/* * Copyright 2000-2009 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.splitter; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.DiffUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.fragments.LineBlock; import com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.fragments.LineFragment; import com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.highlighting.FragmentSide; import com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.incrementalMerge.Change; import com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.incrementalMerge.ChangeList; import com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.util.TextDiffType; import com.intellij.util.ArrayUtil; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.util.*; public class LineBlocks { public static final LineBlocks EMPTY = new LineBlocks(Collections.<Diff>emptyList()); private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance("#com.intellij.openapi.diff.impl.splitter.LineBlocks"); private final List<Diff> myDiffs; private LineBlocks(List<Diff> diffs) { myDiffs = diffs; } public Interval getVisibleIndices(Trapezium visibleArea) { Interval visible1 = visibleArea.getBase1(); Interval visible2 = visibleArea.getBase2(); Interval[] intervals1 = getIntervals(FragmentSide.SIDE1); Interval[] intervals2 = getIntervals(FragmentSide.SIDE2); int index = Math.min(getMaxStartedIndex(intervals1, visible1.getStart()), getMaxStartedIndex(intervals2, visible2.getStart())); int lastIndex = Math.max(getMinNotStartedIndex(intervals1, visible1.getEnd()), getMinNotStartedIndex(intervals2, visible2.getEnd())); return Interval.fromTo(index, lastIndex); } public Trapezium getTrapezium(int index) { return new Trapezium(getIntervals(FragmentSide.SIDE1)[index], getIntervals(FragmentSide.SIDE2)[index]); } public TextDiffType getType(int index) { return myDiffs.get(index).getDiffType(); } public int getCount() { return getBeginnings(FragmentSide.SIDE1).length; } /** * Get beginnings of all the changes from the specified side. * @param side Side of the changes. */ public int[] getBeginnings(FragmentSide side) { return getBeginnings(side, false); } /** * Get beginnings of the changes from the specified side. * @param side Side of the changes. * @param unappliedOnly If true - only unapplied changes will be considered, if false - all changes (both applied and not applied). */ public int[] getBeginnings(FragmentSide side, boolean unappliedOnly) { List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>(myDiffs.size()); int previousBeginning = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (Diff diff : myDiffs) { if (!unappliedOnly || !diff.getDiffType().isApplied()) { Interval interval = diff.getInterval(side); int start = interval.getStart(); if (start != previousBeginning) result.add(start); previousBeginning = start; } } return ArrayUtil.toIntArray(result); } static int getMaxStartedIndex(Interval[] intervals, int start) { int index = getMinIndex(intervals, start, Interval.START_COMPARATOR); for (int i = index; i > 0; i--) if (intervals[i-1].getEnd() <= start) return i; return 0; } static int getMinNotStartedIndex(Interval[] intervals, int end) { int index = getMinIndex(intervals, end, Interval.END_COMPARATOR); for (int i = index; i < intervals.length; i++) if (intervals[i].getStart() >= end) return i; return intervals.length; } private static int getMinIndex(Interval[] intervals, int start, Comparator comparator) { int index = Arrays.binarySearch(intervals, new Integer(start), comparator); return index >= 0 ? index : -index - 1; } public int transform(FragmentSide masterSide, int location) { return transform(location, getIntervals(masterSide), getIntervals(masterSide.otherSide())); } public Interval[] getIntervals(FragmentSide side) { Interval[] intervals = new Interval[myDiffs.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < intervals.length; i++) { intervals[i] = myDiffs.get(i).getInterval(side); } return intervals; } public TextDiffType[] getTypes() { TextDiffType[] types = new TextDiffType[myDiffs.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { types[i] = myDiffs.get(i).getDiffType(); } return types; } private int transform(int location, Interval[] domain, Interval[] range) { if (domain.length == 0) { if (range.length != 0) { LOG.error("" + range.length); } return location; } int count = getIntervals(FragmentSide.SIDE1).length; LOG.assertTrue(count == getIntervals(FragmentSide.SIDE2).length); int index = getMaxStartedIndex(domain, location); Interval leftInterval; Interval rightInterval; if (index == 0) { if (domain[0].contains(location)) { leftInterval = domain[0]; rightInterval = range[0]; } else { leftInterval = Interval.fromTo(0, domain[0].getStart()); rightInterval = Interval.fromTo(0, range[0].getStart()); } } else if (index == count) { leftInterval = Interval.toInf(domain[count - 1].getEnd()); rightInterval = Interval.toInf(range[count - 1].getEnd()); } else { if (domain[index].contains(location)) { leftInterval = domain[index]; rightInterval = range[index]; } else { leftInterval = Interval.fromTo(domain[index - 1].getEnd(), domain[index].getStart()); rightInterval = Interval.fromTo(range[index - 1].getEnd(), range[index].getStart()); } } return LinearTransformation.oneToOne(location, leftInterval.getStart(), rightInterval); } public static LineBlocks fromLineFragments(ArrayList<LineFragment> lines) { ArrayList<LineBlock> filtered = new ArrayList<LineBlock>(); for (LineFragment fragment : lines) { if (fragment.getType() != null) filtered.add(fragment); } return createLineBlocks(filtered.toArray(new LineBlock[filtered.size()])); } static LineBlocks createLineBlocks(LineBlock[] blocks) { Arrays.sort(blocks, LineBlock.COMPARATOR); List<Diff> diffs = new ArrayList<Diff>(blocks.length); for (LineBlock block : blocks) { Interval interval1 = new Interval(block.getStartingLine1(), block.getModifiedLines1()); Interval interval2 = new Interval(block.getStartingLine2(), block.getModifiedLines2()); diffs.add(new Diff(interval1, interval2, makeTextDiffType(block))); } return new LineBlocks(diffs); } private static TextDiffType makeTextDiffType(LineBlock block) { TextDiffType type = TextDiffType.create(block.getType()); if (block instanceof LineFragment) { return DiffUtil.makeTextDiffType((LineFragment)block); } return type; } @NotNull public static LineBlocks fromChanges(@NotNull List<Change> changes) { // changes may come mixed, need to sort them to get correct intervals Collections.sort(changes, ChangeList.CHANGE_ORDER); List<Diff> diffs = new ArrayList<Diff>(changes.size()); for (Change change : changes) { if (!change.isValid()) { continue; } int start1 = change.getChangeSide(FragmentSide.SIDE1).getStartLine(); int end1 = change.getChangeSide(FragmentSide.SIDE1).getEndLine(); Interval interval1 = Interval.fromTo(start1, end1); int start2 = change.getChangeSide(FragmentSide.SIDE2).getStartLine(); int end2 = change.getChangeSide(FragmentSide.SIDE2).getEndLine(); Interval interval2 = Interval.fromTo(start2, end2); diffs.add(new Diff(interval1, interval2, change.getType().getTypeKey())); } return new LineBlocks(diffs); } private static class Diff { @NotNull private final Interval myIntervalForSide1; @NotNull private final Interval myIntervalForSide2; @NotNull private final TextDiffType myDiffType; private Diff(@NotNull Interval intervalForSide1, @NotNull Interval intervalForSide2, @NotNull TextDiffType type) { myIntervalForSide1 = intervalForSide1; myIntervalForSide2 = intervalForSide2; myDiffType = type; } @NotNull public TextDiffType getDiffType() { return myDiffType; } public Interval getInterval(FragmentSide side) { return side == FragmentSide.SIDE1 ? myIntervalForSide1 : myIntervalForSide2; } } }