnumerator.reenumerate(key == null ? myEnumerator.getValue(keyId, processingKey) : key); ++transformedKeys; if (myLargeIndexWatermarkId == 0) { myLargeIndexWatermarkId = keyId; } } } } if (defaultSizeInfo) { value |= USED_LONG_VALUE_MASK; myEnumerator.myStorage.putInt(keyId + myParentValueRefOffset, (int)(value >>> 32) ); myEnumerator.myStorage.putInt(keyId + myParentValueRefOffset + 4, (int)value); if (newKey) ++largeKeys; } if (newKey && IOStatistics.DEBUG && (requests & IOStatistics.KEYS_FACTOR_MASK) == 0) { IOStatistics.dump("small:"+smallKeys + ", large:" + largeKeys + ", transformed:"+transformedKeys + ",@"+getBaseFile().getPath()); } if (doHardConsistencyChecks) { long checkRecord = readValueId(keyId); if (checkRecord != (value & ~USED_LONG_VALUE_MASK)) { assert false:value; } } return keyId; } public String toString() { return super.toString() + ":"+myStorageFile; } }